Providing capabilities for DirectX VA 2.0 extension modes
When its GetCaps function is called, the user-mode display driver (UMD) provides the following capabilities for DirectX VA 2.0 extension modes based on the request type specified in the Type member of the D3DDDIARG_GETCAPS structure that its pData parameter points to.
The D3D runtime first requests the number of supported GUIDs followed by a request for the list of supported GUIDs. The UMD returns the number and a list of the GUIDs that it supports for extension modes.
Each extension mode that the UMD supports can have unique capabilities. The UMD returns those capabilities when the D3DDDICAPS_GETEXTENSIONCAPS request type is passed. The Direct3D runtime specifies a DXVADDI_QUERYEXTENSIONCAPSINPUT structure for the extension GUID to retrieve capabilities for in a variable that the pInfo member of D3DDDIARG_GETCAPS points to. The UMD returns capabilities for the extension GUID in a private structure that the pData member of D3DDDIARG_GETCAPS points to.