LINETRANSLATECAPS structure (tapi.h)
The LINETRANSLATECAPS structure describes the address translation capabilities. This structure can contain an array of LINELOCATIONENTRY structures and an array of LINECARDENTRY structures. The LINETRANSLATECAPS structure is returned by the lineGetTranslateCaps function.
typedef struct linetranslatecaps_tag {
DWORD dwTotalSize;
DWORD dwNeededSize;
DWORD dwUsedSize;
DWORD dwNumLocations;
DWORD dwLocationListSize;
DWORD dwLocationListOffset;
DWORD dwCurrentLocationID;
DWORD dwNumCards;
DWORD dwCardListSize;
DWORD dwCardListOffset;
DWORD dwCurrentPreferredCardID;
Total size allocated to this data structure, in bytes.
Size for this data structure that is needed to hold all the returned information, in bytes.
Size of the portion of this data structure that contains useful information, in bytes.
Number of entries in the LocationList. It includes all locations defined, including zero (default).
Size of the list of locations known to the address translation, in bytes.
Offset from the beginning of this structure to the list of locations known to the address translation. The list consists of a sequence of LINELOCATIONENTRY structures. The dwLocationListOffset member points to the first byte of the first structure, and the dwLocationListSize member indicates the total number of bytes in the list.
Permanent identifier for the CurrentLocation entry in the [Locations] section of the registry. See the dwPermanentLocationID member of the LINELOCATIONENTRY structure.
Number of entries in the CardList.
Size of the list of calling cards known to the address translation, in bytes.
Offset from the beginning of this structure to the list of calling cards known to the address translation. It includes only non-hidden card entries and always includes card 0 (direct dial). The list consists of a sequence of LINECARDENTRY structures. The dwCardListOffset member points to the first byte of the first structure, and the dwCardListSize member indicates the total number of bytes in the list.
Preferred calling card for the CurrentLocation entry in the [Locations] section of the registry. See the dwPreferredCardID member of the LINELOCATIONENTRY structure.
This structure may not be extended.
Requirement | Value |
Header | tapi.h |