In the DNS_RPC_ZONE_CREATE_INFO_DOTNET structure all fields have same definition as specified in section DNS_RPC_ZONE_CREATE_INFO_W2K (section, with the following exceptions:

 typedef struct _DnsRpcZoneCreateInfoDotNet {
   DWORD dwRpcStructureVersion;
   DWORD dwReserved0;
   [string] char* pszZoneName;
   DWORD dwZoneType;
   DWORD fAllowUpdate;
   DWORD fAging;
   DWORD dwFlags;
   [string] char* pszDataFile;
   DWORD fDsIntegrated;
   DWORD fLoadExisting;
   [string] char* pszAdmin;
   PIP4_ARRAY aipMasters;
   PIP4_ARRAY aipSecondaries;
   DWORD fSecureSecondaries;
   DWORD fNotifyLevel;
   DWORD dwTimeout;
   DWORD fRecurseAfterForwarding;
   DWORD dwDpFlags;
   [string] char* pszDpFqdn;
   DWORD dwReserved[32];

dwRpcStructureVersion: As specified in section

dwReserved0: As specified in section

dwTimeout: Equivalent to dwForwarderTimeout specified in section

fRecurseAfterForwarding: Equivalent to fForwarderSlave specified in section

dwDpFlags: As specified in section However, only the following values can be used and of these values more than one MUST NOT be specified: DNS_DP_LEGACY, DNS_DP_DOMAIN_DEFAULT, and DNS_DP_FOREST_DEFAULT. This field is set to zero if the zone is not to be created to use the directory server for persistent storage. The DNS server returns an error if any value not listed above is specified or if more than one of the allowable values are specified.

pszDpFqdn: As specified in section

dwReserved: MUST be set to zero when sent and MUST be ignored on receipt.

If the DNS RPC client sends an older version of DNS_RPC_ZONE_CREATE_INFO structure such as DNS_RPC_ZONE_CREATE_INFO_W2K (section, then the DNS RPC server MUST construct a current version of DNS_RPC_ZONE_CREATE_INFO structure such as DNS_RPC_ZONE_CREATE_INFO_DOTNET, using steps as specified below:

  1. Copy the same value for fields that are common to input and current version of DNS_RPC_ZONE_CREATE_INFO structures.

  2. dwRpcStructureVersion field MUST be set to 1.

  3. All other fields that are defined only in DNS_RPC_ZONE_CREATE_INFO_DOTNET and are not defined in DNS_RPC_ZONE_CREATE_INFO_W2K (section, MUST be set to 0.