shlwapi.h header
This header is used by The Windows Shell. For more information, see:
shlwapi.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IQueryAssociations Exposes methods that simplify the process of retrieving information stored in the registry in association with defining a file type or protocol and associating it with an application. |
AssocCreate Returns a pointer to an IQueryAssociations object. |
AssocGetPerceivedType Retrieves a file's perceived type based on its extension. |
AssocIsDangerous Determines whether a file type is considered a potential security risk. |
AssocQueryKeyA Searches for and retrieves a key related to a file or protocol association from the registry. (ANSI) |
AssocQueryKeyW Searches for and retrieves a key related to a file or protocol association from the registry. (Unicode) |
AssocQueryStringA Searches for and retrieves a file or protocol association-related string from the registry. (AssocQueryStringA) |
AssocQueryStringByKeyA Searches for and retrieves a file association-related string from the registry starting from a specified key. (ANSI) |
AssocQueryStringByKeyW Searches for and retrieves a file association-related string from the registry starting from a specified key. (Unicode) |
AssocQueryStringW Searches for and retrieves a file or protocol association-related string from the registry. (AssocQueryStringW) |
ChrCmpIA Performs a comparison between two characters. The comparison is not case-sensitive. (ANSI) |
ChrCmpIW Performs a comparison between two characters. The comparison is not case-sensitive. (Unicode) |
ColorAdjustLuma Changes the luminance of a RGB value. Hue and saturation are not affected. |
ColorHLSToRGB Converts colors from hue-luminance-saturation (HLS) to RGB format. |
ColorRGBToHLS Converts colors from RGB to hue-luminance-saturation (HLS) format. |
ConnectToConnectionPoint Establishes or terminates a connection between a client's sink and a connection point container. |
DllInstall Handles installation and setup for a DLL. |
GetAcceptLanguagesA Retrieves a string used with websites when specifying language preferences. (ANSI) |
GetAcceptLanguagesW Retrieves a string used with websites when specifying language preferences. (Unicode) |
GetMenuPosFromID GetMenuPosFromID may be altered or unavailable. |
GetProcessReference Retrieves the process-specific object supplied by SetProcessReference, incrementing the reference count to keep the process alive. |
HashData Hashes an array of data. |
IntlStrEqNA Performs a case-sensitive comparison of a specified number of characters from the beginning of two localized strings. (ANSI) |
IntlStrEqNIA Performs a case-insensitive comparison of a specified number of characters from the beginning of two localized strings. (ANSI) |
IntlStrEqNIW Performs a case-insensitive comparison of a specified number of characters from the beginning of two localized strings. (Unicode) |
IntlStrEqNW Performs a case-sensitive comparison of a specified number of characters from the beginning of two localized strings. (Unicode) |
IntlStrEqWorkerA Compares a specified number of characters from the beginning of two localized strings. (ANSI) |
IntlStrEqWorkerW Compares a specified number of characters from the beginning of two localized strings. (Unicode) |
IsCharSpaceA Determines whether a character represents a space. (ANSI) |
IsCharSpaceW Determines whether a character represents a space. (Unicode) |
IsInternetESCEnabled Determines whether Windows Internet Explorer is in the Enhanced Security Configuration. |
IsOS Checks for specified operating systems and operating system features. |
IStream_Copy Copies a stream to another stream. |
IStream_Read Reads bytes from a specified stream and returns a value that indicates whether all bytes were successfully read. |
IStream_ReadPidl Reads a pointer to an item identifier list (PIDL) from an IStream object into a PIDLIST_RELATIVE object. |
IStream_ReadStr Reads from a stream and writes into a string. |
IStream_Reset Moves the seek position in a specified stream to the beginning of the stream. |
IStream_Size Retrieves the size, in bytes, of a specified stream. |
IStream_Write Writes data of unknown format from a buffer to a specified stream. |
IStream_WritePidl Writes a pointer to an item identifier list (PIDL) from a PCUIDLIST_RELATIVE object into an IStream object. |
IStream_WriteStr Reads from a string and writes into a stream. |
IUnknown_AtomicRelease Releases a Component Object Model (COM) pointer and sets it to NULL. |
IUnknown_GetSite Calls the specified object's IObjectWithSite::GetSite method. |
IUnknown_GetWindow Attempts to retrieve a window handle from a Component Object Model (COM) object by querying for various interfaces that have a GetWindow method. |
IUnknown_QueryService Retrieves an interface for a service from a specified object. |
IUnknown_Set Changes the value of a Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer and releases the previous interface. |
IUnknown_SetSite Sets the specified object's site by calling its IObjectWithSite::SetSite method. |
MAKEDLLVERULL Used to pack DLL version information into a ULONGLONG value. |
ParseURLA Performs rudimentary parsing of a URL. (ANSI) |
ParseURLW Performs rudimentary parsing of a URL. (Unicode) |
PathAddBackslashA Adds a backslash to the end of a string to create the correct syntax for a path. (PathAddBackslashA) |
PathAddBackslashW Adds a backslash to the end of a string to create the correct syntax for a path. (PathAddBackslashW) |
PathAddExtensionA Adds a file name extension to a path string. (ANSI) |
PathAddExtensionW Adds a file name extension to a path string. (Unicode) |
PathAppendA Appends one path to the end of another. (ANSI) |
PathAppendW Appends one path to the end of another. (Unicode) |
PathBuildRootA Creates a root path from a given drive number. (ANSI) |
PathBuildRootW Creates a root path from a given drive number. (Unicode) |
PathCanonicalizeA Simplifies a path by removing navigation elements such as "." and ".." to produce a direct, well-formed path. (ANSI) |
PathCanonicalizeW Simplifies a path by removing navigation elements such as "." and ".." to produce a direct, well-formed path. (Unicode) |
PathCombineA Concatenates two strings that represent properly formed paths into one path; also concatenates any relative path elements. (ANSI) |
PathCombineW Concatenates two strings that represent properly formed paths into one path; also concatenates any relative path elements. (Unicode) |
PathCommonPrefixA Compares two paths to determine if they share a common prefix. A prefix is one of these types:_"C:\", ".", "..", "..\". (ANSI) |
PathCommonPrefixW Compares two paths to determine if they share a common prefix. A prefix is one of these types:_"C:\", ".", "..", "..\". (Unicode) |
PathCompactPathA Truncates a file path to fit within a given pixel width by replacing path components with ellipses. (ANSI) |
PathCompactPathExA Truncates a path to fit within a certain number of characters by replacing path components with ellipses. (ANSI) |
PathCompactPathExW Truncates a path to fit within a certain number of characters by replacing path components with ellipses. (Unicode) |
PathCompactPathW Truncates a file path to fit within a given pixel width by replacing path components with ellipses. (Unicode) |
PathCreateFromUrlA Converts a file URL to a Microsoft MS-DOS path. (ANSI) |
PathCreateFromUrlAlloc Creates a path from a file URL. |
PathCreateFromUrlW Converts a file URL to a Microsoft MS-DOS path. (Unicode) |
PathFileExistsA Determines whether a path to a file system object such as a file or folder is valid. (ANSI) |
PathFileExistsW Determines whether a path to a file system object such as a file or folder is valid. (Unicode) |
PathFindExtensionA Searches a path for an extension. (ANSI) |
PathFindExtensionW Searches a path for an extension. (Unicode) |
PathFindFileNameA Searches a path for a file name. (ANSI) |
PathFindFileNameW Searches a path for a file name. (Unicode) |
PathFindNextComponentA Parses a path and returns the portion of that path that follows the first backslash. (ANSI) |
PathFindNextComponentW Parses a path and returns the portion of that path that follows the first backslash. (Unicode) |
PathFindOnPathA Searches for a file. (ANSI) |
PathFindOnPathW Searches for a file. (Unicode) |
PathFindSuffixArrayA Determines whether a given file name has one of a list of suffixes. (ANSI) |
PathFindSuffixArrayW Determines whether a given file name has one of a list of suffixes. (Unicode) |
PathGetArgsA Finds the command line arguments within a given path. (ANSI) |
PathGetArgsW Finds the command line arguments within a given path. (Unicode) |
PathGetCharTypeA Determines the type of character in relation to a path. (ANSI) |
PathGetCharTypeW Determines the type of character in relation to a path. (Unicode) |
PathGetDriveNumberA Searches a path for a drive letter within the range of 'A' to 'Z' and returns the corresponding drive number. (ANSI) |
PathGetDriveNumberW Searches a path for a drive letter within the range of 'A' to 'Z' and returns the corresponding drive number. (Unicode) |
PathIsContentTypeA Determines if a file's registered content type matches the specified content type. This function obtains the content type for the specified file type and compares that string with the pszContentType. The comparison is not case-sensitive. (ANSI) |
PathIsContentTypeW Determines if a file's registered content type matches the specified content type. This function obtains the content type for the specified file type and compares that string with the pszContentType. The comparison is not case-sensitive. (Unicode) |
PathIsDirectoryA Verifies that a path is a valid directory. (ANSI) |
PathIsDirectoryEmptyA Determines whether a specified path is an empty directory. (ANSI) |
PathIsDirectoryEmptyW Determines whether a specified path is an empty directory. (Unicode) |
PathIsDirectoryW Verifies that a path is a valid directory. (Unicode) |
PathIsFileSpecA Searches a path for any path-delimiting characters (for example, ':' or '' ). If there are no path-delimiting characters present, the path is considered to be a File Spec path. |
PathIsFileSpecW Searches a path for any path-delimiting characters (for example, ':' or '\' ). If there are no path-delimiting characters present, the path is considered to be a File Spec path. |
PathIsHTMLFileA Determines if a file is an HTML file. The determination is made based on the content type that is registered for the file's extension. (ANSI) |
PathIsHTMLFileW Determines if a file is an HTML file. The determination is made based on the content type that is registered for the file's extension. (Unicode) |
PathIsLFNFileSpecA Determines whether a file name is in long format. (ANSI) |
PathIsLFNFileSpecW Determines whether a file name is in long format. (Unicode) |
PathIsNetworkPathA Determines whether a path string represents a network resource. (ANSI) |
PathIsNetworkPathW Determines whether a path string represents a network resource. (Unicode) |
PathIsPrefixA Examines a path to determine if it starts with a prefix value passed by pszPrefix. (ANSI) |
PathIsPrefixW Examines a path to determine if it starts with a prefix value passed by pszPrefix. (Unicode) |
PathIsRelativeA Searches a path and determines if it is relative. (ANSI) |
PathIsRelativeW Searches a path and determines if it is relative. (Unicode) |
PathIsRootA Determines whether a path string refers to the root of a volume. (ANSI) |
PathIsRootW Determines whether a path string refers to the root of a volume. (Unicode) |
PathIsSameRootA Compares two paths to determine if they have a common root component. (ANSI) |
PathIsSameRootW Compares two paths to determine if they have a common root component. (Unicode) |
PathIsSystemFolderA Determines if an existing folder contains the attributes that make it a system folder. Alternately, this function indicates if certain attributes qualify a folder to be a system folder. (ANSI) |
PathIsSystemFolderW Determines if an existing folder contains the attributes that make it a system folder. Alternately, this function indicates if certain attributes qualify a folder to be a system folder. (Unicode) |
PathIsUNCA Determines if a path string is a valid Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path, as opposed to a path based on a drive letter. (ANSI) |
PathIsUNCServerA Determines if a string is a valid Universal Naming Convention (UNC) for a server path only. (ANSI) |
PathIsUNCServerShareA Determines if a string is a valid Universal Naming Convention (UNC) share path, \server\share. (ANSI) |
PathIsUNCServerShareW Determines if a string is a valid Universal Naming Convention (UNC) share path, \server\share. (Unicode) |
PathIsUNCServerW Determines if a string is a valid Universal Naming Convention (UNC) for a server path only. (Unicode) |
PathIsUNCW Determines if a path string is a valid Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path, as opposed to a path based on a drive letter. (Unicode) |
PathIsURLA Tests a given string to determine if it conforms to a valid URL format. (ANSI) |
PathIsURLW Tests a given string to determine if it conforms to a valid URL format. (Unicode) |
PathMakePrettyA Converts an all-uppercase path to all lowercase characters to give the path a consistent appearance. (ANSI) |
PathMakePrettyW Converts an all-uppercase path to all lowercase characters to give the path a consistent appearance. (Unicode) |
PathMakeSystemFolderA Gives an existing folder the proper attributes to become a system folder. (ANSI) |
PathMakeSystemFolderW Gives an existing folder the proper attributes to become a system folder. (Unicode) |
PathMatchSpecA Searches a string using a Microsoft MS-DOS wildcard match type. (ANSI) |
PathMatchSpecExA Matches a file name from a path against one or more file name patterns. (ANSI) |
PathMatchSpecExW Matches a file name from a path against one or more file name patterns. (Unicode) |
PathMatchSpecW Searches a string using a Microsoft MS-DOS wildcard match type. (Unicode) |
PathParseIconLocationA Parses a file location string that contains a file location and icon index, and returns separate values. (ANSI) |
PathParseIconLocationW Parses a file location string that contains a file location and icon index, and returns separate values. (Unicode) |
PathQuoteSpacesA Searches a path for spaces. If spaces are found, the entire path is enclosed in quotation marks. (ANSI) |
PathQuoteSpacesW Searches a path for spaces. If spaces are found, the entire path is enclosed in quotation marks. (Unicode) |
PathRelativePathToA Creates a relative path from one file or folder to another. (ANSI) |
PathRelativePathToW Creates a relative path from one file or folder to another. (Unicode) |
PathRemoveArgsA Removes any arguments from a given path. (ANSI) |
PathRemoveArgsW Removes any arguments from a given path. (Unicode) |
PathRemoveBackslashA Removes the trailing backslash from a given path. (ANSI) |
PathRemoveBackslashW Removes the trailing backslash from a given path. (Unicode) |
PathRemoveBlanksA Removes all leading and trailing spaces from a string. (ANSI) |
PathRemoveBlanksW Removes all leading and trailing spaces from a string. (Unicode) |
PathRemoveExtensionA Removes the file name extension from a path, if one is present. (ANSI) |
PathRemoveExtensionW Removes the file name extension from a path, if one is present. (Unicode) |
PathRemoveFileSpecA Removes the trailing file name and backslash from a path, if they are present. (ANSI) |
PathRemoveFileSpecW Removes the trailing file name and backslash from a path, if they are present. (Unicode) |
PathRenameExtensionA Replaces the extension of a file name with a new extension. If the file name does not contain an extension, the extension will be attached to the end of the string. (ANSI) |
PathRenameExtensionW Replaces the extension of a file name with a new extension. If the file name does not contain an extension, the extension will be attached to the end of the string. (Unicode) |
PathSearchAndQualifyA Determines if a given path is correctly formatted and fully qualified. (ANSI) |
PathSearchAndQualifyW Determines if a given path is correctly formatted and fully qualified. (Unicode) |
PathSetDlgItemPathA Sets the text of a child control in a window or dialog box, using PathCompactPath to ensure the path fits in the control. (ANSI) |
PathSetDlgItemPathW Sets the text of a child control in a window or dialog box, using PathCompactPath to ensure the path fits in the control. (Unicode) |
PathSkipRootA Retrieves a pointer to the first character in a path following the drive letter or Universal Naming Convention (UNC) server/share path elements. (ANSI) |
PathSkipRootW Retrieves a pointer to the first character in a path following the drive letter or Universal Naming Convention (UNC) server/share path elements. (Unicode) |
PathStripPathA Removes the path portion of a fully qualified path and file. (ANSI) |
PathStripPathW Removes the path portion of a fully qualified path and file. (Unicode) |
PathStripToRootA Removes all file and directory elements in a path except for the root information. (ANSI) |
PathStripToRootW Removes all file and directory elements in a path except for the root information. (Unicode) |
PathUndecorateA Removes the decoration from a path string. (ANSI) |
PathUndecorateW Removes the decoration from a path string. (Unicode) |
PathUnExpandEnvStringsA Replaces certain folder names in a fully qualified path with their associated environment string. (ANSI) |
PathUnExpandEnvStringsW Replaces certain folder names in a fully qualified path with their associated environment string. (Unicode) |
PathUnmakeSystemFolderA Removes the attributes from a folder that make it a system folder. This folder must actually exist in the file system. (ANSI) |
PathUnmakeSystemFolderW Removes the attributes from a folder that make it a system folder. This folder must actually exist in the file system. (Unicode) |
PathUnquoteSpacesA Removes quotes from the beginning and end of a path. (ANSI) |
PathUnquoteSpacesW Removes quotes from the beginning and end of a path. (Unicode) |
QISearch A table-driven implementation of the IUnknown::QueryInterface method. |
SetProcessReference Provides a Component Object Model (COM) object that allows hosted Shell extensions and other components to prevent their host process from closing prematurely. |
SHAllocShared SHAllocShared may be altered or unavailable. |
SHAnsiToAnsi Copies an ANSI string. |
SHAnsiToUnicode Converts a string from the ANSI code page to the Unicode code page. |
SHAutoComplete Instructs system edit controls to use AutoComplete to help complete URLs or file system paths. |
SHCopyKeyA Recursively copies the subkeys and values of the source subkey to the destination key. SHCopyKey does not copy the security attributes of the keys. (ANSI) |
SHCopyKeyW Recursively copies the subkeys and values of the source subkey to the destination key. SHCopyKey does not copy the security attributes of the keys. (Unicode) |
SHCreateMemStream Creates a memory stream using a similar process to CreateStreamOnHGlobal. |
SHCreateShellPalette Creates a halftone palette for the specified device context. |
SHCreateStreamOnFileA SHCreateStreamOnFile may be altered or unavailable. Instead, use SHCreateStreamOnFileEx. (ANSI) |
SHCreateStreamOnFileEx Opens or creates a file and retrieves a stream to read or write to that file. |
SHCreateStreamOnFileW SHCreateStreamOnFile may be altered or unavailable. Instead, use SHCreateStreamOnFileEx. (Unicode) |
SHCreateThread Creates a thread. |
SHCreateThreadRef Creates a per-thread reference to a Component Object Model (COM) object. |
SHCreateThreadWithHandle Creates a new thread and retrieves its handle. |
SHDeleteEmptyKeyA Deletes an empty key. (ANSI) |
SHDeleteEmptyKeyW Deletes an empty key. (Unicode) |
SHDeleteKeyA Deletes a subkey and all its descendants. This function removes the key and all the key's values from the registry. (ANSI) |
SHDeleteKeyW Deletes a subkey and all its descendants. This function removes the key and all the key's values from the registry. (Unicode) |
SHDeleteValueA Deletes a named value from the specified registry key. (ANSI) |
SHDeleteValueW Deletes a named value from the specified registry key. (Unicode) |
SHEnumKeyExA Enumerates the subkeys of the specified open registry key. (SHEnumKeyExA) |
SHEnumKeyExW Enumerates the subkeys of the specified open registry key. (SHEnumKeyExW) |
SHEnumValueA Enumerates the values of the specified open registry key. (ANSI) |
SHEnumValueW Enumerates the values of the specified open registry key. (Unicode) |
SHFormatDateTimeA SHFormatDateTime may be altered or unavailable. (ANSI) |
SHFormatDateTimeW SHFormatDateTime may be altered or unavailable. (Unicode) |
SHFreeShared SHFreeShared may be altered or unavailable. |
SHGetAssocKeys Retrieves an array of class subkeys associated with an IQueryAssociations object. |
SHGetInverseCMAP Retrieves the inverse color table mapping for the halftone palette. |
SHGetThreadRef Retrieves the per-thread object reference set by SHSetThreadRef. |
SHGetValueA Retrieves a registry value. (SHGetValueA) |
SHGetValueW Retrieves a registry value. (SHGetValueW) |
SHGetViewStatePropertyBag SHGetViewStatePropertyBag may be altered or unavailable. |
SHGlobalCounterDecrement Decrements a global counter. |
SHGlobalCounterGetValue Gets the current value of a global counter. |
SHGlobalCounterIncrement Increments a global counter. |
SHIsLowMemoryMachine Not supported. (SHIsLowMemoryMachine) |
SHLoadIndirectString Extracts a specified text resource when given that resource in the form of an indirect string (a string that begins with the '@' symbol). |
SHLocalStrDupA Makes a copy of a string in newly allocated memory. (SHLocalStrDupA) |
SHLocalStrDupW Makes a copy of a string in newly allocated memory. (SHLocalStrDupW) |
SHLockShared SHLockShared may be altered or unavailable. |
SHMessageBoxCheckA SHMessageBoxCheck may be altered or unavailable. (ANSI) |
SHMessageBoxCheckW SHMessageBoxCheck may be altered or unavailable. (Unicode) |
SHOpenRegStream2A Opens a registry value and supplies a stream that can be used to read from or write to the value. This function supersedes SHOpenRegStream. (ANSI) |
SHOpenRegStream2W Opens a registry value and supplies a stream that can be used to read from or write to the value. This function supersedes SHOpenRegStream. (Unicode) |
SHOpenRegStreamA Deprecated. (SHOpenRegStreamA) |
SHOpenRegStreamW Deprecated. (SHOpenRegStreamW) |
SHQueryInfoKeyA Retrieves information about a specified registry key. (ANSI) |
SHQueryInfoKeyW Retrieves information about a specified registry key. (Unicode) |
SHQueryValueExA Opens a registry key and queries it for a specific value. (ANSI) |
SHQueryValueExW Opens a registry key and queries it for a specific value. (Unicode) |
SHRegCloseUSKey Closes a handle to a user-specific registry subkey in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). |
SHRegCreateUSKeyA Creates or opens a registry subkey in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (ANSI) |
SHRegCreateUSKeyW Creates or opens a registry subkey in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (Unicode) |
SHRegDeleteEmptyUSKeyA Deletes an empty registry subkey in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (ANSI) |
SHRegDeleteEmptyUSKeyW Deletes an empty registry subkey in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (Unicode) |
SHRegDeleteUSValueA Deletes a registry subkey value in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (ANSI) |
SHRegDeleteUSValueW Deletes a registry subkey value in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (Unicode) |
SHRegDuplicateHKey Duplicates a registry key's HKEY handle. |
SHRegEnumUSKeyA Enumerates the subkeys of a registry subkey in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (ANSI) |
SHRegEnumUSKeyW Enumerates the subkeys of a registry subkey in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (Unicode) |
SHRegEnumUSValueA Enumerates the values of the specified registry subkey in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (ANSI) |
SHRegEnumUSValueW Enumerates the values of the specified registry subkey in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (Unicode) |
SHRegGetBoolUSValueA Retrieves a Boolean value from a registry subkey in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (ANSI) |
SHRegGetBoolUSValueW Retrieves a Boolean value from a registry subkey in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (Unicode) |
SHRegGetBoolValueFromHKCUHKLM Evaluates a registry key value and returns a boolean value that reflects whether the value exists and the expected state matches the actual state. |
SHRegGetIntW Reads a numeric string value from the registry and converts it to an integer. |
SHRegGetPathA Retrieves a file path from the registry, expanding environment variables as needed. (ANSI) |
SHRegGetPathW Retrieves a file path from the registry, expanding environment variables as needed. (Unicode) |
SHRegGetUSValueA Retrieves a value from a registry subkey in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (ANSI) |
SHRegGetUSValueW Retrieves a value from a registry subkey in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (Unicode) |
SHRegGetValueA Retrieves a registry value. (SHRegGetValueA) |
SHRegGetValueFromHKCUHKLM Obtains specified information from the registry. |
SHRegGetValueW Retrieves a registry value. (SHRegGetValueW) |
SHRegOpenUSKeyA Opens a registry subkey in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (ANSI) |
SHRegOpenUSKeyW Opens a registry subkey in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (Unicode) |
SHRegQueryInfoUSKeyA Retrieves information about a specified registry subkey in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (ANSI) |
SHRegQueryInfoUSKeyW Retrieves information about a specified registry subkey in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (Unicode) |
SHRegQueryUSValueA Retrieves the type and data for a specified name associated with an open registry subkey in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (ANSI) |
SHRegQueryUSValueW Retrieves the type and data for a specified name associated with an open registry subkey in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (Unicode) |
SHRegSetPathA Takes a file path, replaces folder names with environment strings, and places the resulting string in the registry. (ANSI) |
SHRegSetPathW Takes a file path, replaces folder names with environment strings, and places the resulting string in the registry. (Unicode) |
SHRegSetUSValueA Sets a registry subkey value in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (ANSI) |
SHRegSetUSValueW Sets a registry subkey value in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (Unicode) |
SHRegSetValue Not supported. (SHRegSetValue) |
SHRegWriteUSValueA Writes a value to a registry subkey in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (ANSI) |
SHRegWriteUSValueW Writes a value to a registry subkey in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (Unicode) |
SHReleaseThreadRef Releases a thread reference before the thread procedure returns. |
SHSendMessageBroadcastA Sends a message to all top-level windows in the system. (ANSI) |
SHSendMessageBroadcastW Sends a message to all top-level windows in the system. (Unicode) |
SHSetThreadRef Stores a per-thread reference to a Component Object Model (COM) object. This allows the caller to control the thread's lifetime so that it can ensure that Windows won't shut down the thread before the caller is ready. |
SHSetValueA Sets the value of a registry key. (ANSI) |
SHSetValueW Sets the value of a registry key. (Unicode) |
SHSkipJunction Checks a bind context to see if it is safe to bind to a particular component object. |
SHStrDupA Makes a copy of a string in newly allocated memory. (SHStrDupA) |
SHStrDupW Makes a copy of a string in newly allocated memory. (SHStrDupW) |
SHStripMneumonicA Removes the mnemonic marker from a string. (ANSI) |
SHStripMneumonicW Removes the mnemonic marker from a string. (Unicode) |
SHUnicodeToAnsi Converts a string from the Unicode code page to the ANSI code page. |
SHUnicodeToUnicode Copies a Unicode string. |
SHUnlockShared SHUnlockShared may be altered or unavailable. |
StopWatchFlush StopWatchFlush may be altered or unavailable. |
StopWatchMode StopWatchMode may be altered or unavailable. |
StrCatBuffA Copies and appends characters from one string to the end of another. (ANSI) |
StrCatBuffW Copies and appends characters from one string to the end of another. (Unicode) |
StrCatChainW Concatenates two Unicode strings. Used when repeated concatenations to the same buffer are required. |
StrCatW Appends one string to another. |
StrChrA Searches a string for the first occurrence of a character that matches the specified character. The comparison is case-sensitive. (ANSI) |
StrChrIA Searches a string for the first occurrence of a character that matches the specified character. The comparison is not case-sensitive. (ANSI) |
StrChrIW Searches a string for the first occurrence of a character that matches the specified character. The comparison is not case-sensitive. (Unicode) |
StrChrNIW Searches a string for the first occurrence of a specified character. The comparison is not case-sensitive. |
StrChrNW Searches a string for the first occurrence of a specified character. The comparison is case-sensitive. |
StrChrW Searches a string for the first occurrence of a character that matches the specified character. The comparison is case-sensitive. (Unicode) |
StrCmpCA Compares strings using C run-time (ASCII) collation rules. The comparison is case-sensitive. (ANSI) |
StrCmpCW Compares strings using C run-time (ASCII) collation rules. The comparison is case-sensitive. (Unicode) |
StrCmpICA Compares two strings using C run-time (ASCII) collation rules. The comparison is not case-sensitive. (ANSI) |
StrCmpICW Compares two strings using C run-time (ASCII) collation rules. The comparison is not case-sensitive. (Unicode) |
StrCmpIW Compares two strings to determine if they are the same. The comparison is not case-sensitive. |
StrCmpLogicalW Compares two Unicode strings. Digits in the strings are considered as numerical content rather than text. This test is not case-sensitive. |
StrCmpNA Compares a specified number of characters from the beginning of two strings to determine if they are the same. The comparison is case-sensitive. The StrNCmp macro differs from this function in name only. (ANSI) |
StrCmpNCA Compares a specified number of characters from the beginning of two strings using C run-time (ASCII) collation rules. The comparison is case-sensitive. (ANSI) |
StrCmpNCW Compares a specified number of characters from the beginning of two strings using C run-time (ASCII) collation rules. The comparison is case-sensitive. (Unicode) |
StrCmpNIA Compares a specified number of characters from the beginning of two strings to determine if they are the same. The comparison is not case-sensitive. The StrNCmpI macro differs from this function in name only. (ANSI) |
StrCmpNICA Compares a specified number of characters from the beginning of two strings using C run-time (ASCII) collation rules. The comparison is not case-sensitive. (ANSI) |
StrCmpNICW Compares a specified number of characters from the beginning of two strings using C run-time (ASCII) collation rules. The comparison is not case-sensitive. (Unicode) |
StrCmpNIW Compares a specified number of characters from the beginning of two strings to determine if they are the same. The comparison is not case-sensitive. The StrNCmpI macro differs from this function in name only. (Unicode) |
StrCmpNW Compares a specified number of characters from the beginning of two strings to determine if they are the same. The comparison is case-sensitive. The StrNCmp macro differs from this function in name only. (Unicode) |
StrCmpW Compares two strings to determine if they are the same. The comparison is case-sensitive. |
StrCpyNW Copies a specified number of characters from the beginning of one string to another.Note Do not use this function or the StrNCpy macro. |
StrCpyW Copies one string to another. (StrCpyW) |
StrCSpnA Searches a string for the first occurrence of any of a group of characters. The search method is case-sensitive, and the terminating NULL character is included within the search pattern match. (ANSI) |
StrCSpnIA Searches a string for the first occurrence of any of a group of characters. The search method is not case-sensitive, and the terminating NULL character is included within the search pattern match. (ANSI) |
StrCSpnIW Searches a string for the first occurrence of any of a group of characters. The search method is not case-sensitive, and the terminating NULL character is included within the search pattern match. (Unicode) |
StrCSpnW Searches a string for the first occurrence of any of a group of characters. The search method is case-sensitive, and the terminating NULL character is included within the search pattern match. (Unicode) |
StrDupA Duplicates a string. (ANSI) |
StrDupW Duplicates a string. (Unicode) |
StrFormatByteSize64A Converts a numeric value into a string that represents the number expressed as a size value in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes, depending on the size. |
StrFormatByteSizeA Converts a numeric value into a string that represents the number expressed as a size value in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes, depending on the size. Differs from StrFormatByteSizeW in one parameter type. |
StrFormatByteSizeEx Converts a numeric value into a string that represents the number in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes, depending on the size. |
StrFormatByteSizeW Converts a numeric value into a string that represents the number expressed as a size value in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes, depending on the size. Differs from StrFormatByteSizeA in one parameter type. |
StrFormatKBSizeA Converts a numeric value into a string that represents the number expressed as a size value in kilobytes. (ANSI) |
StrFormatKBSizeW Converts a numeric value into a string that represents the number expressed as a size value in kilobytes. (Unicode) |
StrFromTimeIntervalA Converts a time interval, specified in milliseconds, to a string. (ANSI) |
StrFromTimeIntervalW Converts a time interval, specified in milliseconds, to a string. (Unicode) |
StrIsIntlEqualA Compares a specified number of characters from the beginning of two strings to determine if they are equal. (ANSI) |
StrIsIntlEqualW Compares a specified number of characters from the beginning of two strings to determine if they are equal. (Unicode) |
StrNCatA Appends a specified number of characters from the beginning of one string to the end of another. (ANSI) |
StrNCatW Appends a specified number of characters from the beginning of one string to the end of another. (Unicode) |
StrPBrkA Searches a string for the first occurrence of a character contained in a specified buffer. This search does not include the terminating null character. (ANSI) |
StrPBrkW Searches a string for the first occurrence of a character contained in a specified buffer. This search does not include the terminating null character. (Unicode) |
StrRChrA Searches a string for the last occurrence of a specified character. The comparison is case-sensitive. (ANSI) |
StrRChrIA Searches a string for the last occurrence of a specified character. The comparison is not case-sensitive. (ANSI) |
StrRChrIW Searches a string for the last occurrence of a specified character. The comparison is not case-sensitive. (Unicode) |
StrRChrW Searches a string for the last occurrence of a specified character. The comparison is case-sensitive. (Unicode) |
StrRetToBSTR Accepts a STRRET structure returned by IShellFolder::GetDisplayNameOf that contains or points to a string, and returns that string as a BSTR. |
StrRetToBufA Converts an STRRET structure returned by IShellFolder::GetDisplayNameOf to a string, and places the result in a buffer. (ANSI) |
StrRetToBufW Converts an STRRET structure returned by IShellFolder::GetDisplayNameOf to a string, and places the result in a buffer. (Unicode) |
StrRetToStrA Takes an STRRET structure returned by IShellFolder::GetDisplayNameOf and returns a pointer to an allocated string containing the display name. (ANSI) |
StrRetToStrW Takes an STRRET structure returned by IShellFolder::GetDisplayNameOf and returns a pointer to an allocated string containing the display name. (Unicode) |
StrRStrIA Searches for the last occurrence of a specified substring within a string. The comparison is not case-sensitive. (ANSI) |
StrRStrIW Searches for the last occurrence of a specified substring within a string. The comparison is not case-sensitive. (Unicode) |
StrSpnA Obtains the length of a substring within a string that consists entirely of characters contained in a specified buffer. (ANSI) |
StrSpnW Obtains the length of a substring within a string that consists entirely of characters contained in a specified buffer. (Unicode) |
StrStrA Finds the first occurrence of a substring within a string. The comparison is case-sensitive. (StrStrA) |
StrStrIA Finds the first occurrence of a substring within a string. The comparison is not case-sensitive. (ANSI) |
StrStrIW Finds the first occurrence of a substring within a string. The comparison is not case-sensitive. (Unicode) |
StrStrNIW Finds the first occurrence of a substring within a string. The comparison is case-insensitive. |
StrStrNW Finds the first occurrence of a substring within a string. The comparison is case-sensitive. (StrStrNW) |
StrStrW Finds the first occurrence of a substring within a string. The comparison is case-sensitive. (StrStrW) |
StrToInt64ExA Converts a string representing a decimal or hexadecimal value to a 64-bit integer. (ANSI) |
StrToInt64ExW Converts a string representing a decimal or hexadecimal value to a 64-bit integer. (Unicode) |
StrToIntA Converts a string that represents a decimal value to an integer. The StrToLong macro is identical to this function. (ANSI) |
StrToIntExA Converts a string representing a decimal or hexadecimal number to an integer. (ANSI) |
StrToIntExW Converts a string representing a decimal or hexadecimal number to an integer. (Unicode) |
StrToIntW Converts a string that represents a decimal value to an integer. The StrToLong macro is identical to this function. (Unicode) |
StrTrimA Removes specified leading and trailing characters from a string. (ANSI) |
StrTrimW Removes specified leading and trailing characters from a string. (Unicode) |
UrlApplySchemeA Determines a scheme for a specified URL string, and returns a string with an appropriate prefix. (ANSI) |
UrlApplySchemeW Determines a scheme for a specified URL string, and returns a string with an appropriate prefix. (Unicode) |
UrlCanonicalizeA Converts a URL string into canonical form. (ANSI) |
UrlCanonicalizeW Converts a URL string into canonical form. (Unicode) |
UrlCombineA When provided with a relative URL and its base, returns a URL in canonical form. (ANSI) |
UrlCombineW When provided with a relative URL and its base, returns a URL in canonical form. (Unicode) |
UrlCompareA Makes a case-sensitive comparison of two URL strings. (ANSI) |
UrlCompareW Makes a case-sensitive comparison of two URL strings. (Unicode) |
UrlCreateFromPathA Converts a Microsoft MS-DOS path to a canonicalized URL. (ANSI) |
UrlCreateFromPathW Converts a Microsoft MS-DOS path to a canonicalized URL. (Unicode) |
UrlEscapeA Converts characters or surrogate pairs in a URL that might be altered during transport across the Internet ("unsafe" characters) into their corresponding escape sequences. (ANSI) |
UrlEscapeSpaces A macro that converts space characters into their corresponding escape sequence. |
UrlEscapeW Converts characters or surrogate pairs in a URL that might be altered during transport across the Internet ("unsafe" characters) into their corresponding escape sequences. (Unicode) |
UrlFixupW UrlFixupW may be altered or unavailable. |
UrlGetLocationA Retrieves the location from a URL. (ANSI) |
UrlGetLocationW Retrieves the location from a URL. (Unicode) |
UrlGetPartA Accepts a URL string and returns a specified part of that URL. (ANSI) |
UrlGetPartW Accepts a URL string and returns a specified part of that URL. (Unicode) |
UrlHashA Hashes a URL string. (ANSI) |
UrlHashW Hashes a URL string. (Unicode) |
UrlIsA Tests whether a URL is a specified type. (ANSI) |
UrlIsFileUrlA Tests a URL to determine if it is a file URL. (ANSI) |
UrlIsFileUrlW Tests a URL to determine if it is a file URL. (Unicode) |
UrlIsNoHistoryA Returns whether a URL is a URL that browsers typically do not include in navigation history. (ANSI) |
UrlIsNoHistoryW Returns whether a URL is a URL that browsers typically do not include in navigation history. (Unicode) |
UrlIsOpaqueA Returns whether a URL is opaque. (ANSI) |
UrlIsOpaqueW Returns whether a URL is opaque. (Unicode) |
UrlIsW Tests whether a URL is a specified type. (Unicode) |
UrlUnescapeA Converts escape sequences back into ordinary characters. (ANSI) |
UrlUnescapeInPlace Converts escape sequences back into ordinary characters and overwrites the original string. |
UrlUnescapeW Converts escape sequences back into ordinary characters. (Unicode) |
WhichPlatform WhichPlatform may be altered or unavailable. |
wnsprintfA Takes a variable-length argument list and returns the values of the arguments as a printf-style formatted string. (ANSI) |
wnsprintfW Takes a variable-length argument list and returns the values of the arguments as a printf-style formatted string. (Unicode) |
wvnsprintfA Takes a list of arguments and returns the values of the arguments as a printf-style formatted string. (ANSI) |
wvnsprintfW Takes a list of arguments and returns the values of the arguments as a printf-style formatted string. (Unicode) |
DLLGETVERSIONPROC Implemented by many of the Windows Shell DLLs to allow applications to obtain DLL-specific version information. |
DLLVERSIONINFO Receives DLL-specific version information. |
DLLVERSIONINFO2 Receives DLL-specific version information. It is used with the DllGetVersion function. |
PARSEDURLA Used by the ParseURL function to return the parsed URL. (ANSI) |
PARSEDURLW Used by the ParseURL function to return the parsed URL. (Unicode) |
QITAB Used by the QISearch function to describe a single interface. |
ASSOCDATA Used by IQueryAssociations::GetData to define the type of data that is to be returned. |
ASSOCKEY Specifies the type of key to be returned by IQueryAssociations::GetKey. |
ASSOCSTR Used by IQueryAssociations::GetString to define the type of string that is to be returned. |
FILETYPEATTRIBUTEFLAGS Indicates FILETYPEATTRIBUTEFLAGS constants that are used in the EditFlags value of a file association PROGID registry key. |
SHGLOBALCOUNTER Identifiers for various global counters, or shared variables. Each global counter can be incremented or decremented using SHGlobalCounterIncrement and SHGlobalCounterDecrement. |
SHREGDEL_FLAGS Provides a set of values that indicate from which base key an item will be deleted. |
SHREGENUM_FLAGS Provides a set of values that indicate the base key that will be used for an enumeration. |
tagSFBS_FLAGS Specifies how the StrFormatByteSizeEx function should handle rounding of undisplayed digits. |
URL_SCHEME Used to specify URL schemes. |