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PlayFab Services SDKs for PlayStation®4 and PlayStation®5

The following SDKs are available for game client development on PS4™ and PS5®. The right SDK depends mostly on your choice of game engine.

PlayFab SDK Description Learn More
C/C++ Newest SDK featuring a portable C interface and granting full control of memory and threading to the game developer. Intended for integration into high performance game engines. Request Access
Unreal An Unreal Engine marketplace plugin designed for use with either C++ or blueprint. Unreal SDK Overview
Unity Both an editor extension and stand-alone SDK for Unity3d. Unity SDK Overview
Legacy C++ Our older cross-platform C++ SDK supports a simple REST-like interface with PlayFab across multiple platforms. Request Access

Getting Access to SDKs for PS4™ and PS5®

Our PlayFab Services SDKs for Unreal and Unity are platform-agnostic. As such, they require no special access or permissions from PlayFab to utilize on any platform.

To utilize our C/C++ or Legacy C++ SDKs on PS4™ and PS5®, you must confirm your developer status via DevNet. Once you have approval, we can grant access to the SDK. Learn more about this process here: Request Access.

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"PS4" is a registered trademark or trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.

"PS5" is a registered trademark or trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.