Microsoft Learn for Educators course planning

Higher Education Educator
Microsoft Defender for Cloud
Dynamics 365
Customer Service

As you prepare for your course delivery, begin by determining the curriculum integration approach, implementation plan, LMS integration of Microsoft Learn benefits, and student reporting. Provide clarity about certification and employability success to your students.

Learning objectives

After completing this module, you'll be able to:

  • Explain the different approaches to curriculum integration.
  • Plan how to promote certification awareness and benefits.
  • Integrate content from Microsoft Learn into your Learning Management System.
  • Receive important curriculum updates.


  • Understand the resources available to you help you get prepared to teach Microsoft Fundamentals or Advanced Role-Based curriculum in your classes.
  • Understand how faculty members can prepare to take a certification exam.
  • Request a free or discounted practice test key.
  • Access free or discounted certification exam vouchers.