xapo.h header
This header is used by XAudio2 APIs. For more information, see:
xapo.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IXAPO The interface for an Audio Processing Object which be used in an XAudio2 effect chain. |
IXAPOParameters An optional interface that allows an XAPO to use effect-specific parameters. |
XAPOAlloc Memory allocation macro used by IXAPO methods that must allocate arbitrary sized structures that are subsequently returned to the application. |
XAPOFree Macro used to free memory allocated with the XAPOAlloc macro. |
XAPO_LOCKFORPROCESS_PARAMETERS Defines stream buffer parameters that remain constant while an XAPO is locked. Used with the IXAPO::LockForProcess method. |
XAPO_PROCESS_BUFFER_PARAMETERS Defines stream buffer parameters that may change from one call to the next. Used with the Process method. |
XAPO_REGISTRATION_PROPERTIES Describes general characteristics of an XAPO. Used with IXAPO::GetRegistrationProperties, CXAPOParametersBase::CXAPOParametersBase, and CXAPOBase::CXAPOBase. |
XAPO_BUFFER_FLAGS Describes the contents of a stream buffer. |