objsel.h header
This header is used by Active Directory Domain Services. For more information, see:
objsel.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IDsObjectPicker The IDsObjectPicker interface is used by an application to initialize and display an object picker dialog box. To create an instance of this interface, call CoCreateInstance with the CLSID_DsObjectPicker class identifier as shown below. |
IDsObjectPickerCredentials The IDsObjectPickerCredentials interface allows you to override credentials for the IDsObjectPicker object implementing this interface. |
DS_SELECTION The DS_SELECTION structure contains data about an object the user selected from an object picker dialog box. The DS_SELECTION_LIST structure contains an array of DS_SELECTION structures. |
DS_SELECTION_LIST The DS_SELECTION_LIST structure contains data about the objects the user selected from an object picker dialog box. |
DSOP_FILTER_FLAGS Contains flags that indicate the types of objects presented to the user for a specified scope or scopes. |
DSOP_INIT_INFO The DSOP_INIT_INFO structure contains data required to initialize an object picker dialog box. This structure is used with the IDsObjectPicker::Initialize method. |
DSOP_SCOPE_INIT_INFO The DSOP_SCOPE_INIT_INFO structure describes one or more scope types that have the same attributes. |
DSOP_UPLEVEL_FILTER_FLAGS The DSOP_UPLEVEL_FILTER_FLAGS structure contains flags that indicate the filters to use for an up-level scope. |