Learning assessments


Students need the opportunity to work and to learn using a mix of assessments. The assessments teachers choose, whether formal or informal, provide data that assists the teacher and student in understanding student progress. Teachers and students use this information to make decisions on the next steps to take during the blended learning arc.

Microsoft Teams is a hub for learning that teachers use to provide a structure for learning. Teams also provides flexibility to employ teachers' blended learning models and modalities, gather feedback, and monitor progress. Insights, a Teams feature, allows teachers to monitor digital activity, communication activity, and grade distribution and trends. It also can provide reading progress data for average words per minute, average accuracy rate, and challenging words.

Here are some learning tools and ideas of how teachers use them to collect data and assess student work:

  • Forms – Create polls, quizzes, check-ins, and self-assessments.
  • Flip – Student responses, peer feedback, video explanations, whiteboard, and screen sharing understanding or trouble spots.
  • Minecraft – 3D modeling, scavenger hunts, virtual manipulatives, Esports, and sandbox for creative work.
  • OneNote – Writing, concept maps, charts, schedules, inking and annotations, and digital worksheets.
  • Word – Reading and writing, editing, revising, newsletters, letters, resumes, flyers, and brochures.
  • PowerPoint – Presentations, presenter coach to practice and refine presentations, screen sharing and recording.
  • Excel – Analyze data, sort and filter information, creating visual information through graphs and charts.
  • MakeCode – Designing, creating, and sharing code with blocks, JavaScript, or Python.
  • Stream – Videos with interactive questions from Forms.