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Overview of the Picture Acquisition technology.
To develop Picture Acquisition, you need these headers:
For programming guidance for this technology, see:
DEVICE_SELECTION_DEVICE_TYPE The DEVICE_SELECTION_DEVICE_TYPE enumeration type indicates the type of a selected device. |
ERROR_ADVISE_MESSAGE_TYPE The ERROR_ADVISE_MESSAGE_TYPE enumeration type indicates the type of error values that can be passed to the nMessageType parameter of IPhotoAcquireProgressCB::ErrorAdvise. |
ERROR_ADVISE_RESULT The ERROR_ADVISE_RESULT enumeration type indicates the type of error values that can be assigned to the pnErrorAdviseResult parameter of IPhotoAcquireProgressCB::ErrorAdvise. |
PROGRESS_DIALOG_CHECKBOX_ID The PROGRESS_DIALOG_CHECKBOX_ID enumeration type indicates the check box on the IPhotoProgressDialog object. |
PROGRESS_DIALOG_IMAGE_TYPE The PROGRESS_DIALOG_IMAGE_TYPE enumeration type indicates the image type set in IPhotoProgressDialog::SetImage. |
USER_INPUT_STRING_TYPE The USER_INPUT_STRING_TYPE enumeration type indicates the type of string to obtain from the user in IPhotoAcquireProgressCB::GetUserInput. |
Acquire The Acquire method acquires photos from a device. |
Cancelled The Cancelled method provides extended functionality when a cancellation occurs during an acquisition session. The application provides the implementation of the Cancelled method. |
CanDelete The CanDelete method indicates whether an item may be deleted. |
Create The Create method creates and displays a modeless instance of the photo options dialog box, hosted within a parent window. |
Create The Create method creates and displays a progress dialog box that can be shown during image enumeration and acquisition. |
CreatePhotoSource The CreatePhotoSource method initializes an IPhotoAcquireSource object to pass to IPhotoAcquire::Acquire. |
Delete The Delete method deletes an item. |
Destroy The Destroy method closes and destroys the modeless dialog box created with the Create method. |
Destroy The Destroy method closes and disposes of the progress dialog box shown during image enumeration and acquisition. |
DirectoryCreated The DirectoryCreated method provides extended functionality when a destination directory is created during the acquisition process. The application provides the implementation of the DirectoryCreated method. |
DisplayConfigureDialog The DisplayConfigureDialog method provides extended functionality when the configuration dialog is displayed. The application provides the implementation of the DisplayConfigureDialog method. |
DoModal The DoModal method displays a device selection dialog box. The function returns when the user selects a device using the modal dialog box. |
DoModal The DoModal method creates and displays the options dialog box as a modal dialog box. |
EndDelete The EndDelete method provides extended functionality when deletion of files from the image source is complete. The application provides the implementation of the EndDelete method. |
EndEnumeration The EndEnumeration method provides extended functionality when enumeration of files from the image source is complete. The application provides the implementation of the EndEnumeration method. |
EndItemDelete The EndItemDelete method provides extended functionality each time a file is deleted from the image source. The application provides the implementation of the EndItemDelete method. |
EndItemTransfer The EndItemTransfer method provides extended functionality each time a file is transferred from the image source. The application provides the implementation of the EndItemTransfer method. |
EndSession The EndSession method provides extended functionality when an acquisition session is completed. The application provides the implementation of the EndSession method. |
EndTransfer The EndTransfer method provides extended functionality when the transfer of all files is complete. The application provides the implementation of the EndTransfer method. |
EnumResults The EnumResults method retrieves an enumeration containing the paths of all files successfully transferred during the most recent call to Acquire. |
ErrorAdvise The ErrorAdvise method provides custom error handling for errors that occur during acquisition. The application provides the implementation of the ErrorAdvise method. |
FoundItem The FoundItem method provides extended functionality each time an item is found during enumeration of items from the device. |
GetAcquisitionTime The GetAcquisitionTime method retrieves the acquisition time of the current session. |
GetDefault The GetDefault method retrieves the default string used to initialize an edit control (or equivalent). |
GetDeleteAfterAcquire The GetDeleteAfterAcquire method returns a value indicating whether photos should be deleted after acquisition. |
GetDeviceIcons The GetDeviceIcons method retrieves the icons that are used to represent the device. |
GetDeviceId The GetDeviceId method retrieves the identifier (ID) of the device. |
GetFlags The GetFlags method retrieves the photo acquire flags. |
GetFriendlyName The GetFriendlyName method retrieves the name of the device, formatted for display. |
GetGroupTag The GetGroupTag method retrieves a tag string for the group of files being downloaded from the device. |
GetImage The GetImage method retrieves the default image used to initialize an edit control. |
GetItemAt The GetItemAt method retrieves the IPhotoAcquireItem object at the given index in the list of items. |
GetItemCount The GetItemCount method retrieves the number of items found by the InitializeItemList method. |
GetItemName The GetItemName method retrieves the file name for an item. |
GetMaxLength The GetMaxLength method retrieves the maximum string length the user interface (UI) should allow. |
GetMruCount The GetMruCount method retrieves the number of items in the list of most recently used items. |
GetMruEntryAt The GetMruEntryAt method retrieves the entry at the given index in the most recently used list. |
GetOutputFilenameTemplate The GetOutputFilenameTemplate method retrieves a format string (template) that specifies the format of file names. |
GetPhotoAcquireSettings The GetPhotoAcquireSettings method obtains an IPhotoAcquireSettings object for working with acquisition settings. |
GetPrompt The GetPrompt method retrieves the title of a prompt if the prompt is a modal dialog box. |
GetProperty The GetProperty method retrieves the value of a property of an item. |
GetSequencePaddingWidth The GetSequencePaddingWidth method retrieves a value indicating how wide sequential fields in file names will be. |
GetSequenceZeroPadding The GetSequenceZeroPadding method retrieves a value that indicates whether zeros or spaces will be used to pad sequential file names. |
GetStream The GetStream method retrieves a read-only stream containing the contents of an item. |
GetStringId The GetStringId method retrieves the unlocalized canonical name for the requested string. For example, when requesting a tag name, the canonical name might be "TagName". |
GetStringType The GetStringType method retrieves a value indicating the type of string to obtain from the user. |
GetSubItemAt The GetSubItemAt method retrieves a subitem of an item, given the index of the subitem. |
GetSubItemCount The GetSubItemCount method retrieves the number of subitems contained in an item. |
GetSubmitButtonText The GetSubmitButtonText method retrieves the text for the submit button. |
GetThumbnail The GetThumbnail method retrieves the thumbnail provided for an item. |
GetTooltipText The GetTooltipText method retrieves the tooltip text displayed for a control. |
GetUserInput The GetUserInput method overrides the default functionality that displays a message prompting the user for string input during acquisition. The application provides the implementation of the GetUserInput method. |
GetUserInput Retrieves descriptive information entered by the user, such as the tag name of the images to store. |
GetWindow The GetWindow method retrieves the handle to the progress dialog box. |
Initialize Initializes the options dialog box and reads any saved options from the registry. |
Initialize The Initialize method provides extended functionality when the plug-in is initialized. The application provides the implementation of the Initialize method. |
InitializeFromRegistry The InitializeFromRegistry method specifies a registry key from which to initialize settings. |
InitializeItemList The InitializeItemList method enumerates transferable items on the device and passes each item to the optional progress callback, if it is supplied. |
IsCancelled The IsCancelled method indicates whether the operation has been canceled via the progress dialog box. |
IsCheckboxChecked The IsCheckboxChecked method indicates whether the check box in the progress dialog box (typically indicating whether to delete files after transfer) is selected. |
ProcessItem The ProcessItem method provides additional functionality each time an item is processed. The application provides the implementation of the ProcessItem method. |
SaveData The SaveData method saves acquisition settings from the options dialog box to the registry so that a subsequent instance of the dialog can be initialized with the same settings. |
SetAcquisitionTime The SetAcquisitionTime method sets the acquisition time explicitly. |
SetCaption Sets the caption of the progress dialog box. |
SetCheckboxText The SetCheckboxText method sets the text for the check box in the progress dialog box indicating whether to delete images after transfer. |
SetCheckboxTooltip The SetCheckboxTooltip method sets the tooltip text for the check box in the progress dialog box. |
SetFlags The SetFlags method sets the photo acquire flags. |
SetGroupTag The SetGroupTag method sets the group tag for an acquisition session. |
SetImage Sets either the thumbnail image displayed in the progress dialog box, the icon in the title bar of the progress dialog box, or the icon in ALT+TAB key combination windows. |
SetOutputFilenameTemplate The SetOutputFilenameTemplate method specifies a format string (template) that specifies the format of file names. |
SetPercentComplete The SetPercentComplete method sets a value indicating the completed portion of the current operation. |
SetProgressText The SetProgressText method sets the text for the progress bar in the progress dialog box. |
SetProperty The SetProperty method sets a property for an item. |
SetSequencePaddingWidth The SetSequencePaddingWidth method sets a value indicating how wide sequential fields in filenames will be. |
SetSequenceZeroPadding The SetSequenceZeroPadding method sets a value indicating whether zeros or spaces are used to pad sequential file names. |
SetSubmitButtonText The SetPrompt method sets the text displayed in the dialog box that prompts the user to select a device. |
SetTitle The SetTitle method sets the title of the device selection dialog box. |
SetTitle The SetTitle method sets the title of the progress dialog box. |
ShowCheckbox The ShowCheckbox method indicates whether to show the check box in the progress dialog box indicating whether to delete images after transfer. |
StartDelete The StartDelete method provides extended functionality when deletion of items from the device begins. |
StartEnumeration The StartEnumeration method provides extended functionality when the enumeration of items to acquire begins. |
StartItemDelete The StartItemDelete method provides extended functionality each time the deletion of an individual item from the device begins. The application provides the implementation of the StartItemDelete method. |
StartItemTransfer The StartItemTransfer method provides extended functionality each time the transfer of an item begins. The application provides the implementation of the StartItemTransfer method. |
StartTransfer The StartTransfer method provides additional processing when transfer of items from the device begins. The application provides the implementation of the StartTransfer method. |
TransferComplete Provides extended functionality when a transfer session is completed. The application provides the implementation of the TransferComplete method. |
UpdateDeletePercent The UpdateDeletePercent method provides extended functionality when the percentage of items deleted changes. The application provides the implementation of the UpdateDeletePercent method. |
UpdateTransferPercent The UpdateTransferPercent method provides extended functionality when the percentage of items transferred changes. The application provides the implementation of the UpdateTransferPercent method. |
IPhotoAcquire The IPhotoAcquire interface provides methods for acquiring photos from a device. |
IPhotoAcquireDeviceSelectionDialog Provides a dialog box for selecting the device to acquire images from. |
IPhotoAcquireItem The IPhotoAcquireItem interface provides methods for working with items as they are acquired from a device. |
IPhotoAcquireOptionsDialog The IPhotoAcquireOptionsDialog interface is used to display an options dialog box in which the user can select photo acquisition settings such as file name formats, as well as whether or not to rotate images, to prompt for a tag name, or to erase photos from the camera after importing. |
IPhotoAcquirePlugin Implement the IPhotoAcquirePlugin interface when you want to create a plug-in to run alongside the Windows Vista user interface (UI) for image acquisition. Registry settings are required to enable the plug-in. |
IPhotoAcquireProgressCB The IPhotoAcquireProgressCB interface may be implemented if you wish to do extra processing at various stages in the acquisition process. |
IPhotoAcquireSettings The IPhotoAcquireSettings interface is used to work with image acquisition settings, such as file name format. |
IPhotoAcquireSource The IPhotoAcquireSource interface is used for acquisition of items from a device. |
IPhotoProgressDialog Provides the progress dialog box that may be displayed when enumerating or importing images. The dialog box is modal and runs in its own thread. |
IUserInputString The IUserInputString interface represents the object created when asking the user for a string�for example, when obtaining the name of a tag. |
Learning path
Implement finance and operations apps - Training
Plan and design your project methodology to successfully implement finance and operations apps with FastTrack services, data management and more.