d3d10_1.h header
This header is used by Direct3D 10 Graphics. For more information, see:
d3d10_1.h contains the following programming interfaces:
ID3D10BlendState1 This blend-state interface accesses blending state for a Direct3D 10.1 device for the output-merger stage. |
ID3D10Device1 The device interface represents a virtual adapter for Direct3D 10.1; it is used to perform rendering and create Direct3D resources. |
ID3D10ShaderResourceView1 A shader-resource-view interface specifies the subresources a shader can access during rendering. Examples of shader resources include a constant buffer, a texture buffer, a texture or a sampler. (ID3D10ShaderResourceView1) |
D3D10CreateDevice1 Create a Direct3D 10.1 device that represents the display adapter. |
D3D10CreateDeviceAndSwapChain1 Create a Direct3D 10.1 device and a swap chain. |
D3D10_BLEND_DESC1 Describes the blend state for a Direct3D 10.1 device. |
D3D10_RENDER_TARGET_BLEND_DESC1 Describes the blend state for a render target for a Direct3D 10.1 device |
D3D10_SHADER_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC1 Describes a shader-resource view. (D3D10_SHADER_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC1) |
D3D10_TEXCUBE_ARRAY_SRV1 Specifies the subresource(s) from an array of cube textures to use in a shader-resource view. |
D3D10_FEATURE_LEVEL1 The version of hardware acceleration requested. |