iscsidsc.h header
This header is used by iSCSI Discovery Library API. For more information, see:
iscsidsc.h contains the following programming interfaces:
AddIScsiConnectionA AddIscsiConnection function adds a new iSCSI connection to an existing session. (ANSI) |
AddIScsiConnectionW AddIscsiConnection function adds a new iSCSI connection to an existing session. (Unicode) |
AddIScsiSendTargetPortalA AddIscsiSendTargetPortal function adds a static target portal to the list of target portals to which the iSCSI initiator service transmits SendTargets requests. (ANSI) |
AddIScsiSendTargetPortalW AddIscsiSendTargetPortal function adds a static target portal to the list of target portals to which the iSCSI initiator service transmits SendTargets requests. (Unicode) |
AddIScsiStaticTargetA AddIscsiStaticTarget function adds a target to the list of static targets available to the iSCSI initiator. (ANSI) |
AddIScsiStaticTargetW AddIscsiStaticTarget function adds a target to the list of static targets available to the iSCSI initiator. (Unicode) |
AddISNSServerA AddIsnsServer function adds a new server to the list of Internet Storage Name Service (iSNS) servers that the iSCSI initiator service uses to discover targets. (ANSI) |
AddISNSServerW AddIsnsServer function adds a new server to the list of Internet Storage Name Service (iSNS) servers that the iSCSI initiator service uses to discover targets. (Unicode) |
AddPersistentIScsiDeviceA AddPersistentIscsiDevice function adds a volume device name, drive letter, or mount point symbolic link to the list of iSCSI persistently bound volumes and devices. (ANSI) |
AddPersistentIScsiDeviceW AddPersistentIscsiDevice function adds a volume device name, drive letter, or mount point symbolic link to the list of iSCSI persistently bound volumes and devices. (Unicode) |
AddRadiusServerA AddRadiusServer. (ANSI) |
AddRadiusServerW AddRadiusServer. (Unicode) |
ClearPersistentIScsiDevices ClearPersistentIscsiDevices function removes all volumes and devices from the list of persistently bound iSCSI volumes. |
GetDevicesForIScsiSessionA GetDevicesForIscsiSession function retrieves information about the devices associated with the current session. (ANSI) |
GetDevicesForIScsiSessionW GetDevicesForIscsiSession function retrieves information about the devices associated with the current session. (Unicode) |
GetIScsiIKEInfoA GetIscsiIKEInfo function retrieves the IPsec policy and any established pre-shared key values associated with an initiator Host-Bus Adapter (HBA). (ANSI) |
GetIScsiIKEInfoW GetIscsiIKEInfo function retrieves the IPsec policy and any established pre-shared key values associated with an initiator Host-Bus Adapter (HBA). (Unicode) |
GetIScsiInitiatorNodeNameA The GetIscsiInitiatorNodeName function retrieves the common initiator node name that is used when establishing sessions from the local machine. (ANSI) |
GetIScsiInitiatorNodeNameW The GetIscsiInitiatorNodeName function retrieves the common initiator node name that is used when establishing sessions from the local machine. (Unicode) |
GetIScsiSessionListA GetIscsiSessionList function retrieves the list of active iSCSI sessions. (ANSI) |
GetIScsiSessionListW GetIscsiSessionList function retrieves the list of active iSCSI sessions. (Unicode) |
GetIScsiTargetInformationA GetIscsiTargetInformation function retrieves information about the specified target. (ANSI) |
GetIScsiTargetInformationW GetIscsiTargetInformation function retrieves information about the specified target. (Unicode) |
GetIScsiVersionInformation GetIscsiVersionInformation function retrieves information about the initiator version. |
LoginIScsiTargetA LoginIscsiTarget function establishes a full featured login session with the indicated target. (ANSI) |
LoginIScsiTargetW LoginIscsiTarget function establishes a full featured login session with the indicated target. (Unicode) |
LogoutIScsiTarget The LogoutIscsiTarget routine closes the specified login session. |
RefreshIScsiSendTargetPortalA RefreshIscsiSendTargetPortal function instructs the iSCSI initiator service to establish a discovery session with the indicated target portal and transmit a SendTargets request to refresh the list of discovered targets for the iSCSI initiator service. (ANSI) |
RefreshIScsiSendTargetPortalW RefreshIscsiSendTargetPortal function instructs the iSCSI initiator service to establish a discovery session with the indicated target portal and transmit a SendTargets request to refresh the list of discovered targets for the iSCSI initiator service. (Unicode) |
RefreshISNSServerA RefreshIsnsServer function instructs the iSCSI initiator service to query the indicated Internet Storage Name Service (iSNS) server to refresh the list of discovered targets for the iSCSI initiator service. (ANSI) |
RefreshISNSServerW RefreshIsnsServer function instructs the iSCSI initiator service to query the indicated Internet Storage Name Service (iSNS) server to refresh the list of discovered targets for the iSCSI initiator service. (Unicode) |
RemoveIScsiConnection RemoveIscsiConnection function removes a connection from an active session. |
RemoveIScsiPersistentTargetA RemoveIscsiPersistentTarget function removes a persistent login for the specified hardware initiator Host Bus Adapter (HBA), initiator port, and target portal. (ANSI) |
RemoveIScsiPersistentTargetW RemoveIscsiPersistentTarget function removes a persistent login for the specified hardware initiator Host Bus Adapter (HBA), initiator port, and target portal. (Unicode) |
RemoveIScsiSendTargetPortalA RemoveIscsiSendTargetPortal function removes a portal from the list of portals to which the iSCSI initiator service sends SendTargets requests for target discovery. (ANSI) |
RemoveIScsiSendTargetPortalW RemoveIscsiSendTargetPortal function removes a portal from the list of portals to which the iSCSI initiator service sends SendTargets requests for target discovery. (Unicode) |
RemoveIScsiStaticTargetA RemoveIscsiStaticTarget function removes a target from the list of static targets made available to the machine. (ANSI) |
RemoveIScsiStaticTargetW RemoveIscsiStaticTarget function removes a target from the list of static targets made available to the machine. (Unicode) |
RemoveISNSServerA RemoveIsnsServer function removes a server from the list of Internet Storage Name Service (iSNS) servers that the iSCSI initiator service uses to discover targets. (ANSI) |
RemoveISNSServerW RemoveIsnsServer function removes a server from the list of Internet Storage Name Service (iSNS) servers that the iSCSI initiator service uses to discover targets. (Unicode) |
RemovePersistentIScsiDeviceA RemovePersistentIscsiDevice function removes a device or volume from the list of persistently bound iSCSI volumes. (ANSI) |
RemovePersistentIScsiDeviceW RemovePersistentIscsiDevice function removes a device or volume from the list of persistently bound iSCSI volumes. (Unicode) |
RemoveRadiusServerA RemoveRadiusServer function removes a Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) server entry from the RADIUS server list with which an iSCSI initiator is configured. (ANSI) |
RemoveRadiusServerW RemoveRadiusServer function removes a Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) server entry from the RADIUS server list with which an iSCSI initiator is configured. (Unicode) |
ReportActiveIScsiTargetMappingsA ReportActiveIscsiTargetMappings function retrieves the target mappings that are currently active for all initiators on the computer. (ANSI) |
ReportActiveIScsiTargetMappingsW ReportActiveIscsiTargetMappings function retrieves the target mappings that are currently active for all initiators on the computer. (Unicode) |
ReportIScsiInitiatorListA ReportIscsiInitiatorList function retrieves the list of initiator Host Bus Adapters that are running on the machine. (ANSI) |
ReportIScsiInitiatorListW ReportIscsiInitiatorList function retrieves the list of initiator Host Bus Adapters that are running on the machine. (Unicode) |
ReportIScsiPersistentLoginsA ReportIscsiPersistentLogins function retrieves the list of persistent login targets. (ANSI) |
ReportIScsiPersistentLoginsW ReportIscsiPersistentLogins function retrieves the list of persistent login targets. (Unicode) |
ReportIScsiSendTargetPortalsA ReportIscsiSendTargetPortals function retrieves a list of target portals that the iSCSI initiator service uses to perform automatic discovery with SendTarget requests. (ANSI) |
ReportIScsiSendTargetPortalsExA ReportIscsiSendTargetPortalsEx function retrieves a list of static target portals that the iSCSI initiator service uses to perform automatic discovery with SendTarget requests. (ANSI) |
ReportIScsiSendTargetPortalsExW ReportIscsiSendTargetPortalsEx function retrieves a list of static target portals that the iSCSI initiator service uses to perform automatic discovery with SendTarget requests. (Unicode) |
ReportIScsiSendTargetPortalsW ReportIscsiSendTargetPortals function retrieves a list of target portals that the iSCSI initiator service uses to perform automatic discovery with SendTarget requests. (Unicode) |
ReportIScsiTargetPortalsA ReportIscsiTargetPortals function retrieves target portal information discovered by the iSCSI initiator service. (ANSI) |
ReportIScsiTargetPortalsW ReportIscsiTargetPortals function retrieves target portal information discovered by the iSCSI initiator service. (Unicode) |
ReportIScsiTargetsA ReportIscsiTargets function retrieves the list of targets that the iSCSI initiator service has discovered, and can also instruct the iSCSI initiator service to refresh the list. (ANSI) |
ReportIScsiTargetsW ReportIscsiTargets function retrieves the list of targets that the iSCSI initiator service has discovered, and can also instruct the iSCSI initiator service to refresh the list. (Unicode) |
ReportISNSServerListA ReportIsnsServerList function retrieves the list of Internet Storage Name Service (iSNS) servers that the iSCSI initiator service queries for discovered targets. (ANSI) |
ReportISNSServerListW ReportIsnsServerList function retrieves the list of Internet Storage Name Service (iSNS) servers that the iSCSI initiator service queries for discovered targets. (Unicode) |
ReportPersistentIScsiDevicesA The ReportPersistentIscsiDevices function retrieves the list of persistently bound volumes and devices. (ANSI) |
ReportPersistentIScsiDevicesW The ReportPersistentIscsiDevices function retrieves the list of persistently bound volumes and devices. (Unicode) |
ReportRadiusServerListA ReportRadiusServerList function retrieves the list of Remote Authentication Dial-In Service (RADIUS) servers the iSCSI initiator service uses during authentication. (ANSI) |
ReportRadiusServerListW ReportRadiusServerList function retrieves the list of Remote Authentication Dial-In Service (RADIUS) servers the iSCSI initiator service uses during authentication. (Unicode) |
SendScsiInquiry SendScsiInquiry function sends a SCSI INQUIRY command to the specified target. |
SendScsiReadCapacity SendScsiReadCapacity function sends a SCSI READ CAPACITY command to the indicated target. |
SendScsiReportLuns SendScsiReportLuns function sends a SCSI REPORT LUNS command to a specified target. |
SetIScsiGroupPresharedKey SetIscsiGroupPresharedKey function establishes the default group preshared key for all initiators on the computer. |
SetIScsiIKEInfoA SetIscsiIKEInfo function establishes the IPsec policy and preshared key for the indicated initiator to use when performing iSCSI connections. (ANSI) |
SetIScsiIKEInfoW SetIscsiIKEInfo function establishes the IPsec policy and preshared key for the indicated initiator to use when performing iSCSI connections. (Unicode) |
SetIScsiInitiatorCHAPSharedSecret The SetIscsiInitiatorCHAPSharedSecret function establishes the default Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) shared secret for all initiators on the computer. |
SetIScsiInitiatorNodeNameA SetIscsiInitiatorNodeName function establishes an initiator node name for the computer. This name is utilized by any initiator nodes on the computer that are communicating with other nodes. (ANSI) |
SetIScsiInitiatorNodeNameW SetIscsiInitiatorNodeName function establishes an initiator node name for the computer. This name is utilized by any initiator nodes on the computer that are communicating with other nodes. (Unicode) |
SetIScsiInitiatorRADIUSSharedSecret SetIscsiInitiatorRADIUSSharedSecret function establishes the Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) shared secret. |
SetIScsiTunnelModeOuterAddressA SetIscsiTunnelModeOuterAddress function establishes the tunnel-mode outer address that the indicated initiator Host Bus Adapter (HBA) uses when communicating in IPsec tunnel mode through the specified port. (ANSI) |
SetIScsiTunnelModeOuterAddressW SetIscsiTunnelModeOuterAddress function establishes the tunnel-mode outer address that the indicated initiator Host Bus Adapter (HBA) uses when communicating in IPsec tunnel mode through the specified port. (Unicode) |
SetupPersistentIScsiDevices SetupPersistentIscsiDevices function builds the list of devices and volumes assigned to iSCSI targets that are connected to the computer, and saves this list in non-volatile cache of the iSCSI initiator service. |
IKE_AUTHENTICATION_INFORMATION IKE_AUTHENTICATION_INFORMATION structure contains Internet Key Exchange (IKE) authentication information used to establish a secure channel between two key management daemons. |
IKE_AUTHENTICATION_PRESHARED_KEY IKE_AUTHENTICATION_PRESHARED_KEY structure contains information about the preshared key used in the Internet Key Exchange (IKE) protocol. |
ISCSI_CONNECTION_INFOA ISCSI_CONNECTION_INFO structure contains information about a connection. (ANSI) |
ISCSI_CONNECTION_INFOW ISCSI_CONNECTION_INFO structure contains information about a connection. (Unicode) |
ISCSI_DEVICE_ON_SESSIONA ISCSI_DEVICE_ON_SESSION structure specifies multiple methods for identifying a device associated with an iSCSI login session. (ANSI) |
ISCSI_DEVICE_ON_SESSIONW ISCSI_DEVICE_ON_SESSION structure specifies multiple methods for identifying a device associated with an iSCSI login session. (Unicode) |
ISCSI_LOGIN_OPTIONS ISCSI_LOGIN_OPTIONS structure is used by initiators to specify the characteristics of a login session. |
ISCSI_TARGET_PORTAL_INFO_EXA The ISCSI_TARGET_PORTAL_INFO_EX structure contains information about login credentials to a target portal. (ANSI) |
ISCSI_TARGET_PORTAL_INFO_EXW The ISCSI_TARGET_PORTAL_INFO_EX structure contains information about login credentials to a target portal. (Unicode) |
ISCSI_TARGET_PORTAL_INFOA ISCSI_TARGET_PORTAL_INFO structure contains information about a target portal. (ANSI) |
ISCSI_TARGET_PORTAL_INFOW ISCSI_TARGET_PORTAL_INFO structure contains information about a target portal. (Unicode) |
ISCSI_TARGET_PORTALA ISCSI_TARGET_PORTAL structure contains information about a portal. (ANSI) |
ISCSI_TARGET_PORTALW ISCSI_TARGET_PORTAL structure contains information about a portal. (Unicode) |
ISCSI_UNIQUE_SESSION_ID ISCSI_UNIQUE_SESSION_ID structure is an opaque entity that contains data that uniquely identifies a session. |
ISCSI_VERSION_INFO The ISCSI_VERSION_INFO structure contains the version and build numbers of the iSCSI software initiator and the initiator service. |
PERSISTENT_ISCSI_LOGIN_INFOA PERSISTENT_ISCSI_LOGIN_INFO structure contains information that describes a login session established by the Microsoft iSCSI initiator service after the machine boots up. (ANSI) |
PERSISTENT_ISCSI_LOGIN_INFOW PERSISTENT_ISCSI_LOGIN_INFO structure contains information that describes a login session established by the Microsoft iSCSI initiator service after the machine boots up. (Unicode) |
SCSI_LUN_LIST SCSI_LUN_LIST structure is used to construct a list of logical unit numbers (LUNs) associated with target devices. |
IKE_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD IKE_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD enumeration indicates the type of Internet Key Exchange (IKE) authentication method. |
ISCSI_AUTH_TYPES ISCSI_AUTH_TYPES enumeration indicates the type of authentication method utilized. |
ISCSI_DIGEST_TYPES ISCSI_DIGEST_TYPES enumeration indicates the digest type. |
TARGET_INFORMATION_CLASS TARGET_INFORMATION_CLASS enumeration specifies information about the indicated target device that the GetIScsiTargetInformation function retrieves. |
TARGETPROTOCOLTYPE TARGETPROTOCOLTYPE enumeration indicates the type of protocol that the initiator must use to communicate with the target. |