Drivers of mass-storage devices that have internal caches for data must handle this request in a DispatchShutdown routine. Drivers of mass-storage devices and intermediate drivers layered over them also must handle this request if an underlying driver maintains internal buffers for data.

When Sent

Receipt of a shutdown request indicates that a file system driver is sending notice that the system is being shut down.

One or more file system drivers can send such a lower-level driver more than one shutdown request when a user logs off or when the system is being shut down for some other reason.

The PnP manager sends this IRP at IRQL<=APC_LEVEL in an arbitrary thread context.

Input Parameters


Output Parameters



The driver must complete the transfer of any data currently cached in the device or held in the driver's internal buffers before completing the shutdown request.

A driver does not receive an IRP_MJ_SHUTDOWN request for a device object unless it registers to do so with either IoRegisterShutdownNotification or IoRegisterLastChanceShutdownNotification.



Wdm.h (include Wdm.h, Ntddk.h, or Ntifs.h)

See also


