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Overview of the Other Devices Technologies technology.
To develop Other Devices Technologies, you need these headers:
For programming guidance for this technology, see:
PropertyConstraint Qualifies the filter conditions used for searching for function instances. |
QueryUpdateAction Represents the type of action Function Discovery is performing on the specified function instance. This information is used by the client program's change notification handler. |
SystemVisibilityFlags Determines the visibility of the function instance's data. |
WSD_CONFIG_PARAM_TYPE Specifies the kind of data stored in a WSD_CONFIG_PARAM structure. |
WSD_PROTOCOL_TYPE Identifies the type of protocol supported by a port. |
WSDEventType Identifies the type of event produced by the session layer. |
WSDUdpMessageType Identifies the type of UDP message. |
Abort Aborts the asynchronous operation. |
Abort Aborts the transfer of data on the attachment MIME data stream. |
AbortAsyncOperation Aborts a pending asynchronous operation. |
Add Adds a function instance to the collection. |
Add Provides information on either a newly announced discovery host (from a Hello message), or a match to a user initiated query. |
AddDynamicService Registers a service object for incoming requests, but does not add the service to the device host metadata. This is used for transient (dynamic) services. |
AddInstance Creates or modifies a function instance. |
AddNamespace Creates an object that represents a namespace in an XML context. |
AddNameToNamespace Creates an object that represents a name in a namespace in an XML context. |
AddPropertyConstraint Adds a property constraint to the query. |
AddQueryConstraint Adds a query constraint to the query. |
Associate Marks an association database entry as associated. |
Associate Marks an association database entry as associated and sends an appropriate notification. |
AsyncOperationComplete Indicates that the asynchronous operation has completed. |
Attach Attaches a callback interface to the discovery provider. |
BeginGetMetadata Sends an asynchronous request for metadata. |
BeginGetMetadata Initiates an asynchronous metadata exchange request with the remote service. |
BeginGetStatusForMultipleOperations Begins an asynchronous operation that retrieves the current status. |
BeginRenewMultipleOperations Initializes an asynchronous operation that renews a collection of existing notification subscriptions by submitting a new duration. |
BeginSubscribeToMultipleOperations Initializes an asynchronous operation that subscribes to a collection of notifications or solicit/response events. |
BeginUnsubscribeToMultipleOperations Initializes an asynchronous cancelation request for a subscription to a collection of notifications or solicit/response events. |
Clear Clears the HTTP headers used for SOAP-over-HTTP transmissions. |
Close Closes the current attachment MIME data stream. (IWSDInboundAttachment.Close) |
Close Closes the current attachment MIME data stream. (IWSDOutboundAttachment.Close) |
CreateFunctionInstanceCollection Creates a function instance collection. |
CreateInstance Creates a function instance. |
CreateInstance Creates a new function instance. |
CreateInstanceCollectionQuery Creates a query for a collection of specific function instances. |
CreateInstanceQuery Creates a query for a specific function instance. |
CreatePropertyStore Enables providers to reuse the in-memory property store implementation. |
Delete Removes the specified function instance from the collection. |
Delete Removes an entry from the association database. |
Delete Removes an entry from the association database and sends an appropriate notification. |
DeleteAll Removes all function instances from the collection. |
Deserialize Parses the address, validates its component parts and saves them in the object. |
Detach Detaches a callback interface from the discovery provider. |
EndGetMetadata Ends an asynchronous request for metadata. |
EndGetMetadata Completes the asynchronous metadata exchange request and retrieves the service metadata from the response. |
EndGetStatusForMultipleOperations Completes an asynchronous operation that retrieves the current status. |
EndQuery Terminates a query being executed by a provider. |
EndRenewMultipleOperations Completes an asynchronous operation that renews a collection of existing notification subscriptions by submitting a new duration. |
EndSubscribeToMultipleOperations Completes an asynchronous operation that subscribes to a collection of notifications or solicit/response events. |
EndUnsubscribeToMultipleOperations Completes an asynchronous cancellation request for a subscription to a collection of notifications or solicit/response events. |
Execute Performs the query defined by IFunctionDiscovery::CreateInstanceCollectionQuery. |
Execute Performs the query defined by IFunctionDiscovery::CreateInstanceQuery. |
FaultRequest Sends a fault matching a given request context. |
Get Gets the specified function instance and its index from the collection. |
Get Gets the name and value of the specified property constraint, by property key. |
Get Gets the value of the specified query constraint, by name. |
GetAlias Gets the alias for the discovery address. |
GetAllMetadata Retrieves all metadata for this device. |
GetAsyncState Gets the state of the asynchronous operation. |
GetAt Gets the property key at the specified index. |
GetAuthType GetAuthType method retrieves the HTTP authentication scheme used during the authentication of the client. |
GetCategory Gets the category and subcategory strings for the function instance. |
GetClientAccessToken GetClientAccessToken method retrieves the client access token that can be used to either authenticate or impersonate the client. |
GetClientCertificate Gets the client certificate. |
GetContext Retrieves the private transmission context for the current transaction. |
GetCount Gets the number of function instances in the collection. |
GetCount Gets the number of properties in the property store. |
GetCount Gets the number of items in the collection. (IProviderPropertyConstraintCollection.GetCount) |
GetCount Gets the number of items in the collection. (IProviderQueryConstraintCollection.GetCount) |
GetEndpointProxy Retrieves the endpoint proxy for the asynchronous operation. |
GetEndpointProxy Retrieves the endpoint proxy for the device. |
GetEndpointProxy Gets the endpoint proxy for the device. |
GetEndpointReference Retrieves a WS-Addressing address referencing an endpoint of the remote device. |
GetErrorInfo Retrieves information on the last error. |
GetEvent Retrieves a WSD_EVENT structure that contains the result of the event. |
GetExclusive Determines whether the socket is in exclusive mode. |
GetExtendedDiscoXML Retrieves custom or extensible data provided in the header or body of the SOAP message. |
GetFaultInfo Retrieves information on the last received fault. |
GetHostMetadata Retrieves class-specific metadata for the device describing the features of the device and the services it hosts. |
GetID Gets the identifier string for the function instance. |
GetID Retrieves the transport ID for the current transaction. |
GetInboundHttpHeaders Retrieves the current HTTP headers used for inbound SOAP-over-HTTP transmissions. |
GetInstance Gets the specified function instance, based on identifier. |
GetInstanceCollection Gets the specified collection of function instances, based on category and subcategory. |
GetInstanceId Retrieves the instance identifier of this message. |
GetLocalAddress Retrieves the generic address object representing the local address that received the message. |
GetLocalInterfaceGUID Retrieves the GUID of the local network interface over which the message was received. |
GetLocalTransportAddress Retrieves the string representation of the local transport (IP) address. |
GetLowerParameters Retrieves message parameters from the layer below this layer in the protocol stack. |
GetMappedAccessToken Gets the mapped access token. |
GetMessageType Gets the message type for this UDP address configuration. |
GetMetadata Retrieves metadata for an object. |
GetMetadataVersion Retrieves the metadata version of this message. |
GetOutboundHttpHeaders Retrieves the current HTTP headers used for outbound SOAP-over-HTTP transmissions. |
GetPath Gets the URI path for this address. |
GetPort Gets the IP port number associated with this transport address. |
GetProbeResolveTag Retrieves the search tag corresponding to this discovered service object. |
GetPropertyConstraints Retrieves the current property constraints. |
GetProviderInstanceID Gets the identifier string for the provider instance. |
GetQueryConstraints Retrieves the current query constraints. |
GetRemoteAddress Retrieves the generic address object representing the remote address from which the message was sent. |
GetRemoteTransportAddress Retrieves the string representation of the remote transport (IP) address. |
GetRetransmitParams Retrieves the values that WSD uses to determine how often to repeat the message transmission. |
GetScopeRule Is called to return a URI defining the implemented scope matching rule. |
GetScopes Retrieves a list of WS-Discovery Scopes. |
GetSecure Retrieves the status on whether TLS secure sessions are enabled for this address. |
GetService Retrieves a service object that is not currently registered. |
GetServiceMetadata Retrieves the metadata for the IWSDServiceProxy object. |
GetServiceProxyById Retrieves a generic IWSDServiceProxy service proxy by service ID. |
GetServiceProxyByType Retrieves a generic IWSDServiceProxy proxy for a service exposed by the device by port type name. |
GetSignature Gets the signature of a message. |
GetSignedInfoHash Gets the hash of a message signature. |
GetSockaddr Gets the socket address information. |
GetStatusForMultipleOperations Retrieves the current status. |
GetThisDeviceMetadata Retrieves device-specific metadata for this device. |
GetThisModelMetadata Retrieves model-specific metadata for the device. |
GetTransportAddress Gets a pointer to a string representation of the address object. (IWSDTransportAddress.GetTransportAddress) |
GetTransportAddressEx Gets a pointer to a string representation of the address object. (IWSDTransportAddress.GetTransportAddressEx) |
GetTTL Gets the time-to-live (TTL) for all outbound packets using this address. |
GetTypes Retrieves a list of WS-Discovery Types. |
GetValue Gets the value of the specified property key. |
GetXAddrs Retrieves a list of WS-Discovery XAddrs. |
GetXMLContext Gets the XML context associated with this provider. |
GetXMLContext Gets the XML context associated with the device. |
HasCompleted Indicates whether the operation has completed. |
Init Initializes an instance of an IWSDDeviceHost object. |
Init Initializes the device proxy, optionally sharing a session with a previously initialized sponsoring device proxy. |
Initialize Initializes the Function Discovery provider object. |
Initialize Initializes an object that provides a specific interface that has been bound to the resource represented by the function instance. |
InstancePropertyStoreFlush Provides a mechanism for the provider to persist properties. |
InstancePropertyStoreOpen Opens the property store of the provider. |
InstancePropertyStoreValidateAccess Verifies that the provider supports the requested access. |
InstanceQueryService Creates a provider-specific COM object for the function instance. |
InstanceReleased Releases the specified function instance and frees the memory previously allocated. |
IsInstanceQuery Determines whether a query is for a single function instance or multiple function instances. |
IsMessageSignatureTrusted Specifies if a message signature is trusted. |
IsMessageSigned Specifies if a message is signed. |
IsSubcategoryQuery Determines whether a query is for function instances in a specific subcategory. |
Item Gets the specified function instance, by index. |
Item Gets the name and value of the specified property constraint, by index. |
Item Gets the name and value of the specified query constraint, by index. |
MatchProbe Determines whether a Probe message matches the specified host and sends a WS-Discovery ProbeMatches message if the match is made. |
MatchProbeEx Determines whether a Probe message matches the specified host and sends a WS-Discovery ProbeMatches message with extended information if the match is made. |
MatchResolve Determines whether a Resolve message matches the specified host and sends a WS-Discovery ResolveMatches message if the match is made. |
MatchResolveEx Determines whether a Resolve message matches the specified host and sends a WS-Discovery ResolveMatches message with extended information if the match is made. |
MatchScopes Is called to compare two scopes to determine if they match. |
Next Gets the name and value of the next property constraint in the collection. |
Next Gets the name and value of the next query constraint in the collection. |
OnError Receives errors that occur during asynchronous query processing. |
OnEvent Receives any add, remove, or update events during a notification. |
OnUpdate Indicates that a function instance has been added, removed, or changed. |
OpenPropertyStore Opens the property store for the function instance. |
ProbeHandler Is called when a Probe is received by the discovery publisher. |
ProcessFault Processes a SOAP fault retrieved by GetFaultInfo. |
Publish Announces the presence of a network host by sending a Hello message. |
PublishEx Announces the presence of a network host by sending a Hello message with extended information. |
PWSD_SOAP_MESSAGE_HANDLER References a SOAP message handler for incoming messages. |
Query Retrieves a collection of function instances that meet the specified constraints. |
Read Retrieves attachment data from a message sent by a remote host. |
RegisterNotificationSink Attaches a callback notification sink to the discovery publisher. |
RegisterPortType Registers a port type for incoming messages. |
RegisterScopeMatchingRule Adds support for a custom scope matching rule. |
RegisterService Registers a service object for incoming requests and adds the service to the device host metadata. |
Remove Deletes the specified function instance and returns a pointer to the function instance being removed. |
Remove Provides information on a recently departed discovery host (from a Bye message). |
RemoveDynamicService Unregisters a service object that was registered using AddDynamicService. |
RemoveInstance Removes the specified function instance, based on category and subcategory. |
RemoveInstance Deletes an existing function instance. |
RenewMultipleOperations Renews a collection of existing notification subscriptions by submitting a new duration. |
Reset Resets the current index to the start of the collection. (IProviderPropertyConstraintCollection.Reset) |
Reset Resets the current index to the start of the collection. (IProviderQueryConstraintCollection.Reset) |
ResolveHandler Is called when a Resolve is received by the discovery publisher. |
RetireService Unregisters a service object that was registered using RegisterService and removes the service from the device host metadata. |
SearchByAddress Initializes a search for WS-Discovery hosts by device address. |
SearchById Initializes a search for WS-Discovery hosts by device identifier. |
SearchByType Initializes a search for WS-Discovery hosts by device type. |
SearchComplete Called to indicate a user initiated search has successfully completed and no more matches for the search will be accepted. |
SearchFailed Is called to indicate a user initiated search has failed. |
SendOneWayRequest Sends a one-way request message. |
SendResponse Sends a response message matching a given request context. |
SendTwoWayRequest Sends a two-way request message using a synchronous call pattern. |
SendTwoWayRequestAsync Sends a two-way request message using an asynchronous call pattern. |
Serialize Assembles the component parts of the address into a string. |
SetAddressFamily Specifies the IP address family (IPv4, IPv6, or both) to search when discovering WSD devices. |
SetAddressFamily Specifies the IP address family (IPv4, IPv6, or both) over which the host will be published. |
SetAlias Sets the alias for the discovery address. |
SetCallback Specifies a callback interface to call when the asynchronous operation has completed. |
SetContext Sets the private transmission context for the current transaction. |
SetEventingStatusCallback Sets or clears the eventing status callback. |
SetExclusive Controls whether the socket is in exclusive mode. |
SetID Sets the transport ID for the current transaction. |
SetInboundHttpHeaders Sets the HTTP headers used for inbound SOAP-over-HTTP transmissions. |
SetLocalAddress Sets a generic address object representing the source address that should send the message. |
SetMessageType Sets the message type for this UDP address configuration. |
SetMetadata Sets the metadata for a device, excluding user-defined service metadata. |
SetNamespaces Associates custom namespaces with the XML context object. |
SetOutboundHttpHeaders Sets the HTTP headers used for outbound SOAP-over-HTTP transmissions. |
SetPath Sets the URI path for this address. |
SetPort Sets only the IP port number for this transport address. |
SetRemoteAddress Sets the generic address object representing the remote address to where the message is sent. |
SetRetransmitParams Sets the values that WSD uses to determine how often to repeat the message transmission. |
SetSecure Enables or disables TLS secure sessions for this address. |
SetServiceDiscoverable Controls whether or not the service is advertised using WS-Discovery. |
SetSockaddr Sets the socket address information. |
SetTransportAddress Sets the string representation of the transport address. |
SetTTL Sets the time-to-live (TTL) for all outbound packets using this address. |
SetTypes Associates custom message types with the XML context object. |
SetValue Sets the value of the specified property key. |
SetWaitHandle Specifies a wait handle to set when the operation completes. |
SignalEvent Notifies all subscribed clients that an event has occurred. |
Skip Skips the next item in the collection. (IProviderPropertyConstraintCollection.Skip) |
Skip Skips the next item in the collection. (IProviderQueryConstraintCollection.Skip) |
Start Starts the device host and publishes the device host using a WS-Discovery Hello message. |
Stop Sends a WS-Discovery Bye message and stops the host. |
SubscribeToMultipleOperations Subscribes to a collection of notifications or solicit/response events. |
SubscribeToOperation Subscribes to a notification or solicit/response event. |
SubscriptionEnded Called when the device terminated the subscription. |
SubscriptionRenewalFailed Called when the subscription for the specified event action could not be renewed. |
SubscriptionRenewed Called when the subscription for the specified event action was successfully renewed. |
Terminate Terminates the host and releases any attached services. |
Unassociate Marks an association database entry as unassociated. |
Unassociate Marks an association database entry as unassociated and sends an appropriate notification. |
UnPublish Announces the departure of a network host by sending a Bye message. |
UnRegisterNotificationSink Detaches a callback notification sink from the discovery publisher. |
UnRegisterScopeMatchingRule Removes support for a custom scope matching rule. |
UnsubscribeToMultipleOperations Cancels a collection of subscriptions to notifications or solicit/response events. |
UnsubscribeToOperation Cancels a subscription to a notification or solicit/response event. |
Write Sends attachment data to the remote host using a MIME container. |
WSD_STUB_FUNCTION Describes a stub function used to handle an incoming message. |
WSDAllocateLinkedMemory Allocates a linked memory block. |
WSDAttachLinkedMemory Attaches a child memory block to a parent memory block. |
WSDCreateDeviceHost Creates a device host and returns a pointer to the IWSDDeviceHost interface. (WSDCreateDeviceHost) |
WSDCreateDeviceHost2 Creates a device host that can support signed messages and returns a pointer to the IWSDDeviceHost interface. |
WSDCreateDeviceHostAdvanced Creates a device host and returns a pointer to the IWSDDeviceHost interface. (WSDCreateDeviceHostAdvanced) |
WSDCreateDeviceProxy Creates a device proxy and returns a pointer to the IWSDDeviceProxy interface. (WSDCreateDeviceProxy) |
WSDCreateDeviceProxy2 Creates a device proxy that can support signed messages and returns a pointer to the IWSDDeviceProxy interface. |
WSDCreateDeviceProxyAdvanced Creates a device proxy and returns a pointer to the IWSDDeviceProxy interface. (WSDCreateDeviceProxyAdvanced) |
WSDCreateDiscoveryProvider Creates an IWSDiscoveryProvider object. |
WSDCreateDiscoveryProvider2 Creates an IWSDiscoveryProvider object that supports signed messages. |
WSDCreateDiscoveryPublisher Creates an IWSDiscoveryPublisher object. |
WSDCreateDiscoveryPublisher2 Creates an IWSDiscoveryPublisher object that supports signed messages. |
WSDCreateHttpAddress Creates an IWSDHttpAddress object. |
WSDCreateHttpMessageParameters Creates an IWSDHttpMessageParameters object. |
WSDCreateOutboundAttachment Creates an IWSDOutboundAttachment object. |
WSDCreateUdpAddress Creates an IWSDUdpAddress object. |
WSDCreateUdpMessageParameters Retrieves a pointer to the IWSDUdpMessageParameters interface. |
WSDDetachLinkedMemory Detaches a child memory block from its parent memory block. |
WSDFreeLinkedMemory Frees a memory block previously allocated with WSDAllocateLinkedMemory. |
WSDGenerateFault Generates a SOAP fault. (WSDGenerateFault) |
WSDGenerateFaultEx Generates a SOAP fault. (WSDGenerateFaultEx) |
WSDGetConfigurationOption Gets a WSDAPI configuration option. |
WSDSetConfigurationOption Sets a WSDAPI configuration option. |
WSDUriDecode Decodes a URI according to the rules in RFC2396. |
WSDUriEncode Encodes a URI according to URI encoding rules in RFC2396. |
WSDXMLAddChild Adds a child element. |
WSDXMLAddSibling Adds a sibling element. |
WSDXMLBuildAnyForSingleElement Creates an XML element with a specified name and value. |
WSDXMLCleanupElement Frees memory associated with an XML element. |
WSDXMLCreateContext Creates a new IWSDXMLContext object. |
WSDXMLGetNameFromBuiltinNamespace Gets a specified name from the built-in namespace. |
WSDXMLGetValueFromAny Retrieves a text value from a specified child element of an XML any element. |
IFunctionDiscovery This interface is used by client programs to discover function instances, get the default function instance for a category, and create advanced Function Discovery query objects that enable registering Function Discovery defaults, among other things. |
IFunctionDiscoveryNotification This interface is implemented by the client program to support asynchronous queries and is called by Function Discovery to notify the client program when a function instance that meets the query parameters has been added or removed. |
IFunctionDiscoveryProvider This is the main interface implemented by a discovery provider. It is the primary interface the Function Discovery infrastructure uses to communicate with the provider and its resources. |
IFunctionDiscoveryProviderFactory Provides factory methods to create Function Discovery objects. |
IFunctionDiscoveryProviderQuery This interface is passed to all IFunctionDiscoveryProvider::Query method calls and contains query definition information. Providers should use this to determine what the constraints are for each query request they receive. |
IFunctionDiscoveryServiceProvider This interface is implemented to create and initialize objects to provide a specified access interface to a resource represented by the function instance. After the object is created, the Initialize method is called to initialize the object. |
IFunctionInstance A function instance is created as the result of calling one of the IFunctionDiscovery methods; client program do not create these objects themselves. |
IFunctionInstanceCollection Represents a group of IFunctionInstance objects returned as the result of a query or get instance request. |
IFunctionInstanceCollectionQuery Implements the asynchronous query for a collection of function instances based on category and subcategory. |
IFunctionInstanceQuery Implements the asynchronous query for a function instance based on category and subcategory. |
IPNPXAssociation Defines methods to manage the association database entries for PnP-X devices. |
IPNPXDeviceAssociation Defines methods to manage the association database entries for PnP-X devices. These methods send notifications when the corresponding PnP devnode changes. |
IProviderProperties Is optionally implemented by discovery providers to directly create and manage their own property store. |
IProviderPropertyConstraintCollection This interface is accessible to the provider through IFunctionDiscoveryProviderQuery::GetPropertyConstraints. |
IProviderPublishing Is implemented by a discovery provider to enable a client program to add and remove function instances. |
IProviderQueryConstraintCollection This interface is accessible to the provider through the IFunctionDiscoveryProviderQuery::GetQueryConstraints method. |
IWSDAddress Provides access to the individual components of a transport address. |
IWSDAsyncCallback Handles callbacks for the completion of an asynchronous operation. |
IWSDAsyncResult Represents an asynchronous operation. |
IWSDAttachment Is the base interface for all other attachment types. |
IWSDDeviceHost Represents a DPWS-compliant device. |
IWSDDeviceHostNotify Provides device-related notifications to an instance of an IWSDDeviceHost object. |
IWSDDeviceProxy Represents a remote Devices Profile for Web Services (DPWS) device for client applications and middleware. |
IWSDEndpointProxy Implements a device services messaging proxy. |
IWSDEventingStatus Implement this interface to receive notification when status changes occur in event subscriptions. |
IWSDHttpAddress Provides access to the individual components of an HTTP address. |
IWSDHttpAuthParameters Use this interface to retrieve the access token or authorization scheme used during the authentication of a client. |
IWSDHttpMessageParameters Provides access to the HTTP headers used when transmitting messages via SOAP-over-HTTP. |
IWSDInboundAttachment Allows applications to read MIME-encoded attachment data from an incoming message. |
IWSDiscoveredService This interface represents a remotely discovered host. |
IWSDiscoveryProvider Used to discover services on the network advertised by WS-Discovery. |
IWSDiscoveryProviderNotify Is implemented by the client program to receive callback notifications from IWSDiscoveryProvider. |
IWSDiscoveryPublisher Provides methods for announcing hosts and managing incoming queries to hosts. |
IWSDiscoveryPublisherNotify Is implemented by the client program to receive callback notifications from IWSDiscoveryPublisher. |
IWSDMessageParameters Use this interface to communicate message specific information up and down the protocol stack. |
IWSDMetadataExchange Is the base class for other objects which access metadata. |
IWSDOutboundAttachment Enables applications to send attachment data in a message using a MIME container. |
IWSDScopeMatchingRule Is implemented by the client program to supply a custom scope matching rule which can be used to extend the standard scope matching rules defined in WS-Discovery. |
IWSDServiceMessaging Is used by generated stub code to send faults or responses to incoming messages. |
IWSDServiceProxy Represents a remote WSD service for client applications and middleware. |
IWSDServiceProxyEventing Represents a remote WSD service for client applications and middleware. This interface allows for the implementation of multiple asynchronous operations. |
IWSDSignatureProperty Provides properties of signed messages. |
IWSDSSLClientCertificate Retrieves the client SSL certificate. |
IWSDTransportAddress Represents an IP-based transport address. |
IWSDUdpAddress Provides access to the individual components of a UDP address. |
IWSDUdpMessageParameters Use this interface to specify how often WSD repeats the message transmission. |
IWSDXMLContext Is a collection of namespaces and types used in a WSDAPI stack. |
REQUESTBODY_GetStatus Represents a WS-Eventing GetStatus request message. |
REQUESTBODY_Renew Represents a WS-Eventing Renew request message. |
REQUESTBODY_Subscribe Represents a WS-Eventing Subscribe request message. |
REQUESTBODY_Unsubscribe Represents a WS-Eventing Unsubscribe request message. |
RESPONSEBODY_GetMetadata Represents a WS-MetadataExchange GetMetadata response message. |
RESPONSEBODY_GetStatus Represents a WS-Eventing GetStatus response message. |
RESPONSEBODY_Renew Represents a WS-Eventing Renew response message. |
RESPONSEBODY_Subscribe Represents a WS-Eventing Subscribe response message. |
RESPONSEBODY_SubscriptionEnd Represents a WS-Eventing SubscriptionEnd response message. |
WSD_APP_SEQUENCE Represents application sequence information relating to WS-Discovery messages. |
WSD_BYE Represents a Bye message. |
WSD_CONFIG_ADDRESSES Information about specific addresses that a host should listen on. |
WSD_CONFIG_PARAM Represents configuration parameters for creating WSDAPI objects. |
WSD_DATETIME Represents a timestamp. |
WSD_DURATION Represents a length of time. |
WSD_ENDPOINT_REFERENCE Represents a WS-Addressing endpoint reference. |
WSD_ENDPOINT_REFERENCE_LIST Represents a node in a single-linked list of WSD_ENDPOINT_REFERENCE structures. |
WSD_EVENT Provides an internal representation of a SOAP message. |
WSD_EVENTING_DELIVERY_MODE Represents the delivery mode used in a WS-Eventing Subscribe message. |
WSD_EVENTING_DELIVERY_MODE_PUSH Represents the endpoint reference used for push delivery of events in a WS-Eventing Subscribe message. |
WSD_EVENTING_EXPIRES Represents the expiration time of a WS-Eventing message. |
WSD_EVENTING_FILTER Represents an event filter used in WS-Eventing Subscribe messages. |
WSD_EVENTING_FILTER_ACTION Represents a boolean expression used for filtering events. |
WSD_HANDLER_CONTEXT Specifies the context for handling incoming messages. |
WSD_HEADER_RELATESTO Represents a RelatesTo SOAP envelope header block, as specified by the WS-Addressing specification. |
WSD_HELLO Represents a Hello message. |
WSD_HOST_METADATA Provides metadata for all services hosted by a device. |
WSD_LOCALIZED_STRING Represents a single localized string. |
WSD_LOCALIZED_STRING_LIST Represents a node in a single-linked list of localized strings. |
WSD_METADATA_SECTION Represents a section of metadata in a generic form. |
WSD_METADATA_SECTION_LIST Represents a node in a single-linked list of metadata sections. |
WSD_NAME_LIST Represents a node in a single-linked list of XML name structures. |
WSD_OPERATION Describes an operation as defined by WSDL in terms of one or two messages. |
WSD_PORT_TYPE Supplies data about a port type. |
WSD_PROBE Represents a Probe message. |
WSD_PROBE_MATCH Represents a ProbeMatch message. |
WSD_PROBE_MATCH_LIST Represents a node in a single-linked list of ProbeMatch message structures. |
WSD_PROBE_MATCHES Represents a ProbeMatches message. |
WSD_REFERENCE_PARAMETERS Specifies opaque data that is used by an endpoint. |
WSD_REFERENCE_PROPERTIES Specifies additional data used to uniquely identify an endpoint. |
WSD_RELATIONSHIP_METADATA Provides metadata about the relationship between two or more services. |
WSD_RESOLVE Represents a Resolve message. |
WSD_RESOLVE_MATCH Represents a ResolveMatch message. |
WSD_RESOLVE_MATCHES Represents a ResolveMatches message. |
WSD_SCOPES A collection of scopes used in WS-Discovery messaging. |
WSD_SECURITY_CERT_VALIDATION Represents the criteria for matching client certificates against those of an HTTPS server. (WSD_SECURITY_CERT_VALIDATION) |
WSD_SECURITY_CERT_VALIDATION_V1 Represents the criteria for matching client certificates against those of an HTTPS server.W |
WSD_SECURITY_SIGNATURE_VALIDATION Represents the criteria for matching client compact signatures against messages. |
WSD_SERVICE_METADATA Provides metadata regarding a service hosted by a device. |
WSD_SERVICE_METADATA_LIST Represents a node in a single-linked list of service metadata structures. |
WSD_SOAP_FAULT Represents a generated SOAP fault. |
WSD_SOAP_FAULT_CODE Represents a generated SOAP fault code. |
WSD_SOAP_FAULT_REASON A collection of reason codes associated with a WSD_SOAP_FAULT. |
WSD_SOAP_FAULT_SUBCODE Represents a generated SOAP fault subcode. |
WSD_SOAP_HEADER Provides SOAP header data for the WSD_SOAP_MESSAGE structure. |
WSD_SOAP_MESSAGE The contents of a WSD SOAP message. |
WSD_SYNCHRONOUS_RESPONSE_CONTEXT Provides a context for handling the response to a two-way request. |
WSD_THIS_DEVICE_METADATA Specifies metadata that is unique to a specific device. |
WSD_THIS_MODEL_METADATA Provides model-specific information relating to the device. |
WSD_UNKNOWN_LOOKUP Represents an XML element that could not be parsed. |
WSD_URI_LIST Represents a node in a linked list of URIs. |
WSDUdpRetransmitParams Defines the parameters for repeating a message transmission. |
WSDXML_ATTRIBUTE Describes an XML attribute. |
WSDXML_ELEMENT Describes an XML element. |
WSDXML_ELEMENT_LIST Represents a node in a linked list of XML elements. |
WSDXML_NAME Specifies an XML qualified name. |
WSDXML_NAMESPACE Specifies an XML namespace. |
WSDXML_NODE Describes an XML node. |
WSDXML_PREFIX_MAPPING Describes an XML namespace prefix. |
WSDXML_TEXT Describes the text in an XML node. |
WSDXML_TYPE Describes an XSD type. |
Learning path
Implement finance and operations apps - Training
Plan and design your project methodology to successfully implement finance and operations apps with FastTrack services, data management and more.