Azure Active Directory B2C ISV partners

Our ISV partner network extends our solution capabilities to help you build seamless end-user experiences. With Azure AD B2C, you can integrate with ISV partners to enable multifactor authentication (MFA) methods, do role-based access control, enable identity verification and proofing, improve security with bot detection and fraud protection, and meet Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) Secure Customer Authentication (SCA) requirements. Use our detailed sample walkthroughs to learn how to integrate apps with the ISV partners.

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Identity verification and proofing

Microsoft partners with the following ISVs for identity verification and proofing.

ISV partner Description and integration walkthroughs
Screenshot of a deduce logo. Deduce is an identity verification and proofing provider focused on stopping account takeover and registration fraud. It helps combat identity fraud and creates a trusted user experience.
Screenshot of an eid-me logo eID-Me is an identity verification and decentralized digital identity solution for Canadian citizens. It enables organizations to meet Identity Assurance Level (IAL) 2 and Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements.
Screenshot of an Experian logo. Experian is an identity verification and proofing provider that performs risk assessments based on user attributes to prevent fraud.
Screenshot of an IDology logo. IDology is an identity verification and proofing provider with ID verification solutions, fraud prevention solutions, compliance solutions, and others.
Screenshot of a Jumio logo. Jumio is an ID verification service, which enables real-time automated ID verification, safeguarding customer data.
Screenshot of a LexisNexis logo. LexisNexis is a profiling and identity validation provider that verifies user identification and provides comprehensive risk assessment based on user’s device.
Screenshot of an Onfido logo Onfido is a document ID and facial biometrics verification solution that allows companies to meet Know Your Customer and identity requirements in real time.

MFA and Passwordless authentication

Microsoft partners with the following ISVs for MFA and Passwordless authentication.

ISV partner Description and integration walkthroughs
Screenshot of an asignio logo Asignio is a passwordless, soft biometric, and MFA solution. Asignio uses a combination of the patented Asignio Signature and live facial verification for user authentication. The changeable biometric signature eliminates passwords, fraud, phishing, and credential reuse through omni-channel authentication.
Screenshot of a bloksec logo BlokSec is a passwordless authentication and tokenless MFA solution, which provides real-time consent-based services and protects customers against identity-centric cyber-attacks such as password stuffing, phishing, and man-in-the-middle attacks.
Screenshot of a grit biometric authentication logo. Grit biometric authentication provides users the option to sign in using finger print, face ID or Windows Hello for enhanced security.
Screenshot of a haventec logo Haventec is a passwordless authentication provider, which provides decentralized identity platform that eliminates passwords, shared secrets, and friction.
Screenshot of a hypr logo Hypr is a passwordless authentication provider, which replaces passwords with public key encryptions eliminating fraud, phishing, and credential reuse.
Screenshot of an idemia logo IDEMIA is a passwordless authentication provider, which provides real-time consent-based services with biometric authentication like faceID and fingerprinting eliminating fraud and credential reuse.
Screenshot of an itsme logo itsme is an Electronic Identification, Authentication and Trust Services (eiDAS) compliant digital ID solution to allow users to sign in securely without card readers, passwords, two-factor authentication, and multiple PIN codes.
Screenshot of a Keyless logo. Keyless is a passwordless authentication provider that provides authentication in the form of a facial biometric scan and eliminates fraud, phishing, and credential reuse.
Screenshot of a nevis logo Nevis enables passwordless authentication and provides a mobile-first, fully branded end-user experience with Nevis Access app for strong customer authentication and to comply with PSD2 transaction requirements.
Screenshot of a nok nok logo Nok Nok provides passwordless authentication and enables FIDO certified multifactor authentication such as FIDO UAF, FIDO U2F, WebAuthn, and FIDO2 for mobile and web applications. Using Nok Nok customers can improve their security posture while balancing user experience.
Screenshot of a bindid logo Transmit Security's solution BindID is a passwordless authentication service that uses strong FIDO2 biometric authentication for a reliable omni-channel authentication experience, which ensures a smooth login experience for customers across every device and channel eliminating fraud, phishing, and credential reuse.
Screenshot of a trusona logo Trusona Authentication Cloud integration helps you sign in securely and enables a tap-and-go passwordless authentication.
Screenshot of a twilio logo. Twilio Verify app provides multiple solutions to enable MFA through SMS one-time password (OTP), time-based one-time password (TOTP), and push notifications, and to comply with SCA requirements for PSD2.
Screenshot of a typingDNA logo TypingDNA enables strong customer authentication by analyzing a user’s typing pattern. It helps companies enable a silent MFA and comply with SCA requirements for PSD2.
Screenshot of a whoiam logo WhoIAM is a Branded Identity Management System (BRIMS) application that enables organizations to verify their user base by voice, SMS, and email.
Screenshot of an xid logo xID is a digital ID solution that provides users with passwordless, secure, multifactor authentication. xID-authenticated users obtain their identities verified by a My Number Card, the digital ID card issued by the Japanese government. Organizations can get users verified personal information through the xID API.

Role-based access control

Microsoft partners with the following ISVs for role-based access control.

ISV partner Description and integration walkthroughs
Screenshot of a grit IAM logo. Grit IAM B2B2C provides authentication, authorization, profile and role management, and delegated B2B SaaS application administration. It also enables role-based access control (RBAC) for end-users of Azure AD B2C.
Screenshot of a n8identity logo N8Identity is an Identity-as-a-Service governance platform that provides solution to address customer accounts migration and Customer Service Requests (CSR) administration running on Microsoft Azure.
Screenshot of a Saviynt logo Saviynt cloud-native platform promotes better security, compliance, and governance through intelligent analytics and cross application integration for streamlining IT modernization.
Screenshot of a WhoIAM Rampart logo WhoIAM Rampart provides a fully integrated helpdesk and invitation-gated user registration experience. It allows support specialists to efficiently perform tasks like resetting passwords and multi-factor authentication without using Azure. It also enables apps and role-based access control (RBAC) for end-users of Azure AD B2C.

Secure hybrid access to on-premises application

Microsoft partners with the following ISVs to provide secure hybrid access to on-premises application.

ISV partner Description and integration walkthroughs
Screenshot of an Akamai logo. Akamai provides a Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) solution that enables secure remote access to modern and legacy applications that reside in private datacenters.
Screenshot of a Datawiza logo Datawiza enables SSO and granular access control for your applications and extends Azure AD B2C to protect on-premises legacy applications.
Screenshot of a F5 logo F5 enables legacy applications to securely expose to the internet through BIG-IP security combined with Azure AD B2C pre-authentication, Conditional Access (CA) and SSO.
Screenshot of a Grit logo Grit's app proxy enables migrating a legacy application using header-based authentication to Azure AD B2C with no application code change.
Screenshot of a Ping logo Ping Identity enables secure hybrid access to on-premises legacy applications across multiple clouds.
Screenshot of a strata logo Strata provides secure hybrid access to on-premises applications by enforcing consistent access policies, keeping identities in sync, and making it simple to transition applications from legacy identity systems to standards-based authentication and access control provided by Azure AD B2C.
Screenshot of a zscaler logo Zscaler delivers policy-based, secure access to private applications and assets without the cost, hassle, or security risks of a VPN.

Fraud protection

Microsoft partners with the following ISVs for fraud detection and prevention.

ISV partner Description and integration walkthroughs
Screenshot of an Arkose lab logo Arkose Labs is a fraud prevention solution provider that helps organizations protect against bot attacks, account takeover attacks, and fraudulent account openings.
Screenshot of a BioCatch logo BioCatch is a fraud prevention solution provider that analyzes a user's physical and cognitive digital behaviors to generate insights that distinguish between legitimate customers and cyber-criminals.
Screenshot of a Microsoft Dynamics 365 logo Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection is a solution that helps organizations protect against fraudulent account openings through device fingerprinting.

Web Application Firewall

Microsoft partners with the following ISVs for Web Application Firewall (WAF).

ISV partner Description and integration walkthroughs
Screenshot of Akamai logo Akamai WAF allows fine grained manipulation of traffic to protect and secure your identity infrastructure against malicious attacks.
Screenshot of Azure WAF logo Azure WAF provides centralized protection of your web applications from common exploits and vulnerabilities.
Screenshot of Cloudflare logo Cloudflare is a WAF provider that helps organizations protect against malicious attacks that aim to exploit vulnerabilities such as SQLi, and XSS.

Developer tools

Microsoft partners with the following ISVs for tools that can help with implementation of your authentication solution.

ISV partner Description and integration walkthroughs
Screenshot of a grit ief editor logo. Grit Visual Identity Experience Framework Editor provides a low code/no code experience for developers to create sophisticated authentication user journeys. The tool comes with integrated debugger and templates for the most used scenarios.

Additional information

Next steps

Select a partner in the tables mentioned to learn how to integrate their solution with Azure AD B2C.