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What's New (Telephony API)

TAPI 3.1 adds detailed phone device controls and a number of specialized terminal interfaces. The following table lists the new interfaces.

nbbnInterface Description
IEnumPhone Provides enumeration methods for the ITPhone interface.
IEnumPluggableSuperclassInfo Provides enumeration methods for the ITPluggableTerminalSuperclassInfo interface.
IEnumPluggableTerminalClassInfo Provides enumeration methods for the ITPluggableTerminalClassInfo interface.
ITASRTerminalEvent Retrieves the description of Automatic Speech Recognition terminal events.
ITAddress2 Provides additional methods on the Address object that support phone devices; derives from the ITAddress interface.
ITAutomatedPhoneControl Performs several high-level phone-related functions including enabling and configuring automated control of a phone's tones and rings, and automated call handling based on a phone's hookswitch state.
ITBasicCallControl2 Extends the ITBasicCallControl interface by providing methods to select a terminal onto a call.
ITCallInfo2 Extends the ITCallInfo interface by providing methods to set event filtering on a per-call basis.
ITCollection2 Extends the ITCollection interface by providing additional methods for modifying the collection.
ITCustomTone Provides methods that allow detailed control over the custom tones possible with some phone sets.
ITDetectTone Provides methods that allow an application to specify to the TAPI Server the tones and tone characteristics that cause the server to generate a tone event.
ITDigitsGatheredEvent Provides methods to retrieve data related to an application's digit-gathering request.
ITFileTerminalEvent Retrieves the description of file terminal events.
ITFileTrack Retrieves and sets information concerning file terminal tracks.
ITLegacyAddressMediaControl2 Extends the ITLegacyAddressMediaControl interface by providing additional methods that allow the configuration of parameters related to line devices.
ITLegacyCallMediaControl2 Extends the ITLegacyCallMediaControl interface by providing additional methods for tone detection and generation.
ITMediaControl Starts, stops, and pauses current actions, such as a playback.
ITMediaPlayback Provides playback-specific methods that allow an application to set and get the list of files to play.
ITMediaRecord Provides recording-specific methods that allow an application to set and get the names of files to record.
ITMultiTrackTerminal Enumerates, creates, or removes tracks on multitrack terminals.
ITPhone Allows access to the phone device at a level comparable to that available with the TAPI 2.x C API.
ITPhoneEvent Retrieves the description of phone events.
ITPluggableTerminalClassInfo Retrieves information concerning a pluggable terminal.
ITPluggableTerminalClassRegistration Creates, modifies, or deletes the registry entry for a pluggable terminal.
ITPluggableTerminalEventSink Notifies client applications about changes in a pluggable terminal.
ITPluggableTerminalEventSinkRegistration Registers and unregisters a client application for notification about pluggable terminal events.
ITPluggableTerminalInitialization Performs primary terminal object creation for pluggable terminals, allowing the Terminal Manager to initialize the terminal.
ITPluggableTerminalSuperclassInfo Retrieves the name and CLSID of a pluggable terminal class.
ITPluggableTerminalSuperclassRegistration Retrieves and sets information about a terminal superclass (name and CLSID).
ITScriptableAudioFormat Retrieves the audio format from, or sets the audio format for, a track.
ITStaticAudioTerminal Provides methods on static audio terminal objects that are needed to support phone devices. TAPI 3.1 MSPs must expose this interface on all static audio terminals.
ITTAPI2 Provides additional methods on the TAPI object to support phone devices; derives from the ITTAPI interface.
ITTAPIObjectEvent2 Extends the ITTAPIObjectEvent interface; provides a method that returns a pointer to an ITPhone interface on the phone object that caused the TAPI object event.
ITTTSTerminalEvent Retrieves the description of text-to-speech (TTS) terminal events.
ITTerminalManager2 Retrieves information about pluggable terminal classes registered in the current system; derives from the ITTerminalManager interface.
ITTerminalSupport2 Retrieves information about pluggable terminal classes and superclasses; derives from the ITTerminalSupport interface.
ITToneDetectionEvent Retrieves information about a tone detection event.
ITToneTerminalEvent Retrieves the description of tone terminal events.