mfidl.h header
This header is used by multiple technologies. For more information, see:
mfidl.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IMFAudioPolicy Configures the audio session that is associated with the streaming audio renderer (SAR). |
IMFAudioStreamVolume Controls the volume levels of individual audio channels. |
IMFByteStreamBuffering Controls how a byte stream buffers data from a network. |
IMFByteStreamCacheControl Controls how a network byte stream transfers data to a local cache. (IMFByteStreamCacheControl) |
IMFByteStreamCacheControl2 Controls how a network byte stream transfers data to a local cache. (IMFByteStreamCacheControl2) |
IMFByteStreamHandler Creates a media source from a byte stream. |
IMFByteStreamTimeSeek Seeks a byte stream by time position. |
IMFCameraConfigurationManager The IMFCameraConfigurationManager interface can be created by calling the COM function CoCreateInstance, and passing the CLSID_CameraConfigurationManager as the CLSID parameter. |
IMFCameraControlDefaults Provides methods for specifying camera control default values. |
IMFCameraControlDefaultsCollection Represents a collection of camera controls. |
IMFCameraControlMonitor Represents a camera control monitor that is used to subscribe and unsubscribe to notifications when the state of a camera control changes. |
IMFCameraControlNotify Represents the notification callback for changes to camera controls. |
IMFCameraOcclusionStateMonitor Monitors the occlusion state of a camera device. |
IMFCameraOcclusionStateReport Provides the camera occlusion state associated with a state change detected by an IMFCameraOcclusionStateMonitor. |
IMFCameraOcclusionStateReportCallback Implemented by applications to receive camera occlusion state change notifications. |
IMFClock Provides timing information from a clock in Microsoft Media Foundation. |
IMFClockConsumer Implemented by an app in order to get access to the IMFPresentationClock. |
IMFClockStateSink Receives state-change notifications from the presentation clock. |
IMFContentDecryptorContext Allows a decryptor to manage hardware keys and decrypt hardware samples. |
IMFContentEnabler Implements one step that must be performed for the user to access media content. |
IMFContentProtectionDevice Allows a decryptor to communicate with the security processor that implements the hardware decryption for a protection system. |
IMFContentProtectionManager Enables playback of protected content by providing the application with a pointer to a content enabler object. |
IMFDXGIDeviceManagerSource Provides functionality for getting the IMFDXGIDeviceManager from the Microsoft Media Foundation video rendering sink. |
IMFExtendedCameraControl This interface is used to configure the capture device's extended properties. |
IMFExtendedCameraController The IMFExtendedCameraController interface allows apps to retrieve an instance of IMFExtendedCameraControl, which is used to configure a capture device's extended properties. |
IMFFieldOfUseMFTUnlock Enables an application to use a Media Foundation transform (MFT) that has restrictions on its use. |
IMFFinalizableMediaSink Optionally supported by media sinks to perform required tasks before shutdown. |
IMFGetService Queries an object for a specified service interface. (IMFGetService) |
IMFHttpDownloadRequest Applications implement this interface to override the default implementation of the HTTP and HTTPS protocols used by Microsoft Media Foundation. (IMFHttpDownloadRequest) |
IMFHttpDownloadSession Applications implement this interface to override the default implementation of the HTTP and HTTPS protocols used by Microsoft Media Foundation. (IMFHttpDownloadSession) |
IMFHttpDownloadSessionProvider Applications implement this interface in order to provide custom a custom HTTP or HTTPS download implementation. |
IMFInputTrustAuthority Enables other components in the protected media path (PMP) to use the input protection system provided by an input trust authorities (ITA). |
IMFLocalMFTRegistration Registers Media Foundation transforms (MFTs) in the caller's process. |
IMFMediaSession Provides playback controls for protected and unprotected content. |
IMFMediaSink Implemented by media sink objects. |
IMFMediaSinkPreroll Enables a media sink to receive samples before the presentation clock is started. |
IMFMediaSource Implemented by media source objects. |
IMFMediaSourceEx Extends the IMFMediaSource interface to provide additional capabilities for a media source. |
IMFMediaSourcePresentationProvider Provides notifications to the sequencer source. |
IMFMediaSourceTopologyProvider Enables an application to get a topology from the sequencer source. |
IMFMediaStream Represents one stream in a media source. |
IMFMediaStreamSourceSampleRequest Represents a request for a sample from a MediaStreamSource. |
IMFMediaTypeHandler Gets and sets media types on an object, such as a media source or media sink. |
IMFMetadata Manages metadata for an object. |
IMFMetadataProvider Gets metadata from a media source or other object. |
IMFNetCredential Sets and retrieves user-name and password information for authentication purposes. |
IMFNetCredentialCache Gets credentials from the credential cache. |
IMFNetCredentialManager Implemented by applications to provide user credentials for a network source. |
IMFNetCrossOriginSupport Implemented by clients that want to enforce a cross origin policy for HTML5 media downloads. |
IMFNetProxyLocator Determines the proxy to use when connecting to a server. |
IMFNetProxyLocatorFactory Creates a proxy locator object, which determines the proxy to use. |
IMFNetResourceFilter Notifies the application when a byte stream requests a URL, and enables the application to block URL redirection. |
IMFNetSchemeHandlerConfig Configures a network scheme plug-in. |
IMFObjectReferenceStream Marshals an interface pointer to and from a stream.Stream objects that support IStream can expose this interface to provide custom marshaling for interface pointers. |
IMFOutputPolicy Encapsulates a usage policy from an input trust authority (ITA). |
IMFOutputSchema Encapsulates information about an output protection system and its corresponding configuration data. |
IMFOutputTrustAuthority Encapsulates the functionality of one or more output protection systems that a trusted output supports. |
IMFPMPClient Enables a media source to receive a pointer to the IMFPMPHost interface. |
IMFPMPClientApp Provides a mechanism for a media source to implement content protection functionality in a Windows Store apps. |
IMFPMPHost Enables a media source in the application process to create objects in the protected media path (PMP) process. |
IMFPMPHostApp Allows a media source to create a Windows Runtime object in the Protected Media Path (PMP) process. |
IMFPMPServer Enables two instances of the Media Session to share the same protected media path (PMP) process. |
IMFPresentationClock Represents a presentation clock, which is used to schedule when samples are rendered and to synchronize multiple streams. |
IMFPresentationDescriptor Describes the details of a presentation. A presentation is a set of related media streams that share a common presentation time. |
IMFPresentationTimeSource Provides the clock times for the presentation clock. |
IMFProtectedEnvironmentAccess Provides a method that allows content protection systems to perform a handshake with the protected environment. This is needed because the CreateFile and DeviceIoControl APIs are not available to Windows Store apps. |
IMFQualityAdvise Enables the quality manager to adjust the audio or video quality of a component in the pipeline. |
IMFQualityAdvise2 Enables a pipeline object to adjust its own audio or video quality, in response to quality messages. |
IMFQualityAdviseLimits Queries an object for the number of quality modes it supports. |
IMFQualityManager Adjusts playback quality. This interface is exposed by the quality manager. |
IMFRateControl Gets or sets the playback rate. |
IMFRateSupport Queries the range of playback rates that are supported, including reverse playback. |
IMFRealTimeClient Notifies a pipeline object to register itself with the Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS). (IMFRealTimeClient) |
IMFRealTimeClientEx Notifies a pipeline object to register itself with the Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS). (IMFRealTimeClientEx) |
IMFRelativePanelReport This interface is used to retrieve the current relative panel location for a display region. |
IMFRelativePanelWatcher Monitors the panel associated with a display, so that the app receives notifications when the relative location of the panel changes. |
IMFRemoteDesktopPlugin Modifies a topology for use in a Terminal Services environment. (IMFRemoteDesktopPlugin) |
IMFRemoteProxy Exposed by objects that act as a proxy for a remote object. |
IMFSAMIStyle Sets and retrieves Synchronized Accessible Media Interchange (SAMI) styles on the SAMI Media Source. |
IMFSampleAllocatorControl Implemented by video capture sources and transforms. Allows the system to provide components with a sample allocator to allocate samples using memory that is accessible from within a container. |
IMFSampleGrabberSinkCallback Callback interface to get media data from the sample-grabber sink. |
IMFSampleGrabberSinkCallback2 Extends the IMFSampleGrabberSinkCallback interface. |
IMFSampleProtection Provides encryption for media data inside the protected media path (PMP). |
IMFSaveJob Persists media data from a source byte stream to an application-provided byte stream. |
IMFSchemeHandler Creates a media source or a byte stream from a URL. |
IMFSecureChannel Establishes a one-way secure channel between two objects. |
IMFSeekInfo For a particular seek position, gets the two nearest key frames. (IMFSeekInfo) |
IMFSensorActivitiesReport Provides access to IMFSensorActivityReport objects that describe the current activity of a sensor. |
IMFSensorActivitiesReportCallback Interface implemented by the client to receive callbacks when sensor activity reports are available. |
IMFSensorActivityMonitor Provides methods for controlling a sensor activity monitor. |
IMFSensorActivityReport Represents an activity report for a sensor. |
IMFSensorDevice Represents a sensor device that can belong to a sensor group, which is represented by the IMFSensorGroup interface. The term "device" in this context could refer to a physical device, a custom media source, or a frame provider. |
IMFSensorGroup Represents a group of sensor devices from which an IMFMediaSource can be created. |
IMFSensorProcessActivity Represents the activity of a process associated with a sensor. |
IMFSensorProfile Describes a media foundation sensor profile. |
IMFSensorProfileCollection Contains a collection of media foundation sensor profile objects. |
IMFSensorStream . (IMFSensorStream) |
IMFSensorTransformFactory The interface implemented by sensor transforms to allow the media pipeline to query requirements of the sensor transform and to create a runtime instance of the sensor transform. |
IMFSequencerSource Implemented by the Sequencer Source. |
IMFShutdown Exposed by some Media Foundation objects that must be explicitly shut down. |
IMFSignedLibrary Provides a method that allows content protection systems to get the procedure address of a function in the signed library. This method provides the same functionality as GetProcAddress which is not available to Windows Store apps. |
IMFSimpleAudioVolume Controls the master volume level of the audio session associated with the streaming audio renderer (SAR) and the audio capture source. |
IMFSourceOpenMonitor Callback interface to receive notifications from a network source on the progress of an asynchronous open operation. |
IMFSourceResolver Creates a media source from a URL or a byte stream. |
IMFSSLCertificateManager Implemented by a client and called by Microsoft Media Foundation to get the client Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate requested by the server. |
IMFStreamDescriptor Gets information about one stream in a media source. |
IMFStreamingSinkConfig Passes configuration information to the media sinks that are used for streaming the content. |
IMFStreamSink Represents a stream on a media sink object. |
IMFSystemId Provides a method that retrieves system id data. |
IMFTimecodeTranslate Converts between Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) time codes and 100-nanosecond time units. |
IMFTimer Provides a timer that invokes a callback at a specified time. |
IMFTopoLoader Converts a partial topology into a full topology. |
IMFTopology Represents a topology. A topology describes a collection of media sources, sinks, and transforms that are connected in a certain order. |
IMFTopologyNode Represents a node in a topology. |
IMFTopologyNodeAttributeEditor Updates the attributes of one or more nodes in the Media Session's current topology. |
IMFTrackedSample Tracks the reference counts on a video media sample. |
IMFTranscodeProfile Implemented by the transcode profile object. |
IMFTranscodeSinkInfoProvider Implemented by the transcode sink activation object. |
IMFTrustedInput Implemented by components that provide input trust authorities (ITAs). This interface is used to get the ITA for each of the component's streams. |
IMFTrustedOutput Implemented by components that provide output trust authorities (OTAs). |
IMFVideoCaptureSampleAllocator Allocates video samples for a video media sink with specialized functionality for video capture devices. |
IMFVideoProcessorControl Configures the Video Processor MFT. (IMFVideoProcessorControl) |
IMFVideoProcessorControl2 Configures the Video Processor MFT. (IMFVideoProcessorControl2) |
IMFVideoSampleAllocator Allocates video samples for a video media sink. |
IMFVideoSampleAllocatorCallback Enables an application to track video samples allocated by the enhanced video renderer (EVR). |
IMFVideoSampleAllocatorEx Allocates video samples that contain Microsoft Direct3D 11 texture surfaces. |
IMFVideoSampleAllocatorNotify The callback for the IMFVideoSampleAllocatorCallback interface. (IMFVideoSampleAllocatorNotify) |
IMFVideoSampleAllocatorNotifyEx The callback for the IMFVideoSampleAllocatorCallback interface. (IMFVideoSampleAllocatorNotifyEx) |
IMFWorkQueueServices Controls the work queues created by the Media Session. |
IMFWorkQueueServicesEx Extends the IMFWorkQueueServices interface. |
CreateNamedPropertyStore Creates an empty property store to hold name/value pairs. |
CreatePropertyStore Creates an empty property store object. |
MFCreate3GPMediaSink Creates a media sink for authoring 3GP files. |
MFCreateAC3MediaSink Creates an instance of the AC-3 media sink. |
MFCreateADTSMediaSink Creates an instance of the audio data transport stream (ADTS) media sink. |
MFCreateAggregateSource Creates a media source that aggregates a collection of media sources. |
MFCreateAudioRenderer Creates the Streaming Audio Renderer. |
MFCreateAudioRendererActivate Creates an activation object for the Streaming Audio Renderer. |
MFCreateAVIMediaSink Creates an Audio-Video Interleaved (AVI) Sink. |
MFCreateCameraControlMonitor Creates an instance of IMFCameraControlMonitor. |
MFCreateCameraOcclusionStateMonitor Creates a new instance of IMFCameraOcclusionStateMonitor which allows an application to receive notifications when the camera occlusion state changes. |
MFCreateContentDecryptorContext Creates an IMFContentDecryptorContext interface for the specified media protection system. |
MFCreateContentProtectionDevice Creates an IMFContentProtectionDevice interface for the specified media protection system. |
MFCreateCredentialCache Creates a credential cache object. An application can use this object to implement a custom credential manager. |
MFCreateDeviceSource Creates a media source for a hardware capture device. |
MFCreateDeviceSourceActivate Creates an activation object that represents a hardware capture device. |
MFCreateFMPEG4MediaSink Creates a media sink for authoring fragmented MP4 files. |
MFCreateMediaSession Creates the Media Session in the application's process. |
MFCreateMediaTypeFromProperties Create an IMFMediaType from properties. |
MFCreateMFByteStreamOnStream Creates a Microsoft Media Foundation byte stream that wraps an IStream pointer. |
MFCreateMFByteStreamOnStreamEx Creates a Microsoft Media Foundation byte stream that wraps an IRandomAccessStream object. |
MFCreateMP3MediaSink Creates the MP3 media sink. |
MFCreateMPEG4MediaSink Creates a media sink for authoring MP4 files. |
MFCreateMuxSink Creates a generic media sink that wraps a multiplexer Microsoft Media Foundation transform (MFT). |
MFCreateNetSchemePlugin Creates the scheme handler for the network source. |
MFCreatePMPMediaSession Creates an instance of the Media Session inside a Protected Media Path (PMP) process. |
MFCreatePMPServer Creates the protected media path (PMP) server object. |
MFCreatePresentationClock Creates the presentation clock. |
MFCreatePresentationDescriptor Creates a presentation descriptor. |
MFCreatePropertiesFromMediaType Creates properties from a IMFMediaType. |
MFCreateProtectedEnvironmentAccess Creates an IMFProtectedEnvironmentAccess object that allows content protection systems to perform a handshake with the protected environment. |
MFCreateProxyLocator Creates a default proxy locator. |
MFCreateRelativePanelWatcher Creates a new instance of the IMFRelativePanelWatcher interface |
MFCreateRemoteDesktopPlugin Creates the remote desktop plug-in object. Use this object if the application is running in a Terminal Services client session. |
MFCreateSampleCopierMFT Creates an instance of the sample copier transform. |
MFCreateSampleGrabberSinkActivate Creates an activation object for the sample grabber media sink. |
MFCreateSensorActivityMonitor Initializes a new instance of the IMFSensorActivityMonitor interface. |
MFCreateSensorGroup Creates an instance of the IMFSensorGroup interface based on the provided symbolic link name. |
MFCreateSensorProfile Creates a sensor profile, based on the specified type, index, and optional constraints. |
MFCreateSensorProfileCollection Creates a sensor profile collection. |
MFCreateSensorStream Creates an instance of the IMFSensorStream interface. |
MFCreateSequencerSegmentOffset Creates a PROPVARIANT that can be used to seek within a sequencer source presentation. |
MFCreateSequencerSource Creates the sequencer source. |
MFCreateSimpleTypeHandler Creates a media-type handler that supports a single media type at a time. |
MFCreateSourceResolver Creates the source resolver, which is used to create a media source from a URL or byte stream. |
MFCreateStandardQualityManager Creates the default implementation of the quality manager. |
MFCreateStreamDescriptor Creates a stream descriptor. |
MFCreateStreamOnMFByteStream Returns an IStream pointer that wraps a Microsoft Media Foundation byte stream. |
MFCreateStreamOnMFByteStreamEx Creates an IRandomAccessStream object that wraps a Microsoft Media Foundation byte stream. |
MFCreateSystemTimeSource Creates a presentation time source that is based on the system time. |
MFCreateTopoLoader Creates a new instance of the topology loader. |
MFCreateTopology Creates a topology object. |
MFCreateTopologyNode Creates a topology node. |
MFCreateTrackedSample Creates an IMFTrackedSample object that tracks the reference counts on a video media sample. |
MFCreateTranscodeProfile Creates an empty transcode profile object. |
MFCreateTranscodeSinkActivate Creates the transcode sink activation object. |
MFCreateTranscodeTopology Creates a partial transcode topology. |
MFCreateTranscodeTopologyFromByteStream Creates a topology for transcoding to a byte stream. |
MFCreateVideoRendererActivate Creates an activation object for the enhanced video renderer (EVR) media sink. |
MFCreateWAVEMediaSink Creates an WAVE archive sink. The WAVE archive sink takes audio and writes it to an .wav file. |
MFDeserializePresentationDescriptor Deserializes a presentation descriptor from a byte array. |
MFEnumDeviceSources Enumerates a list of audio or video capture devices. |
MFGetLocalId Gets the local system ID. |
MFGetService Queries an object for a specified service interface. (MFGetService) |
MFGetSupportedMimeTypes Retrieves the MIME types that are registered for the source resolver. |
MFGetSupportedSchemes Retrieves the URL schemes that are registered for the source resolver. |
MFGetSystemId Returns an IMFSystemId object for retrieving system id data. |
MFGetSystemTime Returns the system time. |
MFGetTopoNodeCurrentType Gets the media type for a stream associated with a topology node. |
MFIsContentProtectionDeviceSupported Checks whether a hardware security processor is supported for the specified media protection system. |
MFLoadSignedLibrary Loads a dynamic link library that is signed for the protected environment. |
MFRequireProtectedEnvironment Queries whether a media presentation requires the Protected Media Path (PMP). |
MFSerializePresentationDescriptor Serializes a presentation descriptor to a byte array. |
MFShutdownObject Shuts down a Media Foundation object and releases all resources associated with the object. (MFShutdownObject) |
MFTranscodeGetAudioOutputAvailableTypes Gets a list of output formats from an audio encoder. |
ASF_FLAT_PICTURE Contains an image that is stored as metadata for a media source. This structure is used as the data item for the WM/Picture metadata attribute. |
ASF_FLAT_SYNCHRONISED_LYRICS Contains synchronized lyrics stored as metadata for a media source. This structure is used as the data item for the WM/Lyrics_Synchronised metadata attribute. |
MF_BYTE_STREAM_CACHE_RANGE Specifies a range of bytes. |
MF_CAMERA_CONTROL_RANGE_INFO The MF_CAMERA_CONTROL_RANGE_INFO structure represents the accepted range, step value, and default value for a camera control. |
MF_LEAKY_BUCKET_PAIR Specifies the buffering requirements of a file. |
MF_TRANSCODE_SINK_INFO Contains information about the audio and video streams for the transcode sink activation object. |
MFBYTESTREAM_BUFFERING_PARAMS Specifies the buffering parameters for a network byte stream. |
MFCLOCK_PROPERTIES Defines the properties of a clock. |
MFCONTENTPROTECTIONDEVICE_INPUT_DATA Contains information about the data that you want to provide as input to a protection system function. |
MFCONTENTPROTECTIONDEVICE_OUTPUT_DATA Contains information about the data you received as output from a protection system function. |
MFCONTENTPROTECTIONDEVICE_REALTIMECLIENT_DATA Advises the secure processor of the Multimedia Class Scheduler service (MMCSS) parameters so that real-time tasks can be scheduled at the expected priority. |
MFINPUTTRUSTAUTHORITY_ACCESS_ACTION Describes an action requested by an output trust authority (OTA). The request is sent to an input trust authority (ITA). |
MFINPUTTRUSTAUTHORITY_ACCESS_PARAMS Contains parameters for the IMFInputTrustAuthority::BindAccess or IMFInputTrustAuthority::UpdateAccess method. |
MFMediaKeyStatus Represents the status of a Content Decryption Module (CDM) session key. |
MFNetCredentialManagerGetParam Contains the authentication information for the credential manager. |
MFRR_COMPONENT_HASH_INFO Contains information about a revoked component. |
MFRR_COMPONENTS Contains information about one or more revoked components. |
MFT_REGISTRATION_INFO Contains parameters for the IMFLocalMFTRegistration::RegisterMFTs method. |
MFTOPONODE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATE Specifies a new attribute value for a topology node. |
SENSORPROFILEID Describes a sensor profile ID. |
MF_CAMERA_CONTROL_CONFIGURATION_TYPE Specifies the configuration type of a camera control. |
MF_CONNECT_METHOD Specifies how the topology loader connects a topology node. |
MF_CROSS_ORIGIN_POLICY Maps to the W3C cross origin settings (CORS) attribute used by the HTML5 media element. |
MF_MEDIAKEY_STATUS Specifies the status of a Content Decryption Module (CDM) session key. |
MF_MEDIAKEYSESSION_MESSAGETYPE Specifies the type of a Content Decryption Module (CDM) message. |
MF_MEDIAKEYSESSION_TYPE Specifies the type of a Content Decryption Module (CDM) session, represented by an IMFContentDecryptionModuleSession object. |
MF_OBJECT_TYPE Defines the object types that are created by the source resolver. |
MF_QUALITY_ADVISE_FLAGS Contains flags for the IMFQualityAdvise2::NotifyQualityEvent method. |
MF_QUALITY_DROP_MODE Specifies how aggressively a pipeline component should drop samples. |
MF_QUALITY_LEVEL Specifies the quality level for a pipeline component. |
MF_TOPOLOGY_TYPE Defines the type of a topology node. |
MF_TOPONODE_DRAIN_MODE Defines at what times a transform in a topology is drained. |
MF_TOPONODE_FLUSH_MODE Defines when a transform in a topology is flushed. |
MF_TRANSCODE_ADJUST_PROFILE_FLAGS Defines the profile flags that are set in the MF_TRANSCODE_ADJUST_PROFILE attribute. |
MF_URL_TRUST_STATUS Indicates whether the URL is from a trusted source. |
MF_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ALGORITHM_TYPE Defines algorithms for the video processor which is use by MF_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ALGORITHM. |
MF_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_MIRROR Specifies how to flip a video image. |
MF_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ROTATION Specifies how to rotate a video image. |
MFAudioConstriction Specifies values for audio constriction. |
MFCameraOcclusionState Specifies the occlusion state of a camera. |
MFCLOCK_CHARACTERISTICS_FLAGS Contains flags that describe the characteristics of a clock. |
MFCLOCK_RELATIONAL_FLAGS Defines properties of a clock. |
MFCLOCK_STATE Defines the state of a clock. |
MFMEDIASOURCE_CHARACTERISTICS Defines the characteristics of a media source. |
MFNET_PROXYSETTINGS Specifies how the default proxy locator will specify the connection settings to a proxy server. |
MFNetAuthenticationFlags Specifies how the user's credentials will be used. |
MFNetCredentialOptions Describes options for the caching network credentials. |
MFNetCredentialRequirements Specifies how the credential manager should obtain user credentials. |
MFNETSOURCE_CACHE_STATE Defines the status of the cache for a media file or entry. |
MFNETSOURCE_PROTOCOL_TYPE Indicates the type of control protocol that is used in streaming or downloading. |
MFNETSOURCE_STATISTICS_IDS Defines statistics collected by the network source. |
MFNETSOURCE_TRANSPORT_TYPE Describes the type of transport used in streaming or downloading data (TCP or UDP). |
MFPMPSESSION_CREATION_FLAGS Contains flags that define the behavior of the MFCreatePMPMediaSession function. |
MFPOLICYMANAGER_ACTION Defines actions that can be performed on a stream. |
MFRATE_DIRECTION Specifies the direction of playback (forward or reverse). |
MFSampleAllocatorUsage The MFSampleAllocatorUsage enumeration specifies the allocator usage of components that implement the IMFSampleAllocatorControl interface. |
MFSensorDeviceMode Specifies the sharing mode of an IMFSensorDevice. |
MFSensorDeviceType Specifies the type of a sensor device. A value from this enumeration is returned by IMFSensorDevice::GetDeviceType. |
MFSensorStreamType Specifies whether a stream associated with an IMFSensorDevice is an input or an output stream. |
MFSequencerTopologyFlags Contains flags for adding a topology to the sequencer source, or updating a topology already in the queue. |
MFSESSION_GETFULLTOPOLOGY_FLAGS Defines flags for the IMFMediaSession::GetFullTopology method. |
MFSESSION_SETTOPOLOGY_FLAGS Defines the behavior of the IMFMediaSession::SetTopology method. |
MFSHUTDOWN_STATUS Describes the current status of a call to the IMFShutdown::Shutdown method. |
MFSTREAMSINK_MARKER_TYPE Defines stream marker information for the IMFStreamSink::PlaceMarker method. |
MFTIMER_FLAGS Contains flags for the IMFTimer::SetTimer method. |
MFTOPOLOGY_DXVA_MODE Specifies whether the topology loader enables Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) in the topology. |
MFTOPOLOGY_HARDWARE_MODE Specifies whether the topology loader will insert hardware-based Media Foundation transforms (MFTs) into the topology. |
SAMPLE_PROTECTION_VERSION Defines the version number for sample protection. |