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Overview of the File Server Resource Manager technology.
To develop File Server Resource Manager, you need these headers:
For programming guidance for this technology, see:
AdrClientDisplayFlags Describes the possible types of access denied remediation (ADR) client display flags. |
AdrClientErrorType Describes the possible access denied remediation (ADR) client error types. |
AdrClientFlags Enumerates flags for indicating why an access denied remediation (ADR) client operation could not be performed. |
AdrEmailFlags Describes the options for access denied remediation (ADR) email. |
FsrmAccountType Defines the computer account types under which a command action (see FsrmActionType) can run. |
FsrmActionType Defines the actions that can be triggered in response to a quota or file screen event (for example, a quota is exceeded or a file violates a file screen). |
FsrmClassificationLoggingFlags Defines the different options for logging information while running classification. |
FsrmCollectionState Defines the possible states of a collection object. |
FsrmCommitOptions Defines the options for committing a collection of objects. |
FsrmEnumOptions Defines the options for enumerating collections of objects. |
FsrmEventType Defines the event types that an event logging action (see FsrmActionType) can log. |
FsrmExecutionOption Defines the options for how to apply the rule to the file. |
FsrmFileManagementLoggingFlags Defines the options for logging when running a file management job. |
FsrmFileManagementType Defines the file management job types. |
FsrmFileScreenFlags Defines the options for failing IO operations that violate a file screen. |
FsrmFileStreamingInterfaceType Defines the possible streaming interface types. |
FsrmFileStreamingMode Defines the streaming modes to use for the file stream. |
FsrmFileSystemPropertyId Defines the possible types of file system property ids. |
FsrmGetFilePropertyOptions Flags that defines how classification properties associated with a file are retrieved. |
FsrmPipelineModuleType Defines the types of modules that you can define. |
FsrmPropertyBagField Describes the type of property bag. |
FsrmPropertyBagFlags Defines flag values that provide additional information about the property bag. |
FsrmPropertyConditionType Defines the possible comparison operations that can be used to determine whether a property value of a file meets a particular condition. |
FsrmPropertyDefinitionAppliesTo Flags that indicate what a FSRM classification property can be applied to. |
FsrmPropertyDefinitionFlags Flags the describe the type of classification property. |
FsrmPropertyDefinitionType Defines the types of file classification properties that you can define. |
FsrmPropertyFlags Defines flag values that provide additional information about a classification property. |
FsrmPropertyValueType Enumerates the type of the value being assigned to an FSRM property in a property condition. |
FsrmQuotaFlags Defines the options for failing IO operations that violate a quota, enabling or disabling quota tracking, and providing the status of the quota scan operation. |
FsrmReportFilter Defines the filters that you can use to limit the files that are included in a report. |
FsrmReportFormat Defines the file formats that you can use when generating reports. |
FsrmReportGenerationContext Defines the context in which the report is initiated. |
FsrmReportLimit Defines the limit used to limit the files included in a report. |
FsrmReportRunningStatus Defines the running states a for a report job. |
FsrmReportType Defines the types of reports that you can generate. |
FsrmRuleFlags Defines the possible states of a rule. |
FsrmRuleType Defines the types of rules that you can define. |
FsrmStorageModuleCaps Flags that define the capabilities of the storage module. |
FsrmStorageModuleType Defines the possible storage module types. |
FsrmTemplateApplyOptions Defines the options for applying template changes to derived objects. |
Add Adds an object to the collection. (IFsrmMutableCollection.Add) |
AddMessage Adds an error message to the bag. |
AddNotification Adds a new notification value (period) to the file management job's list of notifications. |
AddThreshold Adds a threshold to the quota object. |
ApplyTemplate Applies the property values of the specified quota template to this quota object. |
ApplyTemplate Applies the property values of the specified file screen template to this file screen object. |
Bind Binds the pipeline module implementation to the FSRM communication channel. |
Cancel Cancels the collection of objects when the objects are collected asynchronously. |
Cancel Cancels the job if it is running. |
Cancel Cancels the running reports for this report job. |
CancelClassification Cancels classification if it is running. |
ClassifyFiles This method is used to perform bulk enumeration, setting, and clearing of file properties. |
ClearFileProperty Attempts to remove the specified property from the file or folder. |
Clone Creates a duplicate IFsrmMutableCollection collection. |
Commit Commits all the objects of the collection and returns the commit results for each object. |
Commit Saves the object in the server's list of objects. |
CommitAndUpdateDerived Saves the quota and then applies any changes to the derived quotas. |
CommitAndUpdateDerived Saves the quota template and then applies any changes to the derived quota objects. |
CommitAndUpdateDerived Saves the file screen template and then applies any changes to the derived file screen objects. |
CopyTemplate Copies the property values of the specified template to this template. (IFsrmQuotaTemplate.CopyTemplate) |
CopyTemplate Copies the property values of the specified template to this template. (IFsrmFileScreenTemplate.CopyTemplate) |
CreateAction Creates an action for this file screen object. |
CreateAutoApplyQuota Creates an automatic quota for the specified directory. |
CreateCustomAction Creates a custom action object. |
CreateFileGroup Creates a file group object. |
CreateFileManagementJob Creates a file management job. |
CreateFileScreen Creates a file screen object. |
CreateFileScreenCollection Creates an empty collection to which you can add file screens. |
CreateFileScreenException Creates a file screen exception object. |
CreateModuleDefinition Creates a module definition of the specified type. |
CreateNotificationAction Creates a notification action and associates it with the notification value. |
CreatePropertyCondition Creates a new property condition and adds it to the collection of property conditions. |
CreatePropertyDefinition Creates a property definition. |
CreateQuota Creates a quota for the specified directory. |
CreateQuotaCollection Creates an empty collection to which you can add quotas. |
CreateReport Creates a new report object of the specified type. |
CreateReportJob Creates a report job. |
CreateRule Creates a rule of the specified type. |
CreateScheduleTask Creates a scheduled task that is used to trigger a report job. |
CreateTemplate Creates a quota template object. |
CreateTemplate Creates a file screen template object. |
CreateThresholdAction Creates an action and associates it with the specified threshold. |
Delete Removes the action from the quota or file screen's list of actions. |
Delete Removes the object from the server's list of objects. |
Delete Removes this property condition from the collection of property conditions specified for the file management job. |
Delete Removes this report object from the report job object. |
DeleteNotification Deletes a notification value from the file management job's list of notifications. |
DeleteScheduleTask Deletes a task that is used to trigger a report job. |
DeleteThreshold Deletes a threshold from the quota object. |
DoesPropertyValueApply Queries the classifier to find out whether the specified property value applies to the file most recently specified by the IFsrmClassifierModuleImplementation::OnBeginFile method. |
EmailTest Send an email message to the specified email address. |
EnumActions Enumerates all the actions for the file screen object. |
EnumAutoApplyQuotas Enumerates the automatic quotas that are associated with the specified directory. |
EnumEffectiveQuotas Enumerates all the quotas that affect the specified path. |
EnumFileGroups Enumerates the file groups in FSRM. |
EnumFileManagementJobs Enumerates the list of existing file management jobs. |
EnumFileProperties Enumerates the properties of the specified file. |
EnumFileScreenExceptions Enumerates the file screen exceptions for the specified directory and its subdirectories. |
EnumFileScreens Enumerates the file screens for the specified directory and its subdirectories. |
EnumModuleDefinitions Enumerates the module definitions of the specified type. |
EnumNotificationActions Enumerates the actions associated with a notification value. |
EnumPropertyDefinitions Enumerates the property definitions. |
EnumQuotas Enumerates the quotas for the specified directory and any quotas associated with its subdirectories (recursively). |
EnumReportJobs Enumerates the report jobs. |
EnumReports Enumerates all the reports configured for this report job. |
EnumRules Enumerates the rules of the specified type. |
EnumTemplates Enumerates the quota templates on the server. |
EnumTemplates Enumerates the file screen templates on the server. |
EnumThresholdActions Enumerates all the actions for the specified threshold. |
ExportFileGroups Exports one or more file groups to the specified file. |
ExportFileGroups Exports the specified file groups as an XML string. |
ExportFileScreenTemplates Exports one or more file screen templates to the specified file. |
ExportQuotaTemplates Exports one or more quota templates to the specified file. |
ExportTemplates Exports the quota templates as an XML string. |
ExportTemplates Exports the templates as an XML string. |
get__NewEnum Retrieves the IUnknown pointer of a new IEnumVARIANT enumeration for the items in the collection. |
get_Account Retrieves or sets the system account that is used to run the executable program specified in the ExecutablePath property. (Get) |
get_Account The account to use when running the module. (Get) |
get_ActionType Retrieves the action's type. |
get_ActionVariableDescriptions Retrieves the descriptions for the macros contained in the IFsrmQuotaManager::ActionVariables property. |
get_ActionVariableDescriptions Retrieves the descriptions for the macros contained in the IFsrmFileManagementJobManager::ActionVariables property. |
get_ActionVariableDescriptions Retrieves the descriptions for the macros contained in the IFsrmFileScreenManager::ActionVariables property. |
get_ActionVariables Retrieves a list of macros that you can specify in action property values. (IFsrmQuotaManagerEx.get_ActionVariables) |
get_ActionVariables Retrieves a list of macros that you can specify in action property values. (IFsrmFileManagementJobManager.get_ActionVariables) |
get_ActionVariables Retrieves a list of macros that you can specify in action property values. (IFsrmFileScreenManager.get_ActionVariables) |
get_AdminEmail Retrieves or sets the email address for the administrator. (Get) |
get_AllowedFileGroups Retrieves or sets the names of the file groups that contain the file name patterns of the files that are allowed in the directory. (Get) |
get_AppliesTo This property contains flags with values from the FsrmPropertyDefinitionAppliesTo enumeration that indicate what a FSRM property definition can be applied to. |
get_Arguments Retrieves or sets the arguments to pass to the executable program specified in the ExecutablePath property. (Get) |
get_AttachmentFileListSize The maximum number of files to include in the list. (Get) |
get_Attributes The attributes of the file. |
get_BlockedFileGroups Retrieves or sets the names of the file groups that contain the file name patterns used to specify the files that are blocked by this screen. (Get) |
get_Capabilities Flags that specify capabilities of the storage module. (Get) |
get_ClassificationLastError The error message from the last time that classification was run. |
get_ClassificationLastReportPathWithoutExtension The local directory path where the reports were stored the last time that classification ran. |
get_ClassificationReportEnabled Determines whether classification reporting is enabled or not. (Get) |
get_ClassificationReportFormats The list of formats in which to generate the classification reports. (Get) |
get_ClassificationReportMailTo The email address to which to send the classification reports, if any. (Get) |
get_ClassificationRunningStatus The running status of the classification. |
get_Company The name of the company that created the classification or storage module. (Get) |
get_Count Retrieves the number of items in the collection. (IFsrmCollection.get_Count) |
get_CreationTime The date and time that the file was created. |
get_CustomAction The action to execute when all the conditions are met. |
get_DaysSinceFileCreated The number of days that have elapsed since the file was created. (Get) |
get_DaysSinceFileLastAccessed The number of days that have elapsed since the file was last accessed. (Get) |
get_DaysSinceFileLastModified The number of days that have elapsed since a file was last modified. (Get) |
get_DerivedObjects Retrieves the collection of derived objects that were updated. |
get_Description Retrieves or sets the description of the object. (Get) |
get_Description Description of the classification property definition value. |
get_Description Retrieves or sets the description of the report. (Get) |
get_DisableCommandLine Retrieves or sets a value that determines whether FSRM prevents command line actions from running. (Get) |
get_DisplayName The display name of the property definition. (Get) |
get_DisplayName Display name of the classification property definition value. |
get_Enabled Determines whether the module is enabled. (Get) |
get_Enabled Indicates whether the job enabled (can run). (Get) |
get_EnableScreeningAudit Retrieves or sets a value that determines whether FSRM keeps audit records of the file screen violations. (Get) |
get_EventType Retrieves or sets the type of event that the action logs when it runs. (Get) |
get_ExcludeFolders Retrieves or sets an array of immediate subdirectories to exclude from the automatic quota. (Get) |
get_ExecutablePath Retrieves or sets the full path to the executable program or script to run. (Get) |
get_ExecutionOption Determines how to apply the rule to the file. (Get) |
get_ExpirationDirectory The root directory that will contain the expired files. (Get) |
get_FileId The NTFS file identifier of the file. |
get_FileNamePattern A condition property:_wildcard filter for names. (Get) |
get_FilePropertyNames A list of the names of the properties that the bag contains. |
get_FileScreenFlags Retrieves or sets the file screen flags. (Get) |
get_Formats The formats of the report to generate when the job is run. (Get) |
get_Formats Retrieves or sets an array of formats that determine the content format of the reports. (Get) |
get_FromDate The date from which you want the file management job to begin expiring files (moving files to the expired files directory). This property also applies to custom commands for the file management job. (Get) |
get_HostingProcessPid The process identifier of the module. |
get_HostingUserAccount The user account under which the module runs. |
get_Id Retrieves the identifier of the action. |
get_Id Retrieves the identifier of the object. |
get_Item Retrieves the requested item from the collection. (IFsrmCollection.get_Item) |
get_KillTimeOut Retrieves or sets the number of minutes the server waits before terminating the process that is running the executable program specified in the ExecutablePath property. (Get) |
get_LastAccessTime The date and time of when the file was last accessed. |
get_LastError The error message from the last time the job was run. |
get_LastError Retrieves the error message from the last time the reports were run. |
get_LastGeneratedFileNamePrefix Retrieves the report's generated file name for the last time the report was run. |
get_LastGeneratedInDirectory Retrieves the local directory path where the reports were stored the last time the reports were run. |
get_LastModificationTime The date and time of when the file was last modified. |
get_LastModified The last time the classifier's internal rules were modified as a 64-bit FILETIME value. |
get_LastModified The date for the last time the rule was modified. |
get_LastReportPathWithoutExtension The local directory path where the reports were stored the last time the job ran. |
get_LastRun The last time the file management job was run. |
get_LastRun Retrieves the time stamp for when the reports were last run. |
get_Logging The types of logging to perform when running the classification rules. (Get) |
get_Logging The types of logging to perform. (Get) |
get_LogResult Retrieves or sets a value that determines whether FSRM logs an Application event that contains the return code of the executable program. (Get) |
get_MailBcc Retrieves or sets the blind carbon copy (Bcc) email address to which email is sent when this action generates email. (Get) |
get_MailCc Retrieves or sets the carbon copy (Cc) email address to which email is sent when this action generates email. (Get) |
get_MailFrom Retrieves or sets the email address to use as the sender of the email when the action generates an email message. (Get) |
get_MailFrom Retrieves or sets the default email address from which email messages are sent. (Get) |
get_MailReplyTo Retrieves or sets the email address to use as the reply-to address when the recipient of the email message replies. (Get) |
get_MailSubject Retrieves or sets the subject of the email that is sent when this action generates email. (Get) |
get_MailTo Retrieves or sets the email address to which email is sent when this action generates email. (Get) |
get_MailTo Retrieves or sets the email address to which the reports are sent. (Get) |
get_MailTo The email addresses to which to send the reports, if any. (Get) |
get_MailTo Retrieves or sets the email addresses of those that will receive the reports via email. (Get) |
get_MatchesSourceTemplate Retrieves a value that determines whether the property values of this quota object match those of the template from which it was derived. |
get_MatchesSourceTemplate Retrieves a value that determines whether the property values of this file screen object match those values of the template from which the object was derived. |
get_Members Retrieves or sets the filename patterns that determine the files that are included in the file group. (Get) |
get_Messages A list of the error messages that have been added to the bag. |
get_MessageText Retrieves or sets the message text of the email that is sent when this action generates email. (Get) |
get_MessageText Retrieves or sets the event text that is logged when the action runs. (IFsrmActionEventLog.get_MessageText) |
get_ModuleClsid A string representation specifying the COM class identifier for the class that implements the module defined by this module definition. (Get) |
get_ModuleDefinitionName The name of the module definition that you want to run this rule. (Get) |
get_ModuleImplementation The interface that implements the pipeline module. |
get_ModuleName The name of the module. |
get_ModuleType The type of module. |
get_MonitorCommand Retrieves or sets a value that determines whether FSRM will monitor the executable program specified in the ExecutablePath property. (Get) |
get_Name Retrieves and sets the name of the quota template. (Get) |
get_Name The name of the module definition. (Get) |
get_Name The name of the property. (IFsrmProperty.get_Name) |
get_Name The name of the file that contains the properties in the bag. |
get_Name The name of the property. (IFsrmPropertyDefinition.get_Name) |
get_Name Name of the classification property definition value. |
get_Name The name of the rule. (Get) |
get_Name The name of the file management job. (Get) |
get_Name The name of the classification property whose value you want to compare to the property condition's value. (Get) |
get_Name Retrieves or sets the name of the report. (Get) |
get_Name Retrieves or sets the name of the file group. (Get) |
get_Name Retrieves and sets the name of the file screen template. (Get) |
get_NamespaceRoots An array of directory paths that the rule is applied to when classification is run. (Get) |
get_NamespaceRoots An array of local directory paths that will be scanned when the file management job is run. (Get) |
get_NamespaceRoots Retrieves or sets an array of local directory paths that will be scanned when the report job is run. (Get) |
get_NeedsExplicitValue Determines whether a rule that uses the classifier needs to provide the value for the classification property. (Get) |
get_NeedsFileContent Determines whether the module needs to read the contents of the file. (Get) |
get_NonMembers Retrieves or sets the filename patterns that determine the files that are excluded from the file group. (Get) |
get_Notifications The list of notification periods defined for the job. |
get_OperationType The type of file management job. The type determines the operation to perform on a file when all conditions are met. (Get) |
get_Operator Specifies the comparison operator, as enumerated by the FsrmPropertyConditionType enumeration. (Get) |
get_OverwriteOnCommit Retrieves or sets a value that determines whether a quota template is overwritten if it exists when the template is imported. (Get) |
get_OverwriteOnCommit Retrieves or sets a value that determines whether a file group is overwritten if it exists. (Get) |
get_OverwriteOnCommit Retrieves or sets a value that determines whether a file screen template is overwritten if it exists when the template is imported. (Get) |
get_OwnerSid The SID of the owner of the file. |
get_Parameters The optional parameters to pass to the module. (Get) |
get_Parameters The parameters for the property definition. (Get) |
get_Parameters The parameters that are passed to the classifier. (Get) |
get_Parameters The parameters for the file management job. (Get) |
get_ParentDirectoryId The NTFS identifier of the file's parent directory. |
get_Path Retrieves the path to which the quota applies. |
get_Path Retrieves the directory path associated with the file screen object. |
get_Path Retrieves the path that is associated with this file screen exception. |
get_PossibleValues The possible values to which the property can be set. (Get) |
get_PropertiesAffected The list of property names that the classifier can affect. (Get) |
get_PropertiesUsed The list of property names that the classifier inspects. (Get) |
get_PropertyAffected The name of the property that this rule affects. (Get) |
get_PropertyBagFlags A set of flags that provide additional information about the property bag. |
get_PropertyConditions A list of property conditions specified for the job. |
get_PropertyDefinitionFlags Contains the flags for the property definition. |
get_PropertyFlags Flag values that provides additional information about a property. |
get_PropertyId Specifies the predefined file property, as enumerated by the FsrmFileSystemPropertyId enumeration. (Get) |
get_PropertyName Specifies the name of the file condition property. (Get) |
get_QuotaFlags Retrieves or sets the quota flags for the object. (Get) |
get_QuotaLimit Retrieves or sets the quota limit for the object. (Get) |
get_QuotaPeakUsage Retrieves the highest amount of disk space usage charged to this quota. |
get_QuotaPeakUsageTime Retrieves the date and time that the IFsrmQuota::QuotaPeakUsage property was set. |
get_QuotaUsed Retrieves the current amount of disk space usage charged to this quota. |
get_RelativeNamespaceRoot The relative path of the namespace root under which the file is being evaluated. |
get_RelativePath The relative path to the file. |
get_ReportEnabled Indicates whether the job will generate a report when it runs. (Get) |
get_ReportTypes Retrieves or sets the types of reports to generate. (Get) |
get_Results Retrieves the HRESULT values that indicate the success or failure of the update for each derived object. |
get_RuleFlags The flags that define the state of the rule. (Get) |
get_RuleType The type of the rule. |
get_RunLimitInterval Retrieves or sets the interval that must expire before the action is run again. (Get) |
get_RunningStatus The running status of the job. |
get_RunningStatus Retrieves the running status of the report job. |
get_Size The size of the file. |
get_SizeAllocated The allocation size of the file. |
get_SmtpServer Retrieves or sets the SMTP server that FSRM uses to send email. (Get) |
get_Sources The modules and rules that have set the value. |
get_SourceTemplateName Retrieves the name of the template from which this quota was derived. |
get_SourceTemplateName Retrieves the name of the template from which this file screen object was derived. |
get_State Retrieves the state of the collection. |
get_StorageType The type of storage that the storage module uses. (Get) |
get_SupportedExtensions The list of file extensions supported by this module. (Get) |
get_Task The name of the scheduled task to associate with the job. (Get) |
get_Task Retrieves or sets the name of the report job. (Get) |
get_Thresholds Retrieves the thresholds for the quota object. |
get_Type The type of data that the property contains. (Get) |
get_Type The comparison operator used to determine whether the property condition is met. (Get) |
get_Type Retrieves the type of report to generate. |
get_UniqueID Unique ID of the classification property definition value. |
get_UpdatesFileContent Determines whether the module updates the contents of the file. (Get) |
get_UserAccount Retrieves the string form of the user account that is associated with the object. |
get_UserAccount The account name of the user whose files will be screened. |
get_UserSid Retrieves the string form of the user's security identifier (SID) that is associated with the object. |
get_UserSid The SID of the user whose files will be screened. |
get_Value The value that this rule will set the property to. (Get) |
get_Value The value of the property. |
get_Value Specifies the file condition property value. (Get) |
get_Value The property condition's value. (Get) |
get_ValueDefinitions This property contains the possible value definitions of the property definition. |
get_ValueDescriptions Descriptions for each of the possible values specified in the PossibleValues property. (Get) |
get_ValueType Specifies the type of the file condition property value, as enumerated by the FsrmPropertyValueType enumeration. (Get) |
get_Version The version of the module definition. (Get) |
get_VolumeIndex The index that the scanner uses to refer to the volume on which the file exists. |
get_VolumeName The name of the volume on which the file exists. |
get_WorkingDirectory Retrieves or sets the working directory in which the executable program will run. (Get) |
GetActionRunLimitInterval Gets the time that an action that uses the global run limit interval must wait before the action is run again. |
GetAutoApplyQuota Retrieves the automatic quota for the specified directory. |
GetById Retrieves the specified object from the collection. |
GetDefaultFilter Retrieves the default report filter value that is used with the specified report type. |
GetFieldValue Gets the value of the specified field from the property bag. |
GetFileGroup Retrieves the specified file group from FSRM. |
GetFileManagementJob Gets the specified file management job. |
GetFileProperty Retrieves the specified property from the file or folder. |
GetFileProperty Retrieves the specified property from the property bag. |
GetFileScreen Retrieves the specified file screen. |
GetFileScreenException Retrieves the specified file screen exception. |
GetFileStreamInterface Retrieves a file stream interface that you can use to access the contents of the file. |
GetFilter Retrieves the value of the specified report filter. |
GetModuleDefinition Retrieves the specified module definition. |
GetOutputDirectory Retrieves the local directory path where the reports with the specified context are stored. |
GetPropertyDefinition Retrieves the specified property definition. |
GetPropertyValueToApply Retrieves the value from the classifier that should be applied for the specified property of the file most recently specified by the IFsrmClassifierModuleImplementation::OnBeginFile method. |
GetQuota Retrieves the quota for the specified directory. |
GetReportJob Retrieves the specified report job. |
GetReportSizeLimit Retrieves the current value of the specified report size limit. |
GetRestrictiveQuota Retrieves the most restrictive quota for the specified path. |
GetRule Retrieves the specified rule. |
GetSharePathsForLocalPath Retrieves a list of network shares that point to the specified local path. |
GetTemplate Retrieves the specified quota template. |
GetTemplate Retrieves the specified file screen template. |
ImportFileGroups Imports one or more file groups from the specified file. |
ImportFileGroups Imports the specified file groups from an XML string. |
ImportFileScreenTemplates Imports one or more file screen templates from the specified file. |
ImportQuotaTemplates Imports one or more quota templates from the specified file. |
ImportTemplates Imports the specified quota templates from an XML string. |
ImportTemplates Imports the specified file screen templates from an XML string. |
IsAffectedByQuota Retrieves a value that determines whether a specified path is subject to a quota. |
IsFilterValidForReportType Retrieves a value that determines whether a specified report filter is configurable for the specified report type. |
LoadProperties Instructs the storage module to load all properties. |
ModifyNotification Change a notification value in the file management job's list of notifications. |
ModifyScheduleTask Modifies a task that is used to trigger a report job. |
ModifyThreshold Changes the threshold value. |
OnBeginFile Instructs the classifier to prepare for processing a file with the specified property bag. |
OnEndFile Instructs the classifier to perform any cleanup after processing a file. |
OnLoad Initializes the pipeline module. |
OnUnload Notifies the module to perform any cleanup tasks. |
put_Account Retrieves or sets the system account that is used to run the executable program specified in the ExecutablePath property. (Put) |
put_Account The account to use when running the module. (Put) |
put_AdminEmail Retrieves or sets the email address for the administrator. (Put) |
put_AllowedFileGroups Retrieves or sets the names of the file groups that contain the file name patterns of the files that are allowed in the directory. (Put) |
put_Arguments Retrieves or sets the arguments to pass to the executable program specified in the ExecutablePath property. (Put) |
put_AttachmentFileListSize The maximum number of files to include in the list. (Put) |
put_BlockedFileGroups Retrieves or sets the names of the file groups that contain the file name patterns used to specify the files that are blocked by this screen. (Put) |
put_Capabilities Flags that specify capabilities of the storage module. (Put) |
put_ClassificationReportEnabled Determines whether classification reporting is enabled or not. (Put) |
put_ClassificationReportFormats The list of formats in which to generate the classification reports. (Put) |
put_ClassificationReportMailTo The email address to which to send the classification reports, if any. (Put) |
put_Company The name of the company that created the classification or storage module. (Put) |
put_DaysSinceFileCreated The number of days that have elapsed since the file was created. (Put) |
put_DaysSinceFileLastAccessed The number of days that have elapsed since the file was last accessed. (Put) |
put_DaysSinceFileLastModified The number of days that have elapsed since a file was last modified. (Put) |
put_Description Retrieves or sets the description of the object. (Put) |
put_Description Retrieves or sets the description of the report. (Put) |
put_DisableCommandLine Retrieves or sets a value that determines whether FSRM prevents command line actions from running. (Put) |
put_DisplayName The display name of the property definition. (Put) |
put_Enabled Determines whether the module is enabled. (Put) |
put_Enabled Indicates whether the job enabled (can run). (Put) |
put_EnableScreeningAudit Retrieves or sets a value that determines whether FSRM keeps audit records of the file screen violations. (Put) |
put_EventType Retrieves or sets the type of event that the action logs when it runs. (Put) |
put_ExcludeFolders Retrieves or sets an array of immediate subdirectories to exclude from the automatic quota. (Put) |
put_ExecutablePath Retrieves or sets the full path to the executable program or script to run. (Put) |
put_ExecutionOption Determines how to apply the rule to the file. (Put) |
put_ExpirationDirectory The root directory that will contain the expired files. (Put) |
put_FileNamePattern A condition property:_wildcard filter for names. (Put) |
put_FileScreenFlags Retrieves or sets the file screen flags. (Put) |
put_Formats The formats of the report to generate when the job is run. (Put) |
put_Formats Retrieves or sets an array of formats that determine the content format of the reports. (Put) |
put_FromDate The date from which you want the file management job to begin expiring files (moving files to the expired files directory). This property also applies to custom commands for the file management job. (Put) |
put_KillTimeOut Retrieves or sets the number of minutes the server waits before terminating the process that is running the executable program specified in the ExecutablePath property. (Put) |
put_Logging The types of logging to perform when running the classification rules. (Put) |
put_Logging The types of logging to perform. (Put) |
put_LogResult Retrieves or sets a value that determines whether FSRM logs an Application event that contains the return code of the executable program. (Put) |
put_MailBcc Retrieves or sets the blind carbon copy (Bcc) email address to which email is sent when this action generates email. (Put) |
put_MailCc Retrieves or sets the carbon copy (Cc) email address to which email is sent when this action generates email. (Put) |
put_MailFrom Retrieves or sets the email address to use as the sender of the email when the action generates an email message. (Put) |
put_MailFrom Retrieves or sets the default email address from which email messages are sent. (Put) |
put_MailReplyTo Retrieves or sets the email address to use as the reply-to address when the recipient of the email message replies. (Put) |
put_MailSubject Retrieves or sets the subject of the email that is sent when this action generates email. (Put) |
put_MailTo Retrieves or sets the email address to which email is sent when this action generates email. (Put) |
put_MailTo Retrieves or sets the email address to which the reports are sent. (Put) |
put_MailTo The email addresses to which to send the reports, if any. (Put) |
put_MailTo Retrieves or sets the email addresses of those that will receive the reports via email. (Put) |
put_Members Retrieves or sets the filename patterns that determine the files that are included in the file group. (Put) |
put_MessageText Retrieves or sets the message text of the email that is sent when this action generates email. (Put) |
put_MessageText Retrieves or sets the event text that is logged when the action runs. (IFsrmActionEventLog.put_MessageText) |
put_ModuleClsid A string representation specifying the COM class identifier for the class that implements the module defined by this module definition. (Put) |
put_ModuleDefinitionName The name of the module definition that you want to run this rule. (Put) |
put_MonitorCommand Retrieves or sets a value that determines whether FSRM will monitor the executable program specified in the ExecutablePath property. (Put) |
put_Name Retrieves and sets the name of the quota template. (Put) |
put_Name The name of the module definition. (Put) |
put_Name The name of the property. (IFsrmPropertyDefinition.put_Name) |
put_Name The name of the rule. (Put) |
put_Name The name of the file management job. (Put) |
put_Name The name of the classification property whose value you want to compare to the property condition's value. (Put) |
put_Name Retrieves or sets the name of the report. (Put) |
put_Name Retrieves or sets the name of the file group. (Put) |
put_Name Retrieves and sets the name of the file screen template. (Put) |
put_NamespaceRoots An array of directory paths that the rule is applied to when classification is run. (Put) |
put_NamespaceRoots An array of local directory paths that will be scanned when the file management job is run. (Put) |
put_NamespaceRoots Retrieves or sets an array of local directory paths that will be scanned when the report job is run. (Put) |
put_NeedsExplicitValue Determines whether a rule that uses the classifier needs to provide the value for the classification property. (Put) |
put_NeedsFileContent Determines whether the module needs to read the contents of the file. (Put) |
put_NonMembers Retrieves or sets the filename patterns that determine the files that are excluded from the file group. (Put) |
put_OperationType The type of file management job. The type determines the operation to perform on a file when all conditions are met. (Put) |
put_Operator Specifies the comparison operator, as enumerated by the FsrmPropertyConditionType enumeration. (Put) |
put_OverwriteOnCommit Retrieves or sets a value that determines whether a quota template is overwritten if it exists when the template is imported. (Put) |
put_OverwriteOnCommit Retrieves or sets a value that determines whether a file group is overwritten if it exists. (Put) |
put_OverwriteOnCommit Retrieves or sets a value that determines whether a file screen template is overwritten if it exists when the template is imported. (Put) |
put_Parameters The optional parameters to pass to the module. (Put) |
put_Parameters The parameters for the property definition. (Put) |
put_Parameters The parameters that are passed to the classifier. (Put) |
put_Parameters The parameters for the file management job. (Put) |
put_PossibleValues The possible values to which the property can be set. (Put) |
put_PropertiesAffected The list of property names that the classifier can affect. (Put) |
put_PropertiesUsed The list of property names that the classifier inspects. (Put) |
put_PropertyAffected The name of the property that this rule affects. (Put) |
put_PropertyId Specifies the predefined file property, as enumerated by the FsrmFileSystemPropertyId enumeration. (Put) |
put_PropertyName Specifies the name of the file condition property. (Put) |
put_QuotaFlags Retrieves or sets the quota flags for the object. (Put) |
put_QuotaLimit Retrieves or sets the quota limit for the object. (Put) |
put_ReportEnabled Indicates whether the job will generate a report when it runs. (Put) |
put_ReportTypes Retrieves or sets the types of reports to generate. (Put) |
put_RuleFlags The flags that define the state of the rule. (Put) |
put_RunLimitInterval Retrieves or sets the interval that must expire before the action is run again. (Put) |
put_SmtpServer Retrieves or sets the SMTP server that FSRM uses to send email. (Put) |
put_StorageType The type of storage that the storage module uses. (Put) |
put_SupportedExtensions The list of file extensions supported by this module. (Put) |
put_Task The name of the scheduled task to associate with the job. (Put) |
put_Task Retrieves or sets the name of the report job. (Put) |
put_Type The type of data that the property contains. (Put) |
put_Type The comparison operator used to determine whether the property condition is met. (Put) |
put_UpdatesFileContent Determines whether the module updates the contents of the file. (Put) |
put_Value The value that this rule will set the property to. (Put) |
put_Value Specifies the file condition property value. (Put) |
put_Value The property condition's value. (Put) |
put_ValueDescriptions Descriptions for each of the possible values specified in the PossibleValues property. (Put) |
put_ValueType Specifies the type of the file condition property value, as enumerated by the FsrmPropertyValueType enumeration. (Put) |
put_Version The version of the module definition. (Put) |
put_WorkingDirectory Retrieves or sets the working directory in which the executable program will run. (Put) |
RefreshUsageProperties Refreshes this object's quota usage information from the current information in FSRM. |
Remove Removes the specified object from the collection using an index value. |
RemoveById Removes the specified object from the collection using an object identifier. |
ResetPeakUsage Resets the peak usage of this quota to the current usage. |
Run Runs the job. |
Run Runs all the reports in the job. |
RunClassification Runs classification rules and generates the classification report. |
SaveProperties Instructs the storage module to save properties associated with a file. |
Scan Starts a quota scan on the specified path. |
SetActionRunLimitInterval Sets the time that an action that uses the global run limit interval must wait before the action is run again. |
SetDefaultFilter Sets the default report filter value to use with the specified report type. |
SetFileProperty Sets the value of the specified property in the file or folder. |
SetFileProperty Sets the specified property in the property bag. |
SetFilter Sets the current value of the specified report filter. |
SetOutputDirectory Sets the local directory path where reports are stored. |
SetReportSizeLimit Sets the current value of the specified report size limit. |
Show Displays the Access Denied Remediation (ADR) client dialog. |
UseDefinitions Specifies the property definitions FSRM recognizes. |
UseRulesAndDefinitions Specifies the collection of rules and relevant property definitions the classifier should expect to process. |
VerifyNamespaces Verifies that the specified local directory paths that are used as the source for the reports are valid. |
WaitForClassificationCompletion Waits for the specified period of time or until classification has finished running. |
WaitForCompletion Limits the time that an asynchronous collection can take to collect the objects. |
WaitForCompletion Waits for the specified period of time or until the job has finished running. |
WaitForCompletion Waits for the reports in the job to complete. |
DIFsrmClassificationEvents Handles events that are received while processing a ClassifyFiles call. |
IFsrmAccessDeniedRemediationClient Used to show the Access Denied Remediation (ADR) client user interface. |
IFsrmAction The base class for all FSRM action interfaces. |
IFsrmActionCommand Used to run a command or script in response to a quota, file screen, or file management job event. |
IFsrmActionEmail Used to send an email message in response to a quota or file screen event. |
IFsrmActionEmail2 Used to limit the number of expired files listed in the email notification. |
IFsrmActionEventLog Used to log an event to the Windows Application event log in response to a quota, file screen, or file management job event. |
IFsrmActionReport Used to generate a report in response to a quota or file screen event. |
IFsrmAutoApplyQuota Used to automatically add the quota to new and existing subdirectories of the directory on which the automatic quota is applied. |
IFsrmClassificationManager Manages file classification. Use this interface to define properties to use in classification, add classification rules for classifying files, define classification and storage modules, and enable classification reporting. (IFsrmClassificationManager) |
IFsrmClassificationManager2 Manages file classification. Use this interface to define properties to use in classification, add classification rules for classifying files, define classification and storage modules, and enable classification reporting. (IFsrmClassificationManager2) |
IFsrmClassificationRule Defines a classification rule. |
IFsrmClassifierModuleDefinition Defines a classifier module. |
IFsrmClassifierModuleImplementation Classifier modules implement this interface. FSRM calls the module's implementation when it runs classification. |
IFsrmCollection Defines a collection of FSRM objects. |
IFsrmCommittableCollection Defines a collection of FSRM objects that can have the same type of objects added to or removed from the collection. All objects in the collection can also be committed in a single batch operation. |
IFsrmDerivedObjectsResult Used to access the results when the source template calls the CommitAndUpdateDerived method. |
IFsrmExportImport Used to export and import FSRM objects. |
IFsrmFileConditionProperty Defines a file condition property. |
IFsrmFileGroup Used to define a group of files based on one or more file name patterns. |
IFsrmFileGroupImported Used to configure imported file group objects. |
IFsrmFileGroupManager Used to manage file group objects. |
IFsrmFileManagementJob Defines a file management job. |
IFsrmFileManagementJobManager Used to manage file management jobs. |
IFsrmFileScreen Used to configure a file screen that blocks groups of files from being saved to the specified directory. |
IFsrmFileScreenBase Base class for all file screen interfaces. |
IFsrmFileScreenException Used to configure an exception that excludes the specified files from the file screening process. |
IFsrmFileScreenManager Used to manage file screen objects. |
IFsrmFileScreenTemplate Used to configure templates from which new file screens can be derived. |
IFsrmFileScreenTemplateImported Used to save imported file screen templates. |
IFsrmFileScreenTemplateManager Used to manage file screen templates. |
IFsrmMutableCollection Used to manage a collection of FSRM objects that can have objects added to or removed from the collection. |
IFsrmObject Base class for all FSRM objects. |
IFsrmPathMapper Used to retrieve the network share paths that are mapped to a local path. |
IFsrmPipelineModuleConnector Creates the communication channel between FSRM and your pipeline module implementation. |
IFsrmPipelineModuleDefinition Defines a module that is used to classify files or store and retrieve properties from files. |
IFsrmPipelineModuleImplementation Abstract interface for IFsrmClassifierModuleImplementation and IFsrmStorageModuleImplementation. |
IFsrmProperty Defines an instance of a property. |
IFsrmPropertyBag Contains the classification properties for a file. |
IFsrmPropertyBag2 IFsrmPropertyBag2 Interface |
IFsrmPropertyCondition Defines a property condition that the file management job uses to determine if the file is expired. |
IFsrmPropertyDefinition Defines a property that you want to use to classify files. (IFsrmPropertyDefinition) |
IFsrmPropertyDefinition2 Defines a property that you want to use to classify files. (IFsrmPropertyDefinition2) |
IFsrmPropertyDefinitionValue Contains properties that describe a classification property definition value. |
IFsrmQuota Used to define a quota for a specified directory and to retrieve use statistics. |
IFsrmQuotaBase Base interface for all quota interfaces. |
IFsrmQuotaManager Used to manage quotas. |
IFsrmQuotaManagerEx Used to manage quotas, extended version. |
IFsrmQuotaObject Base class for the quota and automatic quota interfaces. |
IFsrmQuotaTemplate Used to configure templates from which new quota objects can be derived. |
IFsrmQuotaTemplateImported Used to modify and save imported quota templates. |
IFsrmQuotaTemplateManager Used to manage quota templates. |
IFsrmReport Used to configure the description and filters for a single report. |
IFsrmReportJob Used to configure a report job. |
IFsrmReportManager Used to manage report jobs. |
IFsrmReportScheduler Used to manage scheduled tasks for report jobs and file management jobs. |
IFsrmRule Defines a rule. |
IFsrmSetting Used to configure FSRM. |
IFsrmStorageModuleDefinition Defines a local storage module that is used to read and write property values. |
IFsrmStorageModuleImplementation Storage modules implement this interface. |
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