Windows Sync
Overview of the Windows Sync technology.
To develop Windows Sync, you need these headers:
For programming guidance for this technology, see:
CONFLICT_RESOLUTION_POLICY Represents the options for the concurrency conflict resolution policy to use for the synchronization session. |
FILTERING_TYPE Indicates the type of information that is included in a change batch during filtered synchronization. |
KNOWLEDGE_COOKIE_COMPARISON_RESULT Represents the possible results when a knowledge cookie is compared with a knowledge object by using ISyncKnowledge2::CompareToKnowledgeCookie. |
SYNC_FULL_ENUMERATION_ACTION Represents the action to be taken by an application in response to ISyncCallback::OnFullEnumerationNeeded. |
SYNC_PROGRESS_STAGE Represents the stages of a synchronization session. |
SYNC_PROVIDER_ROLE Represents the role of a provider, relative to the other provider in the synchronization session. |
SYNC_REGISTRATION_EVENT Represents the different types of synchronization registration events. |
SYNC_RESOLVE_ACTION Represents actions that are taken to resolve a specific concurrency conflict. |
SYNC_SERIALIZATION_VERSION Represents the version of Microsoft Sync Framework that a particular component is compatible with. |
SYNC_STATISTICS Represents types of statistics that convey information about a component. |
AddChangeUnitMetadata Adds change unit metadata to an item change. |
AddFilter Sets the filter that is used for change enumeration by the source provider, when implemented by a derived class. |
AddItemMetadataToGroup Adds a specified item change to the group that is currently open. |
AddLoggedConflict Adds metadata that represents a conflict to the change batch. |
BeginOrderedGroup Opens an ordered group in the change batch. This group is ordered by item ID. |
BeginSession Notifies the provider that it is joining a synchronization session. |
BeginUnorderedGroup Opens an unordered group in the change batch. Item changes in this group can be in any order. |
Clone Clones the enumerator and returns a new enumerator that is in the same state as the current one. (IEnumChangeUnitExceptions.Clone) |
Clone Clones the enumerator and returns a new enumerator that is in the same state as the current one. (IEnumClockVector.Clone) |
Clone Clones the enumerator and returns a new enumerator that is in the same state as the current one. (IEnumFeedClockVector.Clone) |
Clone Clones the enumerator and returns a new enumerator that is in the same state as the current one. (IEnumRangeExceptions.Clone) |
Clone Clones the enumerator and returns a new enumerator that is in the same state as the current one. (IEnumSingleItemExceptions.Clone) |
Clone This method is not implemented. (IEnumSyncChanges.Clone) |
Clone This method is not implemented. (IEnumSyncChangeUnits.Clone) |
Clone Creates a new instance of this object, and copies the data from this object to the new object. |
Clone Clones the enumerator and returns a new enumerator that is in the same state as the current one. (IEnumSyncProviderConfigUIInfos.Clone) |
Clone Clones the enumerator and returns a new enumerator that is in the same state as the current one. (IEnumSyncProviderInfos.Clone) |
CompareToKnowledgeCookie Performs a fast comparison between the specified knowledge cookie and this knowledge object. |
Complement Returns the knowledge that is contained in this object but that is not contained in the specified knowledge. |
ContainsChange Indicates whether the specified item change is known by this knowledge. |
ContainsChangeUnit Indicates whether the specified change unit change is known by this knowledge. |
ContainsKnowledge Indicates whether the specified knowledge is known by this knowledge. |
ContainsKnowledgeForChangeUnit Indicates whether the specified knowledge of the specified change unit is known by this knowledge. |
ContainsKnowledgeForItem Indicates whether the specified knowledge of the specified item is known by this knowledge. |
ConvertFullEnumerationChangeBatchToRegularChangeBatch Converts an ISyncFullEnumerationChangeBatch object to an ISyncChangeBatch object. |
ConvertVersion Converts a version from another replica into one that is compatible with the replica that owns this knowledge. |
CreateAndRegisterNewSyncProvider Creates and registers a new synchronization provider. |
CreateSyncProviderConfigUIRegistrationInstance Creates an in-memory instance of a synchronization provider configuration UI. |
CreateSyncProviderRegistrationInstance Creates an in-memory instance of a synchronization provider. |
EndOrderedGroup Closes a previously opened ordered group in the change batch. |
EndSession Notifies the provider that a synchronization session to which it was enlisted has finished. |
EndUnorderedGroup Closes a previously opened unordered group in the change batch. |
EnumerateSyncProviderConfigUIs Returns an IEnumSyncProviderConfigUIInfos enumeration interface that enumerates all registered ISyncProviderConfigUIInfo objects for the specified criteria. |
EnumerateSyncProviders Returns an IEnumSyncProviderInfos enumeration interface that enumerates all registered ISyncProviderInfo objects for the specified criteria. |
ExcludeChangeUnit Removes knowledge about the specified change unit from the knowledge. |
ExcludeItem Removes knowledge about the specified item from the knowledge. |
FindClockVectorForChangeUnit Gets the clock vector that is associated with the specified change unit ID. |
FindClockVectorForItem Gets the clock vector that is associated with the specified item ID. |
FindMinTickCountForReplica Finds the minimum tick count in the knowledge for the specified replica. |
FindOrAddReplica Adds entries to or finds entries in an IReplicaKeyMap object. |
ForgetToVersion Updates the forgotten knowledge to reflect that all versions that are less than or equal to the specified version might have been forgotten, and that corresponding tombstones might have been deleted. |
GetBatchLevelKnowledgeShouldBeApplied Gets a value that indicates whether the learned knowledge for the batch must be saved after the batch is applied to the destination replica. |
GetChange Gets an ISyncRegistrationChange object that represents a new registration event. |
GetChangeBatch Gets a change batch that contains item metadata for items that are not contained in the specified knowledge from the destination provider. |
GetChangeEnumerator Gets an IEnumSyncChanges object that enumerates the item changes in this change batch. |
GetChangeUnitChangeTime Gets the date and time when the specified change unit was last changed. |
GetChangeUnitExceptions Gets an object that can enumerate the IChangeUnitException objects that are stored in the knowledge. |
GetChangeUnitId Gets the change unit ID for the change unit that is associated with the exception. |
GetChangeUnitId Gets the change unit ID that is stored at the specified index in the array of change unit IDs that define the filter. |
GetChangeUnitId Retrieves the ID for this change unit. |
GetChangeUnitIdCount Gets the number of change unit IDs that define the filter. |
GetChangeUnits Gets an object that can enumerate change units that are contained in this change. |
GetChangeUnitVersion Gets the version for the change unit change. |
GetChangeVersion Gets the version that is associated with this change. |
GetChangeWithRecoverableError Gets the item change that caused the error. |
GetClockVector Gets the clock vector that is associated with this exception. (IChangeUnitException.GetClockVector) |
GetClockVector Gets the clock vector that is associated with this exception. (IRangeException.GetClockVector) |
GetClockVector Gets the clock vector that is associated with the item exception. |
GetClockVectorElementCount Gets the number of elements that are contained in the clock vector. |
GetClockVectorElements Returns an enumerator that iterates through the clock vector elements. |
GetClosedLowerBoundItemId Gets the closed lower bound on item IDs that require destination versions. |
GetClosedRangeEnd Gets the upper bound of the range of item IDs to exclude. |
GetClosedRangeStart Gets the lower bound of the range of item IDs to exclude. |
GetClosedUpperBoundItemId Gets the closed upper bound on item IDs that require destination versions. |
GetColumnCount Gets the number of columns that are contained in this knowledge fragment. |
GetCreationVersion Gets the creation version of the changed item. |
GetDestinationProviderConflictingChange Gets the change metadata from the destination provider. |
GetDestinationProviderConflictingData Gets an object that can be used to retrieve item data for the change item from the destination replica. |
GetErrorDescription Gets the description of the error. |
GetEvent Gets the next pending registration event. |
GetFilterInfo Gets the ISyncFilterInfo that was specified when the change batch was created. |
GetFlags Gets flags that specify additional information about the clock vector element. |
GetFlags Gets flags that are associated with this change. |
GetFlags Gets the flags that specify additional information about the filter information object. |
GetForgottenKnowledgeRecoveryRangeEnd Gets the upper bound of the recovery range when the session is performing forgotten knowledge recovery. |
GetForgottenKnowledgeRecoveryRangeStart Gets the lower bound of the recovery range when the session is performing forgotten knowledge recovery. |
GetFullEnumerationChangeBatch Gets a change batch that contains item metadata for items that have IDs greater than the specified lower bound, as part of a full enumeration. |
GetIdParameters Gets the ID format schema of the provider. (IAsynchronousDataRetriever.GetIdParameters) |
GetIdParameters Gets the ID format schema of the provider. (ISynchronousDataRetriever.GetIdParameters) |
GetIdParameters Gets the ID format schema of the provider. (ISyncKnowledge2.GetIdParameters) |
GetIdParameters Gets the ID format schema of the provider. (ISyncProvider.GetIdParameters) |
GetInfoForChangeApplication Retrieves stored data for a serialized change applier. |
GetInspector Returns an object that can be used to retrieve the contents of the knowledge object. |
GetInstanceId Returns the synchronization provider's instance ID. |
GetInstanceId Gets the instance ID of the synchronization provider or synchronization provider configuration UI associated with the event. |
GetIsLastBatch Gets a flag that indicates whether the changes in this change batch are the last batch of a synchronization session. |
GetItemChange Gets the item change that contains this change unit change. |
GetItemChangeTime Gets the date and time when the specified item was last changed. |
GetItemDisplayName Gets the display name of the item that caused the error. |
GetItemId Gets the item ID for the item that contains the change unit that is associated with the exception. |
GetItemId Gets the ID of the item that is specified in the exception. |
GetKnowledgeCookie Gets a lightweight, read-only representation of this knowledge object that can be used for fast comparisons. |
GetLearnedForgottenKnowledge Gets the forgotten knowledge that the destination replica learns when the destination provider applies all the changes in this change batch during recovery synchronization. |
GetLearnedForgottenKnowledge Gets the forgotten knowledge that the destination replica learns when the destination provider applies this change during recovery synchronization. |
GetLearnedKnowledge Gets the knowledge that a replica will learn when this change is applied to its item store. |
GetLearnedKnowledge Gets the knowledge that the destination replica learns when the destination provider applies all the changes in this change batch. |
GetLearnedKnowledgeAfterRecoveryComplete Gets the knowledge the destination replica will learn after it applies the changes in the full enumeration. |
GetLearnedKnowledgeAfterRecoveryComplete Gets the knowledge the destination replica will learn after it applies all the changes in the recovery synchronization. |
GetLearnedKnowledgeWithPrerequisite Gets the knowledge that the destination replica learns when the destination provider applies all the changes in this change batch, based on the prerequisite knowledge of the change batch. |
GetLearnedKnowledgeWithPrerequisite Gets the knowledge that the destination replica learns when the destination provider applies this change, based on the prerequisite knowledge that is associated with the change. |
GetLowestUncontainedId Returns the lowest item ID that is not contained in this knowledge and that is contained in the specified knowledge. |
GetMadeWithKnowledge Gets the made-with knowledge for this change. |
GetMinimumSupportedVersion Gets the minimum supported version of Microsoft Sync Framework components that can be used with this object. |
GetOwnerReplicaId Gets the ID of the replica that originated this change. |
GetOwnerReplicaId Gets the ID of the replica that owns this knowledge. |
GetPrerequisiteKnowledge Gets the minimum knowledge that a destination provider is required to have to process this change batch. |
GetPrerequisiteKnowledge Gets the minimum knowledge that a destination provider is required to have to process this change. |
GetProvider Gets the role of the provider that skipped the item change. |
GetRangeCount Gets the number of ranges that are contained in this knowledge fragment. |
GetRangeExceptions Gets an object that can enumerate the IRangeException objects that are stored in the knowledge. |
GetRecoverableErrorDataForChange Gets additional data about the recoverable error. |
GetRecoverableErrorDataForChangeUnit Gets additional data about the recoverable error for a specified change unit. |
GetRegisteredProperties Obtains configuration UI properties for reading and writing. |
GetRemainingWorkEstimateForSession Gets the estimate of the remaining work for the session. |
GetReplicaKey Gets the replica key for the replica that is associated with this clock vector element. |
GetReplicaKeyMap Gets the IReplicaKeyMap object that is associated with this knowledge. |
GetResolveActionForChange Gets the conflict resolution action for the conflict. |
GetResolveActionForChangeUnit Gets the conflict resolution action for the conflicting change unit change. |
GetRootItemId Gets the ID of the changed item. |
GetScopeVector Gets the clock vector that defines the changes that are contained in the knowledge. |
GetSessionErrorStatus Gets the error value that indicates why the synchronization session failed. |
GetSingleItemExceptions Gets an object that can enumerate the ISingleItemException objects that are stored in the knowledge. |
GetSourceForgottenKnowledge Gets the forgotten knowledge of the source replica. |
GetSourceProviderConflictingChange Gets the change metadata from the source provider. |
GetSourceProviderConflictingData Gets an object that can be used to retrieve item data for the change item from the source replica. |
GetStage Gets the stage in the synchronization session when the error occurred. |
GetStatistics Gets the specified statistic data that is contained in this object. |
GetSyncBatchParameters Gets the requested number of item changes that will be included in change batches, and the current knowledge for the synchronization scope. |
GetSyncChange Gets the change item for which the change data should be retrieved from the item store. |
GetSyncProvider Creates an instance of the synchronization provider. |
GetSyncProviderConfigUI Creates an instance of a synchronization provider configuration UI. |
GetSyncProviderConfigUIFromInstanceId Returns an initialized and instantiated ISyncProviderConfigUI object for the given unique instance ID. |
GetSyncProviderConfigUIInfo Returns an ISyncProviderConfigUIInfo object for the given unique instance ID. |
GetSyncProviderConfigUIInfoforProvider Returns an ISyncProviderConfigUIInfo object for the specified synchronization provider instance ID. |
GetSyncProviderFromInstanceId Returns an initialized and instantiated IRegisteredSyncProvider object for the specific unique instance ID. |
GetSyncProviderInfo Returns an ISyncProviderInfo object for the specific synchronization provider instance ID. |
GetSyncProviderState Returns the state of the specified synchronization provider. |
GetSyncProviderWithError Gets the ISyncProvider interface of the provider that caused synchronization to fail. |
GetSyncTime Gets a SYNC_TIME value that corresponds to the when value for the item. |
GetTickCount Gets the tick count that defines the upper bound on the range of tick counts that are contained in this clock vector element. |
GetUpdateCount Gets the number of updates that have been made to the FeedSync item. |
GetUpperBoundItemId Gets the highest item ID that is represented in the knowledge of any group in the change batch. |
GetVersion Gets the version of this knowledge structure. |
GetWorkEstimate Gets the work estimate for this change. |
GetWorkEstimateForBatch Gets the work estimate for the batch. |
Init Initializes the synchronization provider before it is ready for a synchronization session. |
Init Initializes the configuration UI for a synchronization provider. |
Initialize Initializes a new instance of the IChangeUnitListFilterInfo class that contains the specified array of change unit IDs. |
Initialize When implemented by a derived class, initializes the IProviderConverter object with the ISyncProvider object to be converted to IKnowledgeSyncProvider. |
Initialize Initializes the object by using the specified display name of the item that caused the error and a description of the error. |
IntersectsWithKnowledge Indicates whether the specified knowledge intersects with this knowledge. |
IsCanceled Indicates whether the synchronization session has been canceled. |
IsNoConflictsSpecified Gets a value that indicates whether conflicts are preserved for the FeedSync item. |
LoadChangeData Retrieves item data for a change. (IAsynchronousDataRetriever.LoadChangeData) |
LoadChangeData Retrieves item data for a change. (ISynchronousDataRetriever.LoadChangeData) |
LoadChangeDataComplete Indicates that IAsynchronousDataRetriever::LoadChangeData has finished successfully. |
LoadChangeDataError Indicates that an IAsynchronousDataRetriever method failed. |
LoadInfoFromChangeApplication Stores data for a serialized change applier. |
LookupReplicaId Gets the replica ID that corresponds to the specified replica key. |
LookupReplicaKey Gets the replica key that corresponds to the specified replica ID. |
MapRemoteToLocal Converts a knowledge object from another replica into one that is compatible with the replica that owns this knowledge. |
ModifySyncProvider Updates the ISyncProviderInfo of the synchronization provider that is configured by this ISyncProviderConfigUI. |
Next Returns the next elements in the change unit exception set, if they are available. (IEnumChangeUnitExceptions.Next) |
Next Returns the next elements in the clock vector, if they are available. |
Next Returns the next elements in the clock vector, if available. |
Next Returns the next elements in the change unit exception set, if they are available. (IEnumRangeExceptions.Next) |
Next Returns the next elements in the single-item exception set, if they are available. |
Next Returns the next item change. |
Next Returns the next change unit. |
Next Returns the next ISyncProviderConfigUIInfo object. |
Next Returns the next ISyncProviderInfo object. |
NextColumn Returns the next change unit ID in the set of change unit IDs that this knowledge fragment applies to. |
NextCoreFragments Returns the next ICoreFragment objects in the knowledge, if they are available. |
NextRange Returns the next range that is contained in this knowledge fragment, and the clock vector that defines what is known about the items in the range. |
OnChange Occurs before a change is applied. |
OnChangeApplied Occurs after a change is successfully applied. |
OnChangeFailed Occurs after a change fails to apply. |
OnConflict Occurs when a conflict is detected when the concurrency conflict resolution policy is set to CRP_NONE. |
OnFullEnumerationNeeded Occurs when the forgotten knowledge from the source provider is not contained in the current knowledge of the destination provider. |
OnProgress Occurs periodically during the synchronization session to report progress. |
OnProgress Reports synchronization progress to the application. |
OnRecoverableError Occurs when a synchronization provider sets a recoverable error when it is loading or saving an item. |
ProcessChangeBatch Processes a set of changes by detecting conflicts and applying changes to the item store. |
ProcessFullEnumerationChangeBatch Processes a set of changes for a full enumeration by applying changes to the item store. |
ProjectOntoChangeUnit Gets the knowledge for the specified change unit. |
ProjectOntoColumnSet Returns the knowledge for the specified set of change units for all the items that are contained in this object. |
ProjectOntoItem Gets the knowledge for the specified item. |
ProjectOntoKnowledgeWithPrerequisite Returns knowledge about the knowledge fragments that are specified by the template knowledge, when the template knowledge contains the prerequisite knowledge for the specified fragments. |
ProjectOntoRange Gets the knowledge for the specified range of item IDs. |
RegisterCallback Registers a callback interface that will be called by the IAsynchronousDataRetriever object when an asynchronous method finishes processing. |
RegisterForEvent Registers the user to receive notification of the arrival of new registration events that occur when changes are made to the registration store. |
RequestFilter Requests that the filter that is specified by the destination provider be used by the source provider during change enumeration. |
Reset Resets both the column and range enumerators to the beginning of their respective sets. |
Reset Resets the enumerator to the beginning of the knowledge. |
Reset Resets the enumerator to the beginning of the change unit exception set. |
Reset Resets the enumerator to the beginning of the clock vector. (IEnumClockVector.Reset) |
Reset Resets the enumerator to the beginning of the clock vector. (IEnumFeedClockVector.Reset) |
Reset Resets the enumerator to the beginning of the range exception set. |
Reset Resets the enumerator to the beginning of the single-item exception set. |
Reset Resets the enumerator to the beginning of the list. (IEnumSyncChanges.Reset) |
Reset Resets the enumerator to the beginning of the list. (IEnumSyncChangeUnits.Reset) |
Reset Resets the enumerator to the beginning of the collection of ISyncProviderConfigUIInfo objects. |
Reset Resets the enumerator to the beginning of the ISyncProviderInfo set. |
Reset Resets a synchronization provider so that it looks like a new replica in the next synchronization session. |
RevokeCallback Indicates that the IAsynchronousDataRetriever object must no longer use the specified callback interface and must release any references to it. |
RevokeEvent Unregisters the user from the notification of the arrival of new registration events. |
Serialize Serializes the replica key map data to a byte array. |
Serialize Serializes the change batch to an array of bytes. |
Serialize Serializes the filter data to an array of bytes. |
Serialize Serializes the knowledge object data to a byte array. |
SerializeWithOptions Serializes the change batch object data to a byte array, based on the specified version and serialization options. |
SerializeWithOptions Serializes the knowledge object data to a byte array based on the specified version and serialization options. |
SetForgottenKnowledgeRecoveryRange Sets the recovery range when the session is performing forgotten knowledge recovery. |
SetLastBatch Sets a flag that indicates there are no more changes to be enumerated in the synchronization session. |
SetLocalTickCount Sets the tick count for the replica that owns this knowledge. |
SetPrerequisiteKnowledge Sets the minimum knowledge that a destination provider is required to have to process this change batch. |
SetProviderWithError Indicates which provider caused synchronization to fail. |
SetRecoverableErrorOnChange Indicates a recoverable error on this change has occurred. |
SetRecoverableErrorOnChangeUnit Indicates that a recoverable error occurred when data for the specified change unit was loaded from the item store. |
SetRemainingWorkEstimateForSession Sets the estimate of the remaining work for the session. |
SetResolveActionForChange Sets a conflict resolution action for the conflict. |
SetResolveActionForChangeUnit Sets a conflict resolution action for the conflicting change unit change. |
SetSyncProviderState Sets the state of the specified synchronization provider. |
SetWorkEstimate Sets the work estimate for this change. |
SetWorkEstimateForBatch Sets the work estimate for the batch. |
Skip Skips the specified number of change unit exceptions. |
Skip Skips the specified number of clock vector elements. (IEnumClockVector.Skip) |
Skip Skips the specified number of clock vector elements. (IEnumFeedClockVector.Skip) |
Skip Skips the specified number of range exceptions. |
Skip Skips the specified number of single-item exceptions. |
Skip This method is not implemented. (IEnumSyncChanges.Skip) |
Skip This method is not implemented. (IEnumSyncChangeUnits.Skip) |
Skip Skips the specified number of ISyncProviderConfigUIInfo objects. |
Skip Skips the specified number of ISyncProviderInfo objects. |
SpecifyFilter When implemented by a derived class, negotiates which filter is used by the source provider during change enumeration. |
Union Combines the specified knowledge with the current knowledge. |
UnregisterSyncProvider Unregisters and removes the specified synchronization provider from the registration store. |
UnregisterSyncProviderConfigUI Unregisters and removes the specified synchronization provider configuration UI from the registration store. |
IAsynchronousDataRetriever Represents the mechanism by which the destination provider asynchronously retrieves item data from the source provider. |
IChangeConflict Represents a conflict between two items. |
IChangeUnitException Represents a change unit to exclude from a knowledge object. |
IChangeUnitListFilterInfo Represents a filter that can be used to control which change units are included for items in an ISyncChangeBatch object. |
IClockVector Represents a clock vector in a knowledge structure. |
IClockVectorElement Represents a clock vector element of a knowledge structure. |
IConstructReplicaKeyMap Adds entries to an IReplicaKeyMap object. |
ICoreFragment Represents knowledge of all items in the scope for a specific set of change units. |
ICoreFragmentInspector Enumerates the ICoreFragment objects that are contained in a knowledge object. |
IDataRetrieverCallback Represents methods that an IAsynchronousDataRetriever object can call to indicate that processing has been completed on an IAsynchronousDataRetriever method. |
IEnumChangeUnitExceptions Enumerates change unit exceptions that are stored in a knowledge object. |
IEnumClockVector Enumerates the clock vector elements that are stored in a clock vector. |
IEnumFeedClockVector Enumerates the clock vector elements that are stored in a clock vector that contains FeedSync information. |
IEnumRangeExceptions Enumerates range exceptions that are stored in a knowledge object. |
IEnumSingleItemExceptions Enumerates single-item exceptions that are stored in a knowledge object. |
IEnumSyncChanges Enumerates a list of item changes. |
IEnumSyncChangeUnits Enumerates a list of change units. |
IEnumSyncProviderConfigUIInfos Enumerates ISyncProviderConfigUIInfo objects that contain configuration UI information used to build and register a synchronization provider. |
IEnumSyncProviderInfos Enumerates ISyncProviderInfo objects that contain the information used to create an instance of a synchronization provider. |
IFeedClockVector Represents a clock vector that contains FeedSync information. |
IFeedClockVectorElement Represents a clock vector element that contains FeedSync information. |
IFilterRequestCallback Mediates filter negotiation between a destination provider and a source provider. |
IForgottenKnowledge Represents knowledge that has been forgotten because of tombstone cleanup. |
IKnowledgeSyncProvider Represents a synchronization provider that uses knowledge to perform synchronization. |
ILoadChangeContext Represents information about a change to be loaded from the item store. |
IProviderConverter When implemented by a derived class, represents an object that can convert an ISyncProvider object to an IKnowledgeSyncProvider object. |
IRangeException Represents an item ID range to exclude from a knowledge object. |
IRecoverableError Represents a recoverable error that occurred when an item was loaded or when an item was saved. |
IRecoverableErrorData Represents information about a recoverable error. |
IRegisteredSyncProvider Represents a registered synchronization provider. This interface is implemented by the writer of a synchronization provider. |
IReplicaKeyMap Represents a mapping between replica keys and replica IDs. |
IRequestFilteredSync When implemented by a derived class, represents a destination provider that can specify a filter to be used by the source provider during change enumeration. |
ISingleItemException Represents an item to exclude from a knowledge object. |
ISupportFilteredSync When implemented by a derived class, represents a source provider that supports filtered change enumeration, and that can negotiate the type of filter that is used. |
ISupportLastWriteTime Represents a synchronization provider that is able to report the date and time when an item or change unit was last changed. This ability is useful to an application that implements last-writer-wins conflict resolution. |
ISyncCallback Represents application callbacks that are used to notify the application of synchronization events. |
ISyncCallback2 Represents additional application callbacks that are used to notify the application of synchronization events. |
ISyncChange Represents a change to an item. |
ISyncChangeBatch Represents metadata for a set of changes. (ISyncChangeBatch) |
ISyncChangeBatchAdvanced Represents additional information about a set of changes. |
ISyncChangeBatchBase Represents metadata for a set of changes. (ISyncChangeBatchBase) |
ISyncChangeBatchBase2 Represents additional capabilities of an ISyncChangeBatchBase object. |
ISyncChangeBatchWithPrerequisite Represents metadata about a change batch that is based on the prerequisite knowledge associated with the change batch. |
ISyncChangeBuilder Provides additional data for an item change. |
ISyncChangeUnit Represents a change to a change unit that is contained in an item. |
ISyncChangeWithPrerequisite Represents metadata about a change that is based on the prerequisite knowledge that is associated with the change. |
ISyncFilterInfo Represents information about a filter that is used to control the data that is included in an ISyncChangeBatch object. |
ISyncFilterInfo2 Represents additional information about a filter that can be used to control which changes are included in an ISyncChangeBatch object. |
ISyncFullEnumerationChange Represents additional information about an ISyncChange object during recovery synchronization. |
ISyncFullEnumerationChangeBatch Represents the metadata for a set of changes that is created as part of a recovery synchronization. |
ISynchronousDataRetriever Represents the mechanism by which the destination provider retrieves item data from the source provider. |
ISyncKnowledge Represents knowledge that a replica has about its item store. |
ISyncKnowledge2 Represents additional information about the knowledge that a replica has about its item store. |
ISyncProvider Represents a synchronization provider that can be used by a synchronization session to synchronize data with another synchronization provider. |
ISyncProviderConfigUI Represents configuration UI information used to build and register a synchronization provider. |
ISyncProviderConfigUIInfo Represents the information and properties needed to create an instance of a synchronization provider configuration UI. |
ISyncProviderInfo Represents the information and properties needed to create an instance of a synchronization provider. |
ISyncProviderRegistration Represents synchronization provider registration. |
ISyncRegistrationChange Represents a change to the registration of a synchronization provider or a synchronization provider configuration UI. The changes are reported as registration events. |
ISyncSessionExtendedErrorInfo Represents information about which provider caused synchronization to fail. |
ISyncSessionState Represents information about the current synchronization session. |
ISyncSessionState2 Represents additional information about the current synchronization session. |
ID_PARAMETER_PAIR Represents the format of a synchronization entity ID. |
ID_PARAMETERS Represents the format schema for the group of IDs that are used to identify entities in a synchronization session. |
SYNC_RANGE Represents a range of item IDs. |
SYNC_SESSION_STATISTICS Represents statistics about a single, unidirectional synchronization session. |
SYNC_TIME Represents a date-and-time value. |
SYNC_VERSION Represents a version for an item or a change unit. |
SyncProviderConfigUIConfiguration Represents the information for a synchronization provider configuration UI. |
SyncProviderConfiguration Represents the information for a synchronization provider configuration. |