

As more companies move their assets and resources into the cloud, keeping them safe is a primary consideration for all IT and security departments. Cybercrime is a multi-billion-dollar business. Failure to protect your organization can be costly because of loss of data and reputation.

Microsoft Azure offers a suite of threat protection and detection systems to minimize and mitigate threats across your whole estate and improve the overall cloud security posture.

In this module, you learn about Microsoft Defender for Cloud and how it uses security policies and initiatives to improve cloud security posture. You'll also learn how each of the three pillars of Microsoft Defender for Cloud protect against cyber threats and vulnerabilities.

After completing this module, you'll be able to: 

  • Describe Microsoft Defender for Cloud.
  • Describe how security policies and initiatives improve cloud security posture.
  • Describe how the three pillars of Microsoft Defender for Cloud protect against cyber threats and vulnerabilities.