Capture Engine Attributes
The following attributes can be used to configure the Capture Engine.
The following attributes are related to capture devices:
Attribute | Description |
MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_CAMERA_STREAM_BLOCKED | Signals that video capture is being blocked by the driver. |
MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_CAMERA_STREAM_UNBLOCKED | Signals that video capture is restored after being blocked. |
MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_D3D_MANAGER | Sets a pointer to the DXGI Device Manager on the capture engine. |
MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_DECODER_MFT_FIELDOFUSE_UNLOCK_ATTRIBUTE | Enables the capture engine to use a decoder that has field-of-use restrictions. |
MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_DISABLE_DXVA | Specifies whether the capture engine uses DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) for video decoding. |
MF_CAPTURE_DISABLE_HARDWARE_TRANSFORMS | Disables the use of hardware-based Media Foundation transforms (MFTs) in the capture engine. |
MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_ENABLE_CAMERA_STREAMSTATE_NOTIFICATION | Indicates whether stream state notifications should be enabled. |
MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_ENCODER_MFT_FIELDOFUSE_UNLOCK_ATTRIBUTE | Enables the capture engine to use an encoder that has field-of-use restrictions. |
MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_EVENT_GENERATOR_GUID | Identifies the component that generated a capture event. |
MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_EVENT_STREAM_INDEX | Identifies which stream generated a capture event. |
MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_MEDIASOURCE_CONFIG | Contains configuration properties for the capture source. |
MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_RECORD_SINK_AUDIO_MAX_PROCESSED_SAMPLES | Sets the maximum number of processed samples that can be buffered in the record sink audio path. |
MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_RECORD_SINK_AUDIO_MAX_UNPROCESSED_SAMPLES | Sets the maximum number of unprocessed samples that can be buffered for processing in the record sink audio path.. |
MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_RECORD_SINK_VIDEO_MAX_PROCESSED_SAMPLES | Sets the maximum number of processed samples that can be buffered in the record sink video path. |
MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_RECORD_SINK_VIDEO_MAX_UNPROCESSED_SAMPLES | Sets the maximum number of unprocessed samples that can be buffered for processing in the record sink video path. |
MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_SINK_TYPE | Specifies a type of capture sink. |
MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_USE_AUDIO_DEVICE_ONLY | Specifies whether the capture engine captures audio but not video. |
MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_USE_VIDEO_DEVICE_ONLY | Specifies whether the capture engine captures video but not audio. |