NuGet 6.12.1 is available in Visual Studio 17.12.0 and the .NET 9.0.101 SDK.
NuGet 6.12.0 is available in the .NET 9.0.100 SDK.
Enable dotnet nuget why
on non-SDK style projects - #13576
NuGetAuditSuppress for packages.config - #13575
Roll-out new breaking change process for SDK tools, respect SdkAnalysisLevel - #13309
Add property for toggling the to the previous NuGet resolver: RestoreUseLegacyDependencyResolver - #13700
Reduce allocations in TokenSegment.TryMatch - #12728
Use SDKAnalysisLevel
in restore "https everywhere: promote from warning to error" - #13546
tweak wording of NU1603 - #13446
Default Package icon shown even when embedded icon file exists on disk - #13766
Navigation telemetry for hyperlinks: License, ReportAbuse, Readme, ProjectUrl - #13749
Navigation telemetry for Owner Profile URLs in PM UI - #13738
PM UI should show transitive path - #13574
NuGetVersion should use a factory to intern parsed versions - #13532
Remove NuGet.Packaging.Core code - #13385
PM UI transitive dependencies should display all transitive dependencies, not just ones brought in through packages directly installed in a project - #13060
Remove deprecated field "owners" from VS UI Details Pane - #10666
"Value cannot be null; Parameter name: source" displays in error list when clicking installed tab in PM UI - #13801
New dependency resolver does not properly handle missing package versions when using CPM - #13788
Saving PackageManagementFormat throws Nullable object must have a value. - #13773
ProjectReference causing PM UI to error with "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: frameworkIdentifier" - #13737
LockFileUtils.CreateLockFileTargetProject allocates a lot - #13712
ConvertToProjectPaths causes extra allocations due to yield usage - #13677
dotnet add package with CPM installs a different version than what gets restored - #13657
dotnet list package
does not work if project is using central package management system, after upgrading to .NET 8.0
- #13632
Add a log code NuGetAuditSuppress duplicate items - #13620
Solution Explorer search can be broken by skipped dataflow updates - #13619
Add nullability declarations to ResolverUtility and RemoteWalkContext - #13617
Use of Obsolete X509Certificate2 ctor - #13612
nuget restore warnings can't be suppressed with NoWarn in Visual Studio - #13571
Restore may write nulls to project.assets.json - #13563
VS 17.10 - Error building projects with CPM explicitly enabled if ManagePackageVersionsCentrally is set to false in Directory.Build.props - #13560
PERF: Version and VersionRange allocations are very prevalent in profiles of Roslyn solution load - #13559
PERF: LockFileFormat is filled completely when common callers only need some of the data - #13558
PERF: Unnecessary construction of LockFileItem.Properties dictionary - #13557
Narator does not read the value of allowInsecureConnections
- #13555
NuGet fails because of invalid characters in User-Agent header - #13531
'why' and 'config' command does not show up in 'dotnet nuget --help' output - #13517
allocation: nuget.protocol.dll!NuGet.Protocol.HttpCacheUtility+<CreateCacheFileAsync>d__.MoveNext|nuget.protocol.dll!NuGet.Protocol.PackageDependencyGroupConverter.ReadJson - #13445
Reduce allocations in ContentItemCollection - #12657
When a source isn't accessible, service index cannot be read issues suppress the internal message making it difficult to understand the root cause - #12530
[Bug]: Extra space at start of package description in tooltip - #12105
Map branch name from sourcelink to RepositoryBranch for NuGet pack - #13625