Share via SESSION_INFO_502

The SESSION_INFO_502 structure contains information about the session, including the name of the computer; the name of the user; open files, pipes, and devices that are on the computer; the client type; session active and idle times; how the user established the session; and the name of the transport that the client is using.

 typedef struct _SESSION_INFO_502 {
   [string] wchar_t* sesi502_cname;
   [string] wchar_t* sesi502_username;
   DWORD sesi502_num_opens;
   DWORD sesi502_time;
   DWORD sesi502_idle_time;
   DWORD sesi502_user_flags;
   [string] wchar_t* sesi502_cltype_name;
   [string] wchar_t* sesi502_transport;

sesi502_cname: A pointer to a null-terminated Unicode UTF-16 Internet host name or NetBIOS host name of the computer that established the session.

sesi502_username: A pointer to a null-terminated Unicode UTF-16 string that specifies the name of the user who established the session.

sesi502_num_opens: Specifies the number of files, devices, and pipes that were opened during the session.

sesi502_time: Specifies the number of seconds the session has been active.

sesi502_idle_time: Specifies the number of seconds the session has been idle.

sesi502_user_flags: Specifies a value that describes how the user established the session. This member MUST be a combination of one or more of the values that are listed in section

sesi502_cltype_name: A pointer to a null-terminated Unicode UTF-16 string that specifies the type of client that established the session. The server simply stores this string, as specified in section, and its value does not modify the behavior of the protocol.<10>

sesi502_transport: Specifies the name of the transport that the client is using to communicate with the server.