XAudio2 APIs
Overview of the XAudio2 APIs technology.
To develop XAudio2 APIs, you need these headers:
For programming guidance for this technology, see:
CXAPOBase Default implementation of the IXAPO interface. |
CXAPOParametersBase Default implementation of the IXAPOParameters interface. |
HrtfDirectivityType Indicates one of several stock directivity patterns. |
HrtfDistanceDecayType Indicates a distance-based decay type applied to a sound. |
HrtfEnvironment Indicates one of several stock environment types. |
XAPO_BUFFER_FLAGS Describes the contents of a stream buffer. |
XAUDIO2_FILTER_TYPE Indicates the filter type. |
AddRef Adds a reference to the XAudio2 object. |
BeginProcess Returns the current process parameters. |
CalcInputFrames Returns the number of input frames required to generate the given number of output frames. |
CalcOutputFrames Returns the number of output frames that will be generated from a given number of input frames. |
CommitChanges Atomically applies a set of operations that are tagged with a given identifier. |
CreateFX Creates an instance of the requested XAPOFX effect. |
CreateHrtfApo Creates an instance of the IXAPO interface for head-related transfer function (HRTF) processing. |
CreateMasteringVoice Creates and configures a mastering voice. |
CreateSourceVoice Creates and configures a source voice. |
CreateSubmixVoice Creates and configures a submix voice. |
CXAPOBase Creates an instance of the CXAPOBase class. |
CXAPOParametersBase Creates an instance of the CXAPOParametersBase class. |
DestroyVoice Destroys the voice. If necessary, stops the voice and removes it from the XAudio2 graph. |
DisableEffect Disables the effect at a given position in the effect chain of the voice. |
Discontinuity Notifies an XAudio2 voice that no more buffers are coming after the last one that is currently in its queue. |
EnableEffect Enables the effect at a given position in the effect chain of the voice. |
EndProcess Notifies CXAPOParametersBase that the XAPO has finished accessing the current process parameters. |
ExitLoop Stops looping the voice when it reaches the end of the current loop region. |
FlushSourceBuffers Removes all pending audio buffers from the voice queue. |
GetChannelMask Returns the channel mask for this voice. |
GetChannelVolumes Returns the volume levels for the voice, per channel. |
GetEffectParameters Returns the current effect-specific parameters of a given effect in the voice's effect chain. |
GetEffectState Returns the running state of the effect at a specified position in the effect chain of the voice. |
GetFilterParameters Gets the voice's filter parameters. |
GetFrequencyRatio Returns the frequency adjustment ratio of the voice. |
GetOutputFilterParameters Returns the filter parameters from one of this voice's sends. |
GetOutputMatrix Gets the volume level of each channel of the final output for the voice. These channels are mapped to the input channels of a specified destination voice. |
GetParameters Gets the current values for any effect-specific parameters. |
GetPerformanceData Returns current resource usage details, such as available memory or CPU usage. |
GetRegistrationProperties Returns the registration properties of an XAPO. |
GetRegistrationPropertiesInternal Returns a pointer to the XAPO_REGISTRATION_PROPERTIES structure containing the registration properties the XAPO was created with. |
GetState Returns the voice's current cursor position data. |
GetVoiceDetails Returns information about the creation flags, input channels, and sample rate of a voice. |
GetVolume Gets the current overall volume level of the voice. |
Initialize Performs any effect-specific initialization. |
IsInputFormatSupported Queries if a specific input format is supported for a given output format. |
IsLocked Queries whether the XAPO is locked. |
IsOutputFormatSupported Queries if a specific output format is supported for a given input format. |
LockForProcess Called by XAudio2 to lock the input and output configurations of an XAPO allowing it to do any final initialization before Process is called on the realtime thread. |
OnBufferEnd Called when the voice finishes processing a buffer. |
OnBufferStart Called when the voice is about to start processing a new audio buffer. |
OnCriticalError Called if a critical system error occurs that requires XAudio2 to be closed down and restarted. |
OnLoopEnd Called when the voice reaches the end position of a loop. |
OnProcessingPassEnd Called by XAudio2 just after an audio processing pass ends. |
OnProcessingPassStart Called by XAudio2 just before an audio processing pass begins. |
OnSetParameters Called by IXAPOParameters::SetParameters to allow for user-defined parameter validation. |
OnStreamEnd Called when the voice has just finished playing a contiguous audio stream. |
OnVoiceError Called when a critical error occurs during voice processing. |
OnVoiceProcessingPassEnd Called just after the processing pass for the voice ends. |
OnVoiceProcessingPassStart Called during each processing pass for each voice, just before XAudio2 reads data from the voice's buffer queue. |
ParametersChanged Indicates if IXAPOParameters::SetParameters has been called since the last processing pass. |
Process Runs the XAPO's digital signal processing (DSP) code on the given input and output buffers. |
ProcessThru Called by an IXAPO::Process implementation when an XAPO is disabled for thru processing. |
QueryInterface Queries for a given COM interface on the XAudio2 object. |
RegisterForCallbacks Adds an IXAudio2EngineCallback pointer to the XAudio2 engine callback list. |
Release Releases a reference to the XAudio2 object. |
Reset Resets variables dependent on frame history. |
ReverbConvertI3DL2ToNative Inline function that converts I3DL2 (Interactive 3D Audio Rendering Guidelines Level 2.0) parameters to native XAudio2 parameters. |
SetChannelVolumes Sets the volume levels for the voice, per channel. |
SetDebugConfiguration Changes global debug logging options for XAudio2. |
SetEffectChain Replaces the effect chain of the voice. |
SetEffectParameters Sets parameters for a given effect in the voice's effect chain. |
SetEnvironment Selects the acoustic environment to simulate. |
SetFilterParameters Sets the voice's filter parameters. |
SetFrequencyRatio Sets the frequency adjustment ratio of the voice. |
SetOutputFilterParameters Sets the filter parameters on one of this voice's sends. |
SetOutputMatrix Sets the volume level of each channel of the final output for the voice. These channels are mapped to the input channels of a specified destination voice. |
SetOutputVoices Designates a new set of submix or mastering voices to receive the output of the voice. |
SetParameters Sets effect-specific parameters. |
SetSourceGain Sets the custom direct-path gain value for the current source position. Valid only for sounds played with the HrtfDistanceDecayType custom decay type. |
SetSourceOrientation Set the rotation matrix for the source orientation, with respect to the listener's coordinate system. |
SetSourcePosition Sets the position of the sound relative to the listener. |
SetSourceSampleRate Reconfigures the voice to consume source data at a different sample rate than the rate specified when the voice was created. |
SetVolume Sets the overall volume level for the voice. |
Start Starts consumption and processing of audio by the voice. Delivers the result to any connected submix or mastering voices, or to the output device. |
StartEngine Starts the audio processing thread. |
Stop Stops consumption of audio by the current voice. |
StopEngine Stops the audio processing thread. |
SubmitSourceBuffer Adds a new audio buffer to the voice queue. |
UnlockForProcess Deallocates variables that were allocated with the LockForProcess method. |
UnregisterForCallbacks Removes an IXAudio2EngineCallback pointer from the XAudio2 engine callback list. |
ValidateFormatDefault Verifies that an audio format falls within the default ranges supported. |
ValidateFormatPair Verifies that an input and output format pair configuration is supported by the XAPO. |
X3DAudioCalculate Calculates DSP settings with respect to 3D parameters. |
X3DAudioInitialize Sets all global 3D audio constants. |
XAPOAlloc Memory allocation macro used by IXAPO methods that must allocate arbitrary sized structures that are subsequently returned to the application. |
XAPOFree Macro used to free memory allocated with the XAPOAlloc macro. |
XAudio2AmplitudeRatioToDecibels Inline function that converts an amplitude ratio value to a decibel value. |
XAudio2Create Creates a new XAudio2 object and returns a pointer to its IXAudio2 interface. |
XAudio2CreateReverb Creates a new reverb audio processing object (APO), and returns a pointer to it. |
XAudio2CreateVolumeMeter Creates a new volume meter audio processing object (APO) and returns a pointer to it. |
XAudio2CutoffFrequencyToOnePoleCoefficient Inline function that converts from filter cutoff frequencies expressed in hertz to the filter coefficients used with the Frequency member of the XAUDIO2_FILTER_PARAMETERS structure. |
XAudio2CutoffFrequencyToRadians Inline function that converts from filter cutoff frequencies expressed in hertz to the radian frequency values used in the Frequency member of the XAUDIO2_FILTER_PARAMETERS structure. |
XAudio2DecibelsToAmplitudeRatio Inline function that converts a decibel value to an amplitude ratio value. |
XAudio2FrequencyRatioToSemitones Inline function that converts a frequency ratio value to a semitone value. |
XAudio2RadiansToCutoffFrequency Inline function that converts from the radian frequencies used in XAUDIO2_FILTER_PARAMETERS back to absolute frequencies in hertz. |
XAudio2SemitonesToFrequencyRatio Inline function that converts a semitone value to a frequency ratio value. |
IXAPO The interface for an Audio Processing Object which be used in an XAudio2 effect chain. |
IXAPOHrtfParameters The interface used to set parameters that control how head-related transfer function (HRTF) is applied to a sound. |
IXAPOParameters An optional interface that allows an XAPO to use effect-specific parameters. |
IXAudio2 IXAudio2 is the interface for the XAudio2 object that manages all audio engine states, the audio processing thread, the voice graph, and so forth. |
IXAudio2EngineCallback The IXAudio2EngineCallback interface contains methods that notify the client when certain events happen in the IXAudio2 engine. |
IXAudio2MasteringVoice A mastering voice is used to represent the audio output device. |
IXAudio2SourceVoice Use a source voice to submit audio data to the XAudio2 processing pipeline. |
IXAudio2SubmixVoice A submix voice is used primarily for performance improvements and effects processing. |
IXAudio2Voice IXAudio2Voice represents the base interface from which IXAudio2SourceVoice, IXAudio2SubmixVoice and IXAudio2MasteringVoice are derived. The methods listed below are common to all voice subclasses. |
IXAudio2VoiceCallback The IXAudio2VoiceCallback interface contains methods that notify the client when certain events happen in a given IXAudio2SourceVoice. |
FXECHO_INITDATA Initialization parameters for use with the FXECHO XAPOFX. |
FXECHO_PARAMETERS Parameters for use with the FXECHO XAPOFX. |
FXEQ_PARAMETERS Parameters for use with the FXEQ XAPO. |
FXMASTERINGLIMITER_PARAMETERS Parameters for use with the FXMasteringLimiter XAPO. |
FXREVERB_PARAMETERS Parameters for use with the FXReverb XAPO. |
HrtfApoInit Specifies parameters used to initialize HRTF spatial audio. |
HrtfDirectivity Base directivity pattern descriptor. Describes the type of directivity applied to a sound. |
HrtfDirectivityCardioid Describes a cardioid directivity pattern. |
HrtfDirectivityCone Describes a cone directivity. |
HrtfDistanceDecay Describes a distance-based decay behavior. |
HrtfOrientation Indicates the orientation of an HRTF directivity object. |
HrtfPosition Represents a position in 3D space, using a right-handed coordinate system. |
X3DAUDIO_CONE Specifies directionality for a single-channel non-LFE emitter by scaling DSP behavior with respect to the emitter's orientation. |
X3DAUDIO_DISTANCE_CURVE Defines an explicit piecewise curve made up of linear segments, directly defining DSP behavior with respect to normalized distance. |
X3DAUDIO_DISTANCE_CURVE_POINT Defines a DSP setting at a given normalized distance. |
X3DAUDIO_DSP_SETTINGS Receives the results from a call to X3DAudioCalculate. |
X3DAUDIO_EMITTER Defines a single-point or multiple-point 3D audio source that is used with an arbitrary number of sound channels. |
X3DAUDIO_LISTENER Defines a point of 3D audio reception. |
XAPO_LOCKFORPROCESS_PARAMETERS Defines stream buffer parameters that remain constant while an XAPO is locked. Used with the IXAPO::LockForProcess method. |
XAPO_PROCESS_BUFFER_PARAMETERS Defines stream buffer parameters that may change from one call to the next. Used with the Process method. |
XAPO_REGISTRATION_PROPERTIES Describes general characteristics of an XAPO. Used with IXAPO::GetRegistrationProperties, CXAPOParametersBase::CXAPOParametersBase, and CXAPOBase::CXAPOBase. |
XAUDIO2_BUFFER Represents an audio data buffer, used with IXAudio2SourceVoice::SubmitSourceBuffer. |
XAUDIO2_BUFFER_WMA Used with IXAudio2SourceVoice::SubmitSourceBuffer when submitting xWMA data. |
XAUDIO2_DEBUG_CONFIGURATION Contains the new global debug configuration for XAudio2. Used with the SetDebugConfiguration function. |
XAUDIO2_EFFECT_CHAIN Defines an effect chain. |
XAUDIO2_EFFECT_DESCRIPTOR Contains information about an XAPO for use in an effect chain. |
XAUDIO2_FILTER_PARAMETERS Defines filter parameters for a source voice. |
XAUDIO2_PERFORMANCE_DATA Contains performance information. (XAUDIO2_PERFORMANCE_DATA) |
XAUDIO2_SEND_DESCRIPTOR Defines a destination voice that is the target of a send from another voice and specifies whether a filter should be used. |
XAUDIO2_VOICE_DETAILS Contains information about the creation flags, input channels, and sample rate of a voice. |
XAUDIO2_VOICE_SENDS Defines a set of voices to receive data from a single output voice. |
XAUDIO2_VOICE_STATE Returns the voice's current state and cursor position data. |
XAUDIO2FX_REVERB_I3DL2_PARAMETERS Describes I3DL2 (Interactive 3D Audio Rendering Guidelines Level 2.0) parameters for use in the ReverbConvertI3DL2ToNative function. |
XAUDIO2FX_REVERB_PARAMETERS Describes parameters for use in the reverb APO. |
XAUDIO2FX_VOLUMEMETER_LEVELS Describes parameters for use with the volume meter APO. |