Troubleshoot device driver failures - Training
This module focuses on the role of device drivers and troubleshooting problems that pertain to them.
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setupapi.h contains the following programming interfaces:
InstallHinfSectionA InstallHinfSection is an entry-point function exported by Setupapi.dll that you can use to execute a section of an .inf file. InstallHinfSection can be invoked by calling the Rundll32.exe utility as described in the Remarks section. (ANSI) |
InstallHinfSectionW InstallHinfSection is an entry-point function exported by Setupapi.dll that you can use to execute a section of an .inf file. InstallHinfSection can be invoked by calling the Rundll32.exe utility as described in the Remarks section. (Unicode) |
SetupAddInstallSectionToDiskSpaceListA The SetupAddInstallSectionToDiskSpaceList function searches for CopyFile and DelFile lines in an Install section of an INF file. The function then adds the file operations specified in those sections to a disk-space list. (ANSI) |
SetupAddInstallSectionToDiskSpaceListW The SetupAddInstallSectionToDiskSpaceList function searches for CopyFile and DelFile lines in an Install section of an INF file. The function then adds the file operations specified in those sections to a disk-space list. (Unicode) |
SetupAddSectionToDiskSpaceListA The SetupAddSectionToDiskSpaceList function adds to a disk-space list all the file delete or copy operations listed in a Copy Files or Delete Files section of an INF file. (ANSI) |
SetupAddSectionToDiskSpaceListW The SetupAddSectionToDiskSpaceList function adds to a disk-space list all the file delete or copy operations listed in a Copy Files or Delete Files section of an INF file. (Unicode) |
SetupAddToDiskSpaceListA The SetupAddToDiskSpaceList function adds a single delete or copy operation to a disk-space list. To add all the file operations in a section of an INF file, use either SetupAddSectionToDiskSpaceList, or SetupAddInstallSectionToDiskSpaceList. (ANSI) |
SetupAddToDiskSpaceListW The SetupAddToDiskSpaceList function adds a single delete or copy operation to a disk-space list. To add all the file operations in a section of an INF file, use either SetupAddSectionToDiskSpaceList, or SetupAddInstallSectionToDiskSpaceList. (Unicode) |
SetupAddToSourceListA The SetupAddToSourceList function appends a value to the list of installation sources for either the current user or the system. If the value already exists, it is removed first, so that duplicate entries are not created. (ANSI) |
SetupAddToSourceListW The SetupAddToSourceList function appends a value to the list of installation sources for either the current user or the system. If the value already exists, it is removed first, so that duplicate entries are not created. (Unicode) |
SetupAdjustDiskSpaceListA The SetupAdjustDiskSpaceList function adjusts the amount of required space for a specified drive. (ANSI) |
SetupAdjustDiskSpaceListW The SetupAdjustDiskSpaceList function adjusts the amount of required space for a specified drive. (Unicode) |
SetupBackupErrorA The SetupBackupError function generates a dialog box that informs the user of a backup error. (ANSI) |
SetupBackupErrorW The SetupBackupError function generates a dialog box that informs the user of a backup error. (Unicode) |
SetupCancelTemporarySourceList The SetupCancelTemporarySourceList function cancels any temporary list and no-browse behavior and reestablishes standard list behavior. |
SetupCloseFileQueue The SetupCloseFileQueue function destroys a setup file queue. |
SetupCloseInfFile The SetupCloseInfFile function closes the INF file opened by a call to SetupOpenInfFile. This function closes any INF files appended to it by calling SetupOpenAppendInfFile. |
SetupCloseLog The SetupCloseLog function closes the log files. |
SetupCommitFileQueueA The SetupCommitFileQueue function performs file operations queued on a setup file queue. (ANSI) |
SetupCommitFileQueueW The SetupCommitFileQueue function performs file operations queued on a setup file queue. (Unicode) |
SetupConfigureWmiFromInfSectionA The SetupConfigureWmiFromInfSection function configures the security of the WMI data that is exposed by an INF file when passed to the [DDInstall.WMI] section. (ANSI) |
SetupConfigureWmiFromInfSectionW The SetupConfigureWmiFromInfSection function configures the security of the WMI data that is exposed by an INF file when passed to the [DDInstall.WMI] section. (Unicode) |
SetupCopyErrorA The SetupCopyError function generates a dialog box to notify a user of a copy file error. (ANSI) |
SetupCopyErrorW The SetupCopyError function generates a dialog box to notify a user of a copy file error. (Unicode) |
SetupCopyOEMInfA The SetupCopyOEMInf function copies a specified .inf file to the %windir%/Inf directory. (ANSI) |
SetupCopyOEMInfW The SetupCopyOEMInf function copies a specified .inf file to the %windir%/Inf directory. (Unicode) |
SetupCreateDiskSpaceListA The SetupCreateDiskSpaceList function creates a disk-space list. (ANSI) |
SetupCreateDiskSpaceListW The SetupCreateDiskSpaceList function creates a disk-space list. (Unicode) |
SetupDecompressOrCopyFileA The SetupDecompressOrCopyFile function copies a file, decompressing it if necessary. (ANSI) |
SetupDecompressOrCopyFileW The SetupDecompressOrCopyFile function copies a file, decompressing it if necessary. (Unicode) |
SetupDefaultQueueCallbackA The SetupDefaultQueueCallback function is the default queue callback routine included with the Setup API. You can use it to process notifications sent by the SetupCommitFileQueue function. (ANSI) |
SetupDefaultQueueCallbackW The SetupDefaultQueueCallback function is the default queue callback routine included with the Setup API. You can use it to process notifications sent by the SetupCommitFileQueue function. (Unicode) |
SetupDeleteErrorA The SetupDeleteError function generates a dialog box that informs the user of a delete error. (ANSI) |
SetupDeleteErrorW The SetupDeleteError function generates a dialog box that informs the user of a delete error. (Unicode) |
SetupDestroyDiskSpaceList The SetupDestroyDiskSpaceList function destroys a disk-space list and releases the resources allocated to it. |
SetupDiAskForOEMDisk The SetupDiAskForOEMDisk function displays a dialog that asks the user for the path of an OEM installation disk. |
SetupDiBuildClassInfoList The SetupDiBuildClassInfoList function returns a list of setup class GUIDs that identify the classes that are installed on a local computer. |
SetupDiBuildClassInfoListExA The SetupDiBuildClassInfoListEx function returns a list of setup class GUIDs that includes every class installed on the local system or a remote system. (ANSI) |
SetupDiBuildClassInfoListExW The SetupDiBuildClassInfoListEx function returns a list of setup class GUIDs that includes every class installed on the local system or a remote system. (Unicode) |
SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList The SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList function builds a list of drivers that is associated with a specific device or with the global class driver list for a device information set. |
SetupDiCallClassInstaller The SetupDiCallClassInstaller function calls the appropriate class installer, and any registered co-installers, with the specified installation request (DIF code). |
SetupDiCancelDriverInfoSearch The SetupDiCancelDriverInfoSearch function cancels a driver list search that is currently in progress in a different thread. |
SetupDiChangeState The SetupDiChangeState function is the default handler for the DIF_PROPERTYCHANGE installation request. |
SetupDiClassGuidsFromNameA The SetupDiClassGuidsFromName function retrieves the GUID(s) associated with the specified class name. This list is built based on the classes currently installed on the system. (ANSI) |
SetupDiClassGuidsFromNameExA The SetupDiClassGuidsFromNameEx function retrieves the GUIDs associated with the specified class name. This resulting list contains the classes currently installed on a local or remote computer. (ANSI) |
SetupDiClassGuidsFromNameExW The SetupDiClassGuidsFromNameEx function retrieves the GUIDs associated with the specified class name. This resulting list contains the classes currently installed on a local or remote computer. (Unicode) |
SetupDiClassGuidsFromNameW The SetupDiClassGuidsFromName function retrieves the GUID(s) associated with the specified class name. This list is built based on the classes currently installed on the system. (Unicode) |
SetupDiClassNameFromGuidA The SetupDiClassNameFromGuid function retrieves the class name associated with a class GUID. (ANSI) |
SetupDiClassNameFromGuidExA The SetupDiClassNameFromGuidEx function retrieves the class name associated with a class GUID. The class can be installed on a local or remote computer. (ANSI) |
SetupDiClassNameFromGuidExW The SetupDiClassNameFromGuidEx function retrieves the class name associated with a class GUID. The class can be installed on a local or remote computer. (Unicode) |
SetupDiClassNameFromGuidW The SetupDiClassNameFromGuid function retrieves the class name associated with a class GUID. (Unicode) |
SetupDiCreateDeviceInfoA The SetupDiCreateDeviceInfo function creates a new device information element and adds it as a new member to the specified device information set. (ANSI) |
SetupDiCreateDeviceInfoList The SetupDiCreateDeviceInfoList function creates an empty device information set and optionally associates the set with a device setup class and a top-level window. |
SetupDiCreateDeviceInfoListExA The SetupDiCreateDeviceInfoList function creates an empty device information set on a remote or a local computer and optionally associates the set with a device setup class . (ANSI) |
SetupDiCreateDeviceInfoListExW The SetupDiCreateDeviceInfoList function creates an empty device information set on a remote or a local computer and optionally associates the set with a device setup class . (Unicode) |
SetupDiCreateDeviceInfoW The SetupDiCreateDeviceInfo function creates a new device information element and adds it as a new member to the specified device information set. (Unicode) |
SetupDiCreateDeviceInterfaceA The SetupDiCreateDeviceInterface function registers a device interface on a local system or a remote system. (ANSI) |
SetupDiCreateDeviceInterfaceRegKeyA The SetupDiCreateDeviceInterfaceRegKey function creates a registry key for storing information about a device interface and returns a handle to the key. (ANSI) |
SetupDiCreateDeviceInterfaceRegKeyW The SetupDiCreateDeviceInterfaceRegKey function creates a registry key for storing information about a device interface and returns a handle to the key. (Unicode) |
SetupDiCreateDeviceInterfaceW The SetupDiCreateDeviceInterface function registers a device interface on a local system or a remote system. (Unicode) |
SetupDiCreateDevRegKeyA The SetupDiCreateDevRegKey function creates a registry key for device-specific configuration information and returns a handle to the key. (ANSI) |
SetupDiCreateDevRegKeyW The SetupDiCreateDevRegKey function creates a registry key for device-specific configuration information and returns a handle to the key. (Unicode) |
SetupDiDeleteDeviceInfo The SetupDiDeleteDeviceInfo function deletes a device information element from a device information set. This function does not delete the actual device. |
SetupDiDeleteDeviceInterfaceData The SetupDiDeleteDeviceInterfaceData function deletes a device interface from a device information set. |
SetupDiDeleteDeviceInterfaceRegKey The SetupDiDeleteDeviceInterfaceRegKey function deletes the registry subkey that is used by applications and drivers to store interface-specific information. |
SetupDiDeleteDevRegKey The SetupDiDeleteDevRegKey function deletes specified user-accessible registry keys that are associated with a device information element. |
SetupDiDestroyClassImageList The SetupDiDestroyClassImageList function destroys a class image list that was built by a call to SetupDiGetClassImageList or SetupDiGetClassImageListEx. |
SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList The SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList function deletes a device information set and frees all associated memory. |
SetupDiDestroyDriverInfoList The SetupDiDestroyDriverInfoList function deletes a driver list. |
SetupDiDrawMiniIcon The SetupDiDrawMiniIcon function draws the specified mini-icon at the location requested. |
SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo The SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo function returns a SP_DEVINFO_DATA structure that specifies a device information element in a device information set. |
SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces The SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces function enumerates the device interfaces that are contained in a device information set. |
SetupDiEnumDriverInfoA The SetupDiEnumDriverInfo function enumerates the members of a driver list. (ANSI) |
SetupDiEnumDriverInfoW The SetupDiEnumDriverInfo function enumerates the members of a driver list. (Unicode) |
SetupDiGetActualModelsSectionA The SetupDiGetActualModelsSection function retrieves the appropriate decorated INF Models section to use when installing a device from a device INF file. (ANSI) |
SetupDiGetActualModelsSectionW The SetupDiGetActualModelsSection function retrieves the appropriate decorated INF Models section to use when installing a device from a device INF file. (Unicode) |
SetupDiGetActualSectionToInstallA The SetupDiGetActualSectionToInstall function retrieves the appropriate INF DDInstall section to use when installing a device from a device INF file on a local computer. (ANSI) |
SetupDiGetActualSectionToInstallExA The SetupDiGetActualSectionToInstallEx function retrieves the name of the INF DDInstall section that installs a device for a specified operating system and processor architecture. (ANSI) |
SetupDiGetActualSectionToInstallExW The SetupDiGetActualSectionToInstallEx function retrieves the name of the INF DDInstall section that installs a device for a specified operating system and processor architecture. (Unicode) |
SetupDiGetActualSectionToInstallW The SetupDiGetActualSectionToInstall function retrieves the appropriate INF DDInstall section to use when installing a device from a device INF file on a local computer. (Unicode) |
SetupDiGetClassBitmapIndex The SetupDiGetClassBitmapIndex function retrieves the index of the mini-icon supplied for the specified class. |
SetupDiGetClassDescriptionA The SetupDiGetClassDescription function retrieves the class description associated with the specified setup class GUID. (ANSI) |
SetupDiGetClassDescriptionExA The SetupDiGetClassDescriptionEx function retrieves the description of a setup class installed on a local or remote computer. (ANSI) |
SetupDiGetClassDescriptionExW The SetupDiGetClassDescriptionEx function retrieves the description of a setup class installed on a local or remote computer. (Unicode) |
SetupDiGetClassDescriptionW The SetupDiGetClassDescription function retrieves the class description associated with the specified setup class GUID. (Unicode) |
SetupDiGetClassDevPropertySheetsA The SetupDiGetClassDevPropertySheets function retrieves handles to the property sheets of a device information element or of the device setup class of a device information set. (ANSI) |
SetupDiGetClassDevPropertySheetsW The SetupDiGetClassDevPropertySheets function retrieves handles to the property sheets of a device information element or of the device setup class of a device information set. (Unicode) |
SetupDiGetClassDevsA The SetupDiGetClassDevs function returns a handle to a device information set that contains requested device information elements for a local computer. (ANSI) |
SetupDiGetClassDevsExA The SetupDiGetClassDevsEx function returns a handle to a device information set that contains requested device information elements for a local or a remote computer. (ANSI) |
SetupDiGetClassDevsExW The SetupDiGetClassDevsEx function returns a handle to a device information set that contains requested device information elements for a local or a remote computer. (Unicode) |
SetupDiGetClassDevsW The SetupDiGetClassDevs function returns a handle to a device information set that contains requested device information elements for a local computer. (Unicode) |
SetupDiGetClassImageIndex The SetupDiGetClassImageIndex function retrieves the index within the class image list of a specified class. |
SetupDiGetClassImageList The SetupDiGetClassImageList function builds an image list that contains bitmaps for every installed class and returns the list in a data structure. |
SetupDiGetClassImageListExA The SetupDiGetClassImageListEx function builds an image list of bitmaps for every class installed on a local or remote system. (ANSI) |
SetupDiGetClassImageListExW The SetupDiGetClassImageListEx function builds an image list of bitmaps for every class installed on a local or remote system. (Unicode) |
SetupDiGetClassInstallParamsA The SetupDiGetClassInstallParams function retrieves class installation parameters for a device information set or a particular device information element. (ANSI) |
SetupDiGetClassInstallParamsW The SetupDiGetClassInstallParams function retrieves class installation parameters for a device information set or a particular device information element. (Unicode) |
SetupDiGetClassPropertyExW The SetupDiGetClassPropertyEx function retrieves a class property for a device setup class or a device interface class on a local or remote computer. |
SetupDiGetClassPropertyKeys The SetupDiGetClassPropertyKeys function retrieves an array of the device property keys that represent the device properties that are set for a device setup class or a device interface class. |
SetupDiGetClassPropertyKeysExW The SetupDiGetClassPropertyKeysEx function retrieves an array of the device property keys that represent the device properties that are set for a device setup class or a device interface class on a local or a remote computer. |
SetupDiGetClassPropertyW The SetupDiGetClassProperty function retrieves a device property that is set for a device setup class or a device interface class. |
SetupDiGetClassRegistryPropertyA The SetupDiGetClassRegistryProperty function retrieves a property for a specified device setup class from the registry. (ANSI) |
SetupDiGetClassRegistryPropertyW The SetupDiGetClassRegistryProperty function retrieves a property for a specified device setup class from the registry. (Unicode) |
SetupDiGetCustomDevicePropertyA The SetupDiGetCustomDeviceProperty function retrieves a specified custom device property from the registry. (ANSI) |
SetupDiGetCustomDevicePropertyW The SetupDiGetCustomDeviceProperty function retrieves a specified custom device property from the registry. (Unicode) |
SetupDiGetDeviceInfoListClass The SetupDiGetDeviceInfoListClass function retrieves the GUID for the device setup class associated with a device information set if the set has an associated class. |
SetupDiGetDeviceInfoListDetailA The SetupDiGetDeviceInfoListDetail function retrieves information associated with a device information set including the class GUID, remote computer handle, and remote computer name. (ANSI) |
SetupDiGetDeviceInfoListDetailW The SetupDiGetDeviceInfoListDetail function retrieves information associated with a device information set including the class GUID, remote computer handle, and remote computer name. (Unicode) |
SetupDiGetDeviceInstallParamsA The SetupDiGetDeviceInstallParams function retrieves device installation parameters for a device information set or a particular device information element. (ANSI) |
SetupDiGetDeviceInstallParamsW The SetupDiGetDeviceInstallParams function retrieves device installation parameters for a device information set or a particular device information element. (Unicode) |
SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceIdA The SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceId function retrieves the device instance ID that is associated with a device information element. (ANSI) |
SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceIdW The SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceId function retrieves the device instance ID that is associated with a device information element. (Unicode) |
SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceAlias The SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceAlias function returns an alias of a specified device interface. |
SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetailA The SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail function returns details about a device interface. (ANSI) |
SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetailW The SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail function returns details about a device interface. (Unicode) |
SetupDiGetDeviceInterfacePropertyKeys The SetupDiGetDeviceInterfacePropertyKeys function retrieves an array of device property keys that represent the device properties that are set for a device interface. |
SetupDiGetDeviceInterfacePropertyW The SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceProperty function retrieves a device property that is set for a device interface. |
SetupDiGetDevicePropertyKeys The SetupDiGetDevicePropertyKeys function retrieves an array of the device property keys that represent the device properties that are set for a device instance. |
SetupDiGetDevicePropertyW The SetupDiGetDeviceProperty function retrieves a device instance property. |
SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyA The SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty function retrieves a specified Plug and Play device property. (ANSI) |
SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyW The SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty function retrieves a specified Plug and Play device property. (Unicode) |
SetupDiGetDriverInfoDetailA The SetupDiGetDriverInfoDetail function retrieves driver information detail for a device information set or a particular device information element in the device information set. (ANSI) |
SetupDiGetDriverInfoDetailW The SetupDiGetDriverInfoDetail function retrieves driver information detail for a device information set or a particular device information element in the device information set. (Unicode) |
SetupDiGetDriverInstallParamsA The SetupDiGetDriverInstallParams function retrieves driver installation parameters for a device information set or a particular device information element. (ANSI) |
SetupDiGetDriverInstallParamsW The SetupDiGetDriverInstallParams function retrieves driver installation parameters for a device information set or a particular device information element. (Unicode) |
SetupDiGetHwProfileFriendlyNameA The SetupDiGetHwProfileFriendlyName function retrieves the friendly name associated with a hardware profile ID. (ANSI) |
SetupDiGetHwProfileFriendlyNameExA The SetupDiGetHwProfileFriendlyNameEx function retrieves the friendly name associated with a hardware profile ID on a local or remote computer. (ANSI) |
SetupDiGetHwProfileFriendlyNameExW The SetupDiGetHwProfileFriendlyNameEx function retrieves the friendly name associated with a hardware profile ID on a local or remote computer. (Unicode) |
SetupDiGetHwProfileFriendlyNameW The SetupDiGetHwProfileFriendlyName function retrieves the friendly name associated with a hardware profile ID. (Unicode) |
SetupDiGetHwProfileList The SetupDiGetHwProfileList function retrieves a list of all currently defined hardware profile IDs. |
SetupDiGetHwProfileListExA The SetupDiGetHwProfileListEx function retrieves a list of all currently defined hardware profile IDs on a local or remote computer. (ANSI) |
SetupDiGetHwProfileListExW The SetupDiGetHwProfileListEx function retrieves a list of all currently defined hardware profile IDs on a local or remote computer. (Unicode) |
SetupDiGetINFClassA The SetupDiGetINFClass function returns the class of a specified device INF file. (ANSI) |
SetupDiGetINFClassW The SetupDiGetINFClass function returns the class of a specified device INF file. (Unicode) |
SetupDiGetSelectedDevice The SetupDiGetSelectedDevice function retrieves the selected device information element in a device information set. |
SetupDiGetSelectedDriverA The SetupDiGetSelectedDriver function retrieves the selected driver for a device information set or a particular device information element. (ANSI) |
SetupDiGetSelectedDriverW The SetupDiGetSelectedDriver function retrieves the selected driver for a device information set or a particular device information element. (Unicode) |
SetupDiInstallClassA The SetupDiInstallClass function installs the ClassInstall32 section of the specified INF file. (ANSI) |
SetupDiInstallClassExA The SetupDiInstallClassEx function installs a class installer or an interface class. (ANSI) |
SetupDiInstallClassExW The SetupDiInstallClassEx function installs a class installer or an interface class. (Unicode) |
SetupDiInstallClassW The SetupDiInstallClass function installs the ClassInstall32 section of the specified INF file. (Unicode) |
SetupDiInstallDevice The SetupDiInstallDevice function is the default handler for the DIF_INSTALLDEVICE installation request. |
SetupDiInstallDeviceInterfaces The SetupDiInstallDeviceInterfaces function is the default handler for the DIF_INSTALLINTERFACES installation request. |
SetupDiInstallDriverFiles The SetupDiInstallDriverFiles function is the default handler for the DIF_INSTALLDEVICEFILES installation request. |
SetupDiLoadClassIcon The SetupDiLoadClassIcon function loads both the large and mini-icon for the specified class. |
SetupDiLoadDeviceIcon The SetupDiLoadDeviceIcon function retrieves an icon for a specified device. |
SetupDiOpenClassRegKey The SetupDiOpenClassRegKey function opens the setup class registry key or a specific class's subkey. |
SetupDiOpenClassRegKeyExA The SetupDiOpenClassRegKeyEx function opens the device setup class registry key, the device interface class registry key, or a specific class's subkey. This function opens the specified key on the local computer or on a remote computer. (ANSI) |
SetupDiOpenClassRegKeyExW The SetupDiOpenClassRegKeyEx function opens the device setup class registry key, the device interface class registry key, or a specific class's subkey. This function opens the specified key on the local computer or on a remote computer. (Unicode) |
SetupDiOpenDeviceInfoA The SetupDiOpenDeviceInfo function adds a device information element for a device instance to a device information set, if one does not already exist in the device information set, and retrieves information that identifies the device information element for the device instance in the device information set. (ANSI) |
SetupDiOpenDeviceInfoW The SetupDiOpenDeviceInfo function adds a device information element for a device instance to a device information set, if one does not already exist in the device information set, and retrieves information that identifies the device information element for the device instance in the device information set. (Unicode) |
SetupDiOpenDeviceInterfaceA The SetupDiOpenDeviceInterface function retrieves information about a device interface and adds the interface to the specified device information set for a local system or a remote system. (ANSI) |
SetupDiOpenDeviceInterfaceRegKey The SetupDiOpenDeviceInterfaceRegKey function opens the registry subkey that is used by applications and drivers to store information that is specific to a device interface. |
SetupDiOpenDeviceInterfaceW The SetupDiOpenDeviceInterface function retrieves information about a device interface and adds the interface to the specified device information set for a local system or a remote system. (Unicode) |
SetupDiOpenDevRegKey The SetupDiOpenDevRegKey function opens a registry key for device-specific configuration information. |
SetupDiRegisterCoDeviceInstallers The SetupDiRegisterCoDeviceInstallers function is the default handler for DIF_REGISTER_COINSTALLERS. |
SetupDiRegisterDeviceInfo The SetupDiRegisterDeviceInfo function is the default handler for the DIF_REGISTERDEVICE request. |
SetupDiRemoveDevice The SetupDiRemoveDevice function is the default handler for the DIF_REMOVE installation request. |
SetupDiRemoveDeviceInterface The SetupDiRemoveDeviceInterface function removes a registered device interface from the system. |
SetupDiRestartDevices The SetupDiRestartDevices function restarts a specified device or, if necessary, restarts all devices that are operated by the same function and filter drivers that operate the specified device. |
SetupDiSelectBestCompatDrv The SetupDiSelectBestCompatDrv function is the default handler for the DIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRV installation request. |
SetupDiSelectDevice The SetupDiSelectDevice function is the default handler for the DIF_SELECTDEVICE request. |
SetupDiSelectOEMDrv The SetupDiSelectOEMDrv function selects a driver for a device information set or a particular device information element that uses an OEM path supplied by the user. |
SetupDiSetClassInstallParamsA The SetupDiSetClassInstallParams function sets or clears class install parameters for a device information set or a particular device information element. (ANSI) |
SetupDiSetClassInstallParamsW The SetupDiSetClassInstallParams function sets or clears class install parameters for a device information set or a particular device information element. (Unicode) |
SetupDiSetClassPropertyExW The SetupDiSetClassPropertyEx function sets a device property for a device setup class or a device interface class on a local or remote computer. |
SetupDiSetClassPropertyW The SetupDiSetClassProperty function sets a class property for a device setup class or a device interface class. |
SetupDiSetClassRegistryPropertyA The SetupDiSetClassRegistryProperty function sets a specified device class property in the registry. (ANSI) |
SetupDiSetClassRegistryPropertyW The SetupDiSetClassRegistryProperty function sets a specified device class property in the registry. (Unicode) |
SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParamsA The SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParams function sets device installation parameters for a device information set or a particular device information element. (ANSI) |
SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParamsW The SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParams function sets device installation parameters for a device information set or a particular device information element. (Unicode) |
SetupDiSetDeviceInterfaceDefault The SetupDiSetDeviceInterfaceDefault function sets a device interface as the default interface for a device interface class. |
SetupDiSetDeviceInterfacePropertyW The SetupDiSetDeviceInterfaceProperty function sets a device property of a device interface. |
SetupDiSetDevicePropertyW The SetupDiSetDeviceProperty function sets a device instance property. |
SetupDiSetDeviceRegistryPropertyA The SetupDiSetDeviceRegistryProperty function sets a Plug and Play device property for a device. (ANSI) |
SetupDiSetDeviceRegistryPropertyW The SetupDiSetDeviceRegistryProperty function sets a Plug and Play device property for a device. (Unicode) |
SetupDiSetDriverInstallParamsA The SetupDiSetDriverInstallParams function sets driver installation parameters for a driver information element. (ANSI) |
SetupDiSetDriverInstallParamsW The SetupDiSetDriverInstallParams function sets driver installation parameters for a driver information element. (Unicode) |
SetupDiSetSelectedDevice The SetupDiSetSelectedDevice function sets a device information element as the selected member of a device information set. This function is typically used by an installation wizard. |
SetupDiSetSelectedDriverA The SetupDiSetSelectedDriver function sets, or resets, the selected driver for a device information element or the selected class driver for a device information set. (ANSI) |
SetupDiSetSelectedDriverW The SetupDiSetSelectedDriver function sets, or resets, the selected driver for a device information element or the selected class driver for a device information set. (Unicode) |
SetupDiUnremoveDevice The SetupDiUnremoveDevice function is the default handler for the DIF_UNREMOVE installation request. |
SetupDuplicateDiskSpaceListA The SetupDuplicateDiskSpaceList function duplicates a disk-space list as a new independent disk-space list. (ANSI) |
SetupDuplicateDiskSpaceListW The SetupDuplicateDiskSpaceList function duplicates a disk-space list as a new independent disk-space list. (Unicode) |
SetupEnumInfSectionsA The SetupEnumInfSections function retrieves section names from an INF file. (ANSI) |
SetupEnumInfSectionsW The SetupEnumInfSections function retrieves section names from an INF file. (Unicode) |
SetupFindFirstLineA The SetupFindFirstLine function locates a line in the specified section of an INF file. If the Key parameter is NULL, SetupFindFirstLine returns the first line of the section. (ANSI) |
SetupFindFirstLineW The SetupFindFirstLine function locates a line in the specified section of an INF file. If the Key parameter is NULL, SetupFindFirstLine returns the first line of the section. (Unicode) |
SetupFindNextLine The SetupFindNextLine returns the location of the next line in an INF file section relative to ContextIn.Line. |
SetupFindNextMatchLineA The SetupFindNextMatchLine function returns the location of the next line in an INF file relative to ContextIn.Line that matches a specified key. (ANSI) |
SetupFindNextMatchLineW The SetupFindNextMatchLine function returns the location of the next line in an INF file relative to ContextIn.Line that matches a specified key. (Unicode) |
SetupFreeSourceListA The SetupFreeSourceList function frees the system resources allocated to a source list. (ANSI) |
SetupFreeSourceListW The SetupFreeSourceList function frees the system resources allocated to a source list. (Unicode) |
SetupGetBinaryField The SetupGetBinaryField function retrieves binary data from a line in an INF file section, from the specified field to the end of the line. |
SetupGetFieldCount The SetupGetFieldCount function retrieves the number of fields in the specified line in an INF file. |
SetupGetFileCompressionInfoA The SetupGetFileCompressionInfo function examines a physical file to determine if it is compressed and gets its full path, size, and the size of the uncompressed target file. (ANSI) |
SetupGetFileCompressionInfoExA The SetupGetFileCompressionInfoEx function examines a potentially compressed file and gets the type of compression, the file's full path (including file name), the compressed size, and the size of the uncompressed target file. (ANSI) |
SetupGetFileCompressionInfoExW The SetupGetFileCompressionInfoEx function examines a potentially compressed file and gets the type of compression, the file's full path (including file name), the compressed size, and the size of the uncompressed target file. (Unicode) |
SetupGetFileCompressionInfoW The SetupGetFileCompressionInfo function examines a physical file to determine if it is compressed and gets its full path, size, and the size of the uncompressed target file. (Unicode) |
SetupGetFileQueueCount The SetupGetFileQueueCount function gets the count from a setup file queue. |
SetupGetFileQueueFlags The SetupGetFileQueueFlags function gets the flags from a setup file queue. |
SetupGetInfDriverStoreLocationA The SetupGetInfDriverStoreLocation function retrieves the fully qualified file name (directory path and file name) of an INF file in the driver store that corresponds to a specified INF file in the system INF file directory or a specified INF file in the driver store. (ANSI) |
SetupGetInfDriverStoreLocationW The SetupGetInfDriverStoreLocation function retrieves the fully qualified file name (directory path and file name) of an INF file in the driver store that corresponds to a specified INF file in the system INF file directory or a specified INF file in the driver store. (Unicode) |
SetupGetInfFileListA The SetupGetInfFileList function returns a list of INF files located in a caller-specified directory to a call-supplied buffer. (ANSI) |
SetupGetInfFileListW The SetupGetInfFileList function returns a list of INF files located in a caller-specified directory to a call-supplied buffer. (Unicode) |
SetupGetInfInformationA The SetUpGetInfInformation function returns the SP_INF_INFORMATION structure for the specified INF file to a buffer. (ANSI) |
SetupGetInfInformationW The SetUpGetInfInformation function returns the SP_INF_INFORMATION structure for the specified INF file to a buffer. (Unicode) |
SetupGetInfPublishedNameA The SetupGetInfPublishedName function retrieves the fully qualified file name (directory path and file name) of an INF file in the system INF file directory that corresponds to a specified INF file in the driver store or a specified INF file in the system INF file directory. (ANSI) |
SetupGetInfPublishedNameW The SetupGetInfPublishedName function retrieves the fully qualified file name (directory path and file name) of an INF file in the system INF file directory that corresponds to a specified INF file in the driver store or a specified INF file in the system INF file directory. (Unicode) |
SetupGetIntField The SetupGetIntField function retrieves an integer value from the specified field of a line in an INF file. |
SetupGetLineByIndexA The SetupGetLineByIndex function locates a line by its index value in the specified section in the INF file. (ANSI) |
SetupGetLineByIndexW The SetupGetLineByIndex function locates a line by its index value in the specified section in the INF file. (Unicode) |
SetupGetLineCountA The SetupGetLineCount function returns the number of lines in a specified section of an INF file. (ANSI) |
SetupGetLineCountW The SetupGetLineCount function returns the number of lines in a specified section of an INF file. (Unicode) |
SetupGetLineTextA The SetupGetLineText function returns the contents of a line in an INF file in a compact form. (ANSI) |
SetupGetLineTextW The SetupGetLineText function returns the contents of a line in an INF file in a compact form. (Unicode) |
SetupGetMultiSzFieldA The SetupGetMultiSzField function retrieves multiple strings stored in a line of an INF file, from the specified field to the end of the line. (ANSI) |
SetupGetMultiSzFieldW The SetupGetMultiSzField function retrieves multiple strings stored in a line of an INF file, from the specified field to the end of the line. (Unicode) |
SetupGetNonInteractiveMode The SetupGetNonInteractiveMode function returns the value of a SetupAPI non-interactive flag that indicates whether the caller's process can interact with a user through user interface components, such as dialog boxes. |
SetupGetSourceFileLocationA The SetupGetSourceFileLocation function retrieves the location of a source file listed in an INF file. (ANSI) |
SetupGetSourceFileLocationW The SetupGetSourceFileLocation function retrieves the location of a source file listed in an INF file. (Unicode) |
SetupGetSourceFileSizeA The SetupGetSourceFileSize function reads the uncompressed size of a source file listed in an INF file. (ANSI) |
SetupGetSourceFileSizeW The SetupGetSourceFileSize function reads the uncompressed size of a source file listed in an INF file. (Unicode) |
SetupGetSourceInfoA The SetupGetSourceInfo function retrieves the path, tag file, or media description for a source listed in an INF file. (ANSI) |
SetupGetSourceInfoW The SetupGetSourceInfo function retrieves the path, tag file, or media description for a source listed in an INF file. (Unicode) |
SetupGetStringFieldA The SetupGetStringField function retrieves a string from the specified field of a line in an INF file. (ANSI) |
SetupGetStringFieldW The SetupGetStringField function retrieves a string from the specified field of a line in an INF file. (Unicode) |
SetupGetTargetPathA The SetupGetTargetPath function determines the target directory for a file list section. (ANSI) |
SetupGetTargetPathW The SetupGetTargetPath function determines the target directory for a file list section. (Unicode) |
SetupGetThreadLogToken The SetupGetThreadLogToken function retrieves the log token for the thread from which this function was called. |
SetupInitDefaultQueueCallback The SetupInitDefaultQueueCallback function initializes the context used by the default queue callback routine included with the Setup API. |
SetupInitDefaultQueueCallbackEx Initializes the context used by the default queue callback routine included with the Setup API in the same manner as SetupInitDefaultQueueCallback, except that an additional window is provided to the callback function to accept progress messages. |
SetupInitializeFileLogA The SetupInitializeFileLog function initializes a file to record installation operations and outcomes. This can be the system log, where the system tracks the files installed as part of Windows, or any other file. (ANSI) |
SetupInitializeFileLogW The SetupInitializeFileLog function initializes a file to record installation operations and outcomes. This can be the system log, where the system tracks the files installed as part of Windows, or any other file. (Unicode) |
SetupInstallFileA The SetupInstallFile function installs a file as specified either by an INFCONTEXT returned by SetupFindXXXLine or explicitly by the file name and path. (ANSI) |
SetupInstallFileExA The SetupInstallFileEx function installs a file as specified either by an INFCONTEXT returned by SetupFindXXXLine or explicitly by the filename and path information. (ANSI) |
SetupInstallFileExW The SetupInstallFileEx function installs a file as specified either by an INFCONTEXT returned by SetupFindXXXLine or explicitly by the filename and path information. (Unicode) |
SetupInstallFilesFromInfSectionA The SetupInstallFilesFromInfSection function queues all the files for an installation that are specified in the Copy Files, Delete Files, and Rename Files sections that are listed by an Install section. (ANSI) |
SetupInstallFilesFromInfSectionW The SetupInstallFilesFromInfSection function queues all the files for an installation that are specified in the Copy Files, Delete Files, and Rename Files sections that are listed by an Install section. (Unicode) |
SetupInstallFileW The SetupInstallFile function installs a file as specified either by an INFCONTEXT returned by SetupFindXXXLine or explicitly by the file name and path. (Unicode) |
SetupInstallFromInfSectionA The SetupInstallFromInfSection function carries out all the directives in an INF file Install section. (ANSI) |
SetupInstallFromInfSectionW The SetupInstallFromInfSection function carries out all the directives in an INF file Install section. (Unicode) |
SetupInstallServicesFromInfSectionA The SetupInstallServicesFromInfSection function performs service installation and deletion operations that are specified in the Service Install sections listed in the Service section of an INF file. (ANSI) |
SetupInstallServicesFromInfSectionExA The SetupInstallServicesFromInfSectionEx function performs service installation and deletion operations that are specified in the Service Install sections listed in the Service section of an INF file. (ANSI) |
SetupInstallServicesFromInfSectionExW The SetupInstallServicesFromInfSectionEx function performs service installation and deletion operations that are specified in the Service Install sections listed in the Service section of an INF file. (Unicode) |
SetupInstallServicesFromInfSectionW The SetupInstallServicesFromInfSection function performs service installation and deletion operations that are specified in the Service Install sections listed in the Service section of an INF file. (Unicode) |
SetupIterateCabinetA The SetupIterateCabinet function iterates through all the files in a cabinet and sends a notification to a callback function for each file found. (ANSI) |
SetupIterateCabinetW The SetupIterateCabinet function iterates through all the files in a cabinet and sends a notification to a callback function for each file found. (Unicode) |
SetupLogErrorA The SetupLogError function writes an error message to a log file. (ANSI) |
SetupLogErrorW The SetupLogError function writes an error message to a log file. (Unicode) |
SetupLogFileA The SetupLogFile function adds an entry to the log file. (ANSI) |
SetupLogFileW The SetupLogFile function adds an entry to the log file. (Unicode) |
SetupOpenAppendInfFileA The SetupOpenAppendInfFile function appends the information in an INF file to an INF file previously opened by SetupOpenInfFile. (ANSI) |
SetupOpenAppendInfFileW The SetupOpenAppendInfFile function appends the information in an INF file to an INF file previously opened by SetupOpenInfFile. (Unicode) |
SetupOpenFileQueue The SetupOpenFileQueue function creates a setup file queue. |
SetupOpenInfFileA The SetupOpenInfFile function opens an INF file and returns a handle to it. (ANSI) |
SetupOpenInfFileW The SetupOpenInfFile function opens an INF file and returns a handle to it. (Unicode) |
SetupOpenLog The SetupOpenLog function opens the log files. |
SetupOpenMasterInf The SetupOpenMasterInf function opens the master INF file that contains file and layout information for files shipped with Windows. |
SetupPromptForDiskA The SetupPromptForDisk function displays a dialog box that prompts the user for a disk. (ANSI) |
SetupPromptForDiskW The SetupPromptForDisk function displays a dialog box that prompts the user for a disk. (Unicode) |
SetupPromptReboot The SetupPromptReboot function asks the user if he wants to reboot the system, optionally dependent on whether any files in a committed file queue were in use during a file operation. |
SetupQueryDrivesInDiskSpaceListA The SetupQueryDrivesInDiskSpaceList function fills a buffer with a list of the drives referenced by the file operations listed in the disk-space list. (ANSI) |
SetupQueryDrivesInDiskSpaceListW The SetupQueryDrivesInDiskSpaceList function fills a buffer with a list of the drives referenced by the file operations listed in the disk-space list. (Unicode) |
SetupQueryFileLogA The SetupQueryFileLog function returns information from a setup file log. (ANSI) |
SetupQueryFileLogW The SetupQueryFileLog function returns information from a setup file log. (Unicode) |
SetupQueryInfFileInformationA The SetupQueryInfFileInformation function returns an INF filename from an SP_INF_INFORMATION structure to a buffer. (ANSI) |
SetupQueryInfFileInformationW The SetupQueryInfFileInformation function returns an INF filename from an SP_INF_INFORMATION structure to a buffer. (Unicode) |
SetupQueryInfOriginalFileInformationA The SetupQueryInfOriginalFileInformation function returns the original name of an OEM INF file. (ANSI) |
SetupQueryInfOriginalFileInformationW The SetupQueryInfOriginalFileInformation function returns the original name of an OEM INF file. (Unicode) |
SetupQueryInfVersionInformationA The SetupQueryInfVersionInformation function returns INF file version information from an SP_INF_INFORMATION structure to a buffer. (ANSI) |
SetupQueryInfVersionInformationW The SetupQueryInfVersionInformation function returns INF file version information from an SP_INF_INFORMATION structure to a buffer. (Unicode) |
SetupQuerySourceListA The SetupQuerySourceList function queries the current list of installation sources. The list is built from the system and user-specific lists, and potentially overridden by a temporary list (see SetupSetSourceList). (ANSI) |
SetupQuerySourceListW The SetupQuerySourceList function queries the current list of installation sources. The list is built from the system and user-specific lists, and potentially overridden by a temporary list (see SetupSetSourceList). (Unicode) |
SetupQuerySpaceRequiredOnDriveA The SetupQuerySpaceRequiredOnDrive function examines a disk space list to determine the space that is required to perform all the file operations listed for a specific drive. (ANSI) |
SetupQuerySpaceRequiredOnDriveW The SetupQuerySpaceRequiredOnDrive function examines a disk space list to determine the space that is required to perform all the file operations listed for a specific drive. (Unicode) |
SetupQueueCopyA The SetupQueueCopy function adds a single file copy operation to a setup file queue. (ANSI) |
SetupQueueCopyIndirectA The SetupQueueCopyIndirect function is an extended form of SetupQueueCopy passing additional parameters as a structure (SP_FILE_COPY_PARAMS). Other than this, the behavior is identical. (ANSI) |
SetupQueueCopyIndirectW The SetupQueueCopyIndirect function is an extended form of SetupQueueCopy passing additional parameters as a structure (SP_FILE_COPY_PARAMS). Other than this, the behavior is identical. (Unicode) |
SetupQueueCopySectionA The SetupQueueCopySection function places all the files in a section of an INF file in a setup queue for copying. (ANSI) |
SetupQueueCopySectionW The SetupQueueCopySection function places all the files in a section of an INF file in a setup queue for copying. (Unicode) |
SetupQueueCopyW The SetupQueueCopy function adds a single file copy operation to a setup file queue. (Unicode) |
SetupQueueDefaultCopyA The SetupQueueDefaultCopy function adds a single file to a setup file queue for copying, using the default source media and destination as specified in an INF file. (ANSI) |
SetupQueueDefaultCopyW The SetupQueueDefaultCopy function adds a single file to a setup file queue for copying, using the default source media and destination as specified in an INF file. (Unicode) |
SetupQueueDeleteA The SetupQueueDelete function places an individual file delete operation on a setup file queue. (ANSI) |
SetupQueueDeleteSectionA The SetupQueueDeleteSection function queues all the files in a section of an INF file for deletion. The section must be in the correct Delete Files format and the INF file must contain a DestinationDirs section. (ANSI) |
SetupQueueDeleteSectionW The SetupQueueDeleteSection function queues all the files in a section of an INF file for deletion. The section must be in the correct Delete Files format and the INF file must contain a DestinationDirs section. (Unicode) |
SetupQueueDeleteW The SetupQueueDelete function places an individual file delete operation on a setup file queue. (Unicode) |
SetupQueueRenameA The SetupQueueRename function places an individual file rename operation on a setup file queue. (ANSI) |
SetupQueueRenameSectionA The SetupQueueRenameSection function queues a section in an INF file for renaming. The section must be in the correct rename list section format and the INF file must contain a DestinationDirs section. (ANSI) |
SetupQueueRenameSectionW The SetupQueueRenameSection function queues a section in an INF file for renaming. The section must be in the correct rename list section format and the INF file must contain a DestinationDirs section. (Unicode) |
SetupQueueRenameW The SetupQueueRename function places an individual file rename operation on a setup file queue. (Unicode) |
SetupRemoveFileLogEntryA The SetupRemoveFileLogEntry function removes an entry or section from a file log. (ANSI) |
SetupRemoveFileLogEntryW The SetupRemoveFileLogEntry function removes an entry or section from a file log. (Unicode) |
SetupRemoveFromDiskSpaceListA The SetupRemoveFromDiskSpaceList function removes a file delete or copy operation from a disk-space list. (ANSI) |
SetupRemoveFromDiskSpaceListW The SetupRemoveFromDiskSpaceList function removes a file delete or copy operation from a disk-space list. (Unicode) |
SetupRemoveFromSourceListA The SetupRemoveFromSourceList function removes a value from the list of installation sources for either the current user or the system. The system and user lists are merged at run time. (ANSI) |
SetupRemoveFromSourceListW The SetupRemoveFromSourceList function removes a value from the list of installation sources for either the current user or the system. The system and user lists are merged at run time. (Unicode) |
SetupRemoveInstallSectionFromDiskSpaceListA The SetupRemoveInstallSectionFromDiskSpaceList function searches an Install section of an INF file for CopyFiles and DelFiles lines, and removes the file operations specified in those sections from a disk-space list. (ANSI) |
SetupRemoveInstallSectionFromDiskSpaceListW The SetupRemoveInstallSectionFromDiskSpaceList function searches an Install section of an INF file for CopyFiles and DelFiles lines, and removes the file operations specified in those sections from a disk-space list. (Unicode) |
SetupRemoveSectionFromDiskSpaceListA The SetupRemoveSectionFromDiskSpaceList function removes the file delete or copy operations listed in a Copy Files section of an INF file from a disk-space list. (ANSI) |
SetupRemoveSectionFromDiskSpaceListW The SetupRemoveSectionFromDiskSpaceList function removes the file delete or copy operations listed in a Copy Files section of an INF file from a disk-space list. (Unicode) |
SetupRenameErrorA The RenameError function generates a dialog box that informs the user of a file renaming error. (ANSI) |
SetupRenameErrorW The RenameError function generates a dialog box that informs the user of a file renaming error. (Unicode) |
SetupScanFileQueueA The SetupScanFileQueue function scans a setup file queue, performing an operation on each node in its copy list. The operation is specified by a set of flags. This function can be called either before or after the queue has been committed. (ANSI) |
SetupScanFileQueueW The SetupScanFileQueue function scans a setup file queue, performing an operation on each node in its copy list. The operation is specified by a set of flags. This function can be called either before or after the queue has been committed. (Unicode) |
SetupSetDirectoryIdA The SetupSetDirectoryId function associates a directory identifier in an INF file with a specific directory. (ANSI) |
SetupSetDirectoryIdExA The SetupSetDirectoryIdEx function associates a directory identifier in an INF file with a specific directory. (ANSI) |
SetupSetDirectoryIdExW The SetupSetDirectoryIdEx function associates a directory identifier in an INF file with a specific directory. (Unicode) |
SetupSetDirectoryIdW The SetupSetDirectoryId function associates a directory identifier in an INF file with a specific directory. (Unicode) |
SetupSetFileQueueAlternatePlatformA The SetupSetFileQueueAlternatePlatform function associates the file queue with a target platform that is different from the platform running the function. This is done to enable for non-native signature verification. (ANSI) |
SetupSetFileQueueAlternatePlatformW The SetupSetFileQueueAlternatePlatform function associates the file queue with a target platform that is different from the platform running the function. This is done to enable for non-native signature verification. (Unicode) |
SetupSetFileQueueFlags The SetupSetFileQueueFlags function sets the flags on a setup file queue. |
SetupSetNonInteractiveMode The SetupSetNonInteractiveMode function sets a non-interactive SetupAPI flag that determines whether SetupAPI can interact with a user in the caller's context. |
SetupSetPlatformPathOverrideA The SetupSetPlatformPathOverride function is used to set a platform path override for a target machine when working with INFs from a different machine. (ANSI) |
SetupSetPlatformPathOverrideW The SetupSetPlatformPathOverride function is used to set a platform path override for a target machine when working with INFs from a different machine. (Unicode) |
SetupSetSourceListA The SetupSetSourceList function allows the caller to set the list of installation sources for either the current user or the system (common to all users). (ANSI) |
SetupSetSourceListW The SetupSetSourceList function allows the caller to set the list of installation sources for either the current user or the system (common to all users). (Unicode) |
SetupSetThreadLogToken The SetupSetThreadLogToken function sets the log context, as represented by a log token, for the thread from which this function was called. |
SetupTermDefaultQueueCallback The SetupTermDefaultQueueCallback function is called after a queue has finished committing. It frees resources allocated by previous calls to SetupInitDefaultQueueCallback or SetupInitDefaultQueueCallbackEx. |
SetupTerminateFileLog The SetupTerminateFileLog function releases resources associated with a file log. |
SetupUninstallNewlyCopiedInfs The SetupUninstallNewlyCopiedInfs function uninstalls INF files (.inf), precompiled INF files (.pnf), and catalog files (.cat) that are previously installed during the committal of the specified file queue. |
SetupUninstallOEMInfA The SetupUninstallOEMInf function uninstalls a specified .inf file and any associated .pnf file. (ANSI) |
SetupUninstallOEMInfW The SetupUninstallOEMInf function uninstalls a specified .inf file and any associated .pnf file. (Unicode) |
SetupVerifyInfFileA The SetupVerifyInfFile function verifies the digital signature of the specified INF file by using its corresponding catalog. The verification can be performed against an alternate platform. (ANSI) |
SetupVerifyInfFileW The SetupVerifyInfFile function verifies the digital signature of the specified INF file by using its corresponding catalog. The verification can be performed against an alternate platform. (Unicode) |
SetupWriteTextLog The SetupWriteTextLog function writes a log entry in a SetupAPI text log. |
SetupWriteTextLogError The SetupWriteTextLogError function writes information about a SetupAPI-specific error or a Win32 system error to a SetupAPI text log. |
SetupWriteTextLogInfLine The SetupWriteTextLogInfLine function writes a log entry in a SetupAPI text log that contains the text of a specified INF file line. |
PSP_FILE_CALLBACK_A The FileCallback callback function is used by a few setup functions. (ANSI) |
PSP_FILE_CALLBACK_W The FileCallback callback function is used by a few setup functions. (Unicode) |
CABINET_INFO_A The CABINET_INFO structure stores information about a cabinet file. The SetupIterateCabinet function specifies this structure as a parameter when it sends a SPFILENOTIFY_NEEDNEWCABINET notification to the cabinet callback routine. (ANSI) |
CABINET_INFO_W The CABINET_INFO structure stores information about a cabinet file. The SetupIterateCabinet function specifies this structure as a parameter when it sends a SPFILENOTIFY_NEEDNEWCABINET notification to the cabinet callback routine. (Unicode) |
FILE_IN_CABINET_INFO_A The FILE_IN_CABINET_INFO structure provides information about a file found in the cabinet. (ANSI) |
FILE_IN_CABINET_INFO_W The FILE_IN_CABINET_INFO structure provides information about a file found in the cabinet. (Unicode) |
FILEPATHS_A The FILEPATHS structure stores source and target path information. The setup functions send the FILEPATHS structure as a parameter in several of the notifications sent to callback routines. For more information, see Notifications. (ANSI) |
FILEPATHS_SIGNERINFO_A The FILEPATHS_SINGNERINFO structure stores source and target path information, and also file signature information. (ANSI) |
FILEPATHS_SIGNERINFO_W The FILEPATHS_SINGNERINFO structure stores source and target path information, and also file signature information. (Unicode) |
FILEPATHS_W The FILEPATHS structure stores source and target path information. The setup functions send the FILEPATHS structure as a parameter in several of the notifications sent to callback routines. For more information, see Notifications. (Unicode) |
INFCONTEXT The INFCONTEXT structure stores context information that functions such as SetupGetLineText use to navigate INF files. |
SOURCE_MEDIA_A The SOURCE_MEDIA structure is used with the SPFILENOTIFY_NEEDMEDIA notification to pass source media information. (ANSI) |
SOURCE_MEDIA_W The SOURCE_MEDIA structure is used with the SPFILENOTIFY_NEEDMEDIA notification to pass source media information. (Unicode) |
SP_ALTPLATFORM_INFO_V1 This structure is used to pass information for an alternate platform to SetupQueryInfOriginalFileInformation. |
SP_ALTPLATFORM_INFO_V2 The SP_ALTPLATFORM_INFO_V2 structure is used to pass information for an alternate platform to SetupQueryInfOriginalFileInformation. |
SP_CLASSIMAGELIST_DATA An SP_CLASSIMAGELIST_DATA structure describes a class image list. |
SP_CLASSINSTALL_HEADER An SP_CLASSINSTALL_HEADER is the first member of any class install parameters structure. It contains the device installation request code that defines the format of the rest of the install parameters structure. |
SP_DETECTDEVICE_PARAMS An SP_DETECTDEVICE_PARAMS structure corresponds to a DIF_DETECT installation request. |
SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA An SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA structure defines a device interface in a device information set. |
SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA_A An SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA structure contains the path for a device interface. (ANSI) |
SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA_W An SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA structure contains the path for a device interface. (Unicode) |
SP_DEVINFO_DATA An SP_DEVINFO_DATA structure defines a device instance that is a member of a device information set. |
SP_DEVINFO_LIST_DETAIL_DATA_A An SP_DEVINFO_LIST_DETAIL_DATA structure contains information about a device information set, such as its associated setup class GUID (if it has an associated setup class). (ANSI) |
SP_DEVINFO_LIST_DETAIL_DATA_W An SP_DEVINFO_LIST_DETAIL_DATA structure contains information about a device information set, such as its associated setup class GUID (if it has an associated setup class). (Unicode) |
SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS_A An SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS structure contains device installation parameters associated with a particular device information element or associated globally with a device information set. (ANSI) |
SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS_W An SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS structure contains device installation parameters associated with a particular device information element or associated globally with a device information set. (Unicode) |
SP_DRVINFO_DATA_V1_A An SP_DRVINFO_DATA structure contains information about a driver. This structure is a member of a driver information list that can be associated with a particular device instance or globally with a device information set. (sp_drvinfo_data_v1_a) |
SP_DRVINFO_DATA_V1_W An SP_DRVINFO_DATA structure contains information about a driver. This structure is a member of a driver information list that can be associated with a particular device instance or globally with a device information set. (sp_drvinfo_data_v1_w) |
SP_DRVINFO_DATA_V2_A An SP_DRVINFO_DATA structure contains information about a driver. This structure is a member of a driver information list that can be associated with a particular device instance or globally with a device information set. (sp_drvinfo_data_v2_a) |
SP_DRVINFO_DATA_V2_W An SP_DRVINFO_DATA structure contains information about a driver. This structure is a member of a driver information list that can be associated with a particular device instance or globally with a device information set. (sp_drvinfo_data_v2_w) |
SP_DRVINFO_DETAIL_DATA_A An SP_DRVINFO_DETAIL_DATA structure contains detailed information about a particular driver information structure. (ANSI) |
SP_DRVINFO_DETAIL_DATA_W An SP_DRVINFO_DETAIL_DATA structure contains detailed information about a particular driver information structure. (Unicode) |
SP_DRVINSTALL_PARAMS An SP_DRVINSTALL_PARAMS structure contains driver installation parameters associated with a particular driver information element. |
SP_FILE_COPY_PARAMS_A The SP_FILE_COPY_PARAMS structure describes a single file copy operation. (ANSI) |
SP_FILE_COPY_PARAMS_W The SP_FILE_COPY_PARAMS structure describes a single file copy operation. (Unicode) |
SP_INF_INFORMATION The SP_INF_INFORMATION structure stores information about an INF file, including the style, number of constituent INF files, and version data. |
SP_INF_SIGNER_INFO_V1_A The SP_INF_SIGNER_INFO structure stores information about an INF file's digital signature. (sp_inf_signer_info_v1_a) |
SP_INF_SIGNER_INFO_V1_W The SP_INF_SIGNER_INFO structure stores information about an INF file's digital signature. (sp_inf_signer_info_v1_w) |
SP_INF_SIGNER_INFO_V2_A The SP_INF_SIGNER_INFO structure stores information about an INF file's digital signature. (sp_inf_signer_info_v2_a) |
SP_INF_SIGNER_INFO_V2_W The SP_INF_SIGNER_INFO structure stores information about an INF file's digital signature. (sp_inf_signer_info_v2_w) |
SP_NEWDEVICEWIZARD_DATA An SP_NEWDEVICEWIZARD_DATA structure is used by installers to extend the operation of the hardware installation wizard by adding custom pages. It is used with DIF_NEWDEVICEWIZARD_XXX installation requests. |
SP_ORIGINAL_FILE_INFO_A The SP_ORIGINAL_FILE_INFO structure receives the original INF file name and catalog file information returned by SetupQueryInfOriginalFileInformation. (ANSI) |
SP_ORIGINAL_FILE_INFO_W The SP_ORIGINAL_FILE_INFO structure receives the original INF file name and catalog file information returned by SetupQueryInfOriginalFileInformation. (Unicode) |
SP_POWERMESSAGEWAKE_PARAMS_W An SP_POWERMESSAGEWAKE_PARAMS structure corresponds to a DIF_POWERMESSAGEWAKE installation request. (Unicode) |
SP_PROPCHANGE_PARAMS An SP_PROPCHANGE_PARAMS structure corresponds to a DIF_PROPERTYCHANGE installation request. |
SP_PROPSHEETPAGE_REQUEST An SP_PROPSHEETPAGE_REQUEST structure can be passed as the first parameter (lpv) to the ExtensionPropSheetPageProc entry point in the SetupAPI DLL. |
SP_REGISTER_CONTROL_STATUSA The SP_REGISTER_CONTROL_STATUS structure contains information about a file being registered or unregistered using the RegisterDlls INF directive to self-register DLLs on Windows 2000. (ANSI) |
SP_REGISTER_CONTROL_STATUSW The SP_REGISTER_CONTROL_STATUS structure contains information about a file being registered or unregistered using the RegisterDlls INF directive to self-register DLLs on Windows 2000. (Unicode) |
SP_REMOVEDEVICE_PARAMS An SP_REMOVEDEVICE_PARAMS structure corresponds to the DIF_REMOVE installation request. |
SP_SELECTDEVICE_PARAMS_A An SP_SELECTDEVICE_PARAMS structure corresponds to a DIF_SELECTDEVICE installation request. (ANSI) |
SP_SELECTDEVICE_PARAMS_W An SP_SELECTDEVICE_PARAMS structure corresponds to a DIF_SELECTDEVICE installation request. (Unicode) |
SP_TROUBLESHOOTER_PARAMS_W An SP_TROUBLESHOOTER_PARAMS structure corresponds to a DIF_TROUBLESHOOTER installation request. (Unicode) |
SP_UNREMOVEDEVICE_PARAMS An SP_UNREMOVEDEVICE_PARAMS structure corresponds to a DIF_UNREMOVE installation request. |
Troubleshoot device driver failures - Training
This module focuses on the role of device drivers and troubleshooting problems that pertain to them.