tapi.h header
This header is used by multiple technologies. For more information, see:
tapi.h contains the following programming interfaces:
lineAccept The lineAccept function accepts the specified offered call. It can optionally send the specified user-user information to the calling party. |
lineAddProvider The lineAddProvider function (tapi.h) installs a new telephony service provider into the telephony system. |
lineAddProviderA The lineAddProvider function installs a new telephony service provider into the telephony system. (lineAddProviderA) |
lineAddProviderW The lineAddProviderW (Unicode) function (tapi.h) installs a new telephony service provider into the telephony system. |
lineAddToConference The lineAddToConference function adds the call specified by hConsultCall to the conference call specified by hConfCall. |
lineAgentSpecific The lineAgentSpecific function allows the application to access proprietary handler-specific functions of the agent handler associated with the address. |
lineAnswer The lineAnswer function answers the specified offering call. |
lineBlindTransfer The lineBlindTransfer function (tapi.h) performs a blind or single-step transfer of the specified call to the specified destination address. |
lineBlindTransferA The lineBlindTransfer function performs a blind or single-step transfer of the specified call to the specified destination address. (lineBlindTransferA) |
lineBlindTransferW The lineBlindTransfer (Unicode) function (tapi.h) performs a blind or single-step transfer of the specified call to the specified destination address. |
lineClose The lineClose function closes the specified open line device. |
lineCompleteCall The lineCompleteCall function specifies how a call that could not be connected normally should be completed instead. |
lineCompleteTransfer The lineCompleteTransfer function completes the transfer of the specified call to the party connected in the consultation call. |
lineConfigDialog The lineConfigDialog function (tapi.h) causes the provider of the specified line device to display a dialog box. |
lineConfigDialogA The lineConfigDialog function causes the provider of the specified line device to display a dialog box (attached to hwndOwner of the application) to allow the user to configure parameters related to the line device. (lineConfigDialogA) |
lineConfigDialogEdit The lineConfigDialogEdit function (tapi.h) causes the provider of the specified line device to display a dialog box. |
lineConfigDialogEditA The lineConfigDialogEdit function causes the provider of the specified line device to display a dialog box (attached to hwndOwner of the application) to allow the user to configure parameters related to the line device. (lineConfigDialogEditA) |
lineConfigDialogEditW The lineConfigDialogEditW (Unicode) function (tapi.h) causes the provider of the specified line device to display a dialog box. |
lineConfigDialogW The lineConfigDialogW (Unicode) function (tapi.h) causes the provider of the specified line device to display a dialog box. |
lineConfigProvider The lineConfigProvider function causes a service provider to display its configuration dialog box. |
lineCreateAgentA The lineCreateAgent function creates a new Agent object. It generates a LINE_PROXYREQUEST message to be sent to a registered proxy function handler, referencing a LINEPROXYREQUEST structure of type LINEPROXYREQUEST_CREATEAGENT. (ANSI) |
lineCreateAgentSessionA The lineCreateAgentSession function creates a new AgentSession object. It generates a LINE_PROXYREQUEST message to be sent to a registered proxy function handler, referencing a LINEPROXYREQUEST structure of type LINEPROXYREQUEST_CREATEAGENTSESSION. (ANSI) |
lineCreateAgentSessionW The lineCreateAgentSession function creates a new AgentSession object. It generates a LINE_PROXYREQUEST message to be sent to a registered proxy function handler, referencing a LINEPROXYREQUEST structure of type LINEPROXYREQUEST_CREATEAGENTSESSION. (Unicode) |
lineCreateAgentW The lineCreateAgent function creates a new Agent object. It generates a LINE_PROXYREQUEST message to be sent to a registered proxy function handler, referencing a LINEPROXYREQUEST structure of type LINEPROXYREQUEST_CREATEAGENT. (Unicode) |
lineDeallocateCall Deallocates the specified call handle. |
lineDevSpecific The lineDevSpecific function enables service providers to provide access to features not offered by other TAPI functions. |
lineDevSpecificFeature The lineDevSpecificFeature function enables service providers to provide access to features not offered by other TAPI functions. |
lineDial The lineDial function (tapi.h) dials the specified dialable number on the specified call. |
lineDialA The lineDial function dials the specified dialable number on the specified call. (lineDialA) |
lineDialW The lineDialW (Unicode) function (tapi.h) dials the specified dialable number on the specified call. |
lineDrop The lineDrop function drops or disconnects the specified call. The application has the option to specify user-user information to be transmitted as part of the call disconnect. |
lineForward The lineForward function (tapi.h) forwards calls destined for the specified address on the specified line, according to the specified forwarding instructions. |
lineForwardA The lineForward function forwards calls destined for the specified address on the specified line, according to the specified forwarding instructions. (lineForwardA) |
lineForwardW The lineForwardW (Unicode) function forwards calls destined for the specified address on the specified line, according to the specified forwarding instructions. |
lineGatherDigits The lineGatherDigits function (tapi.h) initiates the buffered gathering of digits on the specified call. |
lineGatherDigitsA The lineGatherDigits function initiates the buffered gathering of digits on the specified call. The application specifies a buffer in which to place the digits and the maximum number of digits to be collected. (lineGatherDigitsA) |
lineGatherDigitsW The lineGatherDigitsW (Unicode) function initiates the buffered gathering of digits on the specified call. |
lineGenerateDigits The lineGenerateDigits function (tapi.h) initiates the generation of the specified digits on the specified call as inband tones using the specified signaling mode. |
lineGenerateDigitsA Initiates the generation of the specified digits on the specified call as inband tones using the specified signaling mode. (lineGenerateDigitsA) |
lineGenerateDigitsW The lineGenerateDigitsW (Unicode) function initiates the generation of the specified digits on the call as inband tones using the specified signaling mode. |
lineGenerateTone The lineGenerateTone function generates the specified inband tone over the specified call. |
lineGetAddressCaps The lineGetAddressCaps function (tapi.h) queries the specified address on the specified line device to determine its telephony capabilities. |
lineGetAddressCapsA The lineGetAddressCaps function queries the specified address on the specified line device to determine its telephony capabilities. (lineGetAddressCapsA) |
lineGetAddressCapsW The lineGetAddressCapsW (Unicode) function (tapi.h) queries the specified address on the specified line device to determine its telephony capabilities. |
lineGetAddressID The lineGetAddressID function (tapi.h) returns the address identifier associated with an address in a different format on the specified line. |
lineGetAddressIDA The lineGetAddressID function returns the address identifier associated with an address in a different format on the specified line. (lineGetAddressIDA) |
lineGetAddressIDW The lineGetAddressIDW (Unicode) function (tapi.h) returns the address identifier associated with an address in a different format on the specified line. |
lineGetAddressStatus The lineGetAddressStatus function (tapi.h) allows an application to query the specified address for its current status. |
lineGetAddressStatusA The lineGetAddressStatus function allows an application to query the specified address for its current status. (lineGetAddressStatusA) |
lineGetAddressStatusW The lineGetAddressStatusW function (tapi.h) allows an application to query the specified address for its current status. |
lineGetAgentActivityListA The lineGetAgentActivityList function obtains the identities of activities that the application can select using lineSetAgentActivity to indicate what function the agent is actually performing at the moment. (ANSI) |
lineGetAgentActivityListW The lineGetAgentActivityList function obtains the identities of activities that the application can select using lineSetAgentActivity to indicate what function the agent is actually performing at the moment. (Unicode) |
lineGetAgentCapsA The lineGetAgentCaps function obtains the agent-related capabilities supported on the specified line device. If a specific agent is named, the capabilities include a listing of ACD groups into which the agent is permitted to log in. (ANSI) |
lineGetAgentCapsW The lineGetAgentCaps function obtains the agent-related capabilities supported on the specified line device. If a specific agent is named, the capabilities include a listing of ACD groups into which the agent is permitted to log in. (Unicode) |
lineGetAgentGroupListA The lineGetAgentGroupList function obtains the identities of agent groups (combination of queue, supervisor, skill level, and so on) into which the agent currently logged in on the workstation is permitted to log into on the automatic call distributor. (ANSI) |
lineGetAgentGroupListW The lineGetAgentGroupList function obtains the identities of agent groups (combination of queue, supervisor, skill level, and so on) into which the agent currently logged in on the workstation is permitted to log into on the automatic call distributor. (Unicode) |
lineGetAgentInfo The lineGetAgentInfo function returns a structure holding the ACD information associated with a particular agent handle. |
lineGetAgentSessionInfo The lineGetAgentSessionInfo function returns a structure that holds the ACD information associated with a particular agent session handle. |
lineGetAgentSessionList The lineGetAgentSessionList function returns a list of agent sessions created for the specified agent. |
lineGetAgentStatusA The lineGetAgentStatus function obtains the agent-related status on the specified address. (ANSI) |
lineGetAgentStatusW The lineGetAgentStatus function obtains the agent-related status on the specified address. (Unicode) |
lineGetAppPriority The lineGetAppPriority function (tapi.h) enables an application to determine whether or not it is in the handoff priority list for a particular media mode. |
lineGetAppPriorityA Enables an application to determine whether or not it is in the handoff priority list for a particular media mode or Assisted Telephony request mode and, if so, its position in the priority list. (lineGetAppPriorityA) |
lineGetAppPriorityW The lineGetAppPriorityW (Unicode) function enables an application to determine whether or not it is in the handoff priority list for a particular media mode. |
lineGetCallInfo The lineGetCallInfo function (tapi.h) enables an application to obtain fixed information about the specified call. |
lineGetCallInfoA The lineGetCallInfo function enables an application to obtain fixed information about the specified call. (lineGetCallInfoA) |
lineGetCallInfoW The lineGetCallInfoW (Unicode) function (tapi.h) enables an application to obtain fixed information about the specified call. |
lineGetCallStatus The lineGetCallStatus function returns the current status of the specified call. |
lineGetConfRelatedCalls The lineGetConfRelatedCalls function returns a list of call handles that are part of the same conference call as the specified call. |
lineGetCountry The lineGetCountry function (tapi.h) fetches the stored dialing rules and other information related to a specified country/region. |
lineGetCountryA The lineGetCountry function fetches the stored dialing rules and other information related to a specified country/region, the first country/region in the country/region list, or all countries/regions. (lineGetCountryA) |
lineGetCountryW The lineGetCountryW (Unicode) function fetches the stored dialing rules and other information related to a specified country/region. |
lineGetDevCaps The lineGetDevCaps function (tapi.h) queries a specified line device to determine its telephony capabilities. |
lineGetDevCapsA The lineGetDevCaps function queries a specified line device to determine its telephony capabilities. The returned information is valid for all addresses on the line device. (lineGetDevCapsA) |
lineGetDevCapsW The lineGetDevCapsW (Unicode) function (tapi.h) queries a specified line device to determine its telephony capabilities. |
lineGetDevConfig The lineGetDevConfig function (tapi.h) returns an "opaque" data structure object, the contents of which are specific to the line and device class. |
lineGetDevConfigA The lineGetDevConfig function returns an "opaque" data structure object, the contents of which are specific to the line (service provider) and device class. (lineGetDevConfigA) |
lineGetDevConfigW The lineGetDevConfigW (Unicode) function returns an "opaque" data structure object, the contents of which are specific to the line and device class. |
lineGetGroupListA The lineGetGroupList function returns a list of ACD groups available on the ACD system. (ANSI) |
lineGetGroupListW The lineGetGroupList function returns a list of ACD groups available on the ACD system. (Unicode) |
lineGetIcon The lineGetIcon function (tapi.h) allows an application to retrieve a service line device-specific (or provider-specific) icon for display to the user. |
lineGetIconA The lineGetIcon function allows an application to retrieve a service line device-specific (or provider-specific) icon for display to the user. (lineGetIconA) |
lineGetIconW The lineGetIconW (Unicode) function allows an application to retrieve a service line device-specific icon for display to the user. |
lineGetID The lineGetID function (tapi.h) returns a device identifier for the specified device class associated with the selected line, address, or call. |
lineGetIDA The lineGetID function returns a device identifier for the specified device class associated with the selected line, address, or call. (lineGetIDA) |
lineGetIDW The lineGetIDW (Unicode) function (tapi.h) returns a device identifier for the specified device class associated with the selected line, address, or call. |
lineGetLineDevStatus The lineGetLineDevStatus function (tapi.h) enables an application to query the specified open line device for its current status. |
lineGetLineDevStatusA The lineGetLineDevStatus function enables an application to query the specified open line device for its current status. (lineGetLineDevStatusA) |
lineGetLineDevStatusW The lineGetLineDevStatusW (Unicode) function enables an application to query the specified open line device for its current status. |
lineGetMessage The lineGetMessage function returns the next TAPI message that is queued for delivery to an application that is using the Event Handle notification mechanism (see lineInitializeEx for further details). |
lineGetNewCalls The lineGetNewCalls function returns call handles to calls on a specified line or address for which the application currently does not have handles. The application is granted monitor privilege to these calls. |
lineGetNumRings The lineGetNumRings function determines the number of rings an incoming call on the given address should ring prior to answering the call. |
lineGetProviderList The lineGetProviderList function (tapi.h) returns a list of service providers currently installed in the telephony system. |
lineGetProviderListA The lineGetProviderList function returns a list of service providers currently installed in the telephony system. (lineGetProviderListA) |
lineGetProviderListW The lineGetProviderListW (Unicode) function (tapi.h) returns a list of service providers currently installed in the telephony system. |
lineGetProxyStatus The lineGetProxyStatus function returns a list of proxy request types that are currently being serviced for the specified device. |
lineGetQueueInfo The lineGetQueueInfo function returns a structure holding the ACD information associated with a particular queue. |
lineGetQueueListA The lineGetQueueList function returns a list of queues associated with a particular ACD Group. (ANSI) |
lineGetQueueListW The lineGetQueueList function returns a list of queues associated with a particular ACD Group. (Unicode) |
lineGetRequest The lineGetRequest function (tapi.h) retrieves the next by-proxy request for the specified request mode. |
lineGetRequestA Retrieves the next by-proxy request for the specified request mode. (lineGetRequestA) |
lineGetRequestW The lineGetRequestW (Unicode) function (tapi.h) retrieves the next by-proxy request for the specified request mode. |
lineGetStatusMessages The lineGetStatusMessages function enables an application to query which notification messages the application is set up to receive for events related to status changes for the specified line or any of its addresses. |
lineGetTranslateCaps The lineGetTranslateCaps function (tapi.h) returns address translation capabilities. |
lineGetTranslateCapsA The lineGetTranslateCaps function returns address translation capabilities. (lineGetTranslateCapsA) |
lineGetTranslateCapsW The lineGetTranslateCapsW (Unicode) function (tapi.h) returns address translation capabilities. |
lineHandoff The lineHandoff function (tapi.h) gives ownership of the specified call to another application. |
lineHandoffA The lineHandoff function gives ownership of the specified call to another application. The application can be either specified directly by its file name or indirectly as the highest priority application that handles calls of the specified media mode. (lineHandoffA) |
lineHandoffW The lineHandoffW (Unicode) function (tapi.h) gives ownership of the specified call to another application. |
lineHold The lineHold function places the specified call on hold. |
lineInitialize The lineInitialize function is obsolete. It continues to be exported by Tapi.dll and Tapi32.dll for backward compatibility with applications using API versions 1.3 and 1.4. |
lineInitializeExA The lineInitializeEx function initializes the application's use of TAPI for subsequent use of the line abstraction. (ANSI) |
lineInitializeExW The lineInitializeEx function initializes the application's use of TAPI for subsequent use of the line abstraction. (Unicode) |
lineMakeCall The lineMakeCall function (tapi.h) places a call on the specified line to the specified destination address. |
lineMakeCallA The lineMakeCall function places a call on the specified line to the specified destination address. Optionally, call parameters can be specified if anything but default call setup parameters are requested. (lineMakeCallA) |
lineMakeCallW The lineMakeCallW (Unicode) function (tapi.h) places a call on the specified line to the specified destination address. |
lineMonitorDigits The lineMonitorDigits function enables and disables the unbuffered detection of digits received on the call. Each time a digit of the specified digit mode is detected, a message is sent to the application indicating which digit has been detected. |
lineMonitorMedia The lineMonitorMedia function enables and disables the detection of media types (modes) on the specified call. When a media type is detected, a message is sent to the application. For more information, see ITLegacyCallMediaControl::MonitorMedia. |
lineMonitorTones The lineMonitorTones function enables and disables the detection of inband tones on the call. Each time a specified tone is detected, a message is sent to the application. |
lineNegotiateAPIVersion The lineNegotiateAPIVersion function allows an application to negotiate an API version to use. |
lineNegotiateExtVersion The lineNegotiateExtVersion function allows an application to negotiate an extension version to use with the specified line device. This operation need not be called if the application does not support extensions. |
lineOpen The lineOpen function (tapi.h) opens the line device specified by its device identifier and returns a line handle for the corresponding opened line device. |
lineOpenA The lineOpen function opens the line device specified by its device identifier and returns a line handle for the corresponding opened line device. This line handle is used in subsequent operations on the line device. (lineOpenA) |
lineOpenW The lineOpenW (Unicode) function (tapi.h) opens the line device specified by its device identifier and returns a line handle for the corresponding opened line device. |
linePark The linePark function (tapi.h) parks the specified call according to the specified park mode. |
lineParkA The linePark function parks the specified call according to the specified park mode. (lineParkA) |
lineParkW The lineParkW (Unicode) function (tapi.h) parks the specified call according to the specified park mode. |
linePickup The linePickup function (tapi.h) picks up a call alerting at the specified destination address and returns a call handle for the picked-up call. |
linePickupA The linePickup function picks up a call alerting at the specified destination address and returns a call handle for the picked-up call. (linePickupA) |
linePickupW The linePickupW (Unicode) function (tapi.h) picks up a call alerting at the specified destination address and returns a call handle for the picked-up call. |
linePrepareAddToConference The linePrepareAddToConference function (tapi.h) prepares an existing conference call for the addition of another party. |
linePrepareAddToConferenceA The linePrepareAddToConference function prepares an existing conference call for the addition of another party. (linePrepareAddToConferenceA) |
linePrepareAddToConferenceW The linePrepareAddToConferenceW (Unicode) function (tapi.h) prepares an existing conference call for the addition of another party. |
lineProxyMessage The lineProxyMessage function is used by a registered proxy request handler to generate TAPI messages related to its role. |
lineProxyResponse Indicates completion of a proxy request by a registered proxy handler, such as an ACD agent handler on a server. |
lineRedirect The lineRedirect function (tapi.h) redirects the specified offering call to the specified destination address. |
lineRedirectA The lineRedirect function redirects the specified offering call to the specified destination address. (lineRedirectA) |
lineRedirectW The lineRedirectW (Unicode) function (tapi.h) redirects the specified offering call to the specified destination address. |
lineRegisterRequestRecipient The lineRegisterRequestRecipient function registers the invoking application as a recipient of requests for the specified request mode. |
lineReleaseUserUserInfo The lineReleaseUserUserInfo function informs the service provider that the application has processed the user-user information contained in the LINECALLINFO structure. |
lineRemoveFromConference The lineRemoveFromConference function removes the specified call from the conference call to which it currently belongs. The remaining calls in the conference call are unaffected. |
lineRemoveProvider The lineRemoveProvider function removes an existing telephony service provider from the telephony system. |
lineSecureCall The lineSecureCall function secures the call from any interruptions or interference that can affect the call's media stream. |
lineSendUserUserInfo The lineSendUserUserInfo function sends user-user information to the remote party on the specified call. |
lineSetAgentActivity The lineSetAgentActivity function sets the agent activity code associated with a particular address. |
lineSetAgentGroup The lineSetAgentGroup function sets the agent groups into which the agent is logged into on a particular address. |
lineSetAgentMeasurementPeriod The lineSetAgentMeasurementPeriod function sets the measurement period associated with a particular agent. |
lineSetAgentSessionState The lineSetAgentSessionState function sets the agent session state associated with a particular agent session handle. |
lineSetAgentState The lineSetAgentState function sets the agent state associated with a particular address. |
lineSetAgentStateEx The lineSetAgentStateEx function sets the agent state associated with a particular agent handle. |
lineSetAppPriority The lineSetAppPriority function (tapi.h) enables an application to set its priority in the handoff priority list. |
lineSetAppPriorityA Enables an application to set its priority in the handoff priority list for a particular media type or Assisted Telephony request mode, or to remove itself from the priority list. (lineSetAppPriorityA) |
lineSetAppPriorityW The lineSetAppPriorityW (Unicode) function (tapi.h) enables an application to set its priority in the handoff priority list. |
lineSetAppSpecific The lineSetAppSpecific function enables an application to set the application-specific field of the specified call's call-information record. |
lineSetCallData The lineSetCallData function sets the CallData member in LINECALLINFO. |
lineSetCallParams The lineSetCallParams function allows an application to change bearer mode and/or the rate parameters of an existing call. |
lineSetCallPrivilege The lineSetCallPrivilege function sets the application's privilege to the specified privilege. |
lineSetCallQualityOfService The lineSetCallQualityOfService function allows the application to attempt to change the quality of service parameters (reserved capacity and performance guarantees) for an existing call. |
lineSetCallTreatment The lineSetCallTreatment function sets the sounds a party on a call that is unanswered or on hold hears. Except for basic parameter validation, it is a straight pass-through by TAPI to the service provider. |
lineSetCurrentLocation The lineSetCurrentLocation function sets the location used as the context for address translation. |
lineSetDevConfig The lineSetDevConfig function (tapi.h) allows the application to restore a media stream device's configuration on a line device to a previous setup. |
lineSetDevConfigA The lineSetDevConfig function allows the application to restore the configuration of a media stream device on a line device to a setup previously obtained using lineGetDevConfig. (lineSetDevConfigA) |
lineSetDevConfigW The lineSetDevConfigW (Unicode) function (tapi.h) allows the application to restore a media stream device's configuration on a line device to a previous setup. |
lineSetLineDevStatus The lineSetLineDevStatus function sets the line device status. |
lineSetMediaControl The lineSetMediaControl function enables and disables control actions on the media stream associated with the specified line, address, or call. |
lineSetMediaMode The lineSetMediaMode function sets the media type(s) of the specified call in its LINECALLINFO structure. For more information, see ITLegacyCallMediaControl::SetMediaType. |
lineSetNumRings The lineSetNumRings function sets the number of rings that must occur before an incoming call is answered. |
lineSetQueueMeasurementPeriod The lineSetQueueMeasurementPeriod function sets the measurement period associated with a particular queue. |
lineSetStatusMessages The lineSetStatusMessages function enables an application to specify which notification messages to receive for events related to status changes for the specified line or any of its addresses. |
lineSetTerminal The lineSetTerminal function enables an application to specify which terminal information related to the specified line, address, or call is to be routed. |
lineSetTollList The lineSetTollList function (tapi.h) manipulates the toll list. |
lineSetTollListA The lineSetTollList function manipulates the toll list. (lineSetTollListA) |
lineSetTollListW The lineSetTollListW (Unicode) function (tapi.h) manipulates the toll list. |
lineSetupConference The lineSetupConference function (tapi.h) sets up a conference call for the addition of the third party. |
lineSetupConferenceA The lineSetupConference function sets up a conference call for the addition of the third party. (lineSetupConferenceA) |
lineSetupConferenceW The lineSetupConferenceW (Unicode) function (tapi.h) sets up a conference call for the addition of the third party. |
lineSetupTransfer The lineSetupTransfer function (tapi.h) initiates a transfer of the call specified by the hCall parameter. |
lineSetupTransferA The lineSetupTransfer function initiates a transfer of the call specified by the hCall parameter. (lineSetupTransferA) |
lineSetupTransferW The lineSetupTransferW (Unicode) function (tapi.h) initiates a transfer of the call specified by the hCall parameter. |
lineShutdown The lineShutdown function shuts down the application's usage of the line abstraction of the API. |
lineSwapHold The lineSwapHold function swaps the specified active call with the specified call on consultation hold. |
lineTranslateAddress The lineTranslateAddress function (tapi.h) translates the specified address into another format. |
lineTranslateAddressA The lineTranslateAddress function translates the specified address into another format. (lineTranslateAddressA) |
lineTranslateAddressW The lineTranslateAddressW (Unicode) function (tapi.h) translates the specified address into another format. |
lineTranslateDialog The lineTranslateDialog function (tapi.h) displays an application-modal dialog box that allows the user to change the phone number location, adjust the calling card parameters, and see the effect. |
lineTranslateDialogA The lineTranslateDialog function displays an application-modal dialog box that allows the user to change the current location of a phone number about to be dialed, adjust location and calling card parameters, and see the effect. (lineTranslateDialogA) |
lineTranslateDialogW The lineTranslateDialogW (Unicode) function (tapi.h) displays an application-modal dialog box that allows the user to change the phone number location, adjust the calling card parameters, and see the effect. |
lineUncompleteCall The lineUncompleteCall function cancels the specified call completion request on the specified line. |
lineUnhold The lineUnhold function retrieves the specified held call. |
lineUnpark The lineUnpark function (tapi.h) retrieves the call parked at the specified address and returns a call handle for it. |
lineUnparkA The lineUnpark function retrieves the call parked at the specified address and returns a call handle for it. (lineUnparkA) |
lineUnparkW The lineUnparkW (Unicode) function (tapi.h) retrieves the call parked at the specified address and returns a call handle for it. |
phoneClose The phoneClose function closes the specified open phone device. |
phoneConfigDialog The phoneConfigDialog function (tapi.h) causes the provider of the specified device to display a modal dialog box allowing the user to configure the related parameters. |
phoneConfigDialogA The phoneConfigDialog function causes the provider of the specified phone device to display a modal dialog box that allows the user to configure parameters related to the phone device. (phoneConfigDialogA) |
phoneConfigDialogW The phoneConfigDialogW (Unicode) function (tapi.h) causes the provider of the specified device to display a modal dialog box allowing the user to configure the related parameters. |
phoneDevSpecific The phoneDevSpecific function is used as a general extension mechanism to enable a Telephony API implementation to provide features not described in the other TAPI functions. The meanings of these extensions are device specific. |
phoneGetButtonInfo The phoneGetButtonInfo function (tapi.h) returns information about the specified button. |
phoneGetButtonInfoA The phoneGetButtonInfo function returns information about the specified button. (phoneGetButtonInfoA) |
phoneGetButtonInfoW The phoneGetButtonInfoW (Unicode) function (tapi.h) returns information about the specified button. |
phoneGetData The phoneGetData function uploads the information from the specified location in the open phone device to the specified buffer. |
phoneGetDevCaps The phoneGetDevCaps function (tapi.h) queries a specified phone device to determine its telephony capabilities. |
phoneGetDevCapsA The phoneGetDevCaps function queries a specified phone device to determine its telephony capabilities. (phoneGetDevCapsA) |
phoneGetDevCapsW The phoneGetDevCapsW (Unicode) function (tapi.h) queries a specified phone device to determine its telephony capabilities. |
phoneGetDisplay The phoneGetDisplay function returns the current contents of the specified phone display. |
phoneGetGain The phoneGetGain function returns the gain setting of the microphone of the specified phone's hookswitch device. |
phoneGetHookSwitch The phoneGetHookSwitch function returns the current hookswitch mode of the specified open phone device. |
phoneGetIcon The phoneGetIcon function (tapi.h) allows an application to retrieve a service phone device-specific (or provider-specific) icon that can be displayed to the user. |
phoneGetIconA The phoneGetIcon function allows an application to retrieve a service phone device-specific (or provider-specific) icon that can be displayed to the user. (phoneGetIconA) |
phoneGetIconW The phoneGetIconW (Unicode) function (tapi.h) allows an application to retrieve a service phone device-specific (or provider-specific) icon that can be displayed to the user. |
phoneGetID The phoneGetID function (tapi.h) returns a device identifier for the given device class associated with the specified phone device. |
phoneGetIDA The phoneGetID function returns a device identifier for the given device class associated with the specified phone device. (phoneGetIDA) |
phoneGetIDW The phoneGetIDW (Unicode) function (tapi.h) returns a device identifier for the given device class associated with the specified phone device. |
phoneGetLamp The phoneGetLamp function returns the current lamp mode of the specified lamp. |
phoneGetMessage The phoneGetMessage function returns the next TAPI message that is queued for delivery to an application that is using the Event Handle notification mechanism (see phoneInitializeEx for further details). |
phoneGetRing The phoneGetRing function enables an application to query the specified open phone device as to its current ring mode. |
phoneGetStatus The phoneGetStatus function (tapi.h) enables an application to query the specified open phone device for its overall status. |
phoneGetStatusA The phoneGetStatus function enables an application to query the specified open phone device for its overall status. (phoneGetStatusA) |
phoneGetStatusMessages The phoneGetStatusMessages function returns which phone-state changes on the specified phone device generate a callback to the application. |
phoneGetStatusW The phoneGetStatusW (Unicode) function (tapi.h) enables an application to query the specified open phone device for its overall status. |
phoneGetVolume The phoneGetVolume function returns the volume setting of the specified phone's hookswitch device. |
phoneInitialize The phoneInitialize function is obsolete. It continues to be exported by Tapi.dll and Tapi32.dll for backward compatibility with applications using TAPI versions 1.3 and 1.4. |
phoneInitializeExA The phoneInitializeEx function initializes the application's use of TAPI for subsequent use of the phone abstraction. (ANSI) |
phoneInitializeExW The phoneInitializeEx function initializes the application's use of TAPI for subsequent use of the phone abstraction. (Unicode) |
phoneNegotiateAPIVersion The phoneNegotiateAPIVersion allows an application to negotiate an API version to use for the specified phone device. |
phoneNegotiateExtVersion The phoneNegotiateExtVersion function allows an application to negotiate an extension version to use with the specified phone device. This operation need not be called if the application does not support extensions. |
phoneOpen The phoneOpen function opens the specified phone device. |
phoneSetButtonInfo The phoneSetButtonInfo function (tapi.h) sets information about the specified button on the specified phone. |
phoneSetButtonInfoA The phoneSetButtonInfo function sets information about the specified button on the specified phone. (phoneSetButtonInfoA) |
phoneSetButtonInfoW The phoneSetButtonInfoW (Unicode) function (tapi.h) sets information about the specified button on the specified phone. |
phoneSetData The phoneSetData function downloads the information in the specified buffer to the opened phone device at the selected data identifier. |
phoneSetDisplay The phoneSetDisplay function causes the specified string to be displayed on the specified open phone device. |
phoneSetGain The phoneSetGain function sets the gain of the microphone of the specified hookswitch device to the specified gain level. |
phoneSetHookSwitch The phoneSetHookSwitch function sets the hook state of the specified open phone's hookswitch devices to the specified mode. Only the hookswitch state of the hookswitch devices listed is affected. |
phoneSetLamp The phoneSetLamp function causes the specified lamp to be lit on the specified open phone device in the specified lamp mode. |
phoneSetRing The phoneSetRing function rings the specified open phone device using the specified ring mode and volume. |
phoneSetStatusMessages The phoneSetStatusMessages function enables an application to monitor the specified phone device for selected status events. |
phoneSetVolume The phoneSetVolume function sets the volume of the speaker component of the specified hookswitch device to the specified level. |
phoneShutdown The phoneShutdown function shuts down the application's usage of TAPI's phone abstraction. |
TAPIERROR_FORMATMESSAGE The TAPIERROR_FORMATMESSAGE macro generates an identifier for standard TAPI error codes that can be used in the FormatMessage function. |
tapiGetLocationInfo The tapiGetLocationInfo function (tapi.h) returns the country, region, and city code that the user has set in the location parameters in the Telephony Control Panel. |
tapiGetLocationInfoA The tapiGetLocationInfo function returns the country or region code and city (area) code that the user has set in the current location parameters in the Telephony Control Panel. (tapiGetLocationInfoA) |
tapiGetLocationInfoW The tapiGetLocationInfoW (Unicode) function (tapi.h) returns the country, region, and city code that the user has set in the location parameters in the Telephony Control Panel. |
tapiRequestDrop Closes a call request made by a previous call to tapiRequestMediaCall. |
tapiRequestMakeCall The tapiRequestMakeCall function (tapi.h) requests the establishment of a voice call. |
tapiRequestMakeCallA The tapiRequestMakeCall function requests the establishment of a voice call. A call-manager application is responsible for establishing the call on behalf of the requesting application, which is then controlled by the user's call-manager application. (tapiRequestMakeCallA) |
tapiRequestMakeCallW The tapiRequestMakeCallW (Unicode) function (tapi.h) requests the establishment of a voice call. |
LINECALLBACK The lineCallback function is a placeholder for the application-supplied function name. |
PHONECALLBACK The phoneCallback function is a placeholder for the application-supplied function name. |
LINEADDRESSCAPS The LINEADDRESSCAPS structure describes the capabilities of a specified address. The lineGetAddressCaps function and the TSPI_lineGetAddressCaps function return the LINEADDRESSCAPS structure. |
LINEADDRESSSTATUS The LINEADDRESSSTATUS structure describes the current status of an address. The lineGetAddressStatus function and the TSPI_lineGetAddressStatus function return the LINEADDRESSSTATUS structure. |
LINEAGENTACTIVITYENTRY The LINEAGENTACTIVITYENTRY structure describes a single ACD agent activity. The LINEAGENTACTIVITYLIST structure can contain an array of LINEAGENTACTIVITYENTRY structures. |
LINEAGENTACTIVITYLIST The LINEAGENTACTIVITYLIST structure describes a list of ACD agent activities. This structure can contain an array of LINEAGENTACTIVITYENTRY structures. The lineGetAgentActivityList function returns the LINEAGENTACTIVITYLIST structure. |
LINEAGENTCAPS The LINEAGENTCAPS structure describes the capabilities of an ACD agent. The lineGetAgentCaps function returns the LINEAGENTCAPS structure. |
LINEAGENTENTRY The LINEAGENTENTRY structure describes an individual ACD agent. The LINEAGENTLIST structure can contain an array of LINEAGENTENTRY structures. |
LINEAGENTGROUPENTRY The LINEAGENTGROUPENTRY structure provides information on ACD agent groups. The LINEAGENTGROUPLIST structure can contain an array of LINEAGENTGROUPENTRY structures. |
LINEAGENTGROUPLIST The LINEAGENTGROUPLIST structure describes a list of ACD agent groups. This structure can contain an array of LINEAGENTGROUPENTRY structures. |
LINEAGENTINFO The LINEAGENTINFO structure contains information about an ACD agent. The lineGetAgentInfo function returns the LINEAGENTINFO structure. |
LINEAGENTLIST The LINEAGENTLIST structure describes a list of ACD agents. This structure can contain an array of LINEAGENTENTRY structures. |
LINEAGENTSESSIONENTRY The LINEAGENTSESSIONENTRY structure describes an ACD agent session. The LINEAGENTSESSIONLIST structure can contain an array of LINEAGENTSESSIONENTRY structures. |
LINEAGENTSESSIONINFO The LINEAGENTSESSIONINFO structure contains information about the ACD agent session. The lineGetAgentSessionInfo function returns the LINEAGENTSESSIONINFO structure. |
LINEAGENTSESSIONLIST The LINEAGENTSESSIONLIST structure describes a list of ACD agent sessions. This structure can contain an array of LINEAGENTSESSIONENTRY structures. The lineGetAgentSessionList function returns the LINEAGENTSESSIONLIST structure. |
LINEAGENTSTATUS The LINEAGENTSTATUS structure describes the current status of an ACD agent. The lineGetAgentStatus function returns the LINEAGENTSTATUS structure. |
LINEAPPINFO The LINEAPPINFO structure contains information about the application that is currently running. The LINEDEVSTATUS structure can contain an array of LINEAPPINFO structures. |
LINECALLHUBTRACKINGINFO The LINECALLHUBTRACKINGINFO structure contains information that reports the type of tracking available to a call hub. This structure is exposed only to applications that negotiate a TAPI version of 2.2 or higher. |
LINECALLINFO The LINECALLINFO structure contains information about a call. |
LINECALLLIST The LINECALLLIST structure describes a list of call handles. A structure of this type is returned by the lineGetNewCalls and lineGetConfRelatedCalls functions. |
LINECALLPARAMS The LINECALLPARAMS structure describes parameters supplied when making calls using the lineMakeCall and TSPI_lineMakeCall functions. The LINECALLPARAMS structure is also used as a parameter in other operations, such as the lineOpen function. |
LINECALLSTATUS The LINECALLSTATUS structure describes the current status of a call. |
LINECALLTREATMENTENTRY The LINECALLTREATMENTENTRY structure provides information on the type of call treatment, such as music, recorded announcement, or silence, on the current call. The LINEADDRESSCAPS structure can contain an array of LINECALLTREATMENTENTRY structures. |
LINECARDENTRY The LINECARDENTRY structure describes a calling card. The LINETRANSLATECAPS structure can contain an array of LINECARDENTRY structures. |
LINECOUNTRYENTRY Provides the data for a single country/region entry. |
LINECOUNTRYLIST The LINECOUNTRYLIST structure describes a list of countries/regions. This structure can contain an array of LINECOUNTRYENTRY structures. LINECOUNTRYLIST is returned by the lineGetCountry function. |
LINEDEVCAPS The LINEDEVCAPS structure describes the capabilities of a line device. The lineGetDevCaps function and the TSPI_lineGetDevCaps function return the LINEDEVCAPS structure. |
LINEDEVSTATUS The LINEDEVSTATUS structure describes the current status of a line device. The lineGetLineDevStatus function and the TSPI_lineGetLineDevStatus function return the LINEDEVSTATUS structure. |
LINEDIALPARAMS The LINEDIALPARAMS structure specifies a collection of dialing-related fields. Call the lineSetCallParams function or the TSPI_lineSetCallParams function to set parameters for a call using the LINEDIALPARAMS structure. |
LINEEXTENSIONID The LINEEXTENSIONID structure describes an extension identifier. |
LINEFORWARD The LINEFORWARD structure describes an entry of the forwarding instructions. The LINEFORWARDLIST and the LINEADDRESSSTATUS structures can contain an array of LINEFORWARD structures. |
LINEFORWARDLIST The LINEFORWARDLIST structure describes a list of forwarding instructions. This structure can contain an array of LINEFORWARD structures. The lineForward and TSPI_lineForward functions use the LINEFORWARDLIST structure. |
LINEGENERATETONE The LINEGENERATETONE structure contains information about a tone to be generated. This structure is used by the lineGenerateTone and TSPI_lineGenerateTone functions. |
LINEINITIALIZEEXPARAMS The LINEINITIZALIZEEXPARAMS structure describes parameters supplied when making calls using LINEINITIALIZEEX. |
LINELOCATIONENTRY Describes a location used to provide an address translation context. |
LINEMEDIACONTROLCALLSTATE The LINEMEDIACONTROLCALLSTATE structure describes a media action to be executed when detecting transitions into one or more call states. The lineSetMediaControl and TSPI_lineSetMediaControl functions use this structure. |
LINEMEDIACONTROLDIGIT The LINEMEDIACONTROLDIGIT structure describes a media action to be executed when detecting a digit. It is used as an entry in an array. The lineSetMediaControl and TSPI_lineSetMediaControl functions use this structure. |
LINEMEDIACONTROLMEDIA The LINEMEDIACONTROLMEDIA structure describes a media action to be executed when detecting a media type change. It is used as an entry in an array. The lineSetMediaControl and TSPI_lineSetMediaControl functions use this structure. |
LINEMEDIACONTROLTONE The LINEMEDIACONTROLTONE structure describes a media action to be executed when a tone has been detected. It is used as an entry in an array. The lineSetMediaControl and TSPI_lineSetMediaControl functions use this structure. |
LINEMESSAGE The LINEMESSAGE structure contains parameter values specifying a change in status of the line the application currently has open. The lineGetMessage function returns the LINEMESSAGE structure. |
LINEMONITORTONE The LINEMONITORTONE structure describes a tone to be monitored. This is used as an entry in an array. The lineMonitorTones and TSPI_lineMonitorTones functions use this structure. |
LINEPROVIDERENTRY The LINEPROVIDERENTRY structure provides the information for a single service provider entry. An array of these structures is returned as part of the LINEPROVIDERLIST structure returned by the function lineGetProviderList. |
LINEPROVIDERLIST The LINEPROVIDERLIST structure describes a list of service providers. A structure of this type is returned by the lineGetProviderList function. The LINEPROVIDERLIST structure can contain an array of LINEPROVIDERENTRY structures. |
LINEPROXYREQUEST The LINEPROXYREQUEST structure contains parameter values of the application making the proxy request. Multiple TAPI call center functions generate a LINE_PROXYREQUEST message that references a LINEPROXYREQUEST structure. |
LINEPROXYREQUESTLIST The LINEPROXYREQUESTLIST structure describes a list of proxy requests. The lineGetProxyStatus function returns the LINEPROXYREQUESTLIST structure. |
LINEQUEUEENTRY The LINEQUEUEENTRY structure provides the information for a single queue entry. The LINEQUEUELIST structure can contain an array of LINEQUEUEENTRY structures. This structure requires TAPI 3.0 version negotiation. |
LINEQUEUEINFO The LINEQUEUEINFO structure provides information about a queue on a line device. The lineGetQueueInfo function returns the LINEQUEUEINFO structure. This structure requires TAPI 3.0 version negotiation. |
LINEQUEUELIST The LINEQUEUELIST structure describes a list of queues. This structure can contain an array of LINEQUEUEENTRY structures. The lineGetQueueList function returns the LINEQUEUELIST structure. LINEQUEUELIST requires TAPI 3.0 version negotiation. |
LINEREQMAKECALL The LINEREQMAKECALL structure describes a request initiated by a call to the lineGetRequest function. |
LINEREQMEDIACALL Describes a request initiated by a call to the lineGetRequest function. This data structure is obsolete and should not be used. |
LINETERMCAPS The LINETERMCAPS structure describes the capabilities of a line's terminal device. The LINEDEVCAPS structure can contain an array of LINETERMCAPS structures. |
LINETRANSLATECAPS The LINETRANSLATECAPS structure describes the address translation capabilities. |
LINETRANSLATEOUTPUT The LINETRANSLATEOUTPUT structure describes the result of an address translation. The lineTranslateAddress function uses this structure. |
PHONEBUTTONINFO The PHONEBUTTONINFO structure contains information about a button on a phone device. This structure is used by multiple TAPI and TSPI functions. |
PHONECAPS The PHONECAPS structure describes the capabilities of a phone device. The phoneGetDevCaps and TSPI_phoneGetDevCaps functions return this structure. |
PHONEEXTENSIONID The PHONEEXTENSIONID structure describes an extension identifier. |
PHONEINITIALIZEEXPARAMS The PHONEINITIALIZEEXPARAMS structure contains parameters used to establish the association between an application and TAPI; for example, the application's selected event notification mechanism. The phoneInitializeEx function uses this structure. |
PHONEMESSAGE The PHONEMESSAGE structure contains the next message queued for delivery to the application. The phoneGetMessage function returns this structure. |
PHONESTATUS The PHONESTATUS structure describes the current status of a phone device. The phoneGetStatus and TSPI_phoneGetStatus functions return this structure. |
VARSTRING The VARSTRING structure is used for returning variably sized strings. It is used both by the line device class and the phone device class. |