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eSIM Download and Install Log Filter

To make searching log files easier, below is an eSIM download and install filter file for the TextAnalysisTool.

To use the eSIM download and install log filter:

  1. Copy and paste the lines below and save them into a text file named "esimdownload.tat."
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<TextAnalysisTool.NET version="2015-08-17" showOnlyFilteredLines="True">
    <filter enabled="y" excluding="n" description="" type="matches_text" case_sensitive="n" regex="n" text="RpcDownloadProfile" />
    <filter enabled="y" excluding="n" description="" type="matches_text" case_sensitive="n" regex="n" text="LuiAsyncResult" />
    <filter enabled="y" excluding="n" description="" type="matches_text" case_sensitive="n" regex="n" text="DownloadSequenceEvent" />
  1. Load the filter file into the TextAnalysisTool by clicking File > Load Filters.