resapi.h header
This header is used by Windows Clustering. For more information, see:
resapi.h contains the following programming interfaces:
CloseClusterCryptProvider Closes a handle to a Cryptographic Service Provider (CSP). The PCLOSE_CLUSTER_CRYPT_PROVIDER type defines a pointer to this function. |
CLRES_V1_FUNCTION_TABLE Initializes a function table for version 1.0 of the Resource API. |
CLRES_V2_FUNCTION_TABLE_SET Initializes a function table for version 2.0 of the Resource API. |
CLRES_V3_FUNCTION_TABLE_SET Initializes a function table for version 3.0 of the Resource API. |
CLRES_V4_FUNCTION_TABLE_SET Initializes a function table for version 4.0 of the Resource API. |
ClusAddClusterHealthFault The ClusAddClusterHealthFault function is a health fault utility function that is part of the resapi.h header used by Windows Clustering. |
ClusGetClusterHealthFaults The ClusGetClusterHealthFaults function is a health fault utility function that is part of the resapi.h header used by Windows Clustering. |
ClusRemoveClusterHealthFault The ClusRemoveClusterHealthFault function is a health fault utility function that is part of the resapi.h header used by Windows Clustering. |
ClusterClearBackupStateForSharedVolume Clears the backup state for the cluster shared volume. |
ClusterDecrypt Decrypts Checkpointing data for a Cryptographic Service Provider (CSP). |
ClusterEncrypt Encrypts Checkpointing data for a Cryptographic Service Provider (CSP). |
ClusterGetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint ClusterGetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint may be altered or unavailable. Instead, use GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint. |
ClusterGetVolumePathName ClusterGetVolumePathName may be altered or unavailable. Instead, use GetVolumePathName. |
ClusterIsPathOnSharedVolume Determines whether a path is on a cluster shared volume. |
ClusterPrepareSharedVolumeForBackup ClusterPrepareSharedVolumeForBackup may be altered or unavailable. |
ClusWorkerCheckTerminate Determines whether a worker thread should exit as soon as possible. The PCLUSAPIClusWorkerCheckTerminate type defines a pointer to this function. |
ClusWorkerCreate Creates a worker thread. The PCLUSAPI_CLUS_WORKER_CREATE type defines a pointer to this function. |
ClusWorkersTerminate Waits for multiple worker threads to terminate up to the specified timeout. |
ClusWorkerTerminate Waits for a worker thread to terminate up to the specified timeout. (ClusWorkerTerminate) |
ClusWorkerTerminateEx Waits for a worker thread to terminate up to the specified timeout. (ClusWorkerTerminateEx) |
FreeClusterCrypt The FreeClusterCrypt function is a health fault utility function that is part of the resapi.h header used by Windows Clustering. |
FreeClusterHealthFault The FreeClusterHealthFault function is a health fault utility function that is part of the resapi.h header used by Windows Clustering. |
FreeClusterHealthFaultArray The FreeClusterHealthFaultArray function is a health fault utility function that is part of the resapi.h header used by Windows Clustering. |
InitializeClusterHealthFault The InitializeClusterHealthFault function is a health fault utility function that is part of the resapi.h header used by Windows Clustering. |
InitializeClusterHealthFaultArray The InitializeClusterHealthFaultArray function is a health fault utility function that is part of the resapi.h header used by Windows Clustering. |
OpenClusterCryptProvider Opens a handle to a Cryptographic Service Provider (CSP) in order to manage the encryption of Checkpointing data for a cluster resource. The POPEN_CLUSTER_CRYPT_PROVIDER type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilAddUnknownProperties Retrieves a set of unknown properties from the cluster database and appends them to the end of a property list. |
ResUtilCreateDirectoryTree Creates every directory specified in a path, skipping directories that already exist. The PRESUTIL_CREATE_DIRECTORY_TREE type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilDupParameterBlock Performs a member-wise copy of the data from one parameter block to another. |
ResUtilDupString Duplicates a null-terminated Unicode string. |
ResUtilEnumPrivateProperties Retrieves the names of a cluster object's private properties. The PRESUTIL_ENUM_PRIVATE_PROPERTIES type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilEnumProperties Enumerates the property names of a cluster object. The PRESUTIL_ENUM_PROPERTIES type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilEnumResources Enumerates all of the resources in the local cluster and initiates a user-defined operation for each resource. The PRESUTIL_ENUM_RESOURCES type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilEnumResourcesEx Enumerates all of the resources in a specified cluster and initiates a user-defined operation for each resource. The PRESUTIL_ENUM_RESOURCES_EX type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilEnumResourcesEx2 Enumerates all of the resources in a specified cluster and initiates a user-defined operation for each resource. The PRESUTIL_ENUM_RESOURCES_EX2 type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilExpandEnvironmentStrings Expands strings containing unexpanded references to environment variables. The PRESUTIL_EXPAND_ENVIRONMENT_STRINGS type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilFindBinaryProperty Locates a specified binary property in a property list and can also return the value of the property. The PRESUTIL_FIND_BINARY_PROPERTY type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilFindDependentDiskResourceDriveLetter Retrieves the drive letter associated with a Physical Disk dependency of a resource. The PRESUTIL_FIND_DEPENDENT_DISK_RESOURCE_DRIVE_LETTER type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilFindDwordProperty Locates an unsigned long property value in a property list. The PRESUTIL_FIND_DWORD_PROPERTY type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilFindExpandedSzProperty Locates an expanded string property value in a property list. The PRESUTIL_FIND_EXPANDED_SZ_PROPERTY type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilFindExpandSzProperty Locates an expandable string property in a property list. The PRESUTIL_FIND_EXPAND_SZ_PROPERTY type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilFindFileTimeProperty TBD. The PRESUTIL_FIND_FILETIME_PROPERTY type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilFindLongProperty Locates a signed long property value in a property list. The PRESUTIL_FIND_LONG_PROPERTY type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilFindMultiSzProperty Locates a multiple string property in a property list. The PRESUTIL_FIND_MULTI_SZ_PROPERTY type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilFindSzProperty Locates a string property in a property list. The PRESUTIL_FIND_SZ_PROPERTY type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilFindULargeIntegerProperty Gets a large integer property value from a property list. The PRESUTIL_FIND_ULARGEINTEGER_PROPERTY type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilFreeEnvironment Destroys the environment variable block created with ResUtilGetEnvironmentWithNetName. The PRESUTIL_FREE_ENVIRONMENT type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilFreeParameterBlock Deallocates memory that has been allocated for a parameter block by ResUtilDupParameterBlock. |
ResUtilGetAllProperties Returns a property list that includes all of the default and unknown properties for a cluster object. The PRESUTIL_GET_ALL_PROPERTIES type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilGetBinaryProperty Retrieves a binary property from a property list and advances a pointer to the next property in the list. The PRESUTIL_GET_BINARY_PROPERTY type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilGetBinaryValue Returns a binary value from the cluster database. |
ResUtilGetClusterRoleState Determines whether or not a specific role has been assigned to a cluster. |
ResUtilGetCoreClusterResources Returns handles to the core Network Name, IP Address and quorum resources. The PRESUTIL_GET_CORE_CLUSTER_RESOURCES type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilGetCoreClusterResourcesEx Returns handles to the core, Network Name, IP Address, and quorum resources. The PRESUTIL_GET_CORE_CLUSTER_RESOURCES_EX type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilGetDwordProperty Retrieves a DWORD property from a property list and advances a pointer to the next property in the list. The PRESUTIL_GET_DWORD_PROPERTY type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilGetDwordValue Returns a numeric value from the cluster database. |
ResUtilGetEnvironmentWithNetName Adjusts environment data for a resource so that the resource uses a cluster network name to identify its location. |
ResUtilGetExpandSzValue Returns a expandable string value from the cluster database. |
ResUtilGetFileTimeProperty TBD. The PRESUTIL_GET_FILETIME_PROPERTY type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilGetLongProperty TBD. The PRESUTIL_GET_LONG_PROPERTY type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilGetMultiSzProperty Retrieves a multiple string property from a property list and advances a pointer to the next property in the list. The PRESUTIL_GET_MULTI_SZ_PROPERTY type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilGetMultiSzValue Returns a multiple string value from the cluster database. |
ResUtilGetPrivateProperties Returns private properties for a cluster object. The PRESUTIL_GET_PRIVATE_PROPERTIES type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilGetProperties Retrieves properties specified by a property table from the cluster database and returns them in a property list. The PRESUTIL_GET_PROPERTIES type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilGetPropertiesToParameterBlock Retrieves properties specified by a property table from the cluster database and returns them in a parameter block. |
ResUtilGetProperty Returns a specified property from the cluster database. The PRESUTIL_GET_PROPERTY type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilGetPropertyFormats Returns a property format list describing the format of a specified set of properties. The PRESUTIL_GET_PROPERTY_FORMATS type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilGetPropertySize Returns the total number of bytes required for a specified property. |
ResUtilGetQwordValue The ResUtilGetQwordValue function is a health fault utility function that is part of the resapi.h header used by Windows Clustering. |
ResUtilGetResourceDependency Enumerates the dependencies of a specified resource and returns a handle to a dependency of a specified type. The PRESUTIL_GET_RESOURCE_DEPENDENCY type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilGetResourceDependencyByClass Enumerates the dependencies of a specified resource in a specified cluster and returns a handle to a dependency that matches a specified resource class. The PRESUTIL_GET_RESOURCE_DEPENDENCY_BY_CLASS type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilGetResourceDependencyByClassEx Enumerates the dependencies of a specified resource in a specified cluster and returns a handle to a dependency that matches a specified resource class. The PRESUTIL_GET_RESOURCE_DEPENDENCY_BY_CLASS_EX type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilGetResourceDependencyByName Enumerates the dependencies of a specified resource in a specified cluster and returns a handle to a dependency of a specified type. The PRESUTIL_GET_RESOURCE_DEPENDENCY_BY_NAME type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilGetResourceDependencyByNameEx Enumerates the dependencies of a specified resource in a specified cluster and returns a handle to a dependency of a specified type. The PRESUTIL_GET_RESOURCE_DEPENDENCY_BY_NAME_EX type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilGetResourceDependencyEx Enumerates the dependencies of a specified resource and returns a handle to a dependency of a specified type. The PRESUTIL_GET_RESOURCE_DEPENDENCY_EX type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilGetResourceDependentIPAddressProps Retrieves the private properties of the first IP Address dependency found for a specified resource. The PRESUTIL_GET_RESOURCE_DEPENDENTIP_ADDRESS_PROPS type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilGetResourceName Returns the name of a resource. The PRESUTIL_GET_RESOURCE_NAME type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilGetResourceNameDependency Enumerates the dependencies of a specified resource in the local cluster and returns a handle to a dependency of a specified resource type. The PRESUTIL_GET_RESOURCE_NAME_DEPENDENCY type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilGetResourceNameDependencyEx Enumerates the dependencies of a specified resource in the local cluster and returns a handle to a dependency of a specified resource type. The PRESUTIL_GET_RESOURCE_NAME_DEPENDENCY_EX type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilGetSzProperty Retrieves a string property from a property list and advances a pointer to the next property in the list. The PRESUTIL_GET_SZ_PROPERTY type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilGetSzValue Returns a string value from the cluster database. |
ResUtilInitializeResourceStatus Initializes a RESOURCE_STATUS structure. |
ResUtilIsPathValid Checks whether a path is syntactically valid. |
ResUtilIsResourceClassEqual Tests whether the resource class of a specified resource is equal to a specified resource class. The PRESUTIL_IS_RESOURCE_CLASS_EQUAL type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilLeftPaxosIsLessThanRight Indicates whether a specified Paxos tag contains older cluster configuration information than another specified Paxos tag. |
ResUtilPaxosComparer Compares two Paxos tags and indicates whether they have the same values. |
ResUtilPropertyListFromParameterBlock Constructs a property list from a property table and a parameter block. |
ResUtilRemoveResourceServiceEnvironment Removes the environment data from a service. This function must be called from a resource DLL. The PRESUTIL_REMOVE_RESOURCE_SERVICE_ENVIRONMENT type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilResourcesEqual Tests whether two resource handles represent the same resource. The PRESUTIL_RESOURCES_EQUAL type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilResourceTypesEqual Tests whether a resource type matches the resource type name of a specified resource. The PRESUTIL_RESOURCE_TYPES_EQUAL type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilSetBinaryValue Sets a binary value in the cluster database. |
ResUtilSetDwordValue Sets a numeric value in the cluster database. The PRESUTIL_SET_DWORD_VALUE type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilSetExpandSzValue Sets an expandable string value in the cluster database. The PRESUTIL_SET_EXPAND_SZ_VALUE type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilSetMultiSzValue Sets a multiple string value in the cluster database. The PRESUTIL_SET_MULTI_SZ_VALUE type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilSetPrivatePropertyList Sets the private properties of a cluster object. |
ResUtilSetPropertyParameterBlock Sets properties in the cluster database from a parameter block. (ResUtilSetPropertyParameterBlock) |
ResUtilSetPropertyParameterBlockEx Sets properties in the cluster database from a parameter block. (ResUtilSetPropertyParameterBlockEx) |
ResUtilSetPropertyTable Sets properties in the cluster database based on a property list from a property table.. |
ResUtilSetPropertyTableEx Sets properties in the cluster database based on a property list from a property table. |
ResUtilSetQwordValue TBD. The PRESUTIL_SET_QWORD_VALUE type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilSetResourceServiceEnvironment Adjusts the environment data for a service so that the service uses a cluster network name to identify its location. This function must be called from a resource DLL. The PRESUTIL_SET_RESOURCE_SERVICE_ENVIRONMENT type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilSetResourceServiceStartParameters Adjusts the start parameters of a specified service so that it will operate correctly as a cluster resource. It must be called from a resource DLL. The PRESUTIL_SET_RESOURCE_SERVICE_START_PARAMETERS type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilSetResourceServiceStartParametersEx Adjusts the start parameters of a specified service so that it operates correctly as a cluster resource. It must be called from a resource DLL. The PRESUTIL_SET_RESOURCE_SERVICE_START_PARAMETERS_EX type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilSetSzValue Sets a string value in the cluster database. The PRESUTIL_SET_SZ_VALUE type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilSetUnknownProperties Stores a cluster object's unknown properties in the cluster database. |
ResUtilSetValueEx Sets a value in the cluster database. |
ResUtilStartResourceService Starts a service. The PRESUTIL_START_RESOURCE_SERVICE type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilStopResourceService Stops a named service. The PRESUTIL_STOP_RESOURCE_SERVICE type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilStopService Stops a service identified by a handle. The PRESUTIL_STOP_SERVICE type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilTerminateServiceProcessFromResDll Attempts to terminate the process of a service being managed as a cluster resource by a resource DLL. The PRESUTIL_TERMINATE_SERVICE_PROCESS_FROM_RES_DLL type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilVerifyPrivatePropertyList Verifies that a property list is correctly formatted. |
ResUtilVerifyPropertyTable Uses a property table to verify that a property list is correctly formatted. |
ResUtilVerifyResourceService Verifies that a named service is starting or currently running. The PRESUTIL_VERIFY_RESOURCE_SERVICE type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResUtilVerifyService Checks if a service identified by a handle is starting or currently running. The PRESUTIL_VERIFY_SERVICE type defines a pointer to this function. |
LPRESOURCE_CALLBACK The LPRESOURCE_CALLBACK callback function is accessible by another function and is invoked after the first function completes. (LPRESOURCE_CALLBACK) |
LPRESOURCE_CALLBACK_EX The LPRESOURCE_CALLBACK_EX callback function is accessible by another function and is invoked after the first function completes. (LPRESOURCE_CALLBACK_EX) |
PARBITRATE_ROUTINE Allows a node to attempt to regain ownership of a quorum resource. |
PBEGIN_RESCALL_AS_USER_ROUTINE The PBEGIN_RESCALL_AS_USER_ROUTINE type defines a pointer to this callback function. |
PBEGIN_RESCALL_ROUTINE Starts a call to a resource control code. The PBEGIN_RESCALL_ROUTINE type defines a pointer to this callback function. |
PBEGIN_RESTYPECALL_AS_USER_ROUTINE The PBEGIN_RESTYPECALL_AS_USER_ROUTINE type defines a pointer to this callback function. |
PBEGIN_RESTYPECALL_ROUTINE Starts a call to a resource control code. The PBEGIN_RESTYPECALL_ROUTINE type defines a pointer to this callback function. |
PCANCEL_ROUTINE Cancels an operation on a resource. |
PCLOSE_ROUTINE Closes a resource. |
PCLUSAPI_CLUS_WORKER_TERMINATE Terminates a worker thread. The PCLUSAPI_CLUS_WORKER_TERMINATE type defines a pointer to this function. |
PEND_CONTROL_CALL Called when a resource control code operation completes. The PEND_CONTROL_CALL type defines a pointer to this function. |
PEND_TYPE_CONTROL_CALL Called when a resource type control code operation completes. The PEND_TYPE_CONTROL_CALL type defines a pointer to this function. |
PEXTEND_RES_CONTROL_CALL Extends the timeout for a call to a resource control code. The PEXTEND_RES_CONTROL_CALL type defines a pointer to this function. |
PEXTEND_RES_TYPE_CONTROL_CALL Extends the timeout for a call to a resource type control code. The PEXTEND_RES_TYPE_CONTROL_CALL type defines a pointer to this function. |
PIS_ALIVE_ROUTINE Determines whether a resource is available for use. |
PLOG_EVENT_ROUTINE Records an event in the cluster log. |
PLOOKS_ALIVE_ROUTINE Determines whether a resource appears to be available for use. |
POFFLINE_ROUTINE The POFFLINE_ROUTINE callback function marks a resource as unavailable for use after cleanup processing is complete. |
POFFLINE_V2_ROUTINE The POFFLINE_V2_ROUTINE callback function marks a resource as unavailable for use after cleanup processing is complete. |
PONLINE_ROUTINE The PONLINE_ROUTINE callback function marks a resource as available for use. (PONLINE_ROUTINE) |
PONLINE_V2_ROUTINE The PONLINE_V2_ROUTINE callback function marks a resource as available for use. (PONLINE_V2_ROUTINE) |
POPEN_ROUTINE The POPEN_ROUTINE callback function opens a resource. The POPEN_ROUTINE type defines a pointer to this function. |
POPEN_V2_ROUTINE The POPEN_V2_ROUTINE callback function opens a resource. The POPEN_V2_ROUTINE type defines a pointer to this function. |
PQUORUM_RESOURCE_LOST Called when control of the quorum resource has been lost. |
PRELEASE_ROUTINE Releases the quorum resource from arbitration. |
PRESOURCE_CONTROL_ROUTINE Performs an operation that applies to a resource. |
PRESOURCE_TYPE_CONTROL_ROUTINE Performs an operation that applies to a resource type. |
PSET_INTERNAL_STATE Sets the internal state of a resource. |
PSET_RESOURCE_INMEMORY_NODELOCAL_PROPERTIES_ROUTINE The PSET_RESOURCE_INMEMORY_NODELOCAL_PROPERTIES_ROUTINE callback function is called when a resource type control code operation completes. |
PSET_RESOURCE_LOCKED_MODE_ROUTINE Reports that locked mode was configured for a resource. |
PSET_RESOURCE_STATUS_ROUTINE The PSET_RESOURCE_STATUS_ROUTINE callback function is called to update the status of a resource. |
PSET_RESOURCE_STATUS_ROUTINE_EX The PSET_RESOURCE_STATUS_ROUTINE_EX callback function is called to update the status of a resource. (PSET_RESOURCE_STATUS_ROUTINE_EX) |
PSIGNAL_FAILURE_ROUTINE Reports that there was a failure in a resource instance. The PSIGNAL_FAILURE_ROUTINE type defines a pointer to this function. |
PSTARTUP_EX_ROUTINE Loads a resource DLL, returning a structure that contains a function table and a version number. |
PSTARTUP_ROUTINE Loads a resource DLL, returning a structure containing a function table and a version number. |
PTERMINATE_ROUTINE Immediately marks a resource as unavailable for use without waiting for cleanup processing to be completed. |
PWORKER_START_ROUTINE Initializes a worker thread with the specified callback routine. The PWORKER_START_ROUTINE type defines a pointer to this function. |
CLRES_CALLBACK_FUNCTION_TABLE Represents a function table for the StartupEx callback function. |
CLRES_FUNCTION_TABLE Describes a function table for any version of the Resource API. |
CLRES_V1_FUNCTIONS Contains pointers to all Resource API version 1.0 entry points except Startup. |
CLRES_V2_FUNCTIONS Contains pointers to all Resource API version 2.0 entry points except StartupEx. |
CLRES_V3_FUNCTIONS Contains pointers to all Resource API version 3.0 entry points, except StartupEx. |
CLRES_V4_FUNCTIONS Contains pointers to all Resource API version 4.0 entry points, except StartupEx. |
CLUS_WORKER Contains information about a worker thread. |
CLUSTER_HEALTH_FAULT The CLUSTER_HEALTH_FAULT structure is part of the resapi.h header used by Windows Clustering. |
CLUSTER_HEALTH_FAULT_ARRAY The CLUSTER_HEALTH_FAULT_ARRAY structure is part of the resapi.h header used by Windows Clustering. |
GET_OPERATION_CONTEXT_PARAMS Represents context parameters that are used as input for the CLUSCTL_RESOURCE_GET_OPERATION_CONTEXT control code. |
MONITOR_STATE The MONITOR_STATE structure is part of the resapi.h header used by Windows Clustering. |
PaxosTagCStruct Contains the Paxos tag values of a cluster node, which stores information about the cluster configuration version of the node when the cluster uses a File Share witness. |
POST_UPGRADE_VERSION_INFO Represents post-upgrade state information for the cluster service. |
RESOURCE_STATUS Contains information about a resource that is being brought online or taken offline. This structure is used as a parameter to the callback function SetResourceStatus. |
RESOURCE_STATUS_EX Contains information about a resource that is being brought online or taken offline. This structure is used as a parameter to the callback function SetResourceStatusEx. |
RESUTIL_FILETIME_DATA Describes the default, maximum, and minimum values allowed for a FILETIME. |
RESUTIL_LARGEINT_DATA Describes the default, maximum, and minimum values allowed for a signed large integer. |
RESUTIL_PROPERTY_ITEM Contains information about a cluster object property. An array of RESUTIL_PROPERTY_ITEM structures forms a property table which can be used in property operations. |
RESUTIL_ULARGEINT_DATA Describes the default, maximum, and minimum values allowed for an unsigned large integer. |
WitnessTagHelper Contains information used to validate a PaxosTagCStruct structure. |
WitnessTagUpdateHelper Contains information used to update and validate a PaxosTagCStruct structure. |
CLUSTER_RESOURCE_APPLICATION_STATE Enumerates resource application states. |
CLUSTER_ROLE Contains the names of the standard cluster roles. |
CLUSTER_ROLE_STATE Defines the potential return values for the ResUtilGetClusterRoleState function. |
FAILURE_TYPE Defines the failure types for cluster resources. |
LOG_LEVEL Represents the severity of the log event passed to the LogEvent callback function. |
RESDLL_CONTEXT_OPERATION_TYPE Specifies the various types of context operations for the GET_OPERATION_CONTEXT_PARAMS structure. |
RESOURCE_EXIT_STATE Enumerates the possible exit states of a resource. |
RESOURCE_MONITOR_STATE The RESOURCE_MONITOR_STATE enumeration provides a view of instrumentation activity that takes place when an application is running. |
VM_RESDLL_CONTEXT Contains actions for a virtual machine to perform. |