vsbackup.h header
This header is used by System Services. For more information, see:
vsbackup.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IVssBackupComponents The IVssBackupComponents interface is used by a requester to poll writers about file status and to run backup/restore operations. |
IVssBackupComponentsEx Provides methods for requesters to run backup and restore operations using multiple writer instances. |
IVssBackupComponentsEx2 Defines additional methods that requesters can use to run backup and restore operations. |
IVssBackupComponentsEx3 Defines additional methods that requesters can use to perform LUN resynchronization and return extended writer status information. |
IVssBackupComponentsEx4 Defines additional methods to support the processing of UNC file share paths in a requester. |
IVssExamineWriterMetadata The IVssExamineWriterMetadata interface is a C++ (not COM) interface that allows a requester to examine the metadata of a specific writer instance. |
IVssExamineWriterMetadataEx Provides a method to retrieve the writer instance name and other basic information for a specific writer instance. |
IVssExamineWriterMetadataEx2 Defines methods to retrieve version information and other basic information for a specific writer instance. |
IVssWMComponent The IVssWMComponent is a C++ (not COM) interface that allows access to component information stored in a Writer Metadata Document. |
IVssWriterComponentsExt The IVssWriterComponentsExt interface is a C++ (not COM) interface used by requesters to access and modify the components of a writer involved in a backup. |
CreateVssBackupComponents The CreateVssBackupComponents function (vsbackup.h) creates an IVssBackupComponents interface object and returns a pointer to it. |
CreateVssBackupComponentsInternal The CreateVssBackupComponents function (vsbackup.h) creates an IVssBackupComponents interface object and returns a pointer to it. |
CreateVssExamineWriterMetadata The CreateVssExamineWriterMetadata function (vsbackup.h) creates an IVssExamineWriterMetadata object. |
CreateVssExamineWriterMetadataInternal The CreateVssExamineWriterMetadata function (vsbackup.h) creates an IVssExamineWriterMetadata object. |
IsVolumeSnapshotted The IsVolumeSnapshotted function (vsbackup.h) determines whether any shadow copies exist for the specified volume. |
IsVolumeSnapshottedInternal The IsVolumeSnapshottedInternal function (vsbackup.h) determines whether any shadow copies exist for the specified volume. |
ShouldBlockRevert Checks the registry for writers that should block revert operations on the specified volume. |
VssFreeSnapshotProperties The VssFreeSnapshotProperties function (vsbackup.h) is used to free the contents of a VSS_SNAPSHOT_PROP structure as part of managing its life cycle. |
VssFreeSnapshotPropertiesInternal The VssFreeSnapshotPropertiesInternal function (vsbackup.h) is used to free the contents of a VSS_SNAPSHOT_PROP structure as part of managing its life cycle. |
VSS_COMPONENTINFO Contains information about a given component. |