vcpkg update


vcpkg update [options]


Compares the set of Classic mode installed packages against the current available versions.

To remove outdated versions without installing replacements, use vcpkg remove --outdated. To remove and install the newer versions, use vcpkg upgrade.


$ vcpkg update
Using local portfile versions. To update the local portfiles, use `git pull`.
The following packages differ from their port versions:
        corrade:x64-windows              2020.06#4 -> 2020.06#5
        magnum:x64-windows               2020.06#11 -> 2020.06#12
        openal-soft:x64-windows          1.22.2#5 -> 1.23.0
        ragel:x64-windows                6.10#4 -> 6.10#5
        sdl2:x64-windows                 2.26.3#1 -> 2.26.4
To update these packages and all dependencies, run
.\vcpkg upgrade'
To only remove outdated packages, run
.\vcpkg remove --outdated


All vcpkg commands support a set of common options.