IEnumPhone |
Provides enumeration methods for the ITPhone interface. |
IEnumPluggableSuperclassInfo |
Provides enumeration methods for the ITPluggableTerminalSuperclassInfo interface. |
IEnumPluggableTerminalClassInfo |
Provides enumeration methods for the ITPluggableTerminalClassInfo interface. |
ITASRTerminalEvent |
Retrieves the description of Automatic Speech Recognition terminal events. |
ITAddress2 |
Provides additional methods on the Address object that support phone devices; derives from the ITAddress interface. |
ITAutomatedPhoneControl |
Performs several high-level phone-related functions including enabling and configuring automated control of a phone's tones and rings, and automated call handling based on a phone's hookswitch state. |
ITBasicCallControl2 |
Extends the ITBasicCallControl interface by providing methods to select a terminal onto a call. |
ITCallInfo2 |
Extends the ITCallInfo interface by providing methods to set event filtering on a per-call basis. |
ITCollection2 |
Extends the ITCollection interface by providing additional methods for modifying the collection. |
ITCustomTone |
Provides methods that allow detailed control over the custom tones possible with some phone sets. |
ITDetectTone |
Provides methods that allow an application to specify to the TAPI Server the tones and tone characteristics that cause the server to generate a tone event. |
ITDigitsGatheredEvent |
Provides methods to retrieve data related to an application's digit-gathering request. |
ITFileTerminalEvent |
Retrieves the description of file terminal events. |
ITFileTrack |
Retrieves and sets information concerning file terminal tracks. |
ITLegacyAddressMediaControl2 |
Extends the ITLegacyAddressMediaControl interface by providing additional methods that allow the configuration of parameters related to line devices. |
ITLegacyCallMediaControl2 |
Extends the ITLegacyCallMediaControl interface by providing additional methods for tone detection and generation. |
ITMediaControl |
Starts, stops, and pauses current actions, such as a playback. |
ITMediaPlayback |
Provides playback-specific methods that allow an application to set and get the list of files to play. |
ITMediaRecord |
Provides recording-specific methods that allow an application to set and get the names of files to record. |
ITMultiTrackTerminal |
Enumerates, creates, or removes tracks on multitrack terminals. |
ITPhone |
Allows access to the phone device at a level comparable to that available with the TAPI 2.x C API. |
ITPhoneEvent |
Retrieves the description of phone events. |
ITPluggableTerminalClassInfo |
Retrieves information concerning a pluggable terminal. |
ITPluggableTerminalClassRegistration |
Creates, modifies, or deletes the registry entry for a pluggable terminal. |
ITPluggableTerminalEventSink |
Notifies client applications about changes in a pluggable terminal. |
ITPluggableTerminalEventSinkRegistration |
Registers and unregisters a client application for notification about pluggable terminal events. |
ITPluggableTerminalInitialization |
Performs primary terminal object creation for pluggable terminals, allowing the Terminal Manager to initialize the terminal. |
ITPluggableTerminalSuperclassInfo |
Retrieves the name and CLSID of a pluggable terminal class. |
ITPluggableTerminalSuperclassRegistration |
Retrieves and sets information about a terminal superclass (name and CLSID). |
ITScriptableAudioFormat |
Retrieves the audio format from, or sets the audio format for, a track. |
ITStaticAudioTerminal |
Provides methods on static audio terminal objects that are needed to support phone devices. TAPI 3.1 MSPs must expose this interface on all static audio terminals. |
Provides additional methods on the TAPI object to support phone devices; derives from the ITTAPI interface. |
ITTAPIObjectEvent2 |
Extends the ITTAPIObjectEvent interface; provides a method that returns a pointer to an ITPhone interface on the phone object that caused the TAPI object event. |
ITTTSTerminalEvent |
Retrieves the description of text-to-speech (TTS) terminal events. |
ITTerminalManager2 |
Retrieves information about pluggable terminal classes registered in the current system; derives from the ITTerminalManager interface. |
ITTerminalSupport2 |
Retrieves information about pluggable terminal classes and superclasses; derives from the ITTerminalSupport interface. |
ITToneDetectionEvent |
Retrieves information about a tone detection event. |
ITToneTerminalEvent |
Retrieves the description of tone terminal events. |