Explore the Azure Digital Twins APIs for creating a graph - Training
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Overview of the Peer-to-Peer technology.
To develop Peer-to-Peer, you need these headers:
For programming guidance for this technology, see:
DRT_EVENT_TYPE The DRT_EVENT_TYPE enumeration defines the set of events that can be raised by the Distributed Routing Table. |
DRT_LEAFSET_KEY_CHANGE_TYPE The DRT_LEAFSET_KEY_CHANGE_TYPE enumeration defines the set of changes that can occur on nodes in the leaf set of a locally registered key. |
DRT_MATCH_TYPE The DRT_MATCH_TYPE enumeration defines the exactness of a search result returned by DrtGetSearchResult after initiating a search with the DrtStartSearch API. |
DRT_REGISTRATION_STATE The DRT_REGISTRATION_STATE enumeration defines the set of legal states for a registered key. |
DRT_SCOPE The DRT_SCOPE enumeration defines the set of IPv6 scopes in which DRT operates while using the IPv6 UDP transport created by DrtCreateIpv6UdpTransport. |
DRT_SECURITY_MODE The DRT_SECURITY_MODE enumeration defines possible security modes for the DRT. The security mode is specified by a field of the DRT_SETTINGS structure. |
DRT_STATUS The DRT_STATUS enumeration defines the status of a local DRT instance. |
PEER_APPLICATION_REGISTRATION_TYPE The PEER_APPLICATION_REGISTRATION_TYPE enumeration defines the set of peer application registration flags. |
PEER_CHANGE_TYPE The PEER_CHANGE_TYPE enumeration defines the set of changes that were performed on a peer object, endpoint, or application in a peer event. It is used to qualify the peer event associated with the change type. |
PEER_COLLAB_EVENT_TYPE The PEER_COLLAB_EVENT_TYPE enumeration defines the set of events that can be raised on a peer by the peer collaboration network event infrastructure. |
PEER_CONNECTION_FLAGS The PEER_CONNECTION_FLAGS enumeration specifies the types of connections that a peer can have. |
PEER_CONNECTION_STATUS The PEER_CONNECTION_STATUS enumeration specifies the status of a peer direct or neighbor connection. |
PEER_GRAPH_EVENT_TYPE The PEER_GRAPH_EVENT_TYPE enumeration specifies peer event types the application is to be notified for. |
PEER_GRAPH_PROPERTY_FLAGS The PEER_GRAPH_PROPERTY_FLAGS enumeration specifies properties of a peer graph. |
PEER_GRAPH_SCOPE The PEER_GRAPH_SCOPE enumeration specifies the network scope of a peer graph. |
PEER_GRAPH_STATUS_FLAGS The PEER_GRAPH_STATUS_FLAGS enumeration is a set of flags that show the current status of a node within the peer graph. |
PEER_GROUP_AUTHENTICATION_SCHEME Defines the set of possible authentication schemes that can be used to authenticate peers joining a peer group. |
PEER_GROUP_EVENT_TYPE The PEER_GROUP_EVENT_TYPE enumeration contains the specific peer event types that can occur within a peer group. |
PEER_GROUP_PROPERTY_FLAGS The PEER_GROUP_PROPERTY_FLAGS flags are used to specify various peer group membership settings. |
PEER_GROUP_STATUS The PEER_GROUP_STATUS flags indicate whether or not the peer group has connections present. |
PEER_INVITATION_RESPONSE_TYPE Defines the type of response received to an invitation to start a Peer Collaboration activity. |
PEER_MEMBER_CHANGE_TYPE The PEER_MEMBER_CHANGE_TYPE enumeration defines the set of possible peer group membership and presence states for a peer. |
PEER_MEMBER_FLAGS The PEER_MEMBER_FLAGS flag allows an application to specify whether all members or only present ones should be enumerated when the PeerGroupEnumMembers function is called, or to indicate whether or not a member is present within the peer group. |
PEER_NODE_CHANGE_TYPE The PEER_NODE_CHANGE_TYPE enumeration specifies the types of peer node graph status changes. |
PEER_PRESENCE_STATUS The PEER_PRESENCE_STATUS enumeration defines the set of possible presence status settings available to a peer that participates in a peer collaboration network. |
PEER_PUBLICATION_SCOPE Defines the set of scopes for the publication of peer objects or data. |
PEER_RECORD_CHANGE_TYPE The PEER_RECORD_CHANGE_TYPE enumeration specifies the changes that can occur to a record. |
PEER_RECORD_FLAGS The PEER_RECORD_FLAGS enumeration specifies a set of flags for peer record behaviors. |
PEER_SIGNIN_FLAGS The PEER_SIGNIN_FLAGS enumeration defines the set of peer presence publication behaviors available when the peer signs in to a peer collaboration network. |
PEER_WATCH_PERMISSION Defines whether a peer contact can receive presence updates from a contact. |
PEERDIST_CLIENT_INFO_BY_HANDLE_CLASS The PEERDIST_CLIENT_INFO_BY_HANDLE_CLASS enumeration defines the possible client information values. |
PEERDIST_STATUS PEERDIST_STATUS enumeration defines the possible status values of the Peer Distribution service. |
PNRP_CLOUD_FLAGS The PNRP_CLOUD_FLAGS enumeration specifies the validity of a cloud name. |
PNRP_CLOUD_STATE The PNRP_CLOUD_STATE enumeration specifies the different states a PNRP cloud can be in. |
PNRP_RESOLVE_CRITERIA The PNRP_RESOLVE_CRITERIA enumeration specifies the criteria that PNRP uses to resolve searches. |
DrtClose DrtClose function closes the local instance of the DRT. |
DrtContinueSearch DrtContinueSearch function continues an iterative search for a key. |
DrtCreateDerivedKey DrtCreateDerivedKey function creates a key that can be utilized by DrtRegisterKey when the DRT is using a derived key security provider. |
DrtCreateDerivedKeySecurityProvider DrtCreateDerivedKeySecurityProvider function creates the derived key security provider for a Distributed Routing Table. |
DrtCreateDnsBootstrapResolver The DrtCreateDnsBootstrapResolver function creates a bootstrap resolver that will use the GetAddrInfo system function to resolve the hostname of a will known node already present in the DRT mesh. |
DrtCreateIpv6UdpTransport DrtCreateIpv6UdpTransport function creates a transport based on the IPv6 UDP protocol. |
DrtCreateNullSecurityProvider DrtCreateNullSecurityProvider function creates a null security provider. This security provider does not require nodes to authenticate keys. |
DrtCreatePnrpBootstrapResolver DrtCreatePnrpBootstrapResolver. |
DrtDeleteDerivedKeySecurityProvider DrtDeleteDerivedKeySecurityProvider function deletes a derived key security provider for a Distributed Routing Table. |
DrtDeleteDnsBootstrapResolver DrtDeleteDnsBootstrapResolver function deletes a DNS Bootstrap Provider instance. |
DrtDeleteIpv6UdpTransport DrtDeleteIpv6UdpTransport function deletes a transport based on the IPv6 UDP protocol. |
DrtDeleteNullSecurityProvider DrtDeleteNullSecurityProvider function deletes a null security provider for a Distributed Routing Table. |
DrtDeletePnrpBootstrapResolver DrtDeletePnrpBootstrapResolver function deletes a bootstrap resolver based on the Peer Name Resolution Protocol (PNRP). |
DrtEndSearch DrtEndSearch function cancels a search for a key in a DRT. |
DrtGetEventData DrtGetEventData function retrieves event data associated with a signaled event. |
DrtGetEventDataSize DrtGetEventDataSize function returns the size of the DRT_EVENT_DATA structure associated with a signaled event. |
DrtGetInstanceName DrtGetInstanceName function retrieves the full name of the Distributed Routing Table instance that corresponds to the specified DRT handle. |
DrtGetInstanceNameSize The DrtGetInstanceNameSize function returns the size of the Distributed Routing Table instance name. |
DrtGetSearchPath DrtGetSearchPath function returns a list of nodes contacted during the search operation. |
DrtGetSearchPathSize DrtGetSearchPathSize function returns the size of the search path, which represents the number of nodes utilized in the search operation. |
DrtGetSearchResult DrtGetSearchResult function. |
DrtGetSearchResultSize DrtGetSearchResultSize function returns the size of the next available search result. |
DrtOpen DrtOpen function creates a local Distributed Routing Table instance against criteria specified by the DRT_SETTINGS structure. |
DrtRegisterKey The DrtRegisterKey function registers a key in the DRT. |
DrtStartSearch The DrtStartSearch function searches the DRT for a key using criteria specified in the DRT_SEARCH_INFO structure. |
DrtUnregisterKey The DrtUnregisterKey function deregisters a key from the DRT. |
DrtUpdateKey DrtUpdateKey function updates the application data associated with a registered key. |
PeerCollabAddContact Adds a contact to the contact list of a peer. |
PeerCollabAsyncInviteContact Sends an invitation to a trusted peer contact to join the sender's peer collaboration activity over a secured connection. The availability of the invitation response is updated through an asynchronous event. |
PeerCollabAsyncInviteEndpoint Sends an invitation to a specified peer endpoint to join the sender's peer collaboration activity. The availability of the response to the invitation is updated through an asynchronous event. |
PeerCollabCancelInvitation Cancels an invitation previously sent by the caller to a contact. |
PeerCollabCloseHandle Closes the handle to a Peer Collaboration activity invitation. |
PeerCollabDeleteContact Deletes a contact from the local contact store associated with the caller. |
PeerCollabDeleteEndpointData Deletes the peer endpoint data on the calling peer node that matches the supplied endpoint data. |
PeerCollabDeleteObject Deletes a peer object from the calling endpoint. |
PeerCollabEnumApplicationRegistrationInfo Obtains the enumeration handle used to retrieve peer application information. |
PeerCollabEnumApplications Returns the handle to an enumeration that contains the applications registered to a specific peer's endpoint(s). |
PeerCollabEnumContacts Returns a handle to an enumerated set that contains all of the peer collaboration network contacts currently available on the calling peer. |
PeerCollabEnumEndpoints Returns the handle to an enumeration that contains the endpoints associated with a specific peer contact. |
PeerCollabEnumObjects Returns the handle to an enumeration that contains the peer objects associated with a specific peer's endpoint. |
PeerCollabEnumPeopleNearMe Returns a handle to an enumerated set that contains all of the peer collaboration network "people near me" endpoints currently available on the subnet of the calling peer. |
PeerCollabExportContact Exports the contact data associated with a peer name to a string buffer. The buffer contains contact data in XML format. |
PeerCollabGetAppLaunchInfo Obtains the peer application launch information, including the contact name, the peer endpoint, and the invitation request. |
PeerCollabGetApplicationRegistrationInfo Obtains application-specific registration information. |
PeerCollabGetContact Obtains the information for a peer contact given the peer name of the contact. |
PeerCollabGetEndpointName Retrieves the name of the current endpoint of the calling peer, as previously set by a call to PeerCollabSetEndpointName. |
PeerCollabGetEventData Obtains the data associated with a peer collaboration event raised on the peer. |
PeerCollabGetInvitationResponse Obtains the response from a peer previously invited to join a peer collaboration activity. |
PeerCollabGetPresenceInfo Retrieves the presence information for the endpoint associated with a specific contact. |
PeerCollabGetSigninOptions Obtains the peer's current signed-in peer collaboration network presence options. |
PeerCollabInviteContact Sends an invitation to join a peer collaboration activity to a trusted contact. This call is synchronous and, if successful, obtains a response from the contact. |
PeerCollabInviteEndpoint Sends an invitation to a specified peer endpoint to join the sender's peer collaboration activity. This call is synchronous and, if successful, obtains a response from the peer endpoint. |
PeerCollabParseContact Parses a Unicode string buffer containing contact XML data into a PEER_CONTACT data structure. |
PeerCollabQueryContactData Retrieves the contact information for the supplied peer endpoint. |
PeerCollabRefreshEndpointData Updates the calling peer node with new endpoint data. |
PeerCollabRegisterApplication Registers an application with the local computer so that it can be launched in a peer collaboration activity. |
PeerCollabRegisterEvent Registers an application with the peer collaboration infrastructure to receive callbacks for specific peer collaboration events. |
PeerCollabSetEndpointName Sets the name of the current endpoint used by the peer application. |
PeerCollabSetObject Creates or updates a peer data object used in a peer collaboration network. |
PeerCollabSetPresenceInfo Updates the caller's presence information to any contacts watching it. |
PeerCollabShutdown Shuts down the Peer Collaboration infrastructure and releases any resources associated with it. |
PeerCollabSignin Signs the peer into a hosted Internet (serverless presence) or subnet ("People Near Me") peer collaboration network presence provider. |
PeerCollabSignout Signs a peer out of a specific type of peer collaboration network presence provider. |
PeerCollabStartup Initializes the Peer Collaboration infrastructure. |
PeerCollabSubscribeEndpointData Creates a subscription to an available endpoint. |
PeerCollabUnregisterApplication Unregisters the specific applications of a peer from the local computer. |
PeerCollabUnregisterEvent Deregisters an application from notification about specific peer collaboration events. |
PeerCollabUnsubscribeEndpointData Removes a subscription to an endpoint created with PeerCollabSubscribeEndpointData. |
PeerCollabUpdateContact Updates the information associated with a peer contact specified in the local contact store of the caller. |
PeerCreatePeerName The PeerCreatePeerName function creates a new name based on the existing name of the specified peer identity and classifier. However, a new identity is not created by a call to PeerCreatePeerName. |
PeerDistClientAddContentInformation PeerDistClientAddContentInformation function adds the content information associated with a content handle opened by PeerDistClientOpenContent. |
PeerDistClientAddData The PeerDistClientAddData function is used to supply content to the local cache. |
PeerDistClientBlockRead PeerDistClientBlockRead function reads content data blocks. |
PeerDistClientCancelAsyncOperation PeerDistClientCancelAsyncOperation function cancels asynchronous operation associated with an OVERLAPPED structure and the content handle returned by PeerDistClientOpenContent. |
PeerDistClientCloseContent PeerDistClientCloseContent function closes the content handle opened by PeerDistClientOpenContent. |
PeerDistClientCompleteContentInformation PeerDistClientCompleteContentInformation function completes the process of adding the content information. |
PeerDistClientFlushContent The PeerDistClientFlushContent function allows a client to remove content added to the local cache with the PeerDistClientAddData function using the associated PEERDIST_CONTENT_TAG. |
PeerDistClientGetInformationByHandle The PeerDistClientGetInformationByHandle function retrieves additional information from the Peer Distribution service for a specific content handle. |
PeerDistClientOpenContent PeerDistClientOpenContent function opens and returns a PEERDIST_CONTENT_HANDLE. The client uses the content handle to retrieve data from the Peer Distribution service. |
PeerDistClientStreamRead PeerDistClientStreamRead reads a sequence of bytes from content stream. |
PeerDistGetOverlappedResult The PeerDistGetOverlappedResult function retrieves the results of asynchronous operations. |
PeerDistGetStatus PeerDistGetStatus function returns the current status of the Peer Distribution service. |
PeerDistGetStatusEx PeerDistGetStatusEx function returns the current status and capabilities of the Peer Distribution service. |
PeerDistRegisterForStatusChangeNotification The PeerDistRegisterForStatusChangeNotification function requests the Peer Distribution service status change notification. |
PeerDistRegisterForStatusChangeNotificationEx The PeerDistRegisterForStatusChangeNotificationEx function requests the Peer Distribution service status change notification. |
PeerDistServerCancelAsyncOperation PeerDistServerCancelAsyncOperation function cancels the asynchronous operation associated with the content identifier and OVERLAPPED structure. |
PeerDistServerCloseContentInformation PeerDistServerCloseContentInformation function closes the handle opened by PeerDistServerOpenContentInformation. |
PeerDistServerCloseStreamHandle PeerDistServerCloseStreamHandle function closes a handle returned by PeerDistServerPublishStream. |
PeerDistServerOpenContentInformation PeerDistServerOpenContentInformation function opens a PEERDIST_CONTENTINFO_HANDLE. The client uses the handle to retrieve content information. |
PeerDistServerOpenContentInformationEx PeerDistServerOpenContentInformationEx function opens a PEERDIST_CONTENTINFO_HANDLE. The client uses the handle to retrieve content information. |
PeerDistServerPublishAddToStream PeerDistServerPublishAddToStream function adds data to the publishing stream. |
PeerDistServerPublishCompleteStream PeerDistServerPublishCompleteStream function completes the process of adding data to the stream. |
PeerDistServerPublishStream PeerDistServerPublishStream function initializes a new stream to be published to the Peer Distribution service. |
PeerDistServerRetrieveContentInformation PeerDistServerRetrieveContentInformation function retrieves the encoded content information associated with a handle returned by PeerDistServerOpenContentInformation. |
PeerDistServerUnpublish PeerDistServerUnpublish function removes a publication created via PeerDistServerPublishStream. |
PeerDistShutdown PeerDistShutdown function releases resources allocated by a call to PeerDistStartup. Each handle returned by a PeerDistStartup call must be closed by a matching call to PeerDistShutdown. |
PeerDistStartup PeerDistStartup function creates a new Peer Distribution instance handle which must be passed to all other Peer Distribution APIs. |
PeerDistUnregisterForStatusChangeNotification PeerDistUnregisterForStatusChangeNotification function unregisters the status change notification for the session associated with the specified handle. |
PeerEndEnumeration The PeerEndEnumeration function releases an enumeration, for example, a record or member enumeration, and deallocates all resources associated with the enumeration. |
PeerEnumGroups The PeerEnumGroups function creates and returns a peer enumeration handle used to enumerate all the peer groups associated with a specific peer identity. |
PeerEnumIdentities The PeerEnumIdentities function creates and returns a peer enumeration handle used to enumerate all the peer identities that belong to a specific user. |
PeerFreeData The PeerFreeData function deallocates a block of data and returns it to the memory pool. Use the PeerFreeData function to free data that the Peer Identity Manager, Peer Grouping, and Peer Collaboration APIs return. |
PeerGetItemCount The PeerGetItemCount function returns a count of the items in a peer enumeration. |
PeerGetNextItem The PeerGetNextItem function returns a specific number of items from a peer enumeration. |
PeerGraphAddRecord The PeerGraphAddRecord function adds a new record to a peer graph. A record added with this function is sent to each node in a peer graph. |
PeerGraphClose The PeerGraphClose function invalidates the peer graph handle returned by a call to either PeerGraphCreate or PeerGraphOpen, and closes all network connections for the specified peer graph. |
PeerGraphCloseDirectConnection The PeerGraphCloseDirectConnection function closes a specified direct connection. |
PeerGraphConnect The PeerGraphConnect function attempts to make a connection to a specified node in a peer graph. |
PeerGraphCreate The PeerGraphCreate function creates a new peer graph. An application can specify information about a peer graph, and the type of security that a peer graph uses. A handle to a peer graph is returned, but a network connection is not established. |
PeerGraphDelete The PeerGraphDelete function deletes the data associated with a specified peer graph. |
PeerGraphDeleteRecord The PeerGraphDeleteRecord function marks a record as deleted within a peer graph. The record is not available on a local node to function calls, for example, calls to PeerGraphGetRecord and PeerGraphEnumRecords. |
PeerGraphEndEnumeration The PeerGraphEndEnumeration function releases an enumeration handle, and frees the resources associated with an enumeration. |
PeerGraphEnumConnections The PeerGraphEnumConnections function creates and returns an enumeration handle used to enumerate the connections of a local node. |
PeerGraphEnumNodes The PeerGraphEnumNodes function creates and returns an enumeration handle used to enumerate the nodes in a peer graph. |
PeerGraphEnumRecords The PeerGraphEnumRecords function creates and returns an enumeration handle used to enumerate records of a specific type of record, user, or both. An enumeration provides a snapshot of records at the time an enumeration is performed. |
PeerGraphExportDatabase The PeerGraphExportDatabase function exports a peer graph database into a file that you can move to a different computer. By using PeerGraphImportDatabase, a peer graph database can be imported to a different computer. |
PeerGraphFreeData The PeerGraphFreeData function frees resources that several of the Peer Graphing API functions return. |
PeerGraphGetEventData The PeerGraphGetEventData function retrieves peer events. An application calls this function until the return value PEER_S_NO_EVENT_DATA is returned, which indicates that a call is successful, but that there are no more peer events to retrieve. |
PeerGraphGetItemCount The PeerGraphGetItemCount function retrieves the number of items in an enumeration. |
PeerGraphGetNextItem Obtains the next item or items in an enumeration created by a call to the following functions. |
PeerGraphGetNodeInfo The PeerGraphGetNodeInfo function retrieves information about a specific node. |
PeerGraphGetProperties The PeerGraphGetProperties function retrieves the current peer graph properties. |
PeerGraphGetRecord The PeerGraphGetRecord function retrieves a specific record based on the specified record ID. The returned record should be freed by calling PeerGraphFreeData. |
PeerGraphGetStatus The PeerGraphGetStatus function returns the current status of the peer graph. |
PeerGraphImportDatabase The PeerGraphImportDatabase function imports a file that contains the information from a peer graph database. This function can only be called if the application has not yet called the PeerGraphListen or PeerGraphConnect function. |
PeerGraphListen The PeerGraphListen function indicates that a peer graph should start listening for incoming connections. |
PeerGraphOpen The PeerGraphOpen function opens a peer graph that is created previously by either the local node or a remote node. A handle to the peer graph is returned, but a network connection is not established. |
PeerGraphOpenDirectConnection The PeerGraphOpenDirectConnection function allows an application to establish a direct connection with a node in a peer graph. |
PeerGraphPeerTimeToUniversalTime The PeerGraphPeerTimeToUniversalTime function converts the peer graph-maintained reference time value to a localized time value appropriate for display on the peer's computer. |
PeerGraphRegisterEvent The PeerGraphRegisterEvent function registers a peer's request to be notified of changes associated with a peer graph and event type. |
PeerGraphSearchRecords The PeerGraphSearchRecords function searches the peer graph for specific records. |
PeerGraphSendData The PeerGraphSendData function sends data to a neighbor node or a directly connected node. |
PeerGraphSetNodeAttributes The PeerGraphSetNodeAttributes function sets the attributes of the PEER_NODE_INFO structure for the local node. |
PeerGraphSetPresence The PeerGraphSetPresence function explicitly turns on or off the publication of presence records for a specific node. |
PeerGraphSetProperties The PeerGraphSetProperties function sets the peer graph properties. |
PeerGraphShutdown The PeerGraphShutdown function cleans up any resources allocated by the call to PeerGraphStartup. There must be a call to PeerGraphShutdown for each call to PeerGraphStartup. |
PeerGraphStartup The PeerGraphStartup function indicates to the Peer Graphing Infrastructure what version of the Peer protocols the calling application requires. |
PeerGraphUniversalTimeToPeerTime The PeerGraphUniversalTimeToPeerTime function converts a universal time value from the peer's computer to a common peer graph time value. |
PeerGraphUnregisterEvent The PeerGraphUnregisterEvent function requests that the application no longer be notified of changes associated with a peer graph and record type. |
PeerGraphUpdateRecord The PeerGraphUpdateRecord function updates a record in the peer graph and then floods the record to each node in the peer graph. |
PeerGraphValidateDeferredRecords The PeerGraphValidateDeferredRecords function indicates to the Peer Graphing Infrastructure that it is time to resubmit any deferred records for the security module to validate. |
PeerGroupAddRecord The PeerGroupAddRecord function adds a new record to the peer group, which is propagated to all participating peers. |
PeerGroupClose The PeerGroupClose function invalidates the peer group handle obtained by a previous call to the PeerGroupCreate, PeerGroupJoin, or PeerGroupOpen function. |
PeerGroupCloseDirectConnection The PeerGroupCloseDirectConnection function closes a specific direct connection between two peers. |
PeerGroupConnect The PeerGroupConnect function initiates a PNRP search for a peer group and attempts to connect to it. After this function is called successfully, a peer can communicate with other members of the peer group. |
PeerGroupConnectByAddress Attempts to connect to the peer group that other peers with known IPv6 addresses are participating in. |
PeerGroupCreate The PeerGroupCreate function creates a new peer group. |
PeerGroupCreateInvitation The PeerGroupCreateInvitation function returns an XML string that can be used by the specified peer to join a group. |
PeerGroupCreatePasswordInvitation Returns an XML string that can be used by the specified peer to join a group with a matching password. |
PeerGroupDelete The PeerGroupDelete function deletes the local data and certificate associated with a peer group. |
PeerGroupDeleteRecord The PeerGroupDeleteRecord function deletes a record from a peer group. The creator, as well as any other member in an administrative role may delete a specific record. |
PeerGroupEnumConnections The PeerGroupEnumConnections function creates an enumeration of connections currently active on the peer. |
PeerGroupEnumMembers The PeerGroupEnumMembers function creates an enumeration of available peer group members and the associated membership information. |
PeerGroupEnumRecords The PeerGroupEnumRecords function creates an enumeration of peer group records. |
PeerGroupExportConfig The PeerGroupExportConfig function exports the group configuration for a peer as an XML string that contains the identity, group name, and the GMC for the identity. |
PeerGroupExportDatabase The PeerGroupExportDatabase function exports a peer group database to a specific file, which can be transported to another computer and imported with the PeerGroupImportDatabase function. |
PeerGroupGetEventData The PeerGroupGetEventData function allows an application to retrieve the data returned by a grouping event. |
PeerGroupGetProperties The PeerGroupGetProperties function retrieves information on the properties of a specified group. |
PeerGroupGetRecord The PeerGroupGetRecord function retrieves a specific group record. |
PeerGroupGetStatus The PeerGroupGetStatus function retrieves the current status of a group. |
PeerGroupImportConfig The PeerGroupImportConfig function imports a peer group configuration for an identity based on the specific settings in a supplied XML configuration string. |
PeerGroupImportDatabase The PeerGroupImportDatabase function imports a peer group database from a local file. |
PeerGroupIssueCredentials The PeerGroupIssueCredentials function issues credentials, including a GMC, to a specific identity, and optionally returns an invitation XML string the invited peer can use to join a peer group. |
PeerGroupJoin The PeerGroupJoin function prepares a peer with an invitation to join an existing peer group prior to calling PeerGroupConnect or PeerGroupConnectByAddress. |
PeerGroupOpen The PeerGroupOpen function opens a peer group that a peer has created or joined. After a peer group is opened, the peer can register for event notifications. |
PeerGroupOpenDirectConnection The PeerGroupOpenDirectConnection function establishes a direct connection with another peer in a peer group. |
PeerGroupParseInvitation The PeerGroupParseInvitation function returns a PEER_INVITATION_INFO structure with the details of a specific invitation. |
PeerGroupPasswordJoin Prepares a peer with an invitation and the correct password to join a password-protected peer group prior to calling PeerGroupConnect or PeerGroupConnectByAddress. |
PeerGroupPeerTimeToUniversalTime The PeerGroupPeerTimeToUniversalTime function converts the peer group-maintained reference time value to a localized time value appropriate for display on a peer computer. |
PeerGroupRegisterEvent The PeerGroupRegisterEvent function registers a peer for specific peer group events. |
PeerGroupSearchRecords The PeerGroupSearchRecords function searches the local peer group database for records that match the supplied criteria. |
PeerGroupSendData The PeerGroupSendData function sends data to a member over a neighbor or direct connection. |
PeerGroupSetProperties The PeerGroupSetProperties function sets the current peer group properties. In version 1.0 of this API, only the creator of the peer group can perform this operation. |
PeerGroupShutdown The PeerGroupShutdown function closes a peer group created with PeerGroupStartup and disposes of any allocated resources. |
PeerGroupStartup The PeerGroupStartup function initiates a peer group by using a requested version of the Peer infrastructure. |
PeerGroupUniversalTimeToPeerTime The PeerGroupUniversalTimeToPeerTime function converts a local time value from a peer's computer to a common peer group time value. |
PeerGroupUnregisterEvent The PeerGroupUnregisterEvent function unregisters a peer from notification of peer events associated with the supplied event handle. |
PeerGroupUpdateRecord The PeerGroupUpdateRecord function updates a record within a specific peer group. |
PeerHostNameToPeerName Decodes a host name returned by PeerNameToPeerHostName into the peer name string it represents. |
PeerIdentityCreate The PeerIdentityCreate function creates a new peer identity and returns its name. |
PeerIdentityDelete The PeerIdentityDelete function permanently deletes a peer identity. This includes removing all certificates, private keys, and all group information associated with a specified peer identity. |
PeerIdentityExport The PeerIdentityExport function allows a user to export one peer identity. The user can then transfer the peer identity to a different computer. |
PeerIdentityGetCryptKey The PeerIdentityGetCryptKey function retrieves a handle to a cryptographic service provider (CSP). |
PeerIdentityGetDefault The PeerIdentityGetDefault function retrieves the default peer name set for the current user. |
PeerIdentityGetFriendlyName The PeerIdentityGetFriendlyName function returns the friendly name of the peer identity. |
PeerIdentityGetXML The PeerIdentityGetXML function returns a description of the peer identity, which can then be passed to third parties and used to invite a peer identity into a peer group. This information is returned as an XML fragment. |
PeerIdentityImport The PeerIdentityImport function imports one peer identity. If the peer identity exists on a computer, PEER_E_ALREADY_EXISTS is returned. |
PeerIdentitySetFriendlyName The PeerIdentitySetFriendlyName function modifies the friendly name for a specified peer identity. The friendly name is the human-readable name. |
PeerNameToPeerHostName Encodes the supplied peer name as a format that can be used with a subsequent call to the getaddrinfo Windows Sockets function. |
PeerPnrpEndResolve Closes the handle for an asynchronous PNRP resolution operation initiated with a previous call to PeerPnrpStartResolve. |
PeerPnrpGetCloudInfo Retrieves information on the Peer Name Resolution Protocol (PNRP) clouds in which the calling peer is participating. |
PeerPnrpGetEndpoint Retrieves a peer endpoint address resolved during an asynchronous peer name resolution operation. |
PeerPnrpRegister Registers a peer with a PNRP cloud and returns a handle that can be used for registration updates. |
PeerPnrpResolve Obtains the endpoint address(es) registered for a specific peer name. |
PeerPnrpShutdown Shuts down a running instance of the Peer Name Resolution Protocol (PNRP) service and releases all resources associated with it. |
PeerPnrpStartResolve Starts an asynchronous peer name resolution operation. |
PeerPnrpStartup Starts the Peer Name Resolution Protocol (PNRP) service for the calling peer. |
PeerPnrpUnregister Deregisters a peer from a PNRP cloud. |
PeerPnrpUpdateRegistration Updates the PNRP registration information for a name. |
PFNPEER_FREE_SECURITY_DATA The PFNPEER_FREE_SECURITY_DATA callback specifies the function that the Peer Graphing Infrastructure calls to free data returned by PFNPEER_SECURE_RECORD and PFNPEER_VALIDATE_RECORD callbacks. |
PFNPEER_SECURE_RECORD The PFNPEER_SECURE_RECORD callback specifies the function that the Peer Graphing Infrastructure calls to secure records. |
PFNPEER_VALIDATE_RECORD The PFNPEER_VALIDATE_RECORD callback specifies the function that the Peer Graphing Infrastructure calls to validate records. |
DRT_ADDRESS DRT_ADDRESS structure contains endpoint information about a DRT node that participated in a search. This information is intended for use in debugging connectivity problems. |
DRT_ADDRESS_LIST DRT_ADDRESS_LIST structure contains a set of DRT_ADDRESS structures that represent the nodes contacted during a search for a key. |
DRT_BOOTSTRAP_PROVIDER DRT_BOOTSTRAP_PROVIDER structure defines the DRT interface that must be implemented by a bootstrap provider. |
DRT_DATA DRT_DATA structure contains a data blob. This structure is used by several DRT functions. |
DRT_REGISTRATION The DRT_REGISTRATION structure contains key and application data that make up a registration. |
DRT_SEARCH_INFO DRT_SEARCH_INFO structure represents a search query issued with DrtStartSearch. |
DRT_SECURITY_PROVIDER DRT_SECURITY_PROVIDER structure defines the DRT interface that must be implemented by a security provider. |
DRT_SETTINGS DRT_SETTINGS structure contains the settings utilized by the local Distributed Routing Table. |
PEER_ADDRESS The PEER_ADDRESS structure specifies the information about the IP address. |
PEER_APP_LAUNCH_INFO The PEER_APP_LAUNCH_INFO structure contains the peer application application launch information provided by a contact in a previous peer invite request. |
PEER_APPLICATION The PEER_APPLICATION structure contains data describing a locally installed software application or component that can be registered and shared with trusted contacts within a peer collaboration network. |
PEER_APPLICATION_REGISTRATION_INFO The PEER_APPLICATION_REGISTRATION_INFO structure contains peer application information for registration with the local computer. |
PEER_COLLAB_EVENT_REGISTRATION The PEER_COLLAB_EVENT_REGISTRATION structure contains the data used by a peer to register for specific peer collaboration network events. |
PEER_CONNECTION_INFO The PEER_CONNECTION_INFO structure contains information about a connection. This structure is returned when you are enumerating peer graphing or grouping connections. |
PEER_CONTACT The PEER_CONTACT structure contains information about a specific contact. |
PEER_CREDENTIAL_INFO The PEER_CREDENTIAL_INFO structure defines information used to obtain and issue a peer's security credentials. |
PEER_DATA The PEER_DATA structure contains binary data. |
PEER_ENDPOINT The PEER_ENDPOINT structure contains the address and friendly name of a peer endpoint. |
PEER_EVENT_APPLICATION_CHANGED_DATA The PEER_EVENT_APPLICATION_CHANGED_DATA structure contains information returned when a PEER_EVENT_ENDPOINT_APPLICATION_CHANGED or PEER_EVENT_MY_APPLICATION_CHANGED event is raised on a peer participating in a peer collaboration network. |
PEER_EVENT_CONNECTION_CHANGE_DATA Points to the PEER_EVENT_CONNECTION_CHANGE_DATA structure if one of the following peer events is triggered. |
PEER_EVENT_ENDPOINT_CHANGED_DATA The PEER_EVENT_ENDPOINT_CHANGED_DATA structure contains information returned when a PEER_EVENT_ENDPOINT_CHANGED or PEER_EVENT_MY_ENDPOINT_CHANGED event is raised on a peer participating in a peer collaboration network. |
PEER_EVENT_INCOMING_DATA Points to the PEER_EVENT_INCOMING_DATA structure if one of the following peer events is triggered. |
PEER_EVENT_MEMBER_CHANGE_DATA The PEER_EVENT_MEMBER_CHANGE_DATA structure contains data that describes a change in the status of a peer group member. |
PEER_EVENT_NODE_CHANGE_DATA The PEER_EVENT_NODE_CHANGE_DATA structure contains a pointer to the data if a PEER_GRAPH_EVENT_NODE_CHANGE event is triggered. |
PEER_EVENT_OBJECT_CHANGED_DATA The PEER_EVENT_OBJECT_CHANGED_DATA structure contains information returned when a PEER_EVENT_ENDPOINT_OBJECT_CHANGED or PEER_EVENT_MY_OBJECT_CHANGED event is raised on a peer participating in a peer collaboration network. |
PEER_EVENT_PEOPLE_NEAR_ME_CHANGED_DATA The PEER_EVENT_PEOPLE_NEAR_ME_CHANGED_DATA structure contains information returned when a PEER_EVENT_PEOPLE_NEAR_ME_CHANGED event is raised on a peer participating in a subnet-specific peer collaboration network. |
PEER_EVENT_PRESENCE_CHANGED_DATA The PEER_EVENT_PRESENCE_CHANGED_DATA structure contains information returned when a PEER_EVENT_ENDPOINT_PRESENCE_CHANGED or PEER_EVENT_MY_PRESENCE_CHANGED event is raised on a peer participating in a peer collaboration network. |
PEER_EVENT_RECORD_CHANGE_DATA Points to the PEER_EVENT_RECORD_CHANGE_DATA structure if one of the following peer events is triggered. |
PEER_EVENT_REQUEST_STATUS_CHANGED_DATA The PEER_EVENT_REQUEST_STATUS_CHANGED_DATA structure contains information returned when a PEER_EVENT_REQUEST_STATUS_CHANGED event is raised on a peer participating in a peer collaboration network. |
PEER_EVENT_WATCHLIST_CHANGED_DATA The PEER_EVENT_WATCHLIST_CHANGED_DATA structure contains information returned when a PEER_EVENT_WATCHLIST_CHANGED event is raised on a peer participating in a peer collaboration network. |
PEER_GRAPH_EVENT_DATA The PEER_GRAPH_EVENT_DATA structure contains data associated with a peer event. |
PEER_GRAPH_EVENT_REGISTRATION The PEER_GRAPH_EVENT_REGISTRATION structure is used during registration for peer event notification. During registration it specifies which peer events an application requires notifications for. |
PEER_GRAPH_PROPERTIES The PEER_GRAPH_PROPERTIES structure contains data about the policy of a peer graph, ID, scope, and other information. |
PEER_GROUP_EVENT_REGISTRATION The PEER_GROUP_EVENT_REGISTRATION structure defines the particular peer group event a member can register for. |
PEER_GROUP_PROPERTIES The PEER_GROUP_PROPERTIES structure contains data about the membership policy of a peer group. |
PEER_INVITATION The PEER_INVITATION structure contains a request to initiate or join a peer collaboration activity. |
PEER_INVITATION_INFO The PEER_INVITATION_INFO structure defines information about an invitation to join a peer group. |
PEER_INVITATION_RESPONSE The PEER_INVITATION_RESPONSE structure contains a response to an invitation to join a peer collaboration activity. |
PEER_MEMBER The PEER_MEMBER structure contains information that describes a member of a peer group. |
PEER_NAME_PAIR The PEER_NAME_PAIR structure contains the results of a call to PeerGetNextItem. |
PEER_NODE_INFO The PEER_NODE_INFO structure contains information that is specific to a particular node in a peer graph. |
PEER_OBJECT The PEER_OBJECT structure contains application-specific run-time information that can be shared with trusted contacts within a peer collaboration network. |
PEER_PEOPLE_NEAR_ME Contains information about a peer in the same logical or virtual subnet. |
PEER_PNRP_CLOUD_INFO Contains information about a Peer Name Resolution Protocol (PNRP) cloud. |
PEER_PNRP_ENDPOINT_INFO Contains the IP addresses and data associated with a peer endpoint. |
PEER_PNRP_REGISTRATION_INFO Contains the information provided by a peer identity when it registers with a PNRP cloud. |
PEER_PRESENCE_INFO The PEER_PRESENCE_INFO structure contains specific peer presence information. |
PEER_RECORD The PEER_RECORD structure contains the record object that an application uses. |
PEER_SECURITY_INTERFACE The PEER_SECURITY_INTERFACE structure specifies the security interfaces that calls to Peer Graphing APIs use to validate, secure, and free records. |
PEER_VERSION_DATA The PEER_VERSION_DATA structure contains the version information about the Peer Graphing and Grouping APIs. |
PEERDIST_CLIENT_BASIC_INFO The PEERDIST_CLIENT_BASIC_INFO structure indicates whether or not there are many clients simultaneously downloading the same content. |
PEERDIST_CONTENT_TAG PEERDIST_CONTENT_TAG structure contains a client supplied content tag as an input to the PeerDistClientOpenContent API. |
PEERDIST_PUBLICATION_OPTIONS PEERDIST_PUBLICATION_OPTIONS structure contains publication options, including the API version information and possible option flags. |
PEERDIST_RETRIEVAL_OPTIONS The PEER_RETRIEVAL_OPTIONS structure contains version of the content information to retrieve. |
PEERDIST_STATUS_INFO The PEERDIST_STATUS_INFO structure contains information about the current status and capabilities of the BranchCache service on the local computer. |
PNRP_CLOUD_ID The PNRP_CLOUD_ID structure contains the values that define a network cloud. |
PNRPCLOUDINFO The PNRPCLOUDINFO structure is pointed to by the lpBlob member of the WSAQUERYSET structure. |
PNRPINFO_V1 The PNRPINFO_V1 structure is pointed to by the lpBlob member of the WSAQUERYSET structure. (PNRPINFO_V1) |
PNRPINFO_V2 The PNRPINFO_V1 structure is pointed to by the lpBlob member of the WSAQUERYSET structure.P |
Explore the Azure Digital Twins APIs for creating a graph - Training
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