fsrm.h header
This header is used by File Server Resource Manager. For more information, see:
fsrm.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IFsrmAccessDeniedRemediationClient Used to show the Access Denied Remediation (ADR) client user interface. |
IFsrmAction The base class for all FSRM action interfaces. |
IFsrmActionCommand Used to run a command or script in response to a quota, file screen, or file management job event. |
IFsrmActionEmail Used to send an email message in response to a quota or file screen event. |
IFsrmActionEmail2 Used to limit the number of expired files listed in the email notification. |
IFsrmActionEventLog Used to log an event to the Windows Application event log in response to a quota, file screen, or file management job event. |
IFsrmActionReport Used to generate a report in response to a quota or file screen event. |
IFsrmCollection Defines a collection of FSRM objects. |
IFsrmCommittableCollection Defines a collection of FSRM objects that can have the same type of objects added to or removed from the collection. All objects in the collection can also be committed in a single batch operation. |
IFsrmDerivedObjectsResult Used to access the results when the source template calls the CommitAndUpdateDerived method. |
IFsrmExportImport Used to export and import FSRM objects. |
IFsrmMutableCollection Used to manage a collection of FSRM objects that can have objects added to or removed from the collection. |
IFsrmObject Base class for all FSRM objects. |
IFsrmPathMapper Used to retrieve the network share paths that are mapped to a local path. |
IFsrmSetting Used to configure FSRM. |