Create SingleFileProvider and use it for content files - #12706
Restore task dumps stack because TaskCanceledException should be OperationCanceledException - #12700
Improve nuget.exe restore error message when passing file globs - #12691
NuGet: LockFileUtils.GetLockFileItems boxing enumerator - #12684
Preview Window needs some strings reworded and margins adjusted - #12681
PackageSpecificWarningProperties classes do redundant collection lookups - #12678
Specify SelectionCriteria list capacity correctly - #12667
Avoid value lookup in foreach loop over dictionary's keys - #12666
NuGet: VersionRangeFormatter.GetNormalizedString bypassing StringBuilderCache via use of string.format - #12664
NuGet: LockFileFormat.ReadTargetLibrary using string.split on a simple pattern - #12663
Performance: Don't allocate as many Task instances - #12659
Replace unreliable assembly location code with reliable one - #12650
PackageSpec should use an empty RuntimeGraph instead of a new one - #12649
TargetFrameworkInformation.Clone calls ToDictionary on a type that is already a dictionary, TargetFrameworkInformation.Clone resizes a dictionary it already knows the destination size - #12648
PackageSpecReferenceDependencyProvider.GetLibrary unnecessarily resizes a List<T> that it doesn't even need - #12647
ResolverUtility.FindLibraryCachedAsync should use a struct as lookup - #12646
ContentItemCollection.PopulateItemGroups unnecessarily causing resizes of List<T>, ContentItemCollection.PopulateItemGroups boxing List<T>.Enumerator - #12645
PackageSpec.Clone and LibraryDependency.Clone overwrite collections created by their constructors. - #12642
RestoreOperationLogger.ReportProgressAsync repeatedly requests UI thread time - #12640
Avoid repeated Enum.ToString() in PackageSpecWriter.SetDependencies - #12638
ETW events should use default '/' instead of '_' - #12631
Parsing NuGetVersion causes significant GC pressure - #12630
The vulnerable label doesn’t show in the “version” dropdown box of “Browse” tab when searching for vulnerable packages - #12623
nuget restore fails for solution filters not in same directory as the solution it references. - #12562
VersionRangeFormatter should use StringBuilderPool - #12551
Reduce allocations in VirtualFileInfo.Name - #12550
Reduce allocations when getting hash code of LibraryModel.LibraryRange - #12549
NuGet.Build.Tasks.Console should roll forward to newer runtimes - #12528
SourceRepository.GetResource throws if type is not an exact match - #12455
[Bug]: Disable the option to update version when using VersionOverride in CPM - #12230
[Bug]: dotnet nuget push not detecting apikey for 3rd party symbol server - #11846
X-NuGet-Warning doesn't work when using proxy due to missing ServerWarningLogHandler - #5004