drt.h header
This header is used by Peer-to-Peer. For more information, see:
drt.h contains the following programming interfaces:
DrtClose DrtClose function closes the local instance of the DRT. |
DrtContinueSearch DrtContinueSearch function continues an iterative search for a key. |
DrtCreateDerivedKey DrtCreateDerivedKey function creates a key that can be utilized by DrtRegisterKey when the DRT is using a derived key security provider. |
DrtCreateDerivedKeySecurityProvider DrtCreateDerivedKeySecurityProvider function creates the derived key security provider for a Distributed Routing Table. |
DrtCreateDnsBootstrapResolver The DrtCreateDnsBootstrapResolver function creates a bootstrap resolver that will use the GetAddrInfo system function to resolve the hostname of a will known node already present in the DRT mesh. |
DrtCreateIpv6UdpTransport DrtCreateIpv6UdpTransport function creates a transport based on the IPv6 UDP protocol. |
DrtCreateNullSecurityProvider DrtCreateNullSecurityProvider function creates a null security provider. This security provider does not require nodes to authenticate keys. |
DrtCreatePnrpBootstrapResolver DrtCreatePnrpBootstrapResolver. |
DrtDeleteDerivedKeySecurityProvider DrtDeleteDerivedKeySecurityProvider function deletes a derived key security provider for a Distributed Routing Table. |
DrtDeleteDnsBootstrapResolver DrtDeleteDnsBootstrapResolver function deletes a DNS Bootstrap Provider instance. |
DrtDeleteIpv6UdpTransport DrtDeleteIpv6UdpTransport function deletes a transport based on the IPv6 UDP protocol. |
DrtDeleteNullSecurityProvider DrtDeleteNullSecurityProvider function deletes a null security provider for a Distributed Routing Table. |
DrtDeletePnrpBootstrapResolver DrtDeletePnrpBootstrapResolver function deletes a bootstrap resolver based on the Peer Name Resolution Protocol (PNRP). |
DrtEndSearch DrtEndSearch function cancels a search for a key in a DRT. |
DrtGetEventData DrtGetEventData function retrieves event data associated with a signaled event. |
DrtGetEventDataSize DrtGetEventDataSize function returns the size of the DRT_EVENT_DATA structure associated with a signaled event. |
DrtGetInstanceName DrtGetInstanceName function retrieves the full name of the Distributed Routing Table instance that corresponds to the specified DRT handle. |
DrtGetInstanceNameSize The DrtGetInstanceNameSize function returns the size of the Distributed Routing Table instance name. |
DrtGetSearchPath DrtGetSearchPath function returns a list of nodes contacted during the search operation. |
DrtGetSearchPathSize DrtGetSearchPathSize function returns the size of the search path, which represents the number of nodes utilized in the search operation. |
DrtGetSearchResult DrtGetSearchResult function. |
DrtGetSearchResultSize DrtGetSearchResultSize function returns the size of the next available search result. |
DrtOpen DrtOpen function creates a local Distributed Routing Table instance against criteria specified by the DRT_SETTINGS structure. |
DrtRegisterKey The DrtRegisterKey function registers a key in the DRT. |
DrtStartSearch The DrtStartSearch function searches the DRT for a key using criteria specified in the DRT_SEARCH_INFO structure. |
DrtUnregisterKey The DrtUnregisterKey function deregisters a key from the DRT. |
DrtUpdateKey DrtUpdateKey function updates the application data associated with a registered key. |
DRT_ADDRESS DRT_ADDRESS structure contains endpoint information about a DRT node that participated in a search. This information is intended for use in debugging connectivity problems. |
DRT_ADDRESS_LIST DRT_ADDRESS_LIST structure contains a set of DRT_ADDRESS structures that represent the nodes contacted during a search for a key. |
DRT_BOOTSTRAP_PROVIDER DRT_BOOTSTRAP_PROVIDER structure defines the DRT interface that must be implemented by a bootstrap provider. |
DRT_DATA DRT_DATA structure contains a data blob. This structure is used by several DRT functions. |
DRT_REGISTRATION The DRT_REGISTRATION structure contains key and application data that make up a registration. |
DRT_SEARCH_INFO DRT_SEARCH_INFO structure represents a search query issued with DrtStartSearch. |
DRT_SECURITY_PROVIDER DRT_SECURITY_PROVIDER structure defines the DRT interface that must be implemented by a security provider. |
DRT_SETTINGS DRT_SETTINGS structure contains the settings utilized by the local Distributed Routing Table. |
DRT_EVENT_TYPE The DRT_EVENT_TYPE enumeration defines the set of events that can be raised by the Distributed Routing Table. |
DRT_LEAFSET_KEY_CHANGE_TYPE The DRT_LEAFSET_KEY_CHANGE_TYPE enumeration defines the set of changes that can occur on nodes in the leaf set of a locally registered key. |
DRT_MATCH_TYPE The DRT_MATCH_TYPE enumeration defines the exactness of a search result returned by DrtGetSearchResult after initiating a search with the DrtStartSearch API. |
DRT_REGISTRATION_STATE The DRT_REGISTRATION_STATE enumeration defines the set of legal states for a registered key. |
DRT_SCOPE The DRT_SCOPE enumeration defines the set of IPv6 scopes in which DRT operates while using the IPv6 UDP transport created by DrtCreateIpv6UdpTransport. |
DRT_SECURITY_MODE The DRT_SECURITY_MODE enumeration defines possible security modes for the DRT. The security mode is specified by a field of the DRT_SETTINGS structure. |
DRT_STATUS The DRT_STATUS enumeration defines the status of a local DRT instance. |