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Xbox is not tested as part of vcpkg repository's continuous integration process, so regressions can occur as part of library updates.

Xbox community triplets

vcpkg includes community triplets for Microsoft GDK PC and Xbox development. They make use of the MSVC compiler toolset (Visual Studio 2019 version 16.11 or later).

There are two variants for each triplet: static and dynamic linking.

Console vcpkg community triplets
Xbox One x64-xbox-xboxone
Xbox Series X|S x64-xbox-scarlett

The static linking triplets are set to use the MSVC Runtime as a DLL (i.e. VCPKG_CRT_LINKAGE dynamic) as that's the recommended and supported usage scenario.

Building with the Windows SDK

The Windows SDK (19041) or later includes the system headers required to build against the WINAPI_FAMILY_GAMES API partition used by the Xbox Game OS. Therefore, most libraries can be built against these triplets without having access to the NDA Microsoft GDK with Xbox Extensions.

Building with the Microsoft GDK with Xbox Extensions

Libraries that make use of DirectX graphics APIs must be built using a custom variant of Direct3D 12.X used by the Xbox Game OS, and this requires access to the NDA Microsoft GDK with Xbox Extensions. Note that the Xbox Game OS does not support Direct3D 11, Direct2D/DirectWrite, OpenGL, GDI, or any older version of Direct3D.

Libraries that require these headers must use the ms-gdkx "stub" port to indicate this requirement. This port looks for paths pointed to by GameDKLatest, GameGXDKLatest, and GameGRDKLatest environment variables.


Xbox game developers are responsible for ensuring that they and their publishers have appropriate and correct licensing terms for use of any 3rd party software components per the terms of their Title License Agreement. Be sure to seek appropriate legal advice for any use of open-source components in your title.

UWP on Xbox

If building for UWP on Xbox, use the existing x64-uwp triplet instead.

Maintainer notes

CMake projects for these triplets are built using CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME set to "Windows". To indicate the Xbox console being targeted, the XBOX_CONSOLE_TARGET variable is set to "xboxone" or "scarlett".

Xbox triplets build with /DWINAPI_FAMILY=WINAPI_FAMILY_GAMES and either /arch:AVX or /arch:AVX2 depending on the target console.

The Xbox triplets also build with /DUNICODE /D_UNICODE as these are both strongly recommended for modern development. See the UTF-8 Everywhere manifesto for more information.

For dynamic libraries, be sure to avoid explict linking to KERNEL32.LIB or ONECORE.LIB. For the Xbox platform, a platform umbrella library is used instead which conflicts with kernel32, etc. See Microsoft Learn.

Further reading

For more information, see this blog post.

See also the CMakeExample sample on GitHub.