The !ndiskd.protocol command displays information about an NDIS protocol driver. If you run this extension with no parameters, !ndiskd will display a list of NDIS protocol drivers that are active on the system.
!ndiskd.protocol [-handle <x>] [-findname <any>]
Optional handle of an NDIS protocol.
Filters protocols by name prefix.
Enter the !ndiskd.protocol command to see a list of all NDIS protocols, their handles, and open bindings to miniports (if any). In the following example, look for the TCPIP6TUNNEL protocol's handle, ffff8083e1a95c00.
3: kd> !ndiskd.protocol
ffff8083e0114730 - NDISUIO
ffff8083e55f3010 - Microsoft Kernel Debug Network Adapter
ffff8083e3e90c10 - MSLLDP
ffff8083e3926010 - Microsoft Kernel Debug Network Adapter
ffff8083e3e98c10 - WANARPV6
ffff8083e3e97010 - WANARP
ffff8083e3e8f6b0 - RSPNDR
ffff8083e11902c0 - Microsoft Kernel Debug Network Adapter
ffff8083e3e90800 - LLTDIO
ffff8083e15537d0 - Microsoft Kernel Debug Network Adapter
ffff8083e1a9ac10 - RDMANDK
ffff8083e1a95c00 - TCPIP6TUNNEL
ffff8083e56b8110 - Microsoft ISATAP Adapter #2
ffff8083e19bec10 - TCPIPTUNNEL
ffff8083e19bfc10 - TCPIP6
ffff8083e504c770 - Microsoft Kernel Debug Network Adapter
ffff8083e11cec10 - TCPIP
ffff8083e0c565a0 - Microsoft Kernel Debug Network Adapter
With the protocol's handle, now you can enter either click the handle or enter the !ndiskd.protocol -handle command to see information for that protocol, such as the handles for the miniports that are bound to it.
3: kd> !ndiskd.protocol ffff8083e1a95c00
Ndis handle ffff8083e1a95c00
Ndis API version v6.40
Driver context fffff80e2e4f9de0
Driver version v0.0
Reference count 2
Flags [No flags set]
Driver image [Not available] Why not?
Open Miniport Miniport Name
ffff8083e56b8110 ffff8083e02ce1a0 Microsoft ISATAP Adapter #2
Protocol handler Function pointer Symbol (if available)
BindAdapterHandlerEx fffff80e2e3baab0 bp
UnbindAdapterHandlerEx fffff80e2e3c1c80 bp
OpenAdapterCompleteHandlerEx fffff80e2e4bc940 bp
CloseAdapterCompleteHandlerEx fffff80e2e3d19b0 bp
NetPnPEventHandler fffff80e2e3bb140 bp
UninstallHandler [None]
SendNetBufferListsCompleteHandler fffff80e2e3919a0 bp
ReceiveNetBufferListsHandler fffff80e2e3918a0 bp
StatusHandlerEx fffff80e2e3a9550 bp
OidRequestCompleteHandler fffff80e2e398120 bp
DirectOidRequestCompleteHandler fffff80e2e398120 bp