Use Application Gateway Ingress Controller (AGIC) with a multitenant Azure Kubernetes Service

Azure Application Gateway
Azure Key Vault
Azure Container Registry
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Azure Bastion

This solution utilizes Azure Web Application Firewall (WAF) to provide centralized protection for web applications deployed on a multi-tenant Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster. It safeguards against common exploits and vulnerabilities. To protect web applications running on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster and exposed via Application Gateway Ingress Controller (AGIC) from malicious attacks like SQL injection and cross-site scripting, you can use a WAF Policy on Azure Application Gateway. The WAF policy on Azure Application Gateway is pre-configured with the Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP) core rule sets and supports other OWASP Core Rule Set (CRS) versions. Additionally, you have the option to create custom rules.


Diagram displays a diagram of this Application Gateway Ingress Controller solution.

Download a Visio file of this architecture.


The companion ARM template deploys a new virtual network with four subnets:

  • AksSubnet: Hosts the AKS cluster
  • VmSubnet: Hosts a jump-box virtual machine and private endpoints
  • AppGatewaySubnet: Hosts Application Gateway WAF2 tier.
  • AzureBastionSubnet: Hosts Azure Bastion

The Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster uses a user-defined managed identity to create more resources, such as load balancers and managed disks in Azure. The ARM template allows you to deploy an AKS cluster with the following features:

The AKS cluster is composed of the following node pools:

  • System node pool that hosts only critical system pods and services. The worker nodes have node taint that prevents application pods from beings scheduled on this node pool.
  • User node pool that hosts user workloads and artifacts.

A virtual machine (VM) is deployed in the same virtual network that is hosting the AKS cluster. When you deploy Azure Kubernetes Service as a private cluster, this VM can be used by system administrators to manage the cluster via the Kubernetes command-line tool. The boot diagnostics logs of the virtual machine are stored in an Azure Storage account.

An Azure Bastion host provides secure and seamless SSH connectivity to the jump-box VM, directly in the Azure portal over SSL. Azure Container Registry is used to build, store, and manage container images and artifacts (such as Helm charts).

The architecture includes an application gateway that is used by the ingress controller. The application gateway is deployed to a dedicated subnet and exposed to the public internet via a public IP address that is shared by all the tenant workloads. A Web Application Firewall (WAF) policy is associated to the application gateway at the root level and at the HTTP listener level, to protect tenant workloads from malicious attacks. The policy is configured in Prevention mode and uses OWASP 3.1 to block intrusions and attacks that are detected by rules. The attacker receives a "403 unauthorized access" exception, and the connection is closed. Prevention mode records these attacks in the WAF logs.

A key vault is used as a secret store by workloads that run on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) to retrieve keys, certificates, and secrets via a client library, Secrets Store CSI Driver, or Dapr. Azure Private Link enables AKS workloads to access Azure platform as a service (PaaS) Services, such as Key Vault, over a private endpoint in the virtual network.

The sample topology includes the following private endpoints:

  • A private endpoint to the Blob Storage account
  • A private endpoint to Azure Container Registry
  • A private endpoint to Key Vault
  • If you opt for a private AKS cluster, a private endpoint to the API server of the Kubernetes cluster

The architecture also includes the following Private DNS Zones for the name resolution of the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of a PaaS service to the private IP address of the associated private endpoint:

  • A Private DNS Zone for the name resolution of the private endpoint to the Azure Blob Storage account
  • A Private DNS Zone for the name resolution of the private endpoint to Azure Container Registry
  • A Private DNS Zone for the name resolution of the private endpoint to Azure Key Vault
  • If you deploy the cluster as private, a Private DNS Zone for the name resolution of the private endpoint to the Kubernetes Server API

A virtual network Link exists between the virtual network hosting the AKS cluster and the above Private DNS Zones. A Log Analytics workspace is used to collect the diagnostics logs and metrics from the following sources:

  • Azure Kubernetes Service cluster
  • Jump-box virtual machine
  • Azure Application Gateway
  • Azure Key Vault
  • Azure network security groups


  • Azure Container Registry is a managed, private Docker registry service based on the open-source Docker Registry 2.0. You can use Azure container registries with your existing container development and deployment pipelines, or use Azure Container Registry Tasks to build container images in Azure. Build on demand, or fully automate builds with triggers, such as source code commits and base image updates.

  • Azure Kubernetes Services simplifies deploying a managed Kubernetes cluster in Azure by offloading the operational overhead to Azure. As a hosted Kubernetes service, Azure handles critical tasks, like health monitoring and maintenance. Since Kubernetes masters are managed by Azure, you only manage and maintain the agent nodes.

  • Azure Key Vault securely stores and controls access to secrets like API keys, passwords, certificates, and cryptographic keys. Azure Key Vault also lets you easily provision, manage, and deploy public and private Transport Layer Security/Secure Sockets Layer (TLS/SSL) certificates, for use with Azure and your internal connected resources.

  • Azure Application Gateway Azure Application Gateway is a web traffic load balancer that enables you to manage the inbound traffic to multiple downstream web applications and REST APIs. Traditional load balancers operate at the transport layer (Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) layer 4 - TCP and UDP), and they route traffic based on source IP address and port, to a destination IP address and port. The application gateway instead is an application layer (OSI layer 7) load balancer. (OSI stands for Open Systems Interconnection, TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol, and UDP stands for User Datagram Protocol.)

  • Web Application Firewall or WAF is a service that provides centralized protection of web applications from common exploits and vulnerabilities. WAF is based on rules from the OWASP (Open Worldwide Application Security Project) core rule sets. Azure WAF allows you to create custom rules that are evaluated for each request that passes through a policy. These rules hold a higher priority than the rest of the rules in the managed rule sets. The custom rules contain a rule name, rule priority, and an array of matching conditions. If these conditions are met, an action is taken (to allow or block).

  • Azure Bastion is a fully managed platform as a service (PaaS) that you provision inside your virtual network. Azure Bastion provides secure and seamless Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) and Secure Shell (SSH) connectivity to the VMs in your virtual network, directly from the Azure portal over TLS.

  • Azure Virtual Machines provides on-demand, scalable computing resources that give you the flexibility of virtualization, without having to buy and maintain the physical hardware.

  • Azure Virtual Network is the fundamental building block for Azure private networks. With Virtual Network, Azure resources (like VMs) can securely communicate with each other, the internet, and on-premises networks. An Azure virtual network is similar to a traditional network that's on-premises, but it includes Azure infrastructure benefits, such as scalability, availability, and isolation.

  • Virtual Network Interfaces let Azure Virtual Machines communicate with the internet, Azure, and on-premises resources. You can add several network interface cards to one Azure VM, so that child VMs can have their own dedicated network interface devices and IP addresses.

  • Azure Managed Disks provides block-level storage volumes that Azure manages on Azure VMs. The available types of disks are Ultra Disk Storage, Premium solid-state drives (SSDs), Standard SSDs, and Standard hard disk drives (HDDs).

  • Azure Blob Storage is Microsoft's object storage solution for the cloud. Blob storage is optimized for storing massive amounts of unstructured data. Unstructured data is data that doesn't adhere to a particular data model or definition, such as text or binary data.

  • Azure Private Link enables you to access Azure PaaS services (for example, Azure Blob Storage and Key Vault) and Azure hosted customer-owned/partner services, over a private endpoint in your virtual network.


When it comes to exposing workloads hosted in an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster, you have multiple solutions to consider. Instead of using the Application Gateway Ingress Controller, you can explore the option of using the Application Gateway for Containers or use Managed NGINX ingress with the application routing add-on. These alternatives provide different capabilities for managing and securing traffic to your AKS cluster. Refer to the documentation for more information.

In this architecture, the Application Gateway Ingress Controller (AGIC) was installed using the AGIC add-on for Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). You can also install the Application Gateway Ingress Controller via a Helm chart. For a new setup, by using one line in the Azure CLI, you can deploy a new application gateway and a new AKS cluster (with AGIC enabled as an add-on). The add-on is also a fully managed service, which provides added benefits, such as automatic updates and increased support. Both ways of deploying AGIC (Helm and the AKS add-on) are fully supported by Microsoft. Additionally, the add-on allows for better integration with AKS, as a first class add-on.

The Application Gateway Ingress Controller (AGIC) add-on is still deployed as a pod in your AKS cluster. However, there are a few differences between the Helm deployment version and the add-on version of AGIC. The following list includes the differences between the two versions:

  • Helm deployment values cannot be modified on the AKS add-on:

    • usePrivateIp is set to be false by default; this can be overwritten by the use-private-ip annotation
    • shared is not supported by the add-on
  • AGIC deployed via Helm supports ProhibitedTargets, which means AGIC can configure the application gateway specifically for AKS clusters, without affecting other existing backends.

  • Since the AGIC add-on is a managed service, it is automatically updated to the latest version of the AGIC add-on, unlike AGIC deployed through Helm (where you must manually update AGIC).

  • You can only deploy one AGIC add-on per AKS cluster, and each AGIC add-on currently can only target one Application Gateway instance. For deployments that require more than one AGIC per cluster, or multiple AGICs targeting one application gateway, you can continue to use AGIC deployed via Helm.

A single instance of the Azure Application Gateway Kubernetes Ingress Controller (AGIC) can ingest events from multiple Kubernetes namespaces. Should the AKS administrator decide to use the application gateway as an ingress, all namespaces will use the same instance of Application Gateway. A single installation of Ingress Controller will monitor accessible namespaces and will configure the application gateway that it is associated with. For more information, see Enable multiple Namespace support in an AKS cluster with Application Gateway Ingress Controller.

To enable multi-namespace support, do the following:

  • Modify the helm-config.yaml file in one of the following ways:

    • Delete the watchNamespace key entirely from the helm-config.yaml file to let AGIC observe all the namespaces.
    • Set watchNamespace to an empty string to let AGIC observe all namespaces.
    • Add multiple namespaces, separated by a comma (watchNamespace: default,secondNamespace) to let AGIC observe these namespaces exclusively.
  • Apply Helm template changes with this script: helm install -f helm-config.yaml application-gateway-kubernetes-ingress/ingress-azure

Once deployed with the ability to observe multiple namespaces, AGIC will do the following:

  • List ingress resources from all the accessible namespaces
  • Filter to ingress resources that are annotated with azure/application-gateway
  • Compose combined Application Gateway config
  • Apply the config to the associated application gateway via ARM

Scenario details

A multitenant Kubernetes cluster is shared by multiple users and workloads that are commonly referred to as "tenants". This definition includes Kubernetes clusters that are shared by different teams or divisions within an organization. It also includes clusters that are shared by per-customer instances of a software-as-a-service (SaaS) application. Cluster multitenancy is an alternative to managing many single-tenant dedicated clusters. The operators of a multitenant Kubernetes cluster must isolate tenants from each other. This isolation minimizes the damage that a compromised or malicious tenant can do to the cluster and to other tenants. When several users or teams share the same cluster with a fixed number of nodes, there is a concern that one team could use more than its fair share of resources. Resource Quotas is a tool for administrators to address this concern.

When you plan to build a multitenant Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster, you should consider the layers of resource isolation that are provided by Kubernetes: cluster, namespace, node, pod, and container. You should also consider the security implications of sharing different types of resources among multiple tenants. For example, scheduling pods from different tenants on the same node could reduce the number of machines needed in the cluster. On the other hand, you might need to prevent certain workloads from being colocated. For example, you might not allow untrusted code from outside of your organization to run on the same node as containers that process sensitive information. Azure Policy can be used to limit the deployment to AKS from only trusted registries.

Although Kubernetes cannot guarantee perfectly secure isolation between tenants, it does offer features that may be sufficient for specific use cases. As a best practice, you should separate each tenant and its Kubernetes resources into their own namespaces. You can then use Kubernetes RBAC and Network Policies to enforce tenant isolation. (RBAC stands for role-based access control.) For example, the following picture shows the typical SaaS Provider Model that hosts multiple instances of the same application on the same cluster, one for each tenant. Each application lives in a separate namespace. When tenants need a higher level of physical isolation and guaranteed performance, their workloads can be deployed to a dedicated set of nodes, dedicated pool, or even a dedicated cluster.

Diagram of multitenancy

Download a Visio file of this architecture.

The Application Gateway Ingress Controller (AGIC) is a Kubernetes application, which makes it possible for Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) customers to use an Azure Application Gateway to expose their containerized applications to the Internet. AGIC monitors the Kubernetes cluster that it is hosted on and continuously updates an application gateway, so that the selected services are exposed to the Internet. The Ingress Controller runs in its own pod on the customer's AKS instance. AGIC monitors a subset of Kubernetes Resources for changes. The state of the AKS cluster is translated to Application Gateway-specific configuration and applied to the Azure Resource Manager. This architecture sample shows proven practices to deploy a public or private Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster, with an Azure Application Gateway and an Application Gateway Ingress Controller add-on.

A single instance of the Azure Application Gateway Kubernetes Ingress Controller (AGIC) can ingest events from and observe multiple namespaces. Should the AKS administrator decide to use Application Gateway as an ingress, all namespaces will use the same instance of Application Gateway. A single installation of Ingress Controller will monitor accessible namespaces and will configure the application gateway that it is associated with.

Potential use cases

Use Application Gateway Ingress Controller (AGIC) to expose and protect internet-facing workloads that are running on an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster in a multitenant environment.


Although some of the following considerations are not fully pertaining to multitenancy in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), we believe they are essential requirements when deploying this solution. This includes our security, performance, availability and reliability, storage, scheduler, service mesh, and monitoring considerations.

Multitenancy considerations

  • Design AKS clusters for multitenancy. Kubernetes provides features that let you logically isolate teams and workloads in the same cluster. The goal should be to provide the least number of privileges, scoped to the resources that each team needs. A Namespace in Kubernetes creates a logical isolation boundary.
  • Use logical isolation to separate teams and projects. Try to minimize the number of physical AKS clusters that you deploy to isolate teams or applications. The logical separation of clusters usually provides a higher pod density than physically isolated clusters.
  • Use dedicated node pools, or dedicated AKS clusters, whenever you need to implement a strict physical isolation. For example, you can dedicate a pool of worker nodes or an entire cluster, to a team or a tenant in a multitenant environment.
    • You can use a combination of taints and tolerations to control the deployment of pods to a specific node pool. Note that a node in AKS can be tainted only at the time of node pool creation. Alternately, labels and nodePool selectors can be used to control the deployment of workload to specific node pools.

Security considerations

Although the security considerations are not fully pertaining to multitenancy in AKS, we believe they are essential requirements when deploying this solution.

Network security

  • Create a private endpoint for any PaaS service that is used by AKS workloads, such as Key Vault, Service Bus, or Azure SQL Database. This is so that the traffic between the applications and these services isn't exposed to the public internet. For more information, see What is Azure Private Link.
  • Configure your Kubernetes Ingress resource to expose workloads via HTTPS, and use a separate subdomain and digital certificate for each tenant. The Application Gateway Ingress Controller (AGIC) will automatically configure the Azure Application Gateway listener for secure socket layer (SSL) termination.
  • Configure Azure Application Gateway to use a Web Application Firewall Policy to protect public-facing workloads (that are running on AKS) from malicious attacks.
  • For integration with existing virtual networks or on-premises networks, use Azure CNI networking in AKS. This network model also allows greater separation of resources and controls in an enterprise environment.
  • Use network policies to segregate and secure intra-service communications by controlling which components can communicate with each other. By default, all pods in a Kubernetes cluster can send and receive traffic without limitations. To improve security, you can use Azure Network Policies or Calico Network Policies to define rules that control the traffic flow between different microservices. For more information, see Network Policy.
  • Don't expose remote connectivity to your AKS nodes. Create a bastion host, or jump box, in a management virtual network. Use the bastion host to securely route traffic into your AKS cluster to remote management tasks.
  • Consider using a private AKS cluster in your production environment, or at least secure access to the API server, by using authorized IP address ranges in Azure Kubernetes Service.
  • Azure DDoS Protection, combined with application-design best practices, provides enhanced DDoS mitigation features to provide more defense against DDoS attacks. You should enable Azure DDoS Protection on any perimeter virtual network.

Authentication and authorization

  • Deploy AKS clusters with Microsoft Entra integration. For more information, see AKS-managed Microsoft Entra integration. Using Microsoft Entra ID centralizes the identity management component. Any change in user account or group status is automatically updated in access to the AKS cluster. Use Roles or ClusterRoles and Bindings to scope users or groups to the least number of permissions needed.
  • Use Kubernetes RBAC to define the permissions that users or groups have to resources in the cluster. Create roles and bindings that assign the least number of permissions required. Integrate Kubernetes RBAC with Microsoft Entra ID so any change in user status or group membership is automatically updated and access to cluster resources is current.
  • Use Azure RBAC to define the minimum required permissions that users or groups have to AKS resources in one or more subscriptions. For more information, see Kubernetes RBAC and Use Azure RBAC for Kubernetes authorization (AuthZ).
  • Consider using Microsoft Entra Workload ID to assign a managed identity for an Azure resource to individual microservices, which they can then use to access managed resources (such as Azure Key Vault, SQL Database, Service Bus, and Azure Cosmos DB). All without the need to store and retrieve use connection strings or credentials from Kubernetes secrets.
  • Consider using the Secret Store CSI Driver for Azure Key Vault to access secrets, such as credentials and connections strings from Key Vault, rather than from Kubernetes secrets.
  • Consider using the Dapr Secrets Stores building block, with the Azure Key Vault store with Managed Identities on Kubernetes, to retrieve secrets (such as credentials and connection strings) from Key Vault.

Workload and cluster

  • Securing access to the Kubernetes API-Server is one of the most important things you can do to secure your cluster. Integrate Kubernetes role-based access control (Kubernetes RBAC) with Microsoft Entra ID to control access to the API server. These controls let you secure AKS the same way that you secure access to your Azure subscriptions.
  • Limit access to actions that containers can perform. Use Pod Security Admission to enable the fine-grained authorization of pod creation and updates. Provide the least number of permissions, and avoid the use of root / privileged escalation. For more best practices, see Secure pod access to resources.
  • Whenever possible, avoid running containers as a root user.
  • Use the AppArmor Linux kernel security module to limit the actions that containers can do.
  • Regularly upgrade your AKS clusters to the latest Kubernetes version to take advantage of new features and bug fixes.
  • AKS automatically downloads and installs security fixes on each Linux node, but it doesn't automatically reboot the node if necessary. Use kured to watch for pending reboots, cordon and drain nodes, and finally, apply your updates. For Windows Server nodes, regularly run an AKS upgrade operation to safely cordon and drain pods and to deploy any updated nodes.
  • Consider using HTTPS and gRPC secure transport protocols for all intra-pod communications and to use a more advanced authentication (AuthN) mechanism that does not require you to send the plain credentials on every request, like Open Authorization (OAuth) or JWT. Secure intra-service communication can be achieved by using a service mesh, like Istio, Linkerd, or Consul or by using Dapr.

Azure Container Registry

  • Scan your container images for vulnerabilities, and only deploy images that have passed validation. Regularly update the base images and application runtime, then redeploy workloads in the AKS cluster. Your CI/CD deployment workflow should include a process to scan container images. Microsoft Defender for Cloud DevOps security can be used to scan code for vulnerabilities during build / deploy time in your automated pipelines. Alternately, tools such as Prisma Cloud or Aqua can be used to scan and allow only verified images to be deployed.
  • As you use base images for application images, use automation to build new images when the base image is updated. Because those base images typically include security fixes, update any downstream application container images. For more information about base image updates, see Automate image builds on base image update with Azure Container Registry Tasks.

Performance considerations

Although the performance considerations are not fully pertaining to multitenancy in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), we believe they are essential requirements when deploying this solution:

  • For low latency workloads, consider deploying a dedicated node pool in a proximity placement group. When deploying your application in Azure, spreading Virtual Machine (VM) instances across regions or availability zones creates network latency, which may affect the overall performance of your application. A proximity placement group is a logical grouping that's used to make sure Azure compute resources are physically located close to each other. Some use cases (such as gaming, engineering simulations, and high-frequency trading (HFT)) require low latency and tasks that complete quickly. For high-performance computing (HPC) scenarios such as these, consider using proximity placement groups (PPGs) for your cluster's node pools.
  • Always use smaller container images, as it helps you to create faster builds. Smaller images are also less vulnerable to attack vectors, because of a reduced attack surface.
  • Use Kubernetes autoscaling to dynamically scale out the number of worker nodes of an AKS cluster when the traffic increases. With Horizontal Pod Autoscaler and a cluster autoscaler, node and pod volumes get adjusted dynamically in real-time, to match the traffic condition and to avoid downtimes that are caused by capacity issues. For more information, see Use the cluster autoscaler in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).

Availability and reliability considerations

Although the availability and reliability considerations are not fully pertaining to multitenancy in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), we believe they are essential requirements when deploying this solution. Consider the following ways to optimize availability for your AKS cluster and workloads.


  • Use Kubernetes health probes to check that your containers are alive and healthy:

    • The livenessProbe indicates whether the container is running. If the liveness probe fails, the kubelet kills the container, and the container is subjected to its restart policy.
    • The readinessProbe indicates whether the container is ready to respond to requests. If the readiness probe fails, the endpoints controller removes the pod's IP address from the endpoints of all services that match the pod. The default state of readiness before the initial delay is Failure.
    • The startup probe indicates whether the application within the container is started. All other probes are disabled if a startup probe is provided, until it succeeds. If the startup probe fails, the kubelet kills the container, and the container is subjected to its restart policy.
  • Resource contention can affect service availability. Define container resource constraints so that no single container can overwhelm the cluster memory and CPU resources. You can use AKS diagnostics to identify any issues in the cluster.

  • Use the resource limit to restrict the total resources allowed for a container, so one particular container can't starve others.

Container registry

  • We suggest storing container images in Azure Container Registry, and then geo-replicate the registry to each AKS region using Azure Container Registry geo-replication. Geo-replication is a feature of Premium SKU Container Registries.
  • Scan your container images for vulnerabilities, and only deploy images that have passed validation. Regularly update the base images and application runtime, and then redeploy your workloads in the AKS cluster.
  • Limit the image registries that pods and deployments can use. Only allow trusted registries, where you validate and control the images that are available.
  • As you use base images for application images, use automation to build new images, when the base image is updated. Because those base images typically include security fixes, update any downstream application container images. We recommend that you scan the container images for vulnerabilities as part of CI/CD pipeline before you publish the images to Container Registry. Azure Defender for Containers can be integrated to CI/CD workflows.
  • Use ACR Tasks in Azure Container Registry to automate OS and framework patching for your Docker containers. ACR Tasks supports automated build execution, when a container's base image is updated, such as when you patch the OS or application framework in one of your base images.

Intra-region resiliency

  • Consider deploying the node pools of your AKS cluster, across all the Availability Zones within a region, and use an Azure Standard Load Balancer or Azure Application Gateway in front of your node pools. This topology provides better resiliency, if there is an outage of a single datacenter. This way, cluster nodes are distributed across multiple datacenters, in three separate Availability Zones within a region.
  • Enable zone redundancy in Azure Container Registry, for intra-region resiliency and high availability.
  • Use Pod Topology Spread Constraints to control how pods are spread across your AKS cluster among failure-domains, such as regions, availability zones, and nodes.
  • Consider using Uptime service-level agreement (SLA) for AKS clusters that host mission-critical workloads. Uptime SLA is an optional feature to enable a financially backed, higher SLA for a cluster. Uptime SLA guarantees 99.95% availability of the Kubernetes API server endpoint, for clusters that use Availability Zones. And it guarantees 99.9% availability for clusters that don't use Availability Zones. AKS uses master node replicas across update and fault domains, in order to ensure the SLA requirements are met.

Disaster recovery and business continuity

  • Consider deploying your solution to at least two paired Azure regions within a geography. You should also adopt a global load balancer, such as Azure Traffic Manager or Azure Front Door, with an active/active or active/passive routing method, in order to guarantee business continuity and disaster recovery.
  • Make sure to script, document, and periodically test any regional failover process in a QA environment, to avoid unpredictable issues if a core service is affected by an outage in the primary region.
  • These tests are also meant to validate if the disaster recovery (DR) approach meets the recovery point objective (RPO)/recovery time objective (RTO) targets, in conjunction to eventual manual processes and interventions that are needed for a failover.
  • Make sure you test fail-back procedures, to understand if they work as expected.
  • Store your container images in Azure Container Registry, and geo-replicate the registry to each AKS region. For more information, see Geo-replication in Azure Container Registry.
  • Where possible, don't store service state inside the container. Instead, use an Azure platform as a service (PaaS) that supports multi-region replication.
  • If you use Azure Storage, prepare and test how to migrate your storage from the primary region to the backup region.
  • Consider deploying the cluster configuration using GitOps. Using GitOps provides uniformity between primary and DR clusters and a quick way to rebuild new cluster if there is a cluster loss.
  • Consider backup/restore of the cluster configuration using tools such as Azure Kubernetes Service backup or Velero.

Storage considerations

Although the storage considerations are not fully pertaining to multitenancy in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), we believe they are essential requirements when deploying this solution:

  • Consider deploying your AKS cluster with ephemeral OS disks that provide lower read/write latency, along with faster node scaling and cluster upgrades.
  • Understand the needs of your application to pick the right storage. Use high performance, SSD-backed storage for production workloads. Plan for a network-based storage system, such as Azure Files, when multiple pods need to concurrently access the same files. For more information, see Storage options for applications in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).
  • Each node size supports a maximum number of disks. Different node sizes also provide different amounts of local storage and network bandwidth. Plan for your application demands to deploy the appropriate size of nodes.
  • To reduce management overhead and let you scale, don't statically create and assign persistent volumes. Use dynamic provisioning. In your storage classes, define the appropriate reclaim policy to minimize unneeded storage costs, once pods are deleted.

Scheduler considerations

Although some of the scheduler considerations are not fully pertaining to multitenancy in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), we believe they are essential requirements when deploying this solution:

  • Make sure you review and implement the best practices, for cluster operators and application developers to build and run applications successfully on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).
  • Plan and apply resource quotas at the namespace level, for all namespaces. If pods don't define resource requests and limits, then reject the deployment. Monitor resource usage, and then adjust quotas as needed. When several teams or tenants share an AKS cluster with a fixed number of nodes, resource quotas can be used to assign a fair share of resources to each team or tenant.
  • Adopt Limit Ranges to constrain resource allocations (to pods or containers) in a namespace, in terms of CPU and memory.
  • Explicitly define resource requests and limits for CPU and memory usage, for your pods in the YAML manifests or Helm charts that you use to deploy applications. When you specify the resource request for containers in a pod, the Kubernetes scheduler uses this information to decide which node to place the pod on. When you specify a resource limit (such as the CPU or memory) for a container, the kubelet enforces those limits so that the running container can't use more of that resource than the limit you set.
  • To maintain the availability of applications, define Pod Disruption Budgets, to make sure that a minimum number of pods are available in the cluster.
  • Priority classes can be used to indicate the importance of a pod. If a pod cannot be scheduled, the scheduler tries to preempt (evict) lower priority pods, in order to make scheduling of the pending pod possible.
  • Use Kubernetes taints and tolerations to place resource-intensive applications on specific nodes, and to avoid noisy neighbor issues. Keep node resources available for workloads that require them, and don't allow other workloads to be scheduled on the nodes.
  • Control the scheduling of pods on nodes, by using node selectors, node affinity, or inter-pod affinity. Use inter-pod affinity and anti-affinity settings to colocate pods that have chatty communications, to place pods on different nodes, and to avoid running multiple instances of the same pod kind on the same node.

Service mesh considerations

Although the service mesh considerations are not fully pertaining to multitenancy in AKS, we believe they are essential requirements when deploying this solution:

  • Consider using an open-source service mesh (like Istio, Linkerd, or Consul) in your AKS cluster, in order to improve the observability, reliability, and security for your microservices, via mutual TLS. You can also implement traffic-splitting strategies (such blue/green deployments and canary deployments). In short, a service mesh is a dedicated infrastructure layer for making service-to-service communication safe, fast, and reliable. To see AKS-integrated Istio add-on, see: Istio service mesh AKS add-on

  • Consider adopting Dapr to build resilient, microservice stateless and stateful applications. You can use any programming language and developer framework.

DevOps considerations

  • Deploy your workloads to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), with a Helm chart in a CI/CD pipeline, by using a DevOps system, such as GitHub Actions or Azure DevOps. For more information, see Build and deploy to Azure Kubernetes Service.

  • Introduce A/B testing and canary deployments in your application lifecycle management, to properly test an application before making it available for all users. There are several techniques that you can use to split the traffic across different versions of the same service.

  • As an alternative, you can use the traffic-management capabilities that are provided by a service mesh implementation. For more information, see:

  • Use Azure Container Registry or another container registry (like Docker Hub), to store the private Docker images that are deployed to the cluster. AKS can authenticate with Azure Container Registry, by using its Microsoft Entra identity.

  • If there is a need to change settings on Application Gateway, make the change using the exposed configuration on the ingress controller or other Kubernetes objects, such as using supported annotations. After an application gateway is linked to Application Gateway Ingress Controller (AGIC), nearly all configuration of that gateway will be synced and controlled by the ingress controller. If you are trying to directly configure Application Gateway imperatively or through infrastructure as code, those changes will eventually be overwritten by the ingress controller.

Monitoring considerations

Although the monitoring considerations are not fully pertaining to multitenancy in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), we believe they are essential requirements when deploying this solution:

  • Consider Azure-integrated monitoring options to monitor the health status of the AKS cluster and workloads.
  • Configure all the PaaS services (such as Azure Container Registry and Key Vault) to collect diagnostics logs and metrics, to Azure Monitor Log Analytics.

Cost optimization

The cost of this architecture depends on configuration aspects, like the following:

  • Service tiers
  • Scalability, meaning the number of instances that are dynamically allocated by services to support a given demand
  • Automation scripts
  • Your disaster recovery level

After you assess these aspects, go to the Azure pricing calculator to estimate your costs. Also, for more pricing optimization options, see the Principles of cost optimization in the Microsoft Azure Well-Architected Framework.

Deploy this scenario

The source code for this scenario is available on GitHub. You can also find a demo application, as shown in the following figure, in this GitHub repository.

The diagram shows the deployment of this AGIC with AKS architecture.

Download a Visio file of this architecture.


For online deployments, you must have an existing Azure account. If you need one, create a free Azure account before you begin.

Deployment to Azure

  1. Make sure you have your Azure subscription information handy.

  2. Start by cloning the workbench GitHub repository:

    git clone
  3. Follow the instructions provided in the file.


This article is maintained by Microsoft. It was originally written by the following contributors.

Principal authors:

Next steps

Azure Kubernetes Service

Azure Application Gateway

Azure Application Gateway Ingress Controller

Azure Application Gateway WAF

Architectural guidance

Reference architectures