Overview of certificate management in AKS enabled by Azure Arc
Applies to: AKS on Azure Local 22H2, AKS on Windows Server
AKS enabled by Azure Arc uses a combination of certificate and token-based authentication to secure communication between services (or agents) responsible for different operations within the platform. Certificate-based authentication uses a digital certificate to identify an entity (agent, machine, user, or device) before granting access to a resource.
When you deploy AKS enabled by Arc, AKS installs agents that are used to perform various functions within the cluster. These agents include:
- Cloud agent: a service that is responsible for the underlying platform orchestration.
- Node agent: a service that resides on each node that does the actual work of virtual machine creation, deletion, etc.
- Key Management System (KMS) pod: a service responsible for key management.
- Other services: cloud operator, certificate manager, etc.
The cloud agent service in AKS is responsible for orchestrating the create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations of infrastructure components such as Virtual Machines (VMs), Virtual Network Interfaces (VNICs), and Virtual Networks (VNETs) in the cluster.
To communicate with the cloud agent, clients require certificates to be provisioned in order to secure this communication. Each client requires an identity to be associated with it, which defines the Role Based Access Control (RBAC) rules associated with the client. Each identity consists of two entities:
- A token, used for initial authentication, which returns a certificate, and
- A certificate, obtained from the above sign-in process, and used for authentication in any communication.
Each entity is valid for a specific period (the default is 90 days), at the end of which it expires. For continued access to the cloud agent, each client requires the certificate to be renewed and the token rotated.
There are two types of certificates used in AKS enabled by Arc:
- Cloud agent CA certificate: the certificate used to sign/validate client certificates. This certificate is valid for 365 days (1 year).
- Client certificates: certificates issued by the cloud agent CA certificate for clients to authenticate to the cloud agent. These certificates are usually valid for 90 days.
Microsoft recommends that you update clusters within 60 days of a new release, not only for ensuring that internal certificates and tokens are kept up to date, but also to make sure that you get access to new features, bug fixes, and to stay up to date with critical security patches. During these monthly updates, the update process rotates any tokens that can't be auto-rotated during normal operations of the cluster. Certificate and token validity is reset to the default 90 days from the date that the cluster is updated.
Certificates are used to build secure communication between in-cluster components. AKS provides zero-touch, out-of-the-box provisioning, and management of certificates for built-in Kubernetes components. In this article, you'll learn how to provision and manage certificates in AKS enabled by Arc.
AKS generates and uses the following Certificate Authorities (CAs) and certificates.
- The API server has a Cluster CA, which signs certificates for one-way communication from the API server to
. - Each
also creates a Certificate Signing Request (CSR), which is signed by the Cluster CA, for communication from thekubelet
to the API server. - The etcd key value store has a certificate signed by the Cluster CA for communication from etcd to the API server.
The etcd key value store has an etcd CA that signs certificates to authenticate and authorize data replication between etcd replicas in the cluster.
The Front Proxy CA secures communication between the API server and the extension API server.
Certificate provisioning for a kubelet
is done using TLS bootstrapping. For all other certificates, use YAML-based key and certificate creation.
- The certificates are stored in /etc/kubernetes/pki.
- The keys are RSA 4096, EcdsaCurve: P384
The root certificates are valid for 10 years. All other, non-root certificates are short-lived and valid for four days.
Non-root certificates are automatically renewed. All control plane certificates for Kubernetes except the following certificates are managed:
- Kubelet server certificate
- Kubeconfig client certificate
As a security best practice, you should use Active Directory single sign-in for user authentication.
Certificate revocation should be rare, and it should be done at the time of certificate renewal.
Once you have the serial number of the certificate you would like to revoke, use Kubernetes Custom Resource for defining and persisting revocation information. Each revocation object can consist of one or more revocation entries.
To perform a revocation, use one of the following:
- Serial number
- Group
- DNS name
- IP address
A notBefore
time can be specified to revoke only certificates that are issued before a certain timestamp. If a notBefore
time is not specified, all existing and future certificates matching the revocation will be revoked.
Revocation of kubelet
server certificates is currently not available.
If you use a serial number when you perform a revocation, you can use the Repair-AksHciClusterCerts
PowerShell command, described below, to get your cluster into a working state. If you use any of the other fields listed earlier, make sure to specify a notBefore
apiVersion: certificates.microsoft.com/v1
kind: RenewRevocation
name: my-renew-revocation
namespace: kube-system
description: My list of renew revocations
- description: Revoked certificates by serial number
kind: serialnumber
notBefore: "2020-04-17T17:22:05Z"
serialNumber: 77fdf4b1033b387aaace6ce1c18710c2
- description: Revoked certificates by group
group: system:nodes
kind: Group
- description: Revoked certificates by DNS
dns: kubernetes.default.svc.
kind: DNS
- description: Revoked certificates by DNS Suffix
dns: .cluster.local
kind: DNS
- description: Revoked certificates by IP
kind: IP