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Overview of the Direct3D 10 Graphics technology.
To develop Direct3D 10 Graphics, you need these headers:
For programming guidance for this technology, see:
D3D10_ASYNC_GETDATA_FLAG Optional flags that control the behavior of ID3D10Asynchronous::GetData. |
D3D10_BIND_FLAG Identifies how to bind a resource to the pipeline. (D3D10_BIND_FLAG) |
D3D10_BLEND Blend options. A blend option identifies the data source and an optional pre-blend operation. |
D3D10_BLEND_OP RGB or alpha blending operation. (D3D10_BLEND_OP) |
D3D10_CLEAR_FLAG Specifies the parts of the depth stencil to clear. Usually used with ID3D10Device::ClearDepthStencilView. |
D3D10_COLOR_WRITE_ENABLE Identify which components of each pixel of a render target are writable during blending. (D3D10_COLOR_WRITE_ENABLE) |
D3D10_COMPARISON_FUNC Comparison options. (D3D10_COMPARISON_FUNC) |
D3D10_COUNTER Performance counter types. |
D3D10_COUNTER_TYPE Data type of a performance counter. (D3D10_COUNTER_TYPE) |
D3D10_CPU_ACCESS_FLAG Specifies the types of CPU access allowed for a resource. (D3D10_CPU_ACCESS_FLAG) |
D3D10_CREATE_DEVICE_FLAG Device creation flags. |
D3D10_CULL_MODE Indicates triangles facing a particular direction are not drawn. (D3D10_CULL_MODE) |
D3D10_DEPTH_WRITE_MASK Identify the portion of a depth-stencil buffer for writing depth data. (D3D10_DEPTH_WRITE_MASK) |
D3D10_DEVICE_STATE_TYPES Effect device-state types. |
D3D10_DRIVER_TYPE The device-driver type. |
D3D10_DSV_DIMENSION Specifies how to access a resource used in a depth-stencil view. (D3D10_DSV_DIMENSION) |
D3D10_FEATURE_LEVEL1 The version of hardware acceleration requested. |
D3D10_FILL_MODE Determines the fill mode to use when rendering triangles. (D3D10_FILL_MODE) |
D3D10_FILTER Filtering options during texture sampling. (D3D10_FILTER) |
D3D10_FILTER_TYPE Types of magnification or minification sampler filters. (D3D10_FILTER_TYPE) |
D3D10_FORMAT_SUPPORT Which resources are supported for a given format and given device (see ID3D10Device::CheckFormatSupport). |
D3D10_INPUT_CLASSIFICATION Type of data contained in an input slot. (D3D10_INPUT_CLASSIFICATION) |
D3D10_MAP Identifies a resource to be accessed for reading and writing by the CPU. Applications may combine one or more of these flags. (D3D10_MAP) |
D3D10_MAP_FLAG Specifies how the CPU should respond when Map is called on a resource being used by the GPU. |
D3D10_MESSAGE_CATEGORY Categories of debug messages. (D3D10_MESSAGE_CATEGORY) |
D3D10_MESSAGE_ID Debug messages for setting up an info-queue filter (see D3D10_INFO_QUEUE_FILTER); use these messages to allow or deny message categories to pass through the storage and retrieval filters. |
D3D10_MESSAGE_SEVERITY Debug message severity levels for an information queue. (D3D10_MESSAGE_SEVERITY) |
D3D10_QUERY Query types. (D3D10_QUERY) |
D3D10_QUERY_MISC_FLAG Flags that describe miscellaneous query behavior. (D3D10_QUERY_MISC_FLAG) |
D3D10_RAISE_FLAG Option(s) for raising an error to a non-continuable exception. (D3D10_RAISE_FLAG) |
D3D10_RESOURCE_DIMENSION Identifies the type of resource being used. (D3D10_RESOURCE_DIMENSION) |
D3D10_RESOURCE_MISC_FLAG Identifies other, less common options for resources. |
D3D10_RTV_DIMENSION Specifies how to access a resource used in a render-target view. |
D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_REGTYPE Shader register types. |
D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_VARTYPE Distinguishes variables from functions in a scope. |
D3D10_STENCIL_OP The stencil operations that can be performed during depth-stencil testing. (D3D10_STENCIL_OP) |
D3D10_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_MODE Identify a technique for resolving texture coordinates that are outside of the boundaries of a texture. (D3D10_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_MODE) |
D3D10_TEXTURECUBE_FACE The different faces of a cube texture. (D3D10_TEXTURECUBE_FACE) |
D3D10_USAGE Identifies expected resource use during rendering. The usage directly reflects whether a resource is accessible by the CPU and/or the GPU. |
AddApplicationMessage Add a user-defined message to the message queue and send that message to debug output. (ID3D10InfoQueue.AddApplicationMessage) |
AddMessage Add a Direct3D 10 debug message to the message queue and send that message to debug output. |
AddRetrievalFilterEntries Add storage filters to the top of the retrieval-filter stack. (ID3D10InfoQueue.AddRetrievalFilterEntries) |
AddStorageFilterEntries Add storage filters to the top of the storage-filter stack. (ID3D10InfoQueue.AddStorageFilterEntries) |
Apply Set the state contained in a pass to the device. |
Apply Apply the state block to the current device state. (ID3D10StateBlock.Apply) |
AsBlend Get a effect-blend variable. |
AsConstantBuffer Get a constant buffer. (ID3D10EffectVariable.AsConstantBuffer) |
AsDepthStencil Get a depth-stencil variable. |
AsDepthStencilView Get a depth-stencil-view variable. |
AsEffect Get the effect that created the effect pool. |
AsMatrix Get a matrix variable. |
AsRasterizer Get a rasterizer variable. |
AsRenderTargetView Get a render-target-view variable. |
AsSampler Get a sampler variable. |
AsScalar Get a scalar variable. |
AsShader Get a shader variable. |
AsShaderResource Get a shader-resource variable. |
AsString Get a string variable. |
AsVector Get a vector variable. |
Begin Starts the collection of GPU data. |
Capture Capture the current value of states that are included in a stateblock. (ID3D10StateBlock.Capture) |
CheckCounter Get the type, name, units of measure, and a description of an existing counter. (ID3D10Device.CheckCounter) |
CheckCounterInfo Get a counter's information. (ID3D10Device.CheckCounterInfo) |
CheckFormatSupport Get the support of a given format on the installed video device. (ID3D10Device.CheckFormatSupport) |
CheckMultisampleQualityLevels Get the number of quality levels available during multisampling. (ID3D10Device.CheckMultisampleQualityLevels) |
ClearDepthStencilView Clears the depth-stencil resource. (ID3D10Device.ClearDepthStencilView) |
ClearRenderTargetView Set all the elements in a render target to one value. (ID3D10Device.ClearRenderTargetView) |
ClearRetrievalFilter Remove a retrieval filter from the top of the retrieval-filter stack. (ID3D10InfoQueue.ClearRetrievalFilter) |
ClearState Restore all default device settings; return the device to the state it was in when it was created. |
ClearStorageFilter Remove a storage filter from the top of the storage-filter stack. (ID3D10InfoQueue.ClearStorageFilter) |
ClearStoredMessages Clear all messages from the message queue. (ID3D10InfoQueue.ClearStoredMessages) |
ComputeStateBlockMask Generate a mask for allowing/preventing state changes. |
ComputeStateBlockMask Compute a state-block mask to allow/prevent state changes. |
CopyResource Copy the entire contents of the source resource to the destination resource using the GPU. (ID3D10Device.CopyResource) |
CopySubresourceRegion Copy a region from a source resource to a destination resource. (ID3D10Device.CopySubresourceRegion) |
CreateBlendState Create a blend-state object that encapsulates blend state for the output-merger stage. (ID3D10Device.CreateBlendState) |
CreateBlendState1 Create a blend-state object that encapsulates blend state for the output-merger stage. (ID3D10Device1.CreateBlendState1) |
CreateBuffer Create a buffer (vertex buffer, index buffer, or shader-constant buffer). |
CreateCounter Create a counter object for measuring GPU performance. (ID3D10Device.CreateCounter) |
CreateDepthStencilState Create a depth-stencil state object that encapsulates depth-stencil test information for the output-merger stage. (ID3D10Device.CreateDepthStencilState) |
CreateDepthStencilView Create a depth-stencil view for accessing resource data. (ID3D10Device.CreateDepthStencilView) |
CreateGeometryShader Create a geometry shader. (ID3D10Device.CreateGeometryShader) |
CreateGeometryShaderWithStreamOutput Creates a geometry shader that can write to streaming output buffers. (ID3D10Device.CreateGeometryShaderWithStreamOutput) |
CreateInputLayout Create an input-layout object to describe the input-buffer data for the input-assembler stage. (ID3D10Device.CreateInputLayout) |
CreatePixelShader Create a pixel shader. (ID3D10Device.CreatePixelShader) |
CreatePredicate Creates a predicate. (ID3D10Device.CreatePredicate) |
CreateQuery This interface encapsulates methods for querying information from the GPU. (ID3D10Device.CreateQuery) |
CreateRasterizerState Create a rasterizer state object that tells the rasterizer stage how to behave. (ID3D10Device.CreateRasterizerState) |
CreateRenderTargetView Create a render-target view for accessing resource data. |
CreateSamplerState Create a sampler-state object that encapsulates sampling information for a texture. (ID3D10Device.CreateSamplerState) |
CreateShaderResourceView Create a shader-resource view for accessing data in a resource. (ID3D10Device.CreateShaderResourceView) |
CreateShaderResourceView1 Create a shader-resource view for accessing data in a resource. (ID3D10Device1.CreateShaderResourceView1) |
CreateTexture1D Create an array of 1D textures (see Texture1D). |
CreateTexture2D Create an array of 2D textures (see Texture2D). |
CreateTexture3D Create a single 3D texture (see Texture3D). |
CreateVertexShader Create a vertex-shader object from a compiled shader. (ID3D10Device.CreateVertexShader) |
D3D10CalcSubresource Calculate a subresource index for a texture. |
D3D10CompileEffectFromMemory Compile an effect. |
D3D10CompileShader Compile an HLSL shader. |
D3D10CreateBlob Create a buffer.Note Instead of using this function, we recommend that you use the D3DCreateBlob API. |
D3D10CreateDevice Create a Direct3D 10.0 device that represents the display adapter. |
D3D10CreateDevice1 Create a Direct3D 10.1 device that represents the display adapter. |
D3D10CreateDeviceAndSwapChain Create a Direct3D 10.0 device and a swap chain. |
D3D10CreateDeviceAndSwapChain1 Create a Direct3D 10.1 device and a swap chain. |
D3D10CreateEffectFromMemory Creates an ID3D10Effect from a buffer containing a compiled effect. |
D3D10CreateEffectPoolFromMemory Create an effect pool (or shared memory location), to enable sharing variables between effects. |
D3D10CreateStateBlock Create a state block. |
D3D10DisassembleEffect This function -- which disassembles a compiled effect into a text string that contains assembly instructions and register assignments -- has been deprecated. Instead, use D3DDisassemble10Effect. |
D3D10DisassembleShader This function -- which disassembles a compiled shader into a text string that contains assembly instructions and register assignments -- has been deprecated. Instead, use D3DDisassemble. |
D3D10GetGeometryShaderProfile Get the geometry shader profile best suited to a given device. |
D3D10GetInputAndOutputSignatureBlob Get a buffer that contains shader signatures. |
D3D10GetInputSignatureBlob Get a buffer that contains shader-input signatures. |
D3D10GetOutputSignatureBlob Get a buffer that contains shader-output signatures. |
D3D10GetPixelShaderProfile Get the pixel shader profile best suited to a given device. |
D3D10GetShaderDebugInfo Get shader debug info. Debug info is generated by D3D10CompileShader and is embedded in the body of the shader. |
D3D10GetVertexShaderProfile Get the vertex shader profile best suited to a given device. |
D3D10PreprocessShader Generate a shader-text string that contains the shader tokens that would be found in a compiled shader. |
D3D10ReflectShader This function -- which creates a shader-reflection object for retrieving information about a compiled shader -- has been deprecated. Instead, use D3DReflect. |
D3D10StateBlockMaskDifference Combine two state-block masks with a bitwise XOR. |
D3D10StateBlockMaskDisableAll Disable all state capturing with a state-block mask. |
D3D10StateBlockMaskDisableCapture Disable state capturing with a state-block mask. |
D3D10StateBlockMaskEnableAll Enable a state-block mask to capture and apply all state variables. |
D3D10StateBlockMaskEnableCapture Enable a range of state values in a state block mask. |
D3D10StateBlockMaskGetSetting Get an element in a state-block mask; determine if an element is allowed by the mask for capturing and applying. |
D3D10StateBlockMaskIntersect Combine two state-block masks with a bitwise AND. |
D3D10StateBlockMaskUnion Combine two state-block masks with a bitwise OR. |
Draw Draw non-indexed, non-instanced primitives. (ID3D10Device.Draw) |
DrawAuto Draw geometry of an unknown size that was created by the geometry shader stage. See remarks. |
DrawIndexed Draw indexed, non-instanced primitives. (ID3D10Device.DrawIndexed) |
DrawIndexedInstanced Draw indexed, instanced primitives. (ID3D10Device.DrawIndexedInstanced) |
DrawInstanced Draw non-indexed, instanced primitives. (ID3D10Device.DrawInstanced) |
End Ends the collection of GPU data. |
Enter Enter a device's critical section. (ID3D10Multithread.Enter) |
Flush Send queued-up commands in the command buffer to the GPU. |
GenerateMips Generates mipmaps for the given shader resource. (ID3D10Device.GenerateMips) |
GetAnnotationByIndex The ID3D10EffectPass::GetAnnotationByIndex (d3d10effect.h) method gets an annotation by index. |
GetAnnotationByIndex The ID3D10EffectTechnique::GetAnnotationByIndex (d3d10effect.h) method gets an annotation by index. |
GetAnnotationByIndex The ID3D10EffectVariable::GetAnnotationByIndex (d3d10effect.h) method gets an annotation by index. |
GetAnnotationByName Get an annotation by name. (ID3D10EffectPass.GetAnnotationByName) |
GetAnnotationByName Get an annotation by name. (ID3D10EffectTechnique.GetAnnotationByName) |
GetAnnotationByName Get an annotation by name. (ID3D10EffectVariable.GetAnnotationByName) |
GetBackingStore Get a pointer to a blend-state variable. |
GetBackingStore Get a pointer to a variable that contains depth-stencil state. |
GetBackingStore Get a pointer to a variable that contains rasterizer state. |
GetBackingStore Get a pointer to a variable that contains sampler state. |
GetBitwiseInstructionCount Gets the number of bitwise instructions. (ID3D10ShaderReflection1.GetBitwiseInstructionCount) |
GetBlendState Get a pointer to a blend-state interface. |
GetBool Get a boolean variable. |
GetBoolArray Get an array of boolean variables. |
GetBoolVector Get a four-component vector that contains boolean data. |
GetBoolVectorArray Get an array of four-component vectors that contain boolean data. |
GetBreakOnCategory Get a message category to break on when a message with that category passes through the storage filter. (ID3D10InfoQueue.GetBreakOnCategory) |
GetBreakOnID Get a message identifier to break on when a message with that identifier passes through the storage filter. (ID3D10InfoQueue.GetBreakOnID) |
GetBreakOnSeverity Get a message severity level to break on when a message with that severity level passes through the storage filter. (ID3D10InfoQueue.GetBreakOnSeverity) |
GetConstantBuffer Get a constant-buffer. |
GetConstantBufferByIndex The ID3D10ShaderReflection::GetConstantBufferByIndex (d3d10shader.h) method gets a constant buffer by index. |
GetConstantBufferByIndex The ID3D10Effect::GetConstantBufferByIndex (d3d10effect.h) method gets a constant buffer by index. |
GetConstantBufferByName Get a constant buffer by name. (ID3D10ShaderReflection.GetConstantBufferByName) |
GetConstantBufferByName Get a constant buffer by name. (ID3D10Effect.GetConstantBufferByName) |
GetConversionInstructionCount Gets the number of conversion instructions used in a shader. |
GetCreationFlags Get the flags used during the call to create the device with D3D10CreateDevice. |
GetData Get data from the GPU asynchronously. |
GetDataSize Get the size of the data (in bytes) that is output when calling ID3D10Asynchronous::GetData. |
GetDepthStencil Get a depth-stencil-view resource. |
GetDepthStencilArray Get an array of depth-stencil-view resources. |
GetDepthStencilState Get a pointer to a depth-stencil interface. |
GetDesc Get the blend state. (ID3D10BlendState.GetDesc) |
GetDesc Get the properties of a buffer resource. (ID3D10Buffer.GetDesc) |
GetDesc Get a counter description. (ID3D10Counter.GetDesc) |
GetDesc Get the depth-stencil state. |
GetDesc Get the depth-stencil view. (ID3D10DepthStencilView.GetDesc) |
GetDesc Get a query description. (ID3D10Query.GetDesc) |
GetDesc Get the properties of a rasterizer-state object. |
GetDesc Get the properties of a render target view. (ID3D10RenderTargetView.GetDesc) |
GetDesc Get the sampler state. |
GetDesc Get the shader resource view's description. (ID3D10ShaderResourceView.GetDesc) |
GetDesc Get the properties of the texture resource. (ID3D10Texture1D.GetDesc) |
GetDesc Get the properties of the texture resource. (ID3D10Texture2D.GetDesc) |
GetDesc Get the properties of the texture resource. (ID3D10Texture3D.GetDesc) |
GetDesc Get a shader description. (ID3D10ShaderReflection.GetDesc) |
GetDesc Get a constant-buffer description. (ID3D10ShaderReflectionConstantBuffer.GetDesc) |
GetDesc Get the description of a shader-reflection-variable type. (ID3D10ShaderReflectionType.GetDesc) |
GetDesc Get a shader-variable description. (ID3D10ShaderReflectionVariable.GetDesc) |
GetDesc Get an effect description. |
GetDesc Get a pass description. |
GetDesc Get a technique description. |
GetDesc Get an effect-type description. |
GetDesc Get a description. |
GetDesc1 Get the blend state. (ID3D10BlendState1.GetDesc1) |
GetDesc1 Get the shader resource view's description. (ID3D10ShaderResourceView1.GetDesc1) |
GetDevice Get a pointer to the device that created this interface. (ID3D10DeviceChild.GetDevice) |
GetDevice Get the device that created the effect. |
GetDevice Get the device. |
GetDeviceRemovedReason Get the reason why the device was removed. (ID3D10Device.GetDeviceRemovedReason) |
GetElement Get an array element. |
GetEvictionPriority Get the eviction priority of a resource. (ID3D10Resource.GetEvictionPriority) |
GetExceptionMode Get the exception-mode flags. (ID3D10Device.GetExceptionMode) |
GetFeatureLevel Gets the feature level of the hardware device. (ID3D10Device1.GetFeatureLevel) |
GetFeatureMask Get a bitfield of flags that indicates which debug features are on or off. (ID3D10Debug.GetFeatureMask) |
GetFloat Get a floating-point variable. |
GetFloatArray Get an array of floating-point variables. |
GetFloatVector Get a four-component vector that contains floating-point data. |
GetFloatVectorArray Get an array of four-component vectors that contain floating-point data. |
GetGeometryShader Get a geometry shader. |
GetGeometryShaderDesc Get a geometry-shader description. |
GetGSInputPrimitive Gets the geometry-shader input-primitive description. (ID3D10ShaderReflection1.GetGSInputPrimitive) |
GetInputParameterDesc Get an input-parameter description for a shader. (ID3D10ShaderReflection.GetInputParameterDesc) |
GetInputSignatureElementDesc Get an input-signature description. |
GetInt Get an integer variable. |
GetIntArray Get an array of integer variables. |
GetIntVector Get a four-component vector that contains integer data. |
GetIntVectorArray Get an array of four-component vectors that contain integer data. |
GetMatrix Get a matrix. |
GetMatrixArray Get an array of matrices. |
GetMatrixTranspose Transpose and get a floating-point matrix. |
GetMatrixTransposeArray Transpose and get an array of floating-point matrices. |
GetMemberByIndex Get a structure member by index. |
GetMemberByName Get a structure member by name. |
GetMemberBySemantic Get a structure member by semantic. |
GetMemberName Get the name of a member. |
GetMemberSemantic Get the semantic attached to a member. |
GetMemberTypeByIndex The ID3D10ShaderReflectionType::GetMemberTypeByIndex (d3d10shader.h) method gets a shader-reflection-variable type by index. |
GetMemberTypeByIndex Get a member type by index. |
GetMemberTypeByName Get a shader-reflection-variable type by name. (ID3D10ShaderReflectionType.GetMemberTypeByName) |
GetMemberTypeByName Get a member type by name. |
GetMemberTypeBySemantic Get a member type by semantic. |
GetMemberTypeName Get a shader-reflection-variable type. (ID3D10ShaderReflectionType.GetMemberTypeName) |
GetMessage Get a message from the message queue. (ID3D10InfoQueue.GetMessage) |
GetMessageCountLimit Get the maximum number of messages that can be added to the message queue. (ID3D10InfoQueue.GetMessageCountLimit) |
GetMovcInstructionCount Gets the number of Movc instructions. (ID3D10ShaderReflection1.GetMovcInstructionCount) |
GetMovInstructionCount Gets the number of Mov instructions. (ID3D10ShaderReflection1.GetMovInstructionCount) |
GetMultithreadProtected Find out if multithreading is turned on or not. |
GetMuteDebugOutput Get a boolean that turns the debug output on or off. (ID3D10InfoQueue.GetMuteDebugOutput) |
GetNumMessagesAllowedByStorageFilter Get the number of messages that were allowed to pass through a storage filter. (ID3D10InfoQueue.GetNumMessagesAllowedByStorageFilter) |
GetNumMessagesDeniedByStorageFilter Get the number of messages that were denied passage through a storage filter. (ID3D10InfoQueue.GetNumMessagesDeniedByStorageFilter) |
GetNumMessagesDiscardedByMessageCountLimit Get the number of messages that were discarded due to the message count limit. (ID3D10InfoQueue.GetNumMessagesDiscardedByMessageCountLimit) |
GetNumStoredMessages Get the number of messages currently stored in the message queue. (ID3D10InfoQueue.GetNumStoredMessages) |
GetNumStoredMessagesAllowedByRetrievalFilter Get the number of messages that are able to pass through a retrieval filter. (ID3D10InfoQueue.GetNumStoredMessagesAllowedByRetrievalFilter) |
GetOutputParameterDesc Get an output-parameter description for a shader. (ID3D10ShaderReflection.GetOutputParameterDesc) |
GetOutputSignatureElementDesc Get an output-signature description. |
GetParentConstantBuffer Get a constant buffer. (ID3D10EffectVariable.GetParentConstantBuffer) |
GetPassByIndex Get a pass by index. |
GetPassByName Get a pass by name. |
GetPixelShader Get a pixel shader. |
GetPixelShaderDesc Get a pixel-shader description. |
GetPredication Get the rendering predicate state. (ID3D10Device.GetPredication) |
GetPresentPerRenderOpDelay Get the number of milliseconds to sleep after Present is called. |
GetPrivateData Get data from a device that is associated with a guid. |
GetPrivateData Get application-defined data from a device child. (ID3D10DeviceChild.GetPrivateData) |
GetRasterizerState Get a pointer to a rasterizer interface. |
GetRawValue Get data. |
GetRenderTarget Get a render-target. |
GetRenderTargetArray Get an array of render-targets. |
GetResource Get the resource that is accessed through this view. (ID3D10View.GetResource) |
GetResource Get a shader resource. |
GetResourceArray Get an array of shader resources. |
GetResourceBindingDesc Get a description of the resources bound to a shader. |
GetResourceBindingDescByName Gets a resource binding description by name. |
GetRetrievalFilter Get the retrieval filter at the top of the retrieval-filter stack. (ID3D10InfoQueue.GetRetrievalFilter) |
GetRetrievalFilterStackSize Get the size of the retrieval-filter stack in bytes. (ID3D10InfoQueue.GetRetrievalFilterStackSize) |
GetSampler Get a pointer to a sampler interface. |
GetShaderDesc Get a shader description. (ID3D10EffectShaderVariable.GetShaderDesc) |
GetStorageFilter Get the storage filter at the top of the storage-filter stack. (ID3D10InfoQueue.GetStorageFilter) |
GetStorageFilterStackSize Get the size of the storage-filter stack in bytes. (ID3D10InfoQueue.GetStorageFilterStackSize) |
GetString Get the string. |
GetStringArray Get an array of strings. |
GetSwapChain Get the swap chain that the runtime will use for automatically calling Present. |
GetTechniqueByIndex Get a technique by index. |
GetTechniqueByName Get a technique by name. |
GetTextFilterSize This method is not implemented. (ID3D10Device.GetTextFilterSize) |
GetTextureBuffer Get a texture-buffer. |
GetType Get the type of the resource. (ID3D10Resource.GetType) |
GetType Get a shader-variable type. (ID3D10ShaderReflectionVariable.GetType) |
GetType Get type information. |
GetUseRef Get a boolean value that indicates the type of device being used. |
GetVariableByIndex The ID3D10ShaderReflectionConstantBuffer::GetVariableByIndex (d3d10shader.h) method gets a shader-reflection variable by index. |
GetVariableByIndex Get a variable by index. |
GetVariableByName Get a shader-reflection variable by name. (ID3D10ShaderReflectionConstantBuffer.GetVariableByName) |
GetVariableByName Get a variable by name. |
GetVariableByName Gets a variable by name. (ID3D10ShaderReflection1.GetVariableByName) |
GetVariableBySemantic Get a variable by semantic. |
GetVertexShader Get a vertex shader. |
GetVertexShaderDesc Get a vertex-shader description. |
GSGetConstantBuffers Get the constant buffers used by the geometry shader pipeline stage. (ID3D10Device.GSGetConstantBuffers) |
GSGetSamplers Get an array of sampler states from the geometry shader pipeline stage. |
GSGetShader Get the geometry shader currently set on the device. (ID3D10Device.GSGetShader) |
GSGetShaderResources Get the geometry shader resources. (ID3D10Device.GSGetShaderResources) |
GSSetConstantBuffers Set the constant buffers used by the geometry shader pipeline stage. |
GSSetSamplers Set an array of sampler states to the geometry shader pipeline stage. (ID3D10Device.GSSetSamplers) |
GSSetShader Set a geometry shader to the device. (ID3D10Device.GSSetShader) |
GSSetShaderResources Bind an array of shader resources to the geometry shader stage. (ID3D10Device.GSSetShaderResources) |
IAGetIndexBuffer Get a pointer to the index buffer that is bound to the input-assembler stage. (ID3D10Device.IAGetIndexBuffer) |
IAGetInputLayout Get a pointer to the input-layout object that is bound to the input-assembler stage. (ID3D10Device.IAGetInputLayout) |
IAGetPrimitiveTopology Get information about the primitive type, and data order that describes input data for the input assembler stage. (ID3D10Device.IAGetPrimitiveTopology) |
IAGetVertexBuffers Get the vertex buffers bound to the input-assembler stage. (ID3D10Device.IAGetVertexBuffers) |
IASetIndexBuffer Bind an index buffer to the input-assembler stage. (ID3D10Device.IASetIndexBuffer) |
IASetInputLayout Bind an input-layout object to the input-assembler stage. (ID3D10Device.IASetInputLayout) |
IASetPrimitiveTopology Bind information about the primitive type, and data order that describes input data for the input assembler stage. (ID3D10Device.IASetPrimitiveTopology) |
IASetVertexBuffers Bind an array of vertex buffers to the input-assembler stage. (ID3D10Device.IASetVertexBuffers) |
IsLevel9Shader Indicates whether a shader was compiled in Direct3D 10 on Direct3D 9 mode. |
IsOptimized Test an effect to see if the reflection metadata has been removed from memory. |
IsPool Test an effect to see if it is part of a memory pool. |
IsSampleFrequencyShader Indicates whether a pixel shader is intended to run a pixel frequency or sample frequency. |
IsValid Test an effect to see if it contains valid syntax. |
IsValid Test a pass to see if it contains valid syntax. |
IsValid Test a technique to see if it contains valid syntax. |
IsValid Tests that the effect type is valid. |
IsValid Compare the data type with the data stored. |
Leave Leave a device's critical section. (ID3D10Multithread.Leave) |
Map Get a pointer to the data contained in the resource and deny GPU access to the resource. |
Map Get a pointer to the data contained in a subresource, and deny the GPU access to that subresource. |
Map Get a pointer to the data contained in a subresource, and deny GPU access to that subresource. (ID3D10Texture2D.Map) |
Map Get a pointer to the data contained in a subresource, and deny GPU access to that subresource. (ID3D10Texture3D.Map) |
OMGetBlendState Get the blend state of the output-merger stage. (ID3D10Device.OMGetBlendState) |
OMGetDepthStencilState Gets the depth-stencil state of the output-merger stage. (ID3D10Device.OMGetDepthStencilState) |
OMGetRenderTargets Get pointers to the render targets and the depth-stencil buffer that are available to the output-merger stage. |
OMSetBlendState Set the blend state of the output-merger stage. (ID3D10Device.OMSetBlendState) |
OMSetDepthStencilState Sets the depth-stencil state of the output-merger stage. (ID3D10Device.OMSetDepthStencilState) |
OMSetRenderTargets Bind one or more render targets and the depth-stencil buffer to the output-merger stage. |
OpenSharedResource Give a device access to a shared resource created on a different Direct3d device. |
Optimize Minimize the amount of memory required for an effect. |
PopRetrievalFilter Pop a retrieval filter from the top of the retrieval-filter stack. (ID3D10InfoQueue.PopRetrievalFilter) |
PopStorageFilter Pop a storage filter from the top of the storage-filter stack. (ID3D10InfoQueue.PopStorageFilter) |
PSGetConstantBuffers Get the constant buffers used by the pixel shader pipeline stage. (ID3D10Device.PSGetConstantBuffers) |
PSGetSamplers Get an array of sampler states from the pixel shader pipeline stage. (ID3D10Device.PSGetSamplers) |
PSGetShader Get the pixel shader currently set on the device. (ID3D10Device.PSGetShader) |
PSGetShaderResources Get the pixel shader resources. (ID3D10Device.PSGetShaderResources) |
PSSetConstantBuffers Set the constant buffers used by the pixel shader pipeline stage. |
PSSetSamplers Set an array of sampler states to the pixel shader pipeline stage. (ID3D10Device.PSSetSamplers) |
PSSetShader Sets a pixel shader to the device. (ID3D10Device.PSSetShader) |
PSSetShaderResources Bind an array of shader resources to the pixel shader stage. (ID3D10Device.PSSetShaderResources) |
PushCopyOfRetrievalFilter Push a copy of retrieval filter currently on the top of the retrieval-filter stack onto the retrieval-filter stack. (ID3D10InfoQueue.PushCopyOfRetrievalFilter) |
PushCopyOfStorageFilter Push a copy of storage filter currently on the top of the storage-filter stack onto the storage-filter stack. (ID3D10InfoQueue.PushCopyOfStorageFilter) |
PushEmptyRetrievalFilter Push an empty retrieval filter onto the retrieval-filter stack. (ID3D10InfoQueue.PushEmptyRetrievalFilter) |
PushEmptyStorageFilter Push an empty storage filter onto the storage-filter stack. (ID3D10InfoQueue.PushEmptyStorageFilter) |
PushRetrievalFilter Push a retrieval filter onto the retrieval-filter stack. (ID3D10InfoQueue.PushRetrievalFilter) |
PushStorageFilter Push a storage filter onto the storage-filter stack. (ID3D10InfoQueue.PushStorageFilter) |
ReleaseAllDeviceObjects Release all references to device objects. |
ResolveSubresource Copy a multisampled resource into a non-multisampled resource. This API is most useful when re-using the resulting rendertarget of one render pass as an input to a second render pass. |
RSGetScissorRects Get the array of scissor rectangles bound to the rasterizer stage. (ID3D10Device.RSGetScissorRects) |
RSGetState Get the rasterizer state from the rasterizer stage of the pipeline. (ID3D10Device.RSGetState) |
RSGetViewports Get the array of viewports bound to the rasterizer stage |
RSSetScissorRects Bind an array of scissor rectangles to the rasterizer stage. (ID3D10Device.RSSetScissorRects) |
RSSetState Set the rasterizer state for the rasterizer stage of the pipeline. (ID3D10Device.RSSetState) |
RSSetViewports Bind an array of viewports to the rasterizer stage of the pipeline. (ID3D10Device.RSSetViewports) |
SetBool Set a boolean variable. |
SetBoolArray Set an array of boolean variables. |
SetBoolVector Set a four-component vector that contains boolean data. |
SetBoolVectorArray Set an array of four-component vectors that contain boolean data. |
SetBreakOnCategory Set a message category to break on when a message with that category passes through the storage filter. (ID3D10InfoQueue.SetBreakOnCategory) |
SetBreakOnID Set a message identifier to break on when a message with that identifier passes through the storage filter. (ID3D10InfoQueue.SetBreakOnID) |
SetBreakOnSeverity Set a message severity level to break on when a message with that severity level passes through the storage filter. (ID3D10InfoQueue.SetBreakOnSeverity) |
SetConstantBuffer Set a constant-buffer. |
SetDepthStencil Set a depth-stencil-view resource. |
SetDepthStencilArray Set an array of depth-stencil-view resources. |
SetEvictionPriority Set the eviction priority of a resource. (ID3D10Resource.SetEvictionPriority) |
SetExceptionMode Get the exception-mode flags. (ID3D10Device.SetExceptionMode) |
SetFeatureMask Set a bitfield of flags that will turn debug features on and off. |
SetFloat Set a floating-point variable. |
SetFloatArray Set an array of floating-point variables. |
SetFloatVector Set a four-component vector that contains floating-point data. |
SetFloatVectorArray Set an array of four-component vectors that contain floating-point data. |
SetInt Set an integer variable. |
SetIntArray Set an array of integer variables. |
SetIntVector Set a four-component vector that contains integer data. |
SetIntVectorArray Set an array of four-component vectors that contain integer data. |
SetMatrix Set a floating-point matrix. |
SetMatrixArray Set an array of floating-point matrices. |
SetMatrixTranspose Transpose and set a floating-point matrix. |
SetMatrixTransposeArray Transpose and set an array of floating-point matrices. |
SetMessageCountLimit Set the maximum number of messages that can be added to the message queue. (ID3D10InfoQueue.SetMessageCountLimit) |
SetMultithreadProtected Turn multithreading on or off. |
SetMuteDebugOutput Set a boolean that turns the debug output on or off. (ID3D10InfoQueue.SetMuteDebugOutput) |
SetPredication Set a rendering predicate. (ID3D10Device.SetPredication) |
SetPresentPerRenderOpDelay Set the number of milliseconds to sleep after Present is called. |
SetPrivateData Set data to a device and associate that data with a guid. (ID3D10Device.SetPrivateData) |
SetPrivateData Set application-defined data to a device child and associate that data with an application-defined guid. (ID3D10DeviceChild.SetPrivateData) |
SetPrivateDataInterface Associate an IUnknown-derived interface with this device and associate that interface with an application-defined guid. |
SetPrivateDataInterface Associate an IUnknown-derived interface with this device child and associate that interface with an application-defined guid. (ID3D10DeviceChild.SetPrivateDataInterface) |
SetRawValue Set data. |
SetRenderTarget Set a render-target. |
SetRenderTargetArray Set an array of render-targets. |
SetResource Set a shader resource. |
SetResourceArray Set an array of shader resources. |
SetSwapChain Set a swap chain that the runtime will use for automatically calling Present. |
SetTextFilterSize This method is not implemented. (ID3D10Device.SetTextFilterSize) |
SetTextureBuffer Set a texture-buffer. |
SetUseRef Switch between a hardware and a software device. |
SOGetTargets Get the target output buffers for the StreamOutput stage of the pipeline. |
SOSetTargets Set the target output buffers for the StreamOutput stage, which enables/disables the pipeline to stream-out data. |
Unmap Invalidate the pointer to the resource retrieved by ID3D10Buffer::Map and reenable GPU access to the resource. |
Unmap Invalidate the pointer to a resource that was retrieved by ID3D10Texture1D::Map, and re-enable the GPU's access to that resource. |
Unmap Invalidate the pointer to the resource that was retrieved by ID3D10Texture2D::Map, and re-enable GPU access to the resource. |
Unmap Invalidate the pointer to the resource retrieved by ID3D10Texture3D::Map, and re-enable the GPU's access to the resource. |
UpdateSubresource The CPU copies data from memory to a subresource created in non-mappable memory. See remarks. |
Validate Check the validity of pipeline state. |
VSGetConstantBuffers Get the constant buffers used by the vertex shader pipeline stage. (ID3D10Device.VSGetConstantBuffers) |
VSGetSamplers Get an array of sampler states from the vertex shader pipeline stage. (ID3D10Device.VSGetSamplers) |
VSGetShader Get the vertex shader currently set on the device. (ID3D10Device.VSGetShader) |
VSGetShaderResources Get the vertex shader resources. (ID3D10Device.VSGetShaderResources) |
VSSetConstantBuffers Set the constant buffers used by the vertex shader pipeline stage. |
VSSetSamplers Set an array of sampler states to the vertex shader pipeline stage. (ID3D10Device.VSSetSamplers) |
VSSetShader Set a vertex shader to the device. (ID3D10Device.VSSetShader) |
VSSetShaderResources Bind an array of shader resources to the vertex shader stage. |
ID3D10Asynchronous This interface encapsulates methods for retrieving data from the GPU asynchronously. (ID3D10Asynchronous) |
ID3D10BlendState This blend-state interface accesses blending state for a Direct3D 10.0 device for the output-merger stage. |
ID3D10BlendState1 This blend-state interface accesses blending state for a Direct3D 10.1 device for the output-merger stage. |
ID3D10Buffer A buffer interface accesses a buffer resource, which is unstructured memory. Buffers typically store vertex or index data. (ID3D10Buffer) |
ID3D10Counter This interface encapsulates methods for measuring GPU performance. (ID3D10Counter) |
ID3D10Debug A debug interface controls debug settings, validates pipeline state and can only be used if the debug layer is turned on. (ID3D10Debug) |
ID3D10DepthStencilState A depth-stencil-state interface accesses depth-stencil state which sets up the depth-stencil test for the output-merger stage. |
ID3D10DepthStencilView A depth-stencil-view interface accesses a texture resource during depth-stencil testing. (ID3D10DepthStencilView) |
ID3D10Device The device interface represents a virtual adapter for Direct3D 10.0; it is used to perform rendering and create Direct3D resources. |
ID3D10Device1 The device interface represents a virtual adapter for Direct3D 10.1; it is used to perform rendering and create Direct3D resources. |
ID3D10DeviceChild A device-child interface accesses data used by a device. (ID3D10DeviceChild) |
ID3D10Effect An ID3D10Effect interface manages a set of state objects, resources, and shaders for implementing a rendering effect. |
ID3D10EffectBlendVariable The blend-variable interface accesses blend state. |
ID3D10EffectConstantBuffer A constant-buffer interface accesses constant buffers or texture buffers. |
ID3D10EffectDepthStencilVariable A depth-stencil-variable interface accesses depth-stencil state. |
ID3D10EffectDepthStencilViewVariable A depth-stencil-view-variable interface accesses a depth-stencil view. |
ID3D10EffectMatrixVariable A matrix-variable interface accesses a matrix. |
ID3D10EffectPass A pass interface encapsulates state assignments within a technique. |
ID3D10EffectPool A pool interface represents a common memory space (or pool) for sharing variables between effects. |
ID3D10EffectRasterizerVariable A rasterizer-variable interface accesses rasterizer state. |
ID3D10EffectRenderTargetViewVariable A render-target-view interface accesses a render target. |
ID3D10EffectSamplerVariable A sampler interface accesses sampler state. |
ID3D10EffectScalarVariable An effect-scalar-variable interface accesses scalar values. |
ID3D10EffectShaderResourceVariable A shader-resource interface accesses a shader resource. |
ID3D10EffectShaderVariable A shader-variable interface accesses a shader variable. |
ID3D10EffectStringVariable A string-variable interface accesses a string variable. |
ID3D10EffectTechnique An ID3D10EffectTechnique interface is a collection of passes. |
ID3D10EffectType The ID3D10EffectType interface accesses effect variables by type. |
ID3D10EffectVariable The ID3D10EffectVariable interface is the base class for all effect variables. |
ID3D10EffectVectorVariable A vector-variable interface accesses a four-component vector. |
ID3D10GeometryShader A geometry-shader interface manages an executable program (a geometry shader) that controls the geometry-shader stage. (ID3D10GeometryShader) |
ID3D10InfoQueue An information-queue interface stores, retrieves, and filters debug messages. The queue consists of a message queue, an optional storage filter stack, and a optional retrieval filter stack. (ID3D10InfoQueue) |
ID3D10InputLayout An input-layout interface accesses the input data for the input-assembler stage. |
ID3D10Multithread A multithread interface accesses multithread settings and can only be used if the thread-safe layer is turned on. |
ID3D10PixelShader A pixel-shader interface manages an executable program (a pixel shader) that controls the pixel-shader stage. (ID3D10PixelShader) |
ID3D10Predicate A predicate interface determines whether geometry should be processed depending on the results of a previous draw call. (ID3D10Predicate) |
ID3D10Query A query interface queries information from the GPU. (ID3D10Query) |
ID3D10RasterizerState A rasterizer-state interface accesses rasterizer state for the rasterizer stage. |
ID3D10RenderTargetView A render-target-view interface identifies the render-target subresources that can be accessed during rendering. (ID3D10RenderTargetView) |
ID3D10Resource A resource interface provides common actions on all resources. (ID3D10Resource) |
ID3D10SamplerState A sampler-state interface accesses sampler state for a texture. |
ID3D10ShaderReflection A shader-reflection interface accesses shader information. (ID3D10ShaderReflection) |
ID3D10ShaderReflection1 A shader-reflection interface accesses shader information. (ID3D10ShaderReflection1) |
ID3D10ShaderReflectionConstantBuffer This shader-reflection interface provides access to a constant buffer. (ID3D10ShaderReflectionConstantBuffer) |
ID3D10ShaderReflectionType This shader-reflection interface provides access to variable type. (ID3D10ShaderReflectionType) |
ID3D10ShaderReflectionVariable This shader-reflection interface provides access to a variable. (ID3D10ShaderReflectionVariable) |
ID3D10ShaderResourceView A shader-resource-view interface specifies the subresources a shader can access during rendering. Examples of shader resources include a constant buffer, a texture buffer, a texture or a sampler. (ID3D10ShaderResourceView) |
ID3D10ShaderResourceView1 A shader-resource-view interface specifies the subresources a shader can access during rendering. Examples of shader resources include a constant buffer, a texture buffer, a texture or a sampler. (ID3D10ShaderResourceView1) |
ID3D10StateBlock A state-block interface encapsulates render states. |
ID3D10SwitchToRef A switch-to-reference interface (see the switch-to-reference layer) enables an application to switch between a hardware and software device. |
ID3D10Texture1D A 1D texture interface accesses texel data, which is structured memory. (ID3D10Texture1D) |
ID3D10Texture2D A 2D texture interface manages texel data, which is structured memory. (ID3D10Texture2D) |
ID3D10Texture3D A 3D texture interface accesses texel data, which is structured memory. (ID3D10Texture3D) |
ID3D10VertexShader A vertex-shader interface manages an executable program (a vertex shader) that controls the vertex-shader stage. (ID3D10VertexShader) |
ID3D10View A view interface specifies the parts of a resource the pipeline can access during rendering (see view). |
CD3D10_BUFFER_DESC Describes a buffer resource.D |
CD3D10_TEXTURE1D_DESC Describes a 1D texture.D |
CD3D10_TEXTURE2D_DESC Describes a 2D texture.D |
CD3D10_TEXTURE3D_DESC The CD3D10_TEXTURE3D_DESC (d3d10.h) structure describes a 3D texture. |
D3D10_BLEND_DESC Describes the blend state. (D3D10_BLEND_DESC) |
D3D10_BLEND_DESC1 Describes the blend state for a Direct3D 10.1 device. |
D3D10_BOX Defines a 3D box. (D3D10_BOX) |
D3D10_BUFFER_DESC Describes a buffer resource. (D3D10_BUFFER_DESC) |
D3D10_BUFFER_RTV Specifies the elements from a buffer resource to use in a render-target view. |
D3D10_BUFFER_SRV Specifies the elements in a buffer resource to use in a shader-resource view. (D3D10_BUFFER_SRV) |
D3D10_COUNTER_DESC Describes a counter. (D3D10_COUNTER_DESC) |
D3D10_COUNTER_INFO Information about the video card's performance counter capabilities. (D3D10_COUNTER_INFO) |
D3D10_DEPTH_STENCIL_DESC Describes depth-stencil state. (D3D10_DEPTH_STENCIL_DESC) |
D3D10_DEPTH_STENCIL_VIEW_DESC Specifies the subresource(s) from a texture that are accessible using a depth-stencil view. |
D3D10_DEPTH_STENCILOP_DESC Describes the stencil operations that can be performed based on the results of stencil test. |
D3D10_EFFECT_DESC Describes an effect. |
D3D10_EFFECT_SHADER_DESC Describes an effect shader. |
D3D10_EFFECT_TYPE_DESC Describes an effect-variable type. |
D3D10_EFFECT_VARIABLE_DESC Describes an effect variable. |
D3D10_INFO_QUEUE_FILTER Debug message filter; contains a lists of message types to allow or deny. (D3D10_INFO_QUEUE_FILTER) |
D3D10_INFO_QUEUE_FILTER_DESC Allow or deny certain types of messages to pass through a filter. (D3D10_INFO_QUEUE_FILTER_DESC) |
D3D10_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC A description of a single element for the input-assembler stage. (D3D10_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC) |
D3D10_MAPPED_TEXTURE2D Provides access to subresource data in a 2D texture. |
D3D10_MAPPED_TEXTURE3D Provides access to subresource data in a 3D texture. |
D3D10_MESSAGE A debug message in the Information Queue. (D3D10_MESSAGE) |
D3D10_PASS_DESC Describes an effect pass, which contains pipeline state. |
D3D10_PASS_SHADER_DESC Describes an effect variable that contains a shader. |
D3D10_QUERY_DATA_PIPELINE_STATISTICS Query information about graphics-pipeline activity in between calls to ID3D10Asynchronous::Begin and ID3D10Asynchronous::End. |
D3D10_QUERY_DATA_SO_STATISTICS Query information about the amount of data streamed out to the stream-output buffers in between ID3D10Asynchronous::Begin and ID3D10Asynchronous::End. |
D3D10_QUERY_DATA_TIMESTAMP_DISJOINT Query information about the reliability of a timestamp query. (D3D10_QUERY_DATA_TIMESTAMP_DISJOINT) |
D3D10_QUERY_DESC Describes a query. (D3D10_QUERY_DESC) |
D3D10_RASTERIZER_DESC Describes the rasterizer state. |
D3D10_RENDER_TARGET_BLEND_DESC1 Describes the blend state for a render target for a Direct3D 10.1 device |
D3D10_RENDER_TARGET_VIEW_DESC Specifies the subresource(s) from a resource that are accessible using a render-target view. |
D3D10_SAMPLER_DESC Describes a sampler state. (D3D10_SAMPLER_DESC) |
D3D10_SHADER_BUFFER_DESC Describes a shader constant-buffer. (D3D10_SHADER_BUFFER_DESC) |
D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_FILE_INFO Describes files included by a shader. |
D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_INFO Describes the format of the ID3D10Blob Interface returned by D3D10GetShaderDebugInfo. |
D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_INPUT_INFO Describes a shader input. |
D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_INST_INFO Contains instruction data. |
D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_OUTPUTREG_INFO Describes a shader output register. |
D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_OUTPUTVAR Describes a shader output variable. |
D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_SCOPE_INFO Contains scope data that maps variable names to debug variables. |
D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_SCOPEVAR_INFO Describes a shader scope variable. |
D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_TOKEN_INFO Gives the source location for a shader element. |
D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_VAR_INFO Represents information about a shader source variable. |
D3D10_SHADER_DESC Describes a shader. (D3D10_SHADER_DESC) |
D3D10_SHADER_INPUT_BIND_DESC Describes how a shader resource is bound to a shader input. (D3D10_SHADER_INPUT_BIND_DESC) |
D3D10_SHADER_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC Describes a shader-resource view. (D3D10_SHADER_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC) |
D3D10_SHADER_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC1 Describes a shader-resource view. (D3D10_SHADER_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC1) |
D3D10_SHADER_TYPE_DESC Describes a shader-variable type. (D3D10_SHADER_TYPE_DESC) |
D3D10_SHADER_VARIABLE_DESC Describes a shader variable. (D3D10_SHADER_VARIABLE_DESC) |
D3D10_SO_DECLARATION_ENTRY Description of a vertex element in a vertex buffer in an output slot. (D3D10_SO_DECLARATION_ENTRY) |
D3D10_STATE_BLOCK_MASK Indicates the device state. |
D3D10_SUBRESOURCE_DATA Specifies data for initializing a subresource. (D3D10_SUBRESOURCE_DATA) |
D3D10_TECHNIQUE_DESC Describes an effect technique. |
D3D10_TEX1D_ARRAY_DSV Specifies the subresource(s) from an array of 1D textures to use in a depth-stencil view. |
D3D10_TEX1D_ARRAY_RTV Specifies the subresource(s) from an array of 1D textures to use in a render-target view. |
D3D10_TEX1D_ARRAY_SRV Specifies the subresource(s) from an array of 1D textures to use in a shader-resource view. |
D3D10_TEX1D_DSV Specifies the subresource from a 1D texture that is accessible to a depth-stencil view. (D3D10_TEX1D_DSV) |
D3D10_TEX1D_RTV Specifies the subresource from a 1D texture to use in a render-target view. (D3D10_TEX1D_RTV) |
D3D10_TEX1D_SRV Specifies the subresource from a 1D texture to use in a shader-resource view. (D3D10_TEX1D_SRV) |
D3D10_TEX2D_ARRAY_DSV Specifies the subresource(s) from an array 2D textures that are accessible to a depth-stencil view. |
D3D10_TEX2D_ARRAY_RTV Specifies the subresource(s) from an array of 2D textures to use in a render-target view. |
D3D10_TEX2D_ARRAY_SRV Specifies the subresource(s) from an array of 2D textures to use in a shader-resource view. |
D3D10_TEX2D_DSV Specifies the subresource from a 2D texture that is accessible to a depth-stencil view. (D3D10_TEX2D_DSV) |
D3D10_TEX2D_RTV Specifies the subresource from a 2D texture to use in a render-target view. (D3D10_TEX2D_RTV) |
D3D10_TEX2D_SRV Specifies the subresource from a 2D texture to use in a shader-resource view. (D3D10_TEX2D_SRV) |
D3D10_TEX2DMS_ARRAY_DSV Specifies the subresource(s) from an array of multisampled 2D textures for a depth-stencil view. |
D3D10_TEX2DMS_ARRAY_RTV Specifies the subresource(s) from a an array of multisampled 2D textures to use in a render-target view. |
D3D10_TEX2DMS_ARRAY_SRV Specifies the subresource(s) from an array of multisampled 2D textures to use in a shader-resource view. |
D3D10_TEX2DMS_DSV Specifies the subresource from a multisampled 2D texture that is accessible to a depth-stencil view. (D3D10_TEX2DMS_DSV) |
D3D10_TEX2DMS_RTV Specifies the subresource from a multisampled 2D texture to use in a render-target view. (D3D10_TEX2DMS_RTV) |
D3D10_TEX2DMS_SRV Specifies the subresource(s) from a multisampled 2D texture to use in a shader-resource view. |
D3D10_TEX3D_RTV Specifies the subresource(s) from a 3D texture to use in a render-target view. |
D3D10_TEX3D_SRV Specifies the subresource(s) from a 3D texture to use in a shader-resource view. |
D3D10_TEXCUBE_ARRAY_SRV1 Specifies the subresource(s) from an array of cube textures to use in a shader-resource view. |
D3D10_TEXCUBE_SRV Specifies the subresource from a cube texture to use in a shader-resource view. (D3D10_TEXCUBE_SRV) |
D3D10_TEXTURE1D_DESC Describes a 1D texture. (D3D10_TEXTURE1D_DESC) |
D3D10_TEXTURE2D_DESC Describes a 2D texture. (D3D10_TEXTURE2D_DESC) |
D3D10_TEXTURE3D_DESC Describes a 3D texture. (D3D10_TEXTURE3D_DESC) |
D3D10_VIEWPORT Defines the dimensions of a viewport. (D3D10_VIEWPORT) |
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