Windows Web Services
Overview of the Windows Web Services technology.
To develop Windows Web Services, you need these headers:
For programming guidance for this technology, see:
WS_ADDRESSING_VERSION Identifies the version of the specification used for the addressing headers. |
WS_BINDING_TEMPLATE_TYPE An enumeration of the different security binding combinations that are supported. |
WS_CALL_PROPERTY_ID Optional parameters for configuring a call on a client side service operation. |
WS_CALLBACK_MODEL Specifies the threading behavior of a callback (for example, a WS_ASYNC_CALLBACK). |
WS_CERT_CREDENTIAL_TYPE The type of the certificate credential, used as a selector for subtypes of WS_CERT_CREDENTIAL. |
WS_CHANNEL_BINDING Indicates the protocol stack to use for the channel. |
WS_CHANNEL_PROPERTY_ID Each channel property is identified by an ID and has an associated value. If a property is not specified when the channel is created, then its default value is used. |
WS_CHANNEL_STATE The different states that a channel can be in. |
WS_CHANNEL_TYPE Indicates the basic characteristics of the channel, such as whether it is sessionful, and what directions of communication are supported. |
WS_CHARSET Identifies the character set of a document. |
WS_COOKIE_MODE An enumeration used to specify how to handle HTTP cookies. |
WS_DATETIME_FORMAT Specifies the textual format of a WS_DATETIME. |
WS_ENCODING The different encodings (message formats). |
WS_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_EXTENSION_TYPE This identifies a type of extension within the extensions field of the WS_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS. |
WS_ENDPOINT_IDENTITY_TYPE The type of the endpoint IDentity, used as a selector for subtypes of WS_ENDPOINT_IDENTITY. |
WS_ENVELOPE_VERSION The version of the specification used for the envelope structure. |
WS_ERROR_PROPERTY_ID A set of property values associated with the error. They are set and retrieved using WsGetErrorProperty and WsSetErrorProperty. |
WS_EXCEPTION_CODE The structured exception codes thrown by this component. These exceptions are fatal and should not be handled by the application. |
WS_EXTENDED_PROTECTION_POLICY Defines if Extended Protection data should be validated. |
WS_EXTENDED_PROTECTION_SCENARIO Defines how Extended Protection is validated. |
WS_FAULT_DISCLOSURE Controls how much error information is included in a fault. Since the error object may contain sensitive data as part of the error string, it is not always appropriate to include the error strings information in all faults. |
WS_FAULT_ERROR_PROPERTY_ID Information about a fault. |
WS_FIELD_MAPPING Specifies how a field of a structure is represented in XML. This is used within a WS_FIELD_DESCRIPTION. |
WS_HEADER_TYPE Identifies a type of header. |
WS_HEAP_PROPERTY_ID Each heap property is identified by an ID and has an associated value. |
WS_HTTP_HEADER_AUTH_TARGET Defines the target for the HTTP header authentication security binding. |
WS_HTTP_PROXY_SETTING_MODE Proxy setting indicates HTTP proxy setting for the channel with binding WS_HTTP_CHANNEL_BINDING. This is specified as part of WS_CHANNEL_PROPERTY_HTTP_PROXY_SETTING_MODE channel property. |
WS_IP_VERSION Specifies an IP version. |
WS_LISTENER_PROPERTY_ID Each listener property is of type WS_LISTENER_PROPERTY, is identified by an ID, and has an associated value. If a property is not specified when the listener is created, then its default value is used. |
WS_LISTENER_STATE The different states that a listener can be in. |
WS_MESSAGE_INITIALIZATION Specifies what headers the WsInitializeMessageshould add to the message. |
WS_MESSAGE_PROPERTY_ID Each message property is of type WS_MESSAGE_PROPERTY, is identified by an ID, and has an associated value. |
WS_MESSAGE_SECURITY_USAGE Defines how a message security binding attaches the security token corresponding to it to a message using WS-Security mechanisms. |
WS_MESSAGE_STATE The different states that a message can be in. |
WS_METADATA_EXCHANGE_TYPE Information about enabling and disabling types of metadata exchange. |
WS_METADATA_PROPERTY_ID Each metadata property is of type WS_METADATA_PROPERTY, is identified by an ID, and has an associated value. If a property is not specified when the metadata is created, then its default value is used. |
WS_METADATA_STATE The state of the metadata object. |
WS_MOVE_TO This enumeration identifies the various ways to move about an xml document. |
WS_OPERATION_CONTEXT_PROPERTY_ID The properties available on the Context. Not all properties may be available at a given point on a context. All context properties are available through WsGetOperationContextProperty. |
WS_OPERATION_STYLE An enumeration of the different operation styles. |
WS_PARAMETER_TYPE The different parameter types. |
WS_POLICY_EXTENSION_TYPE The values in this enumeration are used to identify the sub-types of WS_POLICY_EXTENSION. |
WS_POLICY_PROPERTY_ID Identifies each policy property and its associated value. |
WS_POLICY_STATE The state of the policy object. |
WS_PROTECTION_LEVEL Defines the required integrity and confidentiality levels for sent and received messages. |
WS_PROXY_PROPERTY_ID Optional parameters for configuring the service proxy. With an exception of WS_PROXY_PROPERTY_STATE all the values are only supported for use with WsCreateServiceProxy as part of the WS_PROXY_PROPERTY* parameter. |
WS_READ_OPTION Specifies whether a value is required, and how the value should be allocated. |
WS_RECEIVE_OPTION Specifies whether a message is required when receiving from a channel. |
WS_REPEATING_HEADER_OPTION This enum is used to specify whether a header is expected to appear more than once in a message. |
WS_REQUEST_SECURITY_TOKEN_ACTION Defines which set of actions to use when negotiating security tokens using WS-Trust. |
WS_REQUEST_SECURITY_TOKEN_PROPERTY_ID Identifies the properties for requesting a security token from an issuer. It is used with WsRequestSecurityToken as part of the WS_REQUEST_SECURITY_TOKEN_PROPERTY* parameter. |
WS_SAML_AUTHENTICATOR_TYPE The type IDs of the SAML token authenticators used on the server side (For example, relying party) to validate incoming SAML tokens. |
WS_SECURE_CONVERSATION_VERSION Defines the WS-SecureConversation specification version to be used with message security and mixed-mode security. |
WS_SECURITY_ALGORITHM_ID Defines the security algorithms to be used with WS-Security. These values are relevant to message security bindings and mixed-mode security bindings. |
WS_SECURITY_ALGORITHM_PROPERTY_ID Identifies the properties representing security algorithm knobs. |
WS_SECURITY_ALGORITHM_SUITE_NAME A suite of security algorithms used for tasks such as signing and encrypting. The values in this enumeration correspond to the suites defined in WS-SecurityPolicy 1.1section 7.1. |
WS_SECURITY_BINDING_CONSTRAINT_TYPE The values in this enumeration are used to identify the sub-types of WS_SECURITY_BINDING_CONSTRAINT. |
WS_SECURITY_BINDING_PROPERTY_ID Identifies the properties used to specify security binding settings. Security binding settings are present in security bindings that are used, in turn, in a security description. |
WS_SECURITY_BINDING_TYPE The type of the security binding, used as a selector for subtypes of WS_SECURITY_BINDING. |
WS_SECURITY_CONTEXT_PROPERTY_ID Identifies a property of a security context object. This enumeration is used with WsGetSecurityContextProperty. |
WS_SECURITY_HEADER_LAYOUT The layout rules applied to the elements of the WS-Security security header. This setting is relevant to message security bindings and mixed-mode security bindings. |
WS_SECURITY_HEADER_VERSION The WS-Security specification version to be used with message security and mixed-mode security. |
WS_SECURITY_KEY_ENTROPY_MODE Defines how randomness should be contributed to the issued key during a security token negotiation done with message and mixed-mode security. |
WS_SECURITY_KEY_HANDLE_TYPE The types of security keys. |
WS_SECURITY_KEY_TYPE The key type of a security token. It is used as the return type when a security token is queried about its key. It is also used to specify the required key type when requesting a security token from a security token service. |
WS_SECURITY_PROPERTY_ID Identifies the properties representing channel-wide security settings. This enumeration is used within the WS_SECURITY_PROPERTY structure, which is in turn used within a WS_SECURITY_DESCRIPTION structure. |
WS_SECURITY_TIMESTAMP_USAGE With message security and mixed-mode security, this defines when a timestamp element should be generated and demanded in the WS-Security header. |
WS_SECURITY_TOKEN_PROPERTY_ID Defines the keys for the fields and properties that can be extracted from a security token. Not all properties are valid for all security token types. The function WsGetSecurityTokenProperty uses the values defined here as keys. |
WS_SECURITY_TOKEN_REFERENCE_MODE With message and mixed-mode security bindings, the mechanism to use to refer to a security token from signatures, encrypted items and derived tokens. |
WS_SERVICE_CANCEL_REASON The reasons for a cancellation. |
WS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT_PROPERTY_ID Each property represents optional parameters for configuring the given WS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT structure. This enumeration is used within the WS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT_PROPERTY structure that is part of WS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT. |
WS_SERVICE_HOST_STATE The states that a service host can be in. |
WS_SERVICE_PROPERTY_ID The optional parameters for configuring the service host. This enumeration is used within the WS_SERVICE_PROPERTY structure when calling WsCreateServiceHost or by itself when calling WsGetServiceHostProperty. |
WS_SERVICE_PROXY_STATE The state of the service proxy. |
WS_TRACE_API WS_TRACE_API enumeration. |
WS_TRANSFER_MODE Whether messages that are sent or received are streamed or buffered. |
WS_TRUST_VERSION Defines the WS-Trust specification version to be used with message security and mixed-mode security. |
WS_TYPE The types supported for serialization. |
WS_TYPE_MAPPING How a WS_TYPE maps to or from XML when serialized or deserialized. |
WS_URL_SCHEME_TYPE The set of schemes used with WsDecodeUrl, WsEncodeUrl, and WsCombineUrl. |
WS_USERNAME_CREDENTIAL_TYPE The type of the username/password credential, used as a selector for subtypes of WS_USERNAME_CREDENTIAL. |
WS_VALUE_TYPE The types of fixed-size primitives. |
WS_WINDOWS_INTEGRATED_AUTH_CREDENTIAL_TYPE The type of the Windows Integrated Authentication credential, used as a selector for subtypes of WS_WINDOWS_INTEGRATED_AUTH_CREDENTIAL. |
WS_WINDOWS_INTEGRATED_AUTH_PACKAGE Defines the specific SSP package to be used for Windows Integrated Authentication. |
WS_WRITE_OPTION Specifies whether a storage specified contains the value, or a pointer to the value, and whether the value can be represented as nil in the XML content. |
WS_XML_BUFFER_PROPERTY_ID Each XML buffer property is identified by an ID and has an associated value. |
WS_XML_CANONICALIZATION_ALGORITHM The values for the XML canonicalization algorithms. |
WS_XML_CANONICALIZATION_PROPERTY_ID Identifies each XML canonicalization property and its associated value. This enumeration is used within the WS_XML_CANONICALIZATION_PROPERTY structure, which is used as a parameter to WsStartReaderCanonicalization and WsStartWriterCanonicalization. |
WS_XML_NODE_TYPE The type of WS_XML_NODE structure. |
WS_XML_READER_PROPERTY_ID Identifies each XML reader property is and its associated value. |
WS_XML_SECURITY_TOKEN_PROPERTY_ID The keys for the bag of properties for the creation of XML security tokens. This enumeration is used within the WS_XML_SECURITY_TOKEN_PROPERTY structure, which is used as parameter for WsCreateXmlSecurityToken. |
WS_XML_TEXT_TYPE The type of WS_XML_TEXT structure. |
WS_XML_WRITER_PROPERTY_ID Each xml writer property is identified by an ID and has an associated value. |
IsRegisteredForContentPrefetch Indicates if an app package has registered for the content prefetch background task. |
TriggerContentPrefetcherTask Triggers a content prefetch background task for the specified app package. |
WS_ASYNC_CALLBACK The callback function parameter used with the asynchronous model. |
WS_ASYNC_FUNCTION Used with the WsAsyncExecute to specify the next function to invoke in a series of async operations. (WS_ASYNC_FUNCTION) |
WS_CERT_ISSUER_LIST_NOTIFICATION_CALLBACK Notifies the client of the list of certificate issuers that are acceptable to the server. |
WS_CERTIFICATE_VALIDATION_CALLBACK The WS_CERTIFICATE_VALIDATION_CALLBACK callback is invoked to validate a certificate when a connection to an HTTP server has been established and headers sent. |
WS_CREATE_DECODER_CALLBACK Handles creating a decoder instance. |
WS_CREATE_ENCODER_CALLBACK Handles creating an encoder instance. |
WS_DECODER_END_CALLBACK Decodes the end of a message. |
WS_DECODER_START_CALLBACK Starts decoding a message. |
WS_DYNAMIC_STRING_CALLBACK Determines whether the specified string can be written in optimized form. |
WS_ENCODER_END_CALLBACK Encodes the end of a message. |
WS_ENCODER_START_CALLBACK Starts encoding a message. |
WS_FREE_DECODER_CALLBACK Handles freeing a decoder instance. |
WS_FREE_ENCODER_CALLBACK Handles freeing an encoder instance. |
WS_GET_CERT_CALLBACK Provides a certificate to the security runtime. |
WS_HTTP_REDIRECT_CALLBACK Invoked when a message is about to be automatically redirected to another service utilizing HTTP auto redirect functionality as described in RFC2616. |
WS_IS_DEFAULT_VALUE_CALLBACK Determines if a value is the default value. |
WS_MESSAGE_DONE_CALLBACK Notifies the caller that the message has completed its use of either the WS_XML_READER structure that was supplied to WsReadEnvelopeStartfunction, or of the WS_XML_WRITER structure supplied to the WsWriteEnvelopeStart function. |
WS_OPERATION_CANCEL_CALLBACK Gives notification of the cancellation of an asynchronous service operation call as a result of an aborted shutdown of service host. |
WS_OPERATION_FREE_STATE_CALLBACK Allows an application to cleanup state information that was registered with cancellation callback. |
WS_PROXY_MESSAGE_CALLBACK Invoked when the headers of the input message are about to be sent, or when output message headers are just received. |
WS_PULL_BYTES_CALLBACK Used by the WsPullBytes function to request the data that should be written. |
WS_PUSH_BYTES_CALLBACK Used by the WsPushBytes function to request that data be written. |
WS_READ_CALLBACK Used by the WS_XML_READERto read from some source into a buffer. |
WS_READ_TYPE_CALLBACK Reads a value when WS_TYPEhas been specified. |
WS_SERVICE_ACCEPT_CHANNEL_CALLBACK Invoked when a channel is accepted on an endpoint listener by service host. |
WS_SERVICE_CLOSE_CHANNEL_CALLBACK Invoked when a channel is closed or aborted on an endpoint. |
WS_SERVICE_MESSAGE_RECEIVE_CALLBACK Invoked when a WS_MESSAGE is received on an endpoint configured with a WS_SERVICE_CONTRACT which has defaultMessageHandlerCallback set. |
WS_SERVICE_SECURITY_CALLBACK Invoked when headers of the incoming message are received and the body is not processed. |
WS_SERVICE_STUB_CALLBACK Invoked by service model to delegate to the service operation call. |
WS_STRING_VALUE Initializes a WS_STRING structure given a constant string. |
WS_VALIDATE_PASSWORD_CALLBACK Validates a username/password pair on the receiver side. |
WS_VALIDATE_SAML_CALLBACK Validates a SAML assertion. |
WS_WRITE_CALLBACK Used by the WS_XML_WRITER function to write a specified buffer to a user-determined destination. |
WS_WRITE_TYPE_CALLBACK Invoked to write an element when WS_CUSTOM_TYPEhas been specified. |
WS_XML_STRING_DICTIONARY_VALUE Provides an initializer for a WS_XML_STRING structure when there is an associated dictionary ID. |
WS_XML_STRING_VALUE Provides an initializer for a WS_XML_STRING structure when there is no associated dictionary ID. |
WsAbandonCall Abandons a specified call on the specified service proxy. |
WsAbandonMessage Skips the remainder of a specified message on a specified channel. |
WsAbortChannel Cancels all pending I/O for a specified channel. |
WsAbortListener Cancels any pending I/O for the specified listener. |
WsAbortServiceHost Aborts all current operations on the specified service host. |
WsAbortServiceProxy Aborts the service proxy, and cancels any pending I/O on the service proxy. |
WsAcceptChannel Accepts the next incoming message from the specified listener. |
WsAddCustomHeader Adds the specified application-defined header to the message. |
WsAddErrorString Adds a specified error string to the error object. |
WsAddMappedHeader Adds a specified mapped header to the message. |
WsAddressMessage Addresses a message to a specified endpoint address. |
WsAlloc Allocates a segment of memory from the specified heap. |
WsAsyncExecute Helper function for implementing an asynchronous operation. |
WsCall Used internally by the service proxy to format the specified arguments according to the specified metadata and send them in a message. The application should never call this function directly. |
WsCheckMustUnderstandHeaders Verifies that the specified headers were understood by the receiver. Note This function should be called after all headers have been read for a received message. . |
WsCloseChannel Closes a specified channel. |
WsCloseListener Causes the specified listener to stop listening. |
WsCloseServiceHost Closes down communication with the specified service host. |
WsCloseServiceProxy Closes down communication with the specified service proxy. |
WsCombineUrl Produces an absolute URL from a specified URL reference (absolute or relative URL) and a specified absolute base URL. |
WsCopyError Copies an error object from a specified source to a specified destination. |
WsCopyNode Copies the current node from the specified XML reader to the specified XML writer. |
WsCountOf Returns the number of elements a specified array. |
WsCreateChannel Creates a channel for message exchange with an endpoint. |
WsCreateChannelForListener Creates a channel associated with a specified listener. |
WsCreateError Creates an error object that can passed to functions to record rich error information. |
WsCreateFaultFromError Constructs a WS_FAULT from a specified error object. |
WsCreateHeap Creates a heap object. |
WsCreateListener Creates a listener with the specified properties. |
WsCreateMessage Creates a message object with the specified properties. |
WsCreateMessageForChannel Creates a message for use with a specified channel. |
WsCreateMetadata Creates a metadata object that is used to collect and process metadata documents. |
WsCreateReader Creates an XML reader with the specified properties. |
WsCreateServiceEndpointFromTemplate Helper routine for creating a service endpoint (WS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT) from policy templates. |
WsCreateServiceHost Creates a service host for the specified endpoints. |
WsCreateServiceProxy Creates a service proxy with the specified properties. |
WsCreateServiceProxyFromTemplate Helper routine for creating a service proxy from policy templates. |
WsCreateWriter creates an XML Writer with the specified properties. |
WsCreateXmlBuffer Creates an XML Buffer which can be used to process XML data . |
WsCreateXmlSecurityToken Creates a security token from its specified XML form. |
WsDateTimeToFileTime Converts a WS_DATETIME object into a FILETIME object. A reference to the FILETIME object is returned by output parameter. |
WsDecodeUrl Evaluates the components of an URL to determine its "scheme". |
WsEncodeUrl Encodes the specified WS_URL into a URL string given its component parts. Values are escaped as necessary, combined, and stored in the specified WS_HEAP, and the result is returned as a WS_STRING. |
WsEndReaderCanonicalization This function stops XML canonicalization started by a preceding WsStartReaderCanonicalization function call. Any remaining canonical bytes buffered by the reader will be written to the callback function. |
WsEndWriterCanonicalization This function stops XML canonicalization started by the preceding WsStartWriterCanonicalization call. Remaining canonical bytes buffered by the writer are written to the callback function. |
WsFileTimeToDateTime Takes a reference to a FILETIME object and converts it into a WS_DATETIME object. A reference to the WS_DATETIME object is returned by output parameter. |
WsFillBody Ensures that there are a sufficient number of bytes available in a message for reading. |
WsFillReader Ensures that the reader has buffered the minimum byte count of XML data for use by subsequent reader functions. |
WsFindAttribute Searches the attributes of the current element for an attribute with the specified name and namespace and returns its index which may be passed to WsReadStartAttribute. |
WsFlushBody Flushes all accumulated message body data that has been written. |
WsFlushWriter Instructs the writer to invoke the callbackspecified in WS_XML_WRITER_STREAM_OUTPUT if sufficient data has been buffered. |
WsFreeChannel Releases the memory resource associated with a Channel object. |
WsFreeError Releases the memory resource associated with an Error object created using WsCreateError. This releases the object and its constituent information. |
WsFreeHeap This frees the heap object, and the memory associated with any allocations made on it using WsAlloc. |
WsFreeListener Releases the memory resource associated with a Listener object. |
WsFreeMessage Releases the memory resource associated with a Message object. |
WsFreeMetadata Releases the memory resource associated with a metadata object. |
WsFreeReader Releases the memory resource associated with an XML_Reader object. |
WsFreeSecurityToken Releases the memory resource associated with a Security Token object. |
WsFreeServiceHost Releases the memory associated with a Service Host object. |
WsFreeServiceProxy Releases the memory associated with a Service Proxy resource. |
WsFreeWriter Releases the memory resource associated with an XML Writer object. |
WsGetChannelProperty Retrieves a property of the Channel referenced by the channel parameter. |
WsGetCustomHeader Finds an application-defined header of the message and deserializes it. |
WsGetDictionary Retrieves an XML Dictionary object. The retrieved Dictionary is returned by the dictionary reference parameter. |
WsGetErrorProperty Retrieves a property of a WS_ERROR object referenced by the error parameter. |
WsGetErrorString Retrieves an error string from an error object. |
WsGetFaultErrorDetail Read the fault detail stored in a WS_ERROR object. |
WsGetFaultErrorProperty Retrieves a Fault error property of a WS_ERROR object referenced by the error parameter. |
WsGetHeader Finds a particular standard header in the message and deserializes it. |
WsGetHeaderAttributes This function populates a ULONG parameter with the WS_HEADER_ATTRIBUTES from the header element on which the reader is positioned. The envelope version of the message is used to determine which attributes to return. |
WsGetHeapProperty Retrieves a particular property of a specified Heap. |
WsGetListenerProperty Retrieves a specified Listener object property. The property to retrieve is identified by a WS_LISTENER_PROPERTY_ID input parameter. |
WsGetMappedHeader Finds a mapped header in the message and deserializes it. |
WsGetMessageProperty Retrieves a specified Message object property. The property to retrieve is identified by a WS_MESSAGE_PROPERTY_ID input parameter. |
WsGetMetadataEndpoints Returns the "Endpoints" defined within the metadata object documents. |
WsGetMetadataProperty Retrieves a specified WS_METADATA object property. The property to retrieve is identified by a WS_METADATA_PROPERTY_ID input parameter. |
WsGetMissingMetadataDocumentAddress This function returns the address of a missing document that is referenced by the metadata object. |
WsGetNamespaceFromPrefix This function returns a namespace from the prefix to which it is bound. |
WsGetOperationContextProperty Returns a property of the specified operation context. It should be noted that the validity of these property is limited to the lifetime of the operation context itself. |
WsGetPolicyAlternativeCount Retrieves the number of alternatives available in the policy object. The alternative count can be used to loop through each alternative using WsMatchPolicyAlternative. |
WsGetPolicyProperty Retrieves a property of a policy object. |
WsGetPrefixFromNamespace This function returns the prefix to which a namespace is bound. There may be more than one prefix in scope and this function is free to return any one of them. |
WsGetReaderNode The function returns the XML node at the current position of the XML reader. |
WsGetReaderPosition Returns the current position of the reader. This can only be used on a reader that is set to an XmlBuffer. |
WsGetReaderProperty This function returns a property of the specified XML Reader. |
WsGetSecurityContextProperty Gets a property of the specified security context. |
WsGetSecurityTokenProperty Extracts a field or a property from a security token. |
WsGetServiceHostProperty Retrieves a specified Service Host property. The property to retrieve is identified by a WS_SERVICE_PROPERTY_ID input parameter. |
WsGetServiceProxyProperty This function retrieves a specified Service Proxy property. The property to retrieve is identified by a WS_PROXY_PROPERTY_ID input parameter. |
WsGetWriterPosition Returns the current position of the writer. This can only be used on a writer that is set to an XmlBuffer. When writing to a buffer, the position represents the xml node before which new data will be placed. |
WsGetWriterProperty Retrieves a specified XML Writer property. The property to retrieve is identified by a WS_XML WRITER_PROPERTY_ID input parameter. |
WsGetXmlAttribute Finds the nearest xml attribute in scope with the specified localName and returns its value. The returned value is placed on the specified heap. |
WsInitializeMessage This function initializes the headers for the message in preparation for processing. |
WsMarkHeaderAsUnderstood This function marks a header as "understood" by the application. |
WsMatchPolicyAlternative Verifies that a Policy Alternative is compatible with the specified Policy Constraint. |
WsMoveReader Moves the current position of the reader as specified by the moveTo parameter. This function can only be used on a reader that is set to an XmlBuffer. |
WsMoveWriter Moves the current position of the writer as specified by the moveTo parameter. |
WsOffsetOf Returns the offset in bytes of a field within a structure given the names of the structure and field. |
WsOpenChannel Open a channel to an endpoint. |
WsOpenListener Initiates "listening" on a specified address. Once a listener is opened channels can be accepted from it. If the open is successful the Listener must be closed using the WsCloseListener function before Listener resources can be released. |
WsOpenServiceHost Opens a Service Host for communication and starts the Listeners on all the endpoints. Client applications cannot connect to Service endpoints until WsOpenSerivceHost is called. |
WsOpenServiceProxy Opens a Service Proxy to a Service endpoint. |
WsPullBytes Sets up a callback to be invoked to obtain the bytes to be written within an element. In some encodings this can be more efficient by eliminating a copy of the data. |
WsPushBytes Establishes a callback to be invoked to write bytes within an element. In some encodings this can be more efficient by eliminating a copy of the data. |
WsReadArray Reads a series of elements from the reader and interprets their content according to the specified value type. |
WsReadAttribute Read an attribute producing a value of the specified WS_TYPE. |
WsReadBody This is a helper function that deserializes a value from the XML Readerof the message. The WS_MESSAGE_STATE must be set to WS_MESSAGE_STATE_READING. This function does not cause any state transitions. |
WsReadBytes Reads text from the Reader and decodes the characters as bytes according to the base64 specification. |
WsReadChars Reads a specified number of text characters from the Reader. |
WsReadCharsUtf8 Reads a specified number of text characters from the reader and returns them encoded in UTF-8. |
WsReadElement Read an element producing a value of the specified WS_TYPE. |
WsReadEndAttribute Moves the reader back to the element node containing the attribute that was read. |
WsReadEndElement This function ensures that the current Reader node is an End element and advances the reader to the next node. |
WsReadEndpointAddressExtension Reads an extension of the WS_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS. |
WsReadEnvelopeEnd Reads the closing elements of a message. The operation allows for reading of messages from sources other than Channels. If the source is a Channel use WsReadMessageEnd. |
WsReadEnvelopeStart Reads the headers of the message and prepare to read the body elements. |
WsReadMessageEnd Read the closing elements of a message from a channel. |
WsReadMessageStart Read the headers of the next message from the channel, and prepare to read the body elements. |
WsReadMetadata Reads a Metadata element and adds it to the Metadata documents of the Metadata object. |
WsReadNode This operation advances the Reader to the next node in the input stream. |
WsReadQualifiedName Reads a qualified name and separates it into its prefix, localName and namespace based on the current namespace scope of the XML_READER. |
WsReadStartAttribute Moves the Reader to the specified attribute so that the content may be read using WsReadValue, WsReadChars, or WsReadBytes. |
WsReadStartElement Calling this function advances the reader past a start element skipping any whitespace. |
WsReadToStartElement Advances the reader to the next start element skipping whitespace and comments if necessary. Optionally, it may also verify the localName and namespace of the element. |
WsReadType Read a value of a given WS_TYPE from XML according to the WS_TYPE_MAPPING. |
WsReadValue Reads text from a Reader and parses it according to the specified value type. |
WsReadXmlBuffer Reads the current node from a reader into a WS_XML_BUFFER. |
WsReadXmlBufferFromBytes Uses a reader to convert a set of encoded bytes to a WS_XML_BUFFER. |
WsReceiveMessage Receive a message and deserialize the body of the message as a value. |
WsRegisterOperationForCancel A service operation can use this function to register for a cancel notification. It is only valid to call this API when the service operation is executing. The behavior for calling it after the completion of Service Operation is not supported. |
WsRemoveCustomHeader Removes a custom header from the message. This function is designed to handle types of headers that appear once in the message and are targeted at the ultimate receiver. Headers targeted with a role other than ultimate receiver are ignored. |
WsRemoveHeader Removes the standard WS_HEADER_TYPE object from a message. |
WsRemoveMappedHeader Removes all instances of a mapped header from the message. |
WsRemoveNode Removes the node at the specified position from the xml buffer. If positioned on an element it will remove the element including all of its children and its corresponding end element, otherwise it will remove a single node. |
WsRequestReply Used to send a request message and receive a correlated reply message. |
WsRequestSecurityToken Get a security token from a security token service (STS) that acts as the token issuer in a federation scenario. |
WsResetChannel Reset a channel so it can be reused. |
WsResetError Releases the content of the error object parameter but does not release the resource allocated to the error object parameter. |
WsResetHeap Releases all Heap allocations. Allocations made on the Heap using WsAlloc are no longer valid. Allocation for the Heap object itself is not released. |
WsResetListener Resets a Listener object so it can be reused. Use of this function requires that the Listener state be set to WS_LISTENER_STATE_CREATED or WS_LISTENER_STATE_CLOSED. |
WsResetMessage Sets the Message state back to WS_MESSAGE_STATE_EMPTY. In this state the Message object can be reused. |
WsResetMetadata Resets a metadata object state to WS_METADATA_STATE_CREATED. In this state the Metadata object can be reused. WS_POLICY objects that were retrieved using the Metadata object will be released. |
WsResetServiceHost Resets service host so that it can be opened again. |
WsResetServiceProxy Resets service proxy. |
WsRevokeSecurityContext Revokes a security context. Can only be called on the server side. Further requests using this security context will fail and a fault will be sent to the client. |
WsSendFaultMessageForError Sends a fault message given a WS_ERROR object. |
WsSendMessage Send a message on a channel using serialization to write the body element. |
WsSendReplyMessage Sends a message which is a reply to a received message. |
WsSetChannelProperty Sets a property of the channel. |
WsSetErrorProperty Sets a WS_ERROR object property. |
WsSetFaultErrorDetail Write the fault detail stored in a WS_ERROR object. |
WsSetFaultErrorProperty Set a Fault property of a WS_ERROR object. |
WsSetHeader Adds or replaces the specified standard header in the message. |
WsSetInput Sets the encoding and input sources for an XML Reader. |
WsSetInputToBuffer Sets Reader input to a specified XML buffer. Reader properties specified to WsSetInputToBuffer override properties set by WsCreateReader. |
WsSetListenerProperty Sets a Listenerobject property. |
WsSetMessageProperty This operation sets a Messageproperty. |
WsSetOutput Sets the encoding and output callbacks for the writer. The callbacks are used to provides buffers to the writer and to perform asynchronous i/o. |
WsSetOutputToBuffer This operation positions the Writer at the end of the specified buffer. |
WsSetReaderPosition Sets the current position of the Reader. The position must have been obtained by a call to WsGetReaderPosition or WsGetWriterPosition. This function can only be used on a reader that is set to a WS_XML_BUFFER. |
WsSetWriterPosition Sets the current position of the writer. The position must have been obtained by a call to WsGetReaderPosition or WsGetWriterPosition. |
WsShutdownSessionChannel Used to signal the end of messages for a session channel. |
WsSkipNode Advances the reader in the input stream. |
WsStartReaderCanonicalization This operation begins the process of putting the specified XML Reader in a standard or "canonized" form. |
WsStartWriterCanonicalization Starts canonicalization on the specified XML writer. |
WsTrimXmlWhitespace Removes leading and trailing whitespace from a sequence of characters. |
WsVerifyXmlNCName Verifies whether the input string is a valid XML NCName. |
WsWriteArray This operation sends a series of elements to an XML Writer. |
WsWriteAttribute Write a typed value as an XML attribute. |
WsWriteBody Writes a value in the body of a message. This is a helper function that serializes a value to the XML Writer of the message. The message state must be set to WS_MESSAGE_STATE_WRITING. This function does not cause any state transitions. |
WsWriteBytes Writes bytes to the writer in a format optimized for the encoding. When writing in a text encoding, it will emit the bytes encoded in base64. When writing to a binary format, it will emit the bytes directly. |
WsWriteChars Writes a series of characters to an element or attribute. |
WsWriteCharsUtf8 Writes a series of characters encoded as UTF-8 to an element or attribute. |
WsWriteElement Write a typed value as an XML element. |
WsWriteEndAttribute This operation finishes writing an attribute to the current element. If WsWriteStartAttribute is called the Writer does not permit another element or attribute to be written until WsWriteEndAttribute is called. |
WsWriteEndCData Ends a CDATA section in the writer. |
WsWriteEndElement Writes an end element to a Writer. |
WsWriteEndStartElement Forces the writer to commit the current element and prevent further attributes from being written to the element. |
WsWriteEnvelopeEnd Writes the closing elements of a message. |
WsWriteEnvelopeStart Writes the start of the message including the current set of headers of the message and prepares to write the body elements. |
WsWriteMessageEnd Write the closing elements of the message to the channel. |
WsWriteMessageStart Write out all the headers of the message to the channel, and prepare to write the body elements. |
WsWriteNode Writes the specified node to the XML Writer. |
WsWriteQualifiedName Writes an XML qualified name to the Writer. |
WsWriteStartAttribute This operation starts writing an attribute to the current element. |
WsWriteStartCData This operation starts a CDATA section in the writer. |
WsWriteStartElement Writes a start element to the writer. |
WsWriteText Writes the specified text to the XML writer. |
WsWriteType Write a value of a given WS_TYPE to XML according to the WS_TYPE_MAPPING. |
WsWriteValue This operation derives the best representation for a primitive value from the underlying encoding and passes the derived value to a Writer object. |
WsWriteXmlBuffer Writes a WS_XML_BUFFER to a writer. |
WsWriteXmlBufferToBytes Uses a writer to convert a WS_XML_BUFFER to an encoded set of bytes. |
WsWriteXmlnsAttribute Writes an Xmlns attribute to the current element. |
WsXmlStringEquals Compares two WS_XML_STRING objects for equality. The operation performs an ordinal comparison of the character values contained by the String objects. |
IContentPrefetcherTaskTrigger The IContentPrefetcherTaskTrigger interface supports content prefetching behavior and performance testing by defining methods that allow you to verify that an installed app package is registered for this background task and manually trigger its content prefetch operations. |
WS_ANY_ATTRIBUTE This type is used to store an attribute that has not been directly mapped to a field. |
WS_ANY_ATTRIBUTES This type is used to store a set of attributes that have not been directly mapped to field of a structure. |
WS_ASYNC_CONTEXT Used with the Async Model to specify the asynchronous callback and a pointer which will be passed to the asynchronous callback. |
WS_ASYNC_OPERATION Used with the WsAsyncExecute to specify the next function to invoke in a series of async operations. (WS_ASYNC_OPERATION) |
WS_ASYNC_STATE Used by WsAsyncExecute to manage the state of an asynchronous operation. |
WS_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION Represents a mapping between a C data type and an XML attribute. |
WS_BOOL_DESCRIPTION Specifies constraints on the set of values which can be deserialized. (WS_BOOL_DESCRIPTION) |
WS_BUFFERS A structure used to represent a discontiguous array of WS_BYTES. |
WS_BYTE_ARRAY_DESCRIPTION Specifies constraints on the set of values which can be deserialized. (WS_BYTE_ARRAY_DESCRIPTION) |
WS_BYTES Used to serialize and deserialize an array of bytes. |
WS_BYTES_DESCRIPTION Specifies constraints on the set of values which can be deserialized. (WS_BYTES_DESCRIPTION) |
WS_CALL_PROPERTY Specifies a proxy property. (WS_CALL_PROPERTY) |
WS_CAPI_ASYMMETRIC_SECURITY_KEY_HANDLE The type for specifying asymmetric cryptographic keys as CAPI 1.0 key handles. |
WS_CERT_CREDENTIAL The abstract base type for all certificate credential types. |
WS_CERT_ENDPOINT_IDENTITY Type for certificate endpoint identity |
WS_CERT_SIGNED_SAML_AUTHENTICATOR The type for specifying a SAML token authenticator based on an array of expected issuer certificates. |
WS_CERTIFICATE_VALIDATION_CALLBACK_CONTEXT The WS_CERTIFICATE_VALIDATION_CALLBACK_CONTEXT structure contains the callback function and state for validating the certificate for an HTTP connection. |
WS_CHANNEL_DECODER A structure that is used to specify a set of callbacks that can transform the content type and encoded bytes of a received message. |
WS_CHANNEL_ENCODER A structure that is used to specify a set of callbacks that can transform the content type and encoded bytes of a sent message. |
WS_CHANNEL_PROPERTIES Specifies a set of WS_CHANNEL_PROPERTY structures. |
WS_CHANNEL_PROPERTY Specifies a channel specific setting. |
WS_CHANNEL_PROPERTY_CONSTRAINT Specifies constraints for a particular channel property. |
WS_CHAR_ARRAY_DESCRIPTION Specifies constraints on the set of values which can be deserialized. (WS_CHAR_ARRAY_DESCRIPTION) |
WS_CONTRACT_DESCRIPTION The metadata for a service contract for service model. |
WS_CUSTOM_CERT_CREDENTIAL The type for specifying a certificate credential that is to be supplied by a callback to the application. |
WS_CUSTOM_CHANNEL_CALLBACKS A structure that is used to specify a set of callbacks that form the implementation of a custom channel. |
WS_CUSTOM_HTTP_PROXY A structure that is used to specify the custom proxy for the channel, using the WS_CHANNEL_PROPERTY_CUSTOM_HTTP_PROXY. |
WS_CUSTOM_LISTENER_CALLBACKS A structure that is used to specify a set of callbacks that form the implementation of a custom listener. |
WS_CUSTOM_TYPE_DESCRIPTION Represents a custom mapping between a C data type and an XML element. |
WS_DATETIME This structure is used to represent dates and times. |
WS_DATETIME_DESCRIPTION This type description is used with WS_DATETIME_TYPE and is optional. It is used to specify constraints on the set of values which can be deserialized. |
WS_DECIMAL_DESCRIPTION An optional type description used with WS_DECIMAL_TYPE. It is used to specify constraints on the set of values which can be deserialized. |
WS_DEFAULT_VALUE Defines a default value for a field. This is used in a WS_FIELD_DESCRIPTION. |
WS_DEFAULT_WINDOWS_INTEGRATED_AUTH_CREDENTIAL Type for supplying a Windows Integrated Authentication credential based on the current Windows identity. |
WS_DISALLOWED_USER_AGENT_SUBSTRINGS Specifies the list of blocked UserAgent sub-string's. This is used with the WS_LISTENER_PROPERTY_DISALLOWED_USER_AGENT listener property. |
WS_DNS_ENDPOINT_IDENTITY Type for specifying an endpoint identity represented by a DNS name. |
WS_DOUBLE_DESCRIPTION An optional type description used with WS_DOUBLE_TYPE. It is used to specify constraints on the set of values which can be deserialized. |
WS_DURATION Represents a xsd:duration data type. |
WS_DURATION_DESCRIPTION An optional type description used with WS_DURATION_TYPE. It is used to specify constraints on the set of values which can be deserialized. |
WS_ELEMENT_DESCRIPTION Represents a mapping between a C data type and an XML element. |
WS_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS Represents the network address of an endpoint. |
WS_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_DESCRIPTION Information about a mapping between a WS_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS and an XML element. |
WS_ENDPOINT_IDENTITY The base type for all endpoint identities. |
WS_ENDPOINT_POLICY_EXTENSION This structure is used to specify an endpoint policy extension. |
WS_ENUM_DESCRIPTION A type description that is used with WS_ENUM_TYPE and is required. It provides information used in serializing and deserializing values of an enumeration. |
WS_ENUM_VALUE Provides serialization information about a single value that is part of an enumeration (WS_ENUM_DESCRIPTION). |
WS_ERROR_PROPERTY Specifies an error specific setting. |
WS_FAULT A Fault is a value carried in the body of a message which conveys a processing failure. Faults are modeled using the WS_FAULT structure. |
WS_FAULT_CODE Represents a fault code. |
WS_FAULT_DESCRIPTION Information about a mapping between a WS_FAULT and an XML element. |
WS_FAULT_DETAIL_DESCRIPTION A description of the detail element of a fault message. |
WS_FAULT_REASON Contains an explanation of the fault. |
WS_FIELD_DESCRIPTION Represents serialization information about a field within a structure. |
WS_FLOAT_DESCRIPTION An optional type description used with WS_FLOAT_TYPE to specify constraints on the set of values which can be deserialized. |
WS_GUID_DESCRIPTION An optional type description used with WS_GUID_TYPE to specify constraints on the set of values which can be deserialized. |
WS_HEAP_PROPERTIES A structure that is used to specify a set of WS_HEAP_PROPERTYs. |
WS_HEAP_PROPERTY Specifies a heap specific setting. |
WS_HOST_NAMES A structure containing a list of host names. |
WS_HTTP_BINDING_TEMPLATE HTTP template structure to be filled in by application for http binding. |
WS_HTTP_HEADER_AUTH_BINDING_TEMPLATE HTTP header authentication security template information to be filled in by application. Associated with WS_HTTP_HEADER_AUTH_BINDING_TEMPLATE_TYPE. |
WS_HTTP_HEADER_AUTH_POLICY_DESCRIPTION Describes the policy specifying http channel binding. (WS_HTTP_HEADER_AUTH_POLICY_DESCRIPTION) |
WS_HTTP_HEADER_AUTH_SECURITY_BINDING The security binding subtype for specifying the use of HTTP header authentication against a target service or a HTTP proxy server based on the basic, digest (RFC 2617) and the SPNEGO (RFC4559) protocols. |
WS_HTTP_HEADER_AUTH_SECURITY_BINDING_POLICY_DESCRIPTION This type description is used with template APIs to describe the templates generated accordingly to input policy setting. (WS_HTTP_HEADER_AUTH_SECURITY_BINDING_POLICY_DESCRIPTION) |
WS_HTTP_HEADER_AUTH_SECURITY_BINDING_TEMPLATE The security binding template for specifying the use of HTP header authentication protocol based security. |
WS_HTTP_HEADER_MAPPING Specifies an individual header that is mapped as part of WS_HTTP_MESSAGE_MAPPING. |
WS_HTTP_MESSAGE_MAPPING How an HTTP request or response should be represented in a message object. |
WS_HTTP_POLICY_DESCRIPTION Describes the policy specifying http channel binding. (WS_HTTP_POLICY_DESCRIPTION) |
WS_HTTP_REDIRECT_CALLBACK_CONTEXT Specifies the callback function and state for controlling the HTTP auto redirection behavior. |
WS_HTTP_SSL_BINDING_TEMPLATE SSL security template information to be filled in by application. Associated with WS_HTTP_SSL_BINDING_TEMPLATE_TYPE. |
WS_HTTP_SSL_HEADER_AUTH_BINDING_TEMPLATE Username/password security template information to be filled in by application. Associated with WS_HTTP_SSL_HEADER_AUTH_BINDING_TEMPLATE_TYPE. |
WS_HTTP_SSL_HEADER_AUTH_POLICY_DESCRIPTION Describes the policy specifying http channel binding with SSL transport security and header authentication. |
WS_HTTP_SSL_KERBEROS_APREQ_BINDING_TEMPLATE Username/password security template information to be filled in by application. Associated with WS_HTTP_SSL_KERBEROS_APREQ_BINDING_TEMPLATE_TYPE. |
WS_HTTP_SSL_KERBEROS_APREQ_POLICY_DESCRIPTION Describes the policy specifying http channel binding with SSL transport security and KERBEROS AP_REQ message security. |
WS_HTTP_SSL_KERBEROS_APREQ_SECURITY_CONTEXT_POLICY_DESCRIPTION Describes the policy specifying security context message binding over http channel binding, with SSL transport security. The bootstrap channel uses http channel binding with SSL transport security and KERBEROS AP_REQ message security. |
WS_HTTP_SSL_POLICY_DESCRIPTION Describes the policy specifying http channel binding. (WS_HTTP_SSL_POLICY_DESCRIPTION) |
WS_HTTP_SSL_USERNAME_BINDING_TEMPLATE Username/password security template information to be filled in by application. Associated with WS_HTTP_SSL_USERNAME_BINDING_TEMPLATE_TYPE. |
WS_HTTP_SSL_USERNAME_POLICY_DESCRIPTION Describes the policy specifying http channel binding with SSL transport security and username/password message security. |
WS_HTTP_SSL_USERNAME_SECURITY_CONTEXT_POLICY_DESCRIPTION Describes the policy specifying security context message binding over http channel binding, with SSL transport security. The bootstrap channel uses http channel binding with SSL transport security and username/password message security. |
WS_HTTP_URL The URL subtype for specifying an HTTP URL. |
WS_HTTPS_URL The URL subtype for specifying an HTTPS URL. |
WS_INT16_DESCRIPTION An optional type description used with WS_INT16_TYPE to specify constraints on the set of values which can be deserialized. |
WS_INT32_DESCRIPTION An optional type description used with WS_INT32_TYPE to specify constraints on the set of values which can be deserialized. |
WS_INT64_DESCRIPTION An optional type description used with WS_INT64_TYPE to specify constraints on the set of values which can be deserialized. |
WS_INT8_DESCRIPTION An optional type description used with WS_INT8_TYPE to specify constraints on the set of values which can be deserialized. |
WS_ISSUED_TOKEN_MESSAGE_SECURITY_BINDING_CONSTRAINT A security binding constraint that can be used to extract information about how to obtain an issued token from an issuing party. |
WS_KERBEROS_APREQ_MESSAGE_SECURITY_BINDING The security binding subtype for specifying the use of the Kerberos AP_REQ ticket as a direct (i.e., without establishing a session) security token with WS-Security. |
WS_KERBEROS_APREQ_MESSAGE_SECURITY_BINDING_POLICY_DESCRIPTION This type description is used with template APIs to describe the templates generated accordingly to input policy setting. (WS_KERBEROS_APREQ_MESSAGE_SECURITY_BINDING_POLICY_DESCRIPTION) |
WS_KERBEROS_APREQ_MESSAGE_SECURITY_BINDING_TEMPLATE The security binding template for specifying the use of the Kerberos AP_REQ ticket as a direct (i.e., without establishing a session) security token with WS-Security. |
WS_LISTENER_PROPERTY Specifies a listener specific setting. |
WS_MESSAGE_DESCRIPTION The schema for the input/output WS_MESSAGE for a given operation description. |
WS_MESSAGE_PROPERTIES Specifies a set of WS_MESSAGE_PROPERTY structures. |
WS_MESSAGE_PROPERTY Specifies a message specific setting. |
WS_METADATA_ENDPOINT Information about a single endpoint that was read from metadata documents. |
WS_METADATA_ENDPOINTS Information about all endpoints that were read from metadata documents. |
WS_METADATA_PROPERTY Specifies a metadata object setting. |
WS_NAMEDPIPE_SSPI_TRANSPORT_SECURITY_BINDING The security binding subtype for specifying the use of the Windows Integrated Authentication protocol (such as Kerberos, NTLM or SPNEGO) with the named pipe transport. |
WS_NCRYPT_ASYMMETRIC_SECURITY_KEY_HANDLE The type for specifying asymmetric cryptographic keys as a CryptoNG NCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE. |
WS_NETPIPE_URL The URL subtype for specifying a net.pipe URL. |
WS_NETTCP_URL The URL subtype for specifying a net.tcp URL. |
WS_OPAQUE_WINDOWS_INTEGRATED_AUTH_CREDENTIAL Type for supplying a Windows Integrated Authentication credential as an opaque handle created by SspiPromptForCredentials and the related family of APIs. This feature is available only on Windows 7 and later. |
WS_OPERATION_DESCRIPTION Metadata for the service operation. |
WS_PARAMETER_DESCRIPTION The index of the parameters in the incoming/outgoing messages field descriptions. |
WS_POLICY_CONSTRAINTS Specifies policy constraints for a channel. |
WS_POLICY_EXTENSION The base class for all policy extension structures. Policy extensions are assertions that are directly handled by applications such as custom assertions. |
WS_POLICY_PROPERTIES Specifies a set of WS_POLICY_PROPERTY structures. |
WS_POLICY_PROPERTY Specifies a policy object setting. |
WS_PROXY_MESSAGE_CALLBACK_CONTEXT Specifies the callback function and state for an application that wishes to associate or inspect headers in an input or an output message respectively. |
WS_PROXY_PROPERTY Specifies a proxy property. (WS_PROXY_PROPERTY) |
WS_RAW_SYMMETRIC_SECURITY_KEY_HANDLE The type for specifying a symmetric cryptographic key as raw bytes. |
WS_REQUEST_SECURITY_TOKEN_PROPERTY Specifies a property for requesting a security token from an issuer. |
WS_REQUEST_SECURITY_TOKEN_PROPERTY_CONSTRAINT This structure is used to specify a set of constraints for a particular request security token property. Any property constraints that are not specified will use the default constraints. |
WS_RSA_ENDPOINT_IDENTITY Type for RSA endpoint identity. |
WS_SAML_AUTHENTICATOR The abstract base type for all SAML authenticators used on the server side to validate incoming SAML tokens. |
WS_SAML_MESSAGE_SECURITY_BINDING The security binding subtype for specifying the use of a SAML assertion as a message security token. |
WS_SECURITY_ALGORITHM_PROPERTY Specifies a cryptographic algorithm setting. |
WS_SECURITY_ALGORITHM_SUITE Defines the security algorithms and key lengths to be used with WS-Security. This setting is relevant to message security bindings and mixed-mode security bindings. |
WS_SECURITY_BINDING The abstract base type for all security bindings. |
WS_SECURITY_BINDING_CONSTRAINT The base class for all security binding constraint structures. |
WS_SECURITY_BINDING_PROPERTIES Specifies an array of security binding settings. |
WS_SECURITY_BINDING_PROPERTY Specifies a security binding specific setting. |
WS_SECURITY_BINDING_PROPERTY_CONSTRAINT This structure is used to specify a set of constraints for a particular security binding property. Any property constraints that are not specified will use the default constraints. |
WS_SECURITY_CONSTRAINTS This structure specifies the security related constraints as part of WS_POLICY_CONSTRAINTS. |
WS_SECURITY_CONTEXT_MESSAGE_SECURITY_BINDING The security binding subtype for specifying the use of a security context token negotiated between the client and server using WS-SecureConversation. |
WS_SECURITY_CONTEXT_MESSAGE_SECURITY_BINDING_POLICY_DESCRIPTION This type description is used with template APIs to describe the templates generated accordingly to input policy setting. (WS_SECURITY_CONTEXT_MESSAGE_SECURITY_BINDING_POLICY_DESCRIPTION) |
WS_SECURITY_CONTEXT_MESSAGE_SECURITY_BINDING_TEMPLATE The security binding template for specifying the use of an application supplied security context security binding. (WS_SECURITY_CONTEXT_MESSAGE_SECURITY_BINDING_TEMPLATE) |
WS_SECURITY_CONTEXT_SECURITY_BINDING_POLICY_DESCRIPTION This type description is used with template APIs to describe the security context related templates generated accordingly to input policy setting. |
WS_SECURITY_CONTEXT_SECURITY_BINDING_TEMPLATE The security binding template for specifying the use of an application supplied security context security binding. (WS_SECURITY_CONTEXT_SECURITY_BINDING_TEMPLATE) |
WS_SECURITY_DESCRIPTION The top-level structure used to specify the security requirements for a channel (on the client side) or a listener (on the server side). |
WS_SECURITY_KEY_HANDLE The abstract base type for all types that specify a cryptographic key. Such a key is typically specified for a generic XML security token or a custom security token. |
WS_SECURITY_PROPERTIES Specifies an array of channel-wide security settings. |
WS_SECURITY_PROPERTY Specifies a channel-wide security setting. |
WS_SECURITY_PROPERTY_CONSTRAINT This structure is used to specify a set of constraints for a particular security property. Any property constraints that are not specified will use the default constraints. |
WS_SERVICE_CONTRACT Specifies a service contract on an endpoint. |
WS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT Represents an individual endpoint on a service host. The properties on the endpoint are used to specify the address, binding and contract. |
WS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT_METADATA Represents the port element for the endpoint. The port element is generated for the service element as specified by serviceName and serviceNs for WS_SERVICE_PROPERTY_METADATA property on the WS_SERVICE_HOST. |
WS_SERVICE_METADATA Specifies the service metadata documents array. This can be a collection of WSDL/XSD documents represented as an array of WS_STRING. |
WS_SERVICE_METADATA_DOCUMENT Specifies the individual documents that make up the service metadata. |
WS_SERVICE_PROPERTY Specifies a service specific setting. (WS_SERVICE_PROPERTY) |
WS_SERVICE_PROPERTY_ACCEPT_CALLBACK Specifies the callback which is called when a channel is successfully accepted. |
WS_SERVICE_PROPERTY_CLOSE_CALLBACK Specifies the callback which is called when a channel is about to be closed. See, WS_SERVICE_CLOSE_CHANNEL_CALLBACK for details. |
WS_SERVICE_SECURITY_IDENTITIES A list of Server Principal Names (SPNs) that are used to validate Extended Protection. |
WS_SOAPUDP_URL The URL subtype for specifying a soap.udp URL. |
WS_SPN_ENDPOINT_IDENTITY Type for specifying an endpoint identity represented by an SPN (service principal name). |
WS_SSL_TRANSPORT_SECURITY_BINDING The security binding subtype for specifying the use of SSL/TLS protocol based transport security. |
WS_SSL_TRANSPORT_SECURITY_BINDING_POLICY_DESCRIPTION This type description is used with template APIs to describe the templates generated accordingly to input policy setting. (WS_SSL_TRANSPORT_SECURITY_BINDING_POLICY_DESCRIPTION) |
WS_SSL_TRANSPORT_SECURITY_BINDING_TEMPLATE The security binding template for specifying the use of SSL/TLS protocol based transport security. |
WS_SSPI_TRANSPORT_SECURITY_BINDING_POLICY_DESCRIPTION This type description is used with template APIs to describe the templates generated accordingly to input policy setting. (WS_SSPI_TRANSPORT_SECURITY_BINDING_POLICY_DESCRIPTION) |
WS_STRING An array of Unicode characters and a length. |
WS_STRING_DESCRIPTION This type description is used with WS_STRING_TYPE and is optional. It is used to specify constraints on the set of values which can be deserialized. |
WS_STRING_USERNAME_CREDENTIAL The type for supplying a username/password pair as strings. |
WS_STRING_WINDOWS_INTEGRATED_AUTH_CREDENTIAL Type for supplying a Windows credential as username, password, domain strings. |
WS_STRUCT_DESCRIPTION Information about C struct type, and how it maps to an XML element. This is used with WS_STRUCT_TYPE. |
WS_SUBJECT_NAME_CERT_CREDENTIAL The type for specifying a certificate credential using the certificate's subject name, store location and store name. The specified credential is loaded when the containing channel or listener is opened. |
WS_TCP_BINDING_TEMPLATE TCP template structure to be filled in by application for TCP binding. |
WS_TCP_POLICY_DESCRIPTION Describes the policy specifying http channel binding. (WS_TCP_POLICY_DESCRIPTION) |
WS_TCP_SSPI_BINDING_TEMPLATE HTTP header authentication security template information to be filled in by application. Associated with WS_TCP_SSPI_BINDING_TEMPLATE_TYPE. |
WS_TCP_SSPI_KERBEROS_APREQ_BINDING_TEMPLATE Username/password security template information to be filled in by application. Associated with WS_TCP_SSPI_KERBEROS_APREQ_BINDING_TEMPLATE_TYPE. |
WS_TCP_SSPI_KERBEROS_APREQ_POLICY_DESCRIPTION Describes the policy specifying TCP channel binding with windows SSPI transport security, and kerberos message security. |
WS_TCP_SSPI_KERBEROS_APREQ_SECURITY_CONTEXT_POLICY_DESCRIPTION Describes the policy specifying security context message binding using TCP channel binding with windows SSPI transport security. The bootstrap channel uses TCP channel binding with windows SSPI transport security and kerberos message security. |
WS_TCP_SSPI_POLICY_DESCRIPTION Describes the policy specifying TCP channel binding with windows SSPI. |
WS_TCP_SSPI_TRANSPORT_SECURITY_BINDING The security binding subtype for specifying the use of the Windows Integrated Authentication protocol (such as Kerberos, NTLM or SPNEGO) with the TCP transport. |
WS_TCP_SSPI_TRANSPORT_SECURITY_BINDING_TEMPLATE The security binding template for specifying the use of Windows SSPI protocol based transport security. |
WS_TCP_SSPI_USERNAME_BINDING_TEMPLATE Username/password security template information to be filled in by application. Associated with WS_TCP_SSPI_USERNAME_BINDING_TEMPLATE_TYPE. |
WS_TCP_SSPI_USERNAME_POLICY_DESCRIPTION Describes the policy specifying TCP channel binding with windows SSPI transport security and username/password message security. |
WS_TCP_SSPI_USERNAME_SECURITY_CONTEXT_POLICY_DESCRIPTION Describes the policy specifying security context message binding using TCP channel binding with windows SSPI transport security. The bootstrap channel uses TCP channel binding with windows SSPI transport security and username/password message security. |
WS_THUMBPRINT_CERT_CREDENTIAL The type for specifying a certificate credential using the certificate's thumbprint, store location and store name. The specified credential is loaded when the containing channel or listener is opened. |
WS_TIMESPAN Represents a signed 64-bit time interval in 100 nanosecond units. |
WS_TIMESPAN_DESCRIPTION This type description is used with WS_TIMESPAN_TYPE and is optional. It is used to specify constraints on the set of values which can be deserialized. |
WS_UINT16_DESCRIPTION An optional type description used with WS_UINT16_TYPE to specify constraints on the set of values which can be deserialized. |
WS_UINT32_DESCRIPTION An optional type description used with WS_UINT32_TYPE to specify constraints on the set of values which can be deserialized. |
WS_UINT64_DESCRIPTION An optional type description used with WS_UINT64_TYPE to specify constraints on the set of values which can be deserialized. |
WS_UINT8_DESCRIPTION An optional type description used with WS_UINT8_TYPE to specify constraints on the set of values which can be deserialized. |
WS_UNION_DESCRIPTION Information about the choices within a union type. This is used with WS_UNION_TYPE. |
WS_UNION_FIELD_DESCRIPTION Represents serialization information about a field within a union. See WS_UNION_DESCRIPTION. |
WS_UNIQUE_ID Represents a unique ID URI. |
WS_UNIQUE_ID_DESCRIPTION An optional type description used with WS_UNIQUE_ID_TYPE to specify constraints on the set of values which can be deserialized. |
WS_UNKNOWN_ENDPOINT_IDENTITY Type for unknown endpoint identity. This type is only used to represent an endpoint identity type that was deserialized but was not understood. |
WS_UPN_ENDPOINT_IDENTITY Type for specifying an endpoint identity represented by a UPN (user principal name). |
WS_URL The abstract base type for all URL schemes used with WsDecodeUrl and WsEncodeUrl APIs. |
WS_USERNAME_CREDENTIAL The abstract base type for all username/password credentials. |
WS_USERNAME_MESSAGE_SECURITY_BINDING The security binding subtype for specifying the use of an application supplied username / password pair as a direct (i.e., one-shot) security token. |
WS_USERNAME_MESSAGE_SECURITY_BINDING_POLICY_DESCRIPTION This type description is used with template APIs to describe the templates generated accordingly to input policy setting. (WS_USERNAME_MESSAGE_SECURITY_BINDING_POLICY_DESCRIPTION) |
WS_USERNAME_MESSAGE_SECURITY_BINDING_TEMPLATE The security binding template for specifying the use of an application supplied username / password pair as a direct (i.e., one-shot) security token. |
WS_UTF8_ARRAY_DESCRIPTION This type description is used with WS_UTF8_ARRAY_TYPE and is optional. It is used to specify constraints on the set of values which can be deserialized. |
WS_VOID_DESCRIPTION Specifies information about a field which is neither serialized nor deserialized. |
WS_WINDOWS_INTEGRATED_AUTH_CREDENTIAL The abstract base type for all credential types used with Windows Integrated Authentication. |
WS_WSZ_DESCRIPTION This type description is used with WS_WSZ_TYPE and is optional. It is used to specify constraints on the set of values which can be deserialized. |
WS_XML_ATTRIBUTE Represents an attribute (for example, <a:purchaseOrder xmlns:a="" id="5">) |
WS_XML_BASE64_TEXT Represents base64 encoded data. |
WS_XML_BOOL_TEXT A Boolean value that represents the text "true" or "false". |
WS_XML_BUFFER_PROPERTY Specifies an XML buffer�specific setting. |
WS_XML_CANONICALIZATION_INCLUSIVE_PREFIXES An array of XML prefixes that should be treated as inclusive prefixes during exclusive XML canonicalization. The treatment of inclusive prefixes is defined in RFC 3741. |
WS_XML_CANONICALIZATION_PROPERTY Specifies a setting that controls how XML canonicalization is done. |
WS_XML_COMMENT_NODE Represents a comment. |
WS_XML_DATETIME_TEXT Represents a datetime formatted as an xsd:dateTime. |
WS_XML_DECIMAL_TEXT Represents a 12 byte fixed point value. |
WS_XML_DICTIONARY Represents a set of unique strings. This information is used by the binary encoding to write a more compact xml document. |
WS_XML_DOUBLE_TEXT Represents an 8 byte floating point value. |
WS_XML_ELEMENT_NODE Represents a start element in xml (e.g. |
WS_XML_FLOAT_TEXT Represents a 4 byte floating point value. |
WS_XML_GUID_TEXT Represents a GUID formatted as the text "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx". |
WS_XML_INT32_TEXT Represents a signed 32 bit integer. |
WS_XML_INT64_TEXT Represents a signed 64 bit integer. |
WS_XML_LIST_TEXT Represents a list of text values separated by a single whitespace character. |
WS_XML_NODE The base type for all the different kinds of XML nodes. An XML node is unit of data in XML. |
WS_XML_NODE_POSITION Represents a position within an XML buffer. |
WS_XML_QNAME A structure used to specify an XML name (of an element or an attribute) as a local name, namespace pair. |
WS_XML_QNAME_DESCRIPTION This type description is used with WS_XML_QNAME_TYPE and is optional. It is used to specify constraints on the set of values which can be deserialized. |
WS_XML_QNAME_TEXT Represents a qname formatted as the text "prefix:localName" |
WS_XML_READER_BINARY_ENCODING Used to indicate that the reader should interpret the bytes it reads as binary xml. |
WS_XML_READER_BUFFER_INPUT Specifies that the source of the xml input is a buffer. |
WS_XML_READER_ENCODING This structure is the base type for all the different kinds of reader encodings. |
WS_XML_READER_INPUT Specifies where the reader should obtain the bytes that comprise the xml document. |
WS_XML_READER_MTOM_ENCODING Used to indicate that the reader should interpret the bytes it reads as in MTOM format. |
WS_XML_READER_PROPERTIES A structure that is used to specify a set of WS_XML_READER_PROPERTYs. |
WS_XML_READER_PROPERTY Specifies a reader specific setting. |
WS_XML_READER_RAW_ENCODING Used to indicate that the reader should surface the bytes of the document as base64 encoded characters. |
WS_XML_READER_STREAM_INPUT Specifies that the source of the xml should be obtained from a callback. |
WS_XML_READER_TEXT_ENCODING Used to indicate that the reader should interpret the bytes it reads as textual xml. |
WS_XML_SECURITY_TOKEN_PROPERTY Specifies a property for an XML security token. |
WS_XML_STRING Represents a string that optionally has dictionary information associated with it. The xml APIs use WS_XML_STRINGs to identify prefixes, localNames and namespaces. |
WS_XML_STRING_DESCRIPTION This type description is used with WS_XML_STRING_TYPE and is optional. It is used to specify constraints on the set of values which can be deserialized. |
WS_XML_TEXT Represents a node of text content in xml. |
WS_XML_TEXT_NODE Represents an element, attribute, or CDATA content. |
WS_XML_TIMESPAN_TEXT Represents a time span formatted as the text "[+ |
-][d?.]HH:mm:ss[.fffffff]" d is a series of digits representing the day. |
WS_XML_TOKEN_MESSAGE_SECURITY_BINDING The security binding subtype for specifying the use of a security token that is already available to the application in XML form. |
WS_XML_UINT64_TEXT Represents an unsigned 64 bit integer. |
WS_XML_UNIQUE_ID_TEXT Represents a GUID formatted as the text "urn:uuid:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx". |
WS_XML_UTF16_TEXT Represents text encoded as UTF-16 bytes. |
WS_XML_UTF8_TEXT Represents text encoded as UTF-8 bytes. |
WS_XML_WRITER_BINARY_ENCODING Used to indicate that the writer should emit bytes as binary xml. |
WS_XML_WRITER_BUFFER_OUTPUT Specifies that the generated bytes should be placed in a buffer. |
WS_XML_WRITER_ENCODING This structure is the base type for all the different kinds of writer encodings. |
WS_XML_WRITER_MTOM_ENCODING Used to indicate that the reader should emit bytes in MTOM format. The MTOM format will represent bytes written to it as binary mime parts rather than embedded base64 encoded text. |
WS_XML_WRITER_OUTPUT Specifies where the writer should emit the bytes that comprise the xml document. |
WS_XML_WRITER_PROPERTIES A structure that is used to specify a set of WS_XML_WRITER_PROPERTYs. |
WS_XML_WRITER_PROPERTY Specifies a writer specific setting. |
WS_XML_WRITER_RAW_ENCODING Used to indicate that the writer should emit bytes from decoded base64 characters. |
WS_XML_WRITER_STREAM_OUTPUT Specifies that the generated bytes should be sent to callback. |
WS_XML_WRITER_TEXT_ENCODING Indicates that the reader should emit bytes as textual xml. |