Windows Messaging (MAPI)
In this article
Overview of the Windows Messaging (MAPI) technology.
To develop Windows Messaging (MAPI), you need these headers:
For programming guidance for this technology, see:
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MAPIADDRESS The MAPIAddress function creates or modifies a set of address list entries.
MAPIDELETEMAIL The MAPIDeleteMail function deletes a message.
MAPIDETAILS The MAPIDetails function displays a dialog box containing the details of a selected address list entry.
MAPIFINDNEXT The MAPIFindNext function retrieves the next (or first) message identifier of a specified type of incoming message.
MAPIFreeBuffer The MAPIFreeBuffer function (mapi.h) frees memory allocated by the messaging system.
MAPIFREEBUFFER The MAPIFreeBuffer function (wabmem.h) frees memory allocated by the messaging system. (MAPIFreeBuffer)
MAPILOGOFF The MAPILogoff function ends a session with the messaging system.
MAPILOGON The MAPILogon function begins a Simple MAPI session, loading the default message store and address book providers.
MAPIREADMAIL The MAPIReadMail function retrieves a message for reading.
MAPIRESOLVENAME The MAPIResolveName function transforms a message recipient's name as entered by a user to an unambiguous address list entry.
MAPISAVEMAIL The MAPISaveMail function saves a message into the message store.
MAPISENDDOCUMENTS The MAPISendDocuments function sends a standard message with one or more attached files and a cover note.
MAPISENDMAIL Sends an ANSI message.
MAPISendMailHelper Takes Unicode message information and sends the message using MAPISendMailW or, if necessary, converts the message to ANSI and sends the message using MAPISendMail.
MAPISENDMAILW Sends a Unicode message. This function replaces the ANSI function MAPISendMail.
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MapiFileDesc A MapiFileDesc structure contains information about a file containing a message attachment stored as a temporary file.
MapiFileDescW A MapiFileDescW structure contains information about a file containing a message attachment stored as a temporary file. That file can contain a static OLE object, an embedded OLE object, an embedded message, and other types of files.
MapiFileTagExt A MapiFileTagExt structure specifies a message attachment's type at its creation and its current form of encoding so that it can be restored to its original type at its destination.
MapiMessage A MapiMessage structure contains information about a message. For Unicode support, use the MapiMessageW structure.
MapiMessageW A MapiMessageW structure contains information about a message.
MapiRecipDesc A MapiRecipDesc structure contains information about a message sender or recipient. For Unicode support, use the MapiRecipDescW structure.
MapiRecipDescW A MapiRecipDescW structure contains information about a message sender or recipient.