Send email by using Mail

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Mail Connection Provider lets you send email notifications, and it can be used with Microsoft Power Apps and Microsoft Power Automate.

Basic concept of the Mail connector

No triggers are available for mail on actions. The following action is the only one that is available.

Action Description
Send an email notification (V3) Send an email notification to the specified email addresses.

Send an email action with dynamic content from SharePoint

The SharePoint connector has a trigger for new items in Power Automate flows. This example shows a workflow process being started when a new item for a travel reimbursement request is submitted. Email notifications are sent by using the Mail connector.

The following table provides an overview of the column types for the list in Microsoft Lists called Travel Reimbursement.

Column Type Required Additional information
Title Single line of text Yes
Expense Type Choice Yes The following choices are added: Event, Meal, Supplies, Travel, Other
Description Multiple lines of text Yes 10 lines of plain text
Cost Currency Yes
Manager Person or Group No Person

The following screenshot shows the list in Microsoft Lists. Lists automatically adds the Created, Created By, Modified, and Modified By columns.

Screenshot of the list of Columns.

Next unit: Save email content to SharePoint

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