Deepen learners’ understanding and celebrate their growth

Completed 100 XP

In addition to the Python 101 unit, learners may deepen their understanding of programming in Python with the Python Island unit. Each island reinforces key programming concepts and challenges them to use their programming knowledge in new contexts. Review the video to learn more about the Python Island lessons.

Throughout the Minecraft Education coding activities, learners are engaged in authentic, real-world problems. Their experiences connect to community needs and potential career paths. The activities’ authenticity provides purpose and meaning that encourages learners to take ownership of their learning.

Another way to provide authenticity is by creating an authentic audience for learners’ summative assessments. Authentic audiences may include:

  • Tasking learners to use their summative assessment to teach a younger class.
  • Tasking learners to present their summative assessments to peers.
  • Inviting friends and family to attend an event where learners present their summative assessments.
  • Inviting industry professionals to see the solutions learners created in their summative assessments.

After learners have shared their creations with their authentic audience, be sure to celebrate their growth. Celebrations of learning build confidence and encourage learners to continue their journeys to deeper understanding. Refer to the video to learn more about hosting celebrations of learning.

Next unit: Knowledge check

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