Bluetooth Devices Reference
Overview of the Bluetooth devices reference technology.
To develop Bluetooth devices reference, you need these headers:
For programming guidance for this technology, see:
The following GUIDs are defined in the bthledef.h
header file. To enumerate paired Bluetooth LE devices, you can use the SetupDiXxx Win32 enumeration APIs to enumerate devices of the GUID_BLUETOOTHLE_DEVICE_INTERFACE device interface class.
GUID name, description | Value |
GUID_BLUETOOTHLE_DEVICE_INTERFACE. Bluetooth LE device interface GUID. | 0x781aee18, 0x7733, 0x4ce4, 0xad, 0xd0, 0x91, 0xf4, 0x1c, 0x67, 0xb5, 0x92 |
GUID_BLUETOOTH_GATT_SERVICE_DEVICE_INTERFACE. Bluetooth LE Service device interface GUID. | 0x6e3bb679, 0x4372, 0x40c8, 0x9e, 0xaa, 0x45, 0x09, 0xdf, 0x26, 0x0c, 0xd8 |
BTH_LE_ATT_BLUETOOTH_BASE_GUID. Bluetooth base GUID. | 0x00000000, 0x0000, 0x1000, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x5F, 0x9B, 0x34, 0xFB |
BTH_LE_GATT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE The BTH_LE_GATT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE enumeration describes the different types of Bluetooth LE generic attributes (GATT). |
BTH_LE_GATT_EVENT_TYPE The BTH_LE_GATT_EVENT_TYPE enumeration describes the different types of Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) generic attribute (GATT) profile events. |
BluetoothGATTAbortReliableWrite Specifies the end of reliable write procedures, and the writes should be aborted. |
BluetoothGATTBeginReliableWrite The BluetoothGATTBeginReliableWrite function specifies that reliable writes are about to begin. |
BluetoothGATTEndReliableWrite Specifies the end of reliable writes, and the writes should be committed. |
BluetoothGATTGetCharacteristics Gets all the characteristics available for the specified service. |
BluetoothGATTGetCharacteristicValue Gets the value of the specified characteristic. |
BluetoothGATTGetDescriptors Gets all the descriptors available for the specified characteristic. |
BluetoothGATTGetDescriptorValue Gets the value of the specified descriptor. |
BluetoothGATTGetIncludedServices Gets all the included services available for a given service. |
BluetoothGATTGetServices The BluetoothGATTGetServices function gets all the primary services available for a server. |
BluetoothGATTRegisterEvent Registers a routine to be called back during a characteristic value change event on the given characteristic identified by its characteristic handle. |
BluetoothGATTSetCharacteristicValue Writes the specified characteristic value to the Bluetooth device. |
BluetoothGATTSetDescriptorValue Writes the specified descriptor value to the Bluetooth device. |
BluetoothGATTUnregisterEvent Unregisters the given characteristic value change event. |
BluetoothSetLocalServiceInfo Sets local service information for a specific Bluetooth radio. |
IsBthLEUuidMatch Determines whether two UUIDs match each other. |
PFNBLUETOOTH_GATT_EVENT_CALLBACK Profile drivers implement a Bluetooth GATT event callback to be called whenever the value of a specific characteristic changes. |
BLUETOOTH_GATT_VALUE_CHANGED_EVENT The BLUETOOTH_GATT_VALUE_CHANGED_EVENT structure describes a changed attribute value. |
BTH_LE_GATT_CHARACTERISTIC The BTH_LE_GATT_CHARACTERISTIC structure describes a Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) generic attribute (GATT) profile characteristic. |
BTH_LE_GATT_CHARACTERISTIC_VALUE The BTH_LE_GATT_CHARACTERISTIC_VALUE structure describes a Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) generic attribute (GATT) profile characteristic value. |
BTH_LE_GATT_DESCRIPTOR The BTH_LE_GATT_DESCRIPTOR structure describes a Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) generic attribute (GATT) profile descriptor. |
BTH_LE_GATT_DESCRIPTOR_VALUE The BTH_LE_GATT_DESCRIPTOR_VALUE structure describes a parent characteristic. |
BTH_LE_GATT_SERVICE The BTH_LE_GATT_SERVICE structure describes a Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) generic attribute (GATT) profile service. |
BTH_LE_UUID The BTH_LE_UUID structure contains information about a Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) Universally Unique Identifier (UUID). |