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Microsoft Teams Extension

How to switch organizations

The message extension can search for OKRs and Initiatives in any organization you are part of. (see organizations). To switch your active organization, click on ‘More Options’ in the top right corner of the message extension, and choose ‘Switch organization’.

Screenshot of selecting the switch organization option in MS Teams.

From here, you can select the organization you want to search within.

Screenshot of selecting the organization from a dropdown list.

Share OKR updates in Microsoft Teams chats

You can surface specific OKRs and initiatives within your Teams chats to add more context to your conversations. You can discuss progress, proactively identify and resolve blockers, and use Viva Goals to focus on the work that needs your attention. With the Microsoft Teams messaging extension, you can also make updates to your OKRs without leaving your chat.


To proceed with these steps, you you need a Viva Goals account.

Follow these steps to insert an OKR/initiative in your textbox:

  1. Log in to the Teams app.

  2. Open the chat where you want to surface your OKR progress.

  3. Select the ellipse ... button below the text box.

    Screenshot highlights the messaging Extensions ellipse button below the text box in Teams.

  4. In the search box, type Viva Goals. The messaging extension for your organization's Viva Goals account will appear.

    Screenshot shows how to search for the Viva Goals messaging extension from the search box.

  5. Select the Viva Goals app. You'll see a search bar followed by the list of recommended public OKRs and initiatives.

    Screenshot shows the recommended list of OKRs and initiatives.

  6. Enter the title of the OKR/initiative you're looking for. As you type, suggestions will appear, and you can pick one. You'll then see a card for that OKR/initiative in the text box.

    Screenshot shows how to search for OKRs/initiatives in the Viva Goals messaging extension.

  7. Add/edit any text you'd like to share for more context, along with the OKR/initiative's progress, and then select Send.

    Screenshot that shows the OKR/initiatives card with a text message.