How to remove old / nonexistent Tag from Device Twin
I use IoT Hub to test MQTT connectivity with my company's hardware. I look at tag data I'm sending by using Device Twin (to verify the data was sent to Azure). If I change the tags I'm sending - the Device Twin still shows old tags (with old data) that…
Unable to see Microsoft Learn Sandbox to work on Microsoft Learn exercise(s) for the learning for unit 4 of 9 at ~ !!
I am learning the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals learning course through Microsoft Learn and learning the unit 4 of 9 of the learning course, at the URL link ~…
Unable to Add IPv6 Address in Reply URL and Logout URL Fields in Basic SAML Configuration
Can we use an IPv6 address in the Reply URL and Logout URL fields? Based on testing, it appears these fields do not allow square brackets, and the colon (:) is only accepted when specifying a port number. Is this limitation expected, or is there a…
Azure AD B2C - Separate Email Verification and Users Fields in two separate screens for SignUp
I already have the B2C up and running in my application where base, extensions and signupsignin.xml are set. I got new requirement i want to separate the email verification and user fields in two separate screens. it is based on…
SQL Server Stored Procedure oddity
Ok, so we have a stored procedure that has been in production for at least 3 years and working find. Last night the oddest thing happened. We have tried to normalize data about people, so we have one table that contains all ids a person may have in…
Why did my PC install the windows 11 update WITHOUT MY CONSCENT and why did it happen TWICE IN THE LAST 24 HOURS?
The only reason I'm not swearing int this thread is because my post would get deleted. There are people asking the same questions. Microsoft, WE KNOW you're pushing out windows 11 without user conscent. "Without your permission, Windows 10 will not…
Stuck on Setting up your device for work
I am having a problem with one of our devices getting stuck and then error-ing out just after signing in. The device had its motherboard replaced and after that it was we would get an error (8018000a) message saying Something went wrong. The device is…
Au10tix Identity Verification Fails for Individual Developer: 'Oops! Something Went Wrong!'
When creating an identity validation request for an individual developer/publisher, the ID verification process at Au10tix's page fails every time with the message "Oops! Something went wrong! Please contact your administrator", with a…
I completed a Microsoft Ignite Challenge within the time frame but it doesn't show-up
I signed up for the Microsoft Learn Challenge | Ignite Edition - Innovate and secure your migration to Microsoft Azure and I just completed the final module but I did not get credit for completing the challenge. It says the challenge continues until Jan…
Remove AADDS but allow Azure AD joined end user devices to remain connected
We had an AVD (Azure Virtual Desktop) environment setup that end users were connecting to and using in a shared remote setup. As part of that setup we deployed AADDS (now Microsoft Entra Domain Services). We did not need or want to have traditional…
Onedrive forcing login to upload files
I need a solution where my friends can share to an album without being prompted to login as they don't have an ms account. and no it's not a caching issue. it happens on multiple devices. I've setup the share properly.
Issue with Microsoft Learn Challenge | Ignite Edition: Build AI apps with Microsoft Azure services
The Challenge "Microsoft Learn Challenge | Ignite Edition: Build AI apps with Microsoft Azure services" has 26 modules, which I have completed, but it says it has 27 modules and I have not completed one. Please see the below screenshots, the…
Onedrive forcing login to upload files
Why are you asking to sign in to a shared drive to upload files? I have the settings setup correctly. As soon as they go to upload a file, they have to sign in with a Microsoft account. Why?? And no it's not a caching issue. I've tested on my phone and…
Issue Uploading File with Percent Signs in Name to SharePoint via API
How can an issue be rectified when uploading a file with a name containing percent signs (e.g., filename='%testFileName%.xlsx) to SharePoint using the API? The current implementation uses the endpoint…
Azure Blob Storage stageBlock: Return contentMd5 as a header
So I noticed that that the only way to get checksum validation on large files is to supply contentMd5 before upload on a particular block. I don't have the block checksum before I upload the block. I'm trying to transfer the data from cloud to cloud. I'd…
SSO Error on Mobile while Logging in Successfully on Desktop
A customer is encountering the error message: "SSO error: an error occurred when logging into your SSO provider. Please contact your administrator." This message indicates a problem with communication between the user and the Single Sign-On…
Moderator review and deleted post
I just received a notification that a posted comment made a long time ago is under Moderator review. The comment in question has been deleted for "Code of Conduct" violations. I would like to be advised of the specific violation that prompted…
APP assistance
Purchased new phone. Downloaded app. was able to get 3 email accounts synced. My personal mail will not load. get error to try again. I am not a techie and need a human to walk me through the issues.
Where are auto-generated environments and scoring scripts for endpoints located?
When deploying a real-time or batch endpoint, you have the option to have both the environment and scoring script auto-generated. Where are these scoring scripts and environments stored for reference and troubleshooting, afterwards? They are not located…
Marketplace offers configuration in azure
Does anyone know if the CSP Marketplace offers can be configurable in terms of the screens before a customer downloads, When clicking on a product to download, a custom dialog will be shown, This dialog shall allow the customer to review and accept…