wsdtypes.h header
This header is used by Other Devices Technologies. For more information, see:
wsdtypes.h contains the following programming interfaces:
PWSD_SOAP_MESSAGE_HANDLER References a SOAP message handler for incoming messages. |
WSD_STUB_FUNCTION Describes a stub function used to handle an incoming message. |
REQUESTBODY_GetStatus Represents a WS-Eventing GetStatus request message. |
REQUESTBODY_Renew Represents a WS-Eventing Renew request message. |
REQUESTBODY_Subscribe Represents a WS-Eventing Subscribe request message. |
REQUESTBODY_Unsubscribe Represents a WS-Eventing Unsubscribe request message. |
RESPONSEBODY_GetMetadata Represents a WS-MetadataExchange GetMetadata response message. |
RESPONSEBODY_GetStatus Represents a WS-Eventing GetStatus response message. |
RESPONSEBODY_Renew Represents a WS-Eventing Renew response message. |
RESPONSEBODY_Subscribe Represents a WS-Eventing Subscribe response message. |
RESPONSEBODY_SubscriptionEnd Represents a WS-Eventing SubscriptionEnd response message. |
WSD_APP_SEQUENCE Represents application sequence information relating to WS-Discovery messages. |
WSD_BYE Represents a Bye message. |
WSD_ENDPOINT_REFERENCE Represents a WS-Addressing endpoint reference. |
WSD_ENDPOINT_REFERENCE_LIST Represents a node in a single-linked list of WSD_ENDPOINT_REFERENCE structures. |
WSD_EVENT Provides an internal representation of a SOAP message. |
WSD_EVENTING_DELIVERY_MODE Represents the delivery mode used in a WS-Eventing Subscribe message. |
WSD_EVENTING_DELIVERY_MODE_PUSH Represents the endpoint reference used for push delivery of events in a WS-Eventing Subscribe message. |
WSD_EVENTING_EXPIRES Represents the expiration time of a WS-Eventing message. |
WSD_EVENTING_FILTER Represents an event filter used in WS-Eventing Subscribe messages. |
WSD_EVENTING_FILTER_ACTION Represents a boolean expression used for filtering events. |
WSD_HANDLER_CONTEXT Specifies the context for handling incoming messages. |
WSD_HEADER_RELATESTO Represents a RelatesTo SOAP envelope header block, as specified by the WS-Addressing specification. |
WSD_HELLO Represents a Hello message. |
WSD_HOST_METADATA Provides metadata for all services hosted by a device. |
WSD_LOCALIZED_STRING Represents a single localized string. |
WSD_LOCALIZED_STRING_LIST Represents a node in a single-linked list of localized strings. |
WSD_METADATA_SECTION Represents a section of metadata in a generic form. |
WSD_METADATA_SECTION_LIST Represents a node in a single-linked list of metadata sections. |
WSD_NAME_LIST Represents a node in a single-linked list of XML name structures. |
WSD_OPERATION Describes an operation as defined by WSDL in terms of one or two messages. |
WSD_PORT_TYPE Supplies data about a port type. |
WSD_PROBE Represents a Probe message. |
WSD_PROBE_MATCH Represents a ProbeMatch message. |
WSD_PROBE_MATCH_LIST Represents a node in a single-linked list of ProbeMatch message structures. |
WSD_PROBE_MATCHES Represents a ProbeMatches message. |
WSD_REFERENCE_PARAMETERS Specifies opaque data that is used by an endpoint. |
WSD_REFERENCE_PROPERTIES Specifies additional data used to uniquely identify an endpoint. |
WSD_RELATIONSHIP_METADATA Provides metadata about the relationship between two or more services. |
WSD_RESOLVE Represents a Resolve message. |
WSD_RESOLVE_MATCH Represents a ResolveMatch message. |
WSD_RESOLVE_MATCHES Represents a ResolveMatches message. |
WSD_SCOPES A collection of scopes used in WS-Discovery messaging. |
WSD_SERVICE_METADATA Provides metadata regarding a service hosted by a device. |
WSD_SERVICE_METADATA_LIST Represents a node in a single-linked list of service metadata structures. |
WSD_SOAP_FAULT Represents a generated SOAP fault. |
WSD_SOAP_FAULT_CODE Represents a generated SOAP fault code. |
WSD_SOAP_FAULT_REASON A collection of reason codes associated with a WSD_SOAP_FAULT. |
WSD_SOAP_FAULT_SUBCODE Represents a generated SOAP fault subcode. |
WSD_SOAP_HEADER Provides SOAP header data for the WSD_SOAP_MESSAGE structure. |
WSD_SOAP_MESSAGE The contents of a WSD SOAP message. |
WSD_SYNCHRONOUS_RESPONSE_CONTEXT Provides a context for handling the response to a two-way request. |
WSD_THIS_DEVICE_METADATA Specifies metadata that is unique to a specific device. |
WSD_THIS_MODEL_METADATA Provides model-specific information relating to the device. |
WSD_UNKNOWN_LOOKUP Represents an XML element that could not be parsed. |
WSD_URI_LIST Represents a node in a linked list of URIs. |
WSD_PROTOCOL_TYPE Identifies the type of protocol supported by a port. |
WSDEventType Identifies the type of event produced by the session layer. |