Private offers submission API troubleshooting and resources
This article provides a sample text, which helps parse response text from the Private offers API in Partner Center.
How to parse error messages in the response body
Public API Response Error schema
Core Library Class Name: Microsoft.ProductIngestion.Models.ResponseError
If there's a failure (for example: notFound, schema validation error,...) we return a response of this schema:
"$schema": "",
"$id": "", "$comment": "In case of any failure. For example not found of in invalid schema",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"error": { "$ref": ""},
"required": ["error"],
"additionalProperties": false
The Microsoft commercial marketplace is a catalog of cloud applications and services that contains offerings from Microsoft and thousands of partners. In this learning path, you'll be introduced to concepts that will help your organization get ready to sell your cloud products and services through the commercial marketplace.