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2.2.3 Valid Selection

Many constructs in file types described by this document refer to ranges of CPs. When such ranges specify that they are restricted to a valid selection, the following rules apply.

  • If the range contains content from more than one table cell at a particular table depth, then it MUST contain only whole table rows at that table depth. For further specification, see Overview of Tables (section 2.4.3).

  • If the range contains a field begin character, field separator character, or field end character, then it MUST contain the entire field. For further specification, see Plcfld (section 2.8.25).

  • Both ends of the range MUST be in the same document part.

  • If the range is in the footnote document, then both ends MUST be in the same footnote. For further specification, see PlcffndTxt (section 2.8.20).

  • If the range is in the header document, then both ends MUST be in the same header or footer. For further specification, see Plcfhdd (section 2.8.22).

  • If the range is in the comment document, both ends MUST be in the same comment. For further specification, see PlcfandTxt (section 2.8.8).

  • If the range is in the endnote document, then both ends MUST be in the same end note. For further specification, see PlcfendTxt (section 2.8.17).

  • If the range is in the textbox document, then both ends MUST be in the same textbox. For further specification, see PlcftxbxTxt (section 2.8.32).

  • If the range is in the header textbox document, then both ends MUST be in the same textbox. For further specification, see PlcfHdrtxbxTxt (section 2.8.23).