We are trying to classify protected content with AIP in organization. We use Microsoft Information Protection SDK Overview - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/information-protection/develop/overview#microsoft-information-protection-sdk the current version 1.12.101
An Administrator created multiple Azure Information Protection sensitivity labels. Encryption labels created with "Assign permissions now" and exactly which users get which permissions to content were defined. See https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/compliance/encryption-sensitivity-labels?view=o365-worldwide
Trying to automate classification I want to get exact list of users and their permissions. And I realized, that sensitivity labels created with option "Assign permissions now" stored in file metadata as template based and template Id is visible in ProtectionDescriptor structure
But it looks like Microsoft Information Protection SDK does not have API to get exactly which users get which permissions to content when a file protected with template.
I can see only UI description from IProtectionEngine.GetTemplates() in TemplateDescriptor:
How can I list users and their permissions for files with sensitivity labels with encryption created with template?